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Today we lost another angel. Jamie Lopez was the founder/owner of Babydoll Beauty Couture, a plus-sized salon that had it's own show on WEtv. At her peak she was over 800lbs before dropping nearly half over the years. An underrated gem within the community, may she rest in peace.
dead at 37, that's so sad :(
She was always so happy. But damn 400 lbs in a year? She didn't get one of those trendy weight loss surgery things did she? My aunt died from that, lost weight, but she was dead in a year.

Any pics of her at her heaviest?
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>>She didn't get one of those trendy weight loss surgery things did she? My aunt died from that, lost weight, but she was dead in a year.

She had heart failure while in her 800s. Joined a weight loss company, took a shit ton of engery drinks and diet pills while being on a 5 day a week workout schedule. Add the stress of owning a buisness/TV show and her heart probably couldn't take it anymore.


I'm assuming her being hospitalized was her at her biggest. You'd have to comb around tho.
Was she Filipino?
>>24051 lmfao her name was jamie lopez.......
plenty of filipinos have the last name lopez
trust americans to know nothing about history or culture
>>24039 (OP)
I'm not shocked, but this is sad. I actually read her book and reviewed it somewhere deep in the /gen archives. While it was every bit the mess you'd expect as literature, she was a pretty interesting and frankly amazing person. A hustler in every sense of the word, she had a horrific upbringing and worked her ass off to made more of her life than any hyper-obese, often bedbound person should have.

Trust Americans to know what a Filipino looks like and that she doesn't look at all Filipino. Might as well have asked if she was from Cameroon.
At the very least, she died happy and was fulfilling her dreams instead of being bed bound and miserable.
That, if nothing else, is the inspiring and heart-warming part about all this. It was clear from that book she had a lot of resentment for a community that is largely present to get their rocks off (save for a more veteran inner circle) when she was in dire life circumstances. Usually that's where most people's journeys end. She instead turned it around, opened up her own business, made a brand for herself, and did a whole myriad of things to make herself relevant and promote what she wanted to do. Whatever your opinions are about the music she made, the salon, her photoshoots, her short-lived careers as a model, you can't deny she was a busy person. RIP Jamie.
She was Black (real last name was Jackson) & Hispanic from Cali. She was a lying cheating grifter. If you were a friend and she never abused your friendship and you are grieving for her loss then I am sorry you are hurting. Otherwise, the world is better off without her.
>>24080 What does her black father have to say about all this? e.g. Her death aswell as her obvious misadventuring?
That's why, while I sometimes find myself sometines attracted to the idea of immobility in theory, I never engage in any content related to it (whether real or fictional) and try to discourage myself from associating with it by closing anything that I see come up for it. It actually has made me less attracted to the idea of women being immobile over time, which I feel is the only moral thing to do since immobility can be so life ruining and even fatal. I'd encourage fellow extreme FAs to do the same and give themselves a hard limit on such matters, for the sake of the sanity and morality of the community
Does anyone know where we can find a digital copy of her book for free?
Can't even have a tribute thread without it turning into a shit show.......
Does anyone have photos of her at her biggest?
>>24039 (OP)
All the fatophobes have been spreading the word of her death.
>>24039 (OP)
Think her death will effect BBWs/SSBBWs?
Have you been living under a rock? Culture War boomers have always hated fat as it's a sign of vice. They just stopped going after big tit anime chicks and focused on far because of influencers.
>>24277 What is a culture war boomer? How can old hippies be involved in a culture war? Their time in the sun is over.
They're Christians and Jews who whine that America is becoming secular and just want the country to be back to the good ol days.
Such a weird, stupid take. Like people born between 1946 and 62 have anything to do with anime or influencers, or that they're the only fatphobic generation.

Or is this an angry malfunctioning AI bot that's just spitting out internet buzzwords?
Welcome to bbw-chan, newfriend. I see you've already met Kisame, our resident shitposter. It will make your browsing experience much more enjoyable if you learn to recognize and ignore him rather than giving him the reaction he wants.
>>24279 wow yup I'm a culture war boomer then. I didn't know there were others who felt the same way as I do.
Only way to stop me is to let me have my pregnancy fetish art as opposed to forcing me to be sensible adult. Now that I don't watch television, I can focus on politics
Remember, you need me more than I need you at the point. I can always go back to my normal life.

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