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I'm tired of this stupid ass fetish. I don't just like fat women, the concept of weight gain turns me on so much that I sometimes gain intentionally for weeks, gaining up to nearly 20 pounds in months... but bottom line is fucking hate it.

I was well last year, going to the gym regularly and weighing 93 Kgs (205,03 pounds). I'm 6'0 so I still had to shed some more weight, but I was doing good. Now I weigh around 104 Kgs (229.281 pounds) and it's hard as shit to gather the will to do ANY phisical activity. And this fucking fetish only fuels my "need" to get fatter because my dumbass brain thinks it's extremely hot.

I don't know what the fuck to do, I've tried everything, I just can't, I get turned on extremely easily and I just wanna eat when that happens...

I wanna be able to hit the gym and eat healthy without these horrendous cravings. I want the fat in my women, not me. What can I do?

TL;DR: I get horny getting fatter but I don't want really to be fatter, I wanna be fit. Any tips?
i feel like u man just i think get with girl that eat a lot n get her extra high (pot give women munches) n when u order a lot for urself just think of her fat getin fatter n give your food to her if she dont take it make her take it women like a dominent man i did this droped from 280 to 195 while my women gaint from 240 to 340 in past 2 years
I was just in a similar boat to you.

I had a partner into this kink that I loved, but my anxieties and fears drove them away. The reality is, this is who you are. You need to just accept yourself. You will never be happy living a lie. Obviously there is a happy medium, you don’t need to end up 500 lbs, but forcing yourself to be someone you’re not and depriving yourself of that pleasure won’t work. Maybe go to a sex therapist
yeah ngl bro I don't think you're gonna be able to stop yourself from liking this. personally I'd say just counteract it with a lot of cardo (swimming, if you can) and other exercise. if you don't want to be just obese (fair) then you can always try be a powerlifter
This is your brain on weed
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>you can always try be a powerlifter
Based advice that offers the benefits of both worlds. If there was a pill that gave you a kink for putting on weight, I'm sure some autistic lifter types would slurp that shit up in a heartbeat in the name of gainz
>>24035 (OP)
If it is difficult for you, sure you can go bodybuilding Kyriakos grizzly mode.
Monkey, I dare you not to speak
idk man i’d kill myself

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