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Something occurred to me about what I think motivates a lot of WG fiction, that it's from us watching episodes where characters gain weight and in the end, they go back to normal and are never to be fat again and it's never brought up again. I know the feeling of frustration to see this happen again and again and again. I'm certain that a fair amount of us decide, "screw that, we'll write stories where characters gain weight and don't go back to being thin". I also notice in various weight gain stories written by people in this community, characters embracing their fatness. I imagine this is to defy traditional beauty standards by having characters embrace body types that aren't seen as beautiful. In various weight gain plots, characters are upset that they are fat and view it as a hindrance, and in the end, they are happy to be thin again. I imagine that our fiction defies this, we wish to have women that are fat and while hating their bods at first, grow to love them and embrace being fat. I imagine all of this is wish fulfillment to a community that is tired of seeing the same plots repeated over and over again in fiction. Does anyone feel this way? Is it frustrating to constantly have episodes where characters gain weight only to view weight gain as horrible and are happy to be thin again? Is it frustrating to witness this play out across multiple series? Does fiction where characters embrace weight gain feel like wish fulfillment? That it fulfills your desire to have characters be fat, embrace their fatness and end the story being fat?
I’m not sure I know what you mean by episodes where characters gain weight and get thin again. Do you mean in mainstream media? Because the “alternate” scenario you describe has long been the cliche in WG fic: thin person gains weight and hates it at first but then comes to like it, and lives happily ever after, usually with their feeder. There are thousands of plots like this on DA and FF, going back 20 years to the golden age of the Dimensions story board.

Anyway WG fic is written by FAs and so this plot makes sense to me as A to Z wish fulfillment: wallow in the sexiness of the protagonist experiencing the terror and self-loathing of RL weight gain, but then wind up in the nirvana of acceptance as (usually) a super- or ultrasized person. I actually find these plots unsatisfying because the end scenario is so unrealistic, taking me out of the story. I always feel the writer taking their foot off the gas at this point, where in reality the interesting conflicts begin. (And by “realistic” I just mean plausible within the particular universe the writer creates — whether a modern middle class suburb, medieval times, outer space 1,000’s of years in the future, etc)

There are exceptions of course, but at this point I seek out stories that twist or ignore this particular plotline.
I mean like cartoon episodes where a character gains weight in the mainstream media versus stories written by FA's. Mainstream media weight gain is horrifying and scary or problematic for the person gaining weight and at the end of the episode, they lose weight and go back to normal and are happy. Stuff by FA's avoids this plot. I also feel that no story can ever be 100% realistic. I am just referring to whether or not stories written by FA's are wish fulfillment for those in the FA community. I don't doubt that there are FA stories that do add in drama and conflict that arises from a character's weight gain.
I also wondered if these feelings are similar to what gay slash ficers have. That certain groups of fans wish to see certain scenarios in fiction but it keeps not happening. For us, we want characters to gain weight and embrace their fatness. For Gay slash-ficers it's seeing same sex characters in relationships with each other. That this frustration drives us to write fan fic/draw fanart where what we want to have happen, finally happens. I just wonder if anyone ever felt this. That you want to have happened in fiction doesn't happen and you wish for this
Same guy who responded above here: I get what you’re saying now, and as someone who writes WG/FA fiction myself, my motivation is definitely to impose my own reality. As an FA I feel like I see the world through a different lens than most guys. That means day to day I have to bend my natural sensibilities to what’s “normal,” that thin = attractive and weight gain is automatically bad, weight loss is good. Writing allows me to “correct” this and at least temporarily exist in a world that agrees with me.
>>23886 (OP)
I would slightly agree. That said, you may be going a little bit over in the psychoanalysis here. I would mostly say weight gain fiction is born because some people are attracted to weight gain, and those people write weight gain fiction as outlet, just like with any other fetish. It may be true that it's frustrating to see this trend in normie media but it is not the reason for weight gain fiction, that would exist regardless
I think I was thinking about like WG Fanfics based on WG Episodes. That and maybe some of the feelings some WG writers have going into what they create. Perhaps for some it's the desire to have people gain weight, and there could also be a mix of frustration. Like whenever someone is doing Totally Spies fanfic, they were upset about how Passion Patties ended, how Clover goes back to being thin. Maybe for some people the feelings going into it are out of frustration. Others could just want to see weight gain and write tales where people embrace weight gain. Maybe it isn't just frustration, but also as you say the desire to see people gain weight. Maybe too, it's some mixture of the two feelings or others.
I wouldn't say frustration is the reason WG fiction is made. Just one of several emotions that goes into it along with lust, desire, etc.

I just wondered if it's fair to say that one of the many emotions that drives this community is frustation towards how WG episodes end. That the characters can never embrace their fatness. They must lose weight by the end of an episode. They must view fatness as a burden and be overjoyed at the fact that they finally lost weight. If the frustration of seeing this plot play out again and again and again is one of the main motivators behind WG fiction. Again not THE reason, just a reason.

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