
There's that British Jewish celebrity chef woman who's a bit chubby but I don't remember her name
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Jaimie Barr of Austin band Danger Cakes (pictured), spouse of comics writer Drew Halloween (Halloween Man), is my zaftig dream queen.

And here's a big dose of Aviva, a deep cut online model from the Aughts: https://we.tl/t-rtQG4AnzMb

Asshley is 1/2, fwiw, and looks the part.
>Asshley is 1/2, fwiw, and looks the part.

You can't be half a jew. It's a religion, not a race. You're either jewish from your mother or you're not.
Tell that to my wife's 99.8% askenazi jew 23andme result

Tell your wife she's a retard for wasting $100 on a spit test.
These two statements are incompatible.
You read that somewhere but it's only partly true, and anyway you contradict yourself. According to Israeli citizenship and some Orthodox sects, your mother must be Jewish to be considered so yourself. But it's an ethnicity and culture as well as a religion. I'm 100% of Jewish heritage, raised in the culture, and frankly look the part, yet I'm an atheist. So I'm not Jewish? And somone with a Jewish father and gentile mother who's religious, they're not either? Or if, say, President Trump's daughter converts, what's she?
Now how about we post more sexy Jewish BBWs rather than ignorant comments?

You first faggot. Oh wait, you're doing the latter too.
>>23867 That is a common misconception. Although it is a logical one, the reality is far more simpler. Any real Jew that I have met in the past would avoid responding to your post and not entirely because of the site we are on. They are not a confrontational people (unlike cultures sorrounding other religions.) This is perhaps to blame for some of the misconception. In short, Jewishness can be said to include many things such as the ones you've mentioned. Technically speaking the Jews of today are not the same Jews from prior to the events which took place 2,000 years ago. Many changes for them have taken place during the last two millenia. If you look at the Jews in Jerusalem today you will see a Jew in the Biblical sense. For a Jew the land of Israel is not a country, it is his home on Earth. It is also the place where God dwells if I remember correctly, and it is a treasured gift passed down from their oldest ancestors even in the form of prophecy and a promise from God himself. I tried to simplify the best I could but that is the best that I could do.
I’m the only one who’s posted any real content here, ultra-edgy bad-word using dude. That’s why I wrote that.
It’s not a misconception, it’s reality. This from a Jew who’s been in the culture his entire life, living in a rare city where Jews aren’t a tiny minority, and has friends, family, neighbors, colleagues etc who range from secular bacon-eating anti-zionists to an orthodox Israeli family who lives in a settlement. Bottom line is that Zionism doesn’t define Jewishness either.

Zionism (the divine homeland scenario you describe) was almost universal among Jews 50-60 years ago when Israel was poor and besieged, struggling for existence, with the Holocaust still in recent memory. Since then Israel has enjoyed the sponsorship and military support of the US and has become an economic powerhouse in its own right, has made peace with some of its worst enemies (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan) and has moved away from the hardcore socialism and big tent acceptance of Jews of all kinds that defined it. Since then Jews have found safe harbor elsewhere and thrived, while Israel has moved to the right (while most Jews lean left), illegally occupied land beyond its original mandate and oppressed the people within. I believe there’s blame on both sides — the “original sin” was colonialist Britain creating an unworkable refugee state, not war-traumatized Jews looking to not be wiped off the earth the next time a struggling government needs a scapegoat. Either way, several workable solutions have been brought to the table and both sides have selfishly squandered opportunities for peace.

This is a way deeper debate than we should get into here, but the fact that I as a self- and traditionally-defined Jew would question the Zionist cause tells you many of us, especially in the US, are rethinking Zionism. I’ve read as much as 40% of Jews here are at least skeptical of the Zionist ideal. And there’s a significant minority in Israel as well who are seeking an equitable country that doesn’t define itself by one religion/culture/ethnicity.
Oh and as for 2,000 years ago, yes, Jews like many other people have undergone huge transitions and transformations in 80+ generations due to intermarriage, rape, and conversion. The ancestors of modern right wing keepers of Christian Nationalism were still worshipping trees 500 years after Jesus Christ was born. The earliest Christians were not European.

Also keep in mind the Jews of the Bible are mythical. For instance the ancient Egyptians, meticulous record keepers, have no record of enslaving Jews. The Bible is inspired by historical events, it’s not history.

Sorry for blabbering on rather than posting more fat Jewish women, but there’s so much misinformation floating around at the moment, both from actual anti-semites and well-meaning ignorants, that I feel it’s important to correct it, even on a fat fetish site lol.

It's really this simple:

Jewish mom, or converted = Jewish
Non-Jewish mom, and didn't convert = not Jewish

You can ask yourself if this is a religion or an ethnicity later when you're sitting on the toilet, but these are the rules.

> I'm 100% of Jewish heritage, raised in the culture, and frankly look the part, yet I'm an atheist. So I'm not Jewish?

You're Jewish.

>And somone with a Jewish father and gentile mother who's religious, they're not either?

Not Jewish.

>Or if, say, President Trump's daughter converts, what's she?

>Also keep in mind the Jews of the Bible are mythical.
No, the true Jews are the descendant of Judah, who was one one of the 12 tribes of Israel. It's like states in the USA, all Nebraskans are Americans, but not all Americans are Nebraskans.

At some point the 12 tribes split into two kingdoms, in which the Northern Tribes ended up getting yeeted. The Southern Kingdom attempted to keep the faith handed down to them from Jacob / Israel.

At some point around the time of the Maccabean revolt, the Kingdom of Edom (Israel's long standing enemy, a kingdom founded by Jacob's blasphemous brother Easu) attempted to take over Judah.

Eventually King Herrod became a fake king of Judah (Edomites are not valid Israelite kings) with the power of the Pharisees and attempted to hoist a new religion on the kingdom of Judah, what is now known as Judaism. This is why it went from proving you were an Israelite via your Father, to proving it via your Mother.

The remainder of the Juden Israelites joined Jesus in the founding of Christianity, which is a continuation of the religion handed down to Jacob/Israel. So the true Jews are the ones that joined the Christ and the Gentiles.

You can literally read this shit if you read Genesis, the book of Kings (1 & 2), Samuel, Maccabees 1&2, and the NT. It is literally explained there clear as day.

> For instance the ancient Egyptians, meticulous record keepers, have no record of enslaving Jews.

They do, and they even found shit a the bottom of red sea. Now granted, the story mentioned in Exodus is not 100% accurate. The tribes of Israel painted themselves in a better light.
Forgot to mention, there were still those in Judah at the time who chose not to join Jesus, Peter and Paul. They still exist to this day, but they're hard to find. All the information I gave here came from someone I know who is one.
>>23825 (OP)
I wanna go def con 3 on JEWISH TITTIES
>>23926 Sure you do, nutter.
Get it right: DEATH con on Jewish tittles. Tuchas too while we’re at it.
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Assumed "religious" implied converted, but I guess that's dangerous here in Snarkville and PedantTown. Anyway, as the only Heeb here who's lighting candles rather than cursing darkness, here's singer and NYC Jewess Beth Sacks, who performs with Israeli DJ Aron.

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Comedian Jessica Kirson talks a lot about being fat, including down and dirty stuff about her binge ED that whether she knows it or not is kinda hot to this particular FA. She used to be way fatter but is still pretty thick in the hips.

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Quality effortposts, good luck stemming the tide of ignorance. I'm a gentile native New Yorker (in b4 Kisame), don't personally know any Hasidim but outside of that my friends/classmates/coworkers over the years have covered just about all the bases of the American Jewish experience, from observant Modern Orthodox to secular Yiddishkeit labor left. It's always weird to me to realize that in much of the US, many people have never met any Jews and really do believe that "The Jews" are a hive mind, whether that's /pol/tard conspiracy theorists or evangelical philosemites who think that all Jews are Orthodox religious Zionists.
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On topic, before we go any further let's all pour one out for the original Jewish BBW showbiz smokeshow.

I always got strong "nice middle class Jewish girl" vibes off of Big Cutie Trysta, but I don't know for a fact that this is true.


10/10 would convert for. Is that her on the subway poster?
That’s her. I googled her after finding her n YouTube and a Times article came up about the posters, mentioning she was the model. I remembered the posters and was kinda psyched. Bottom line, she was paid $300 for the gig and then regretted it because she apparently wasn’t fully aware she’d be poster gal for obesity.
Thanks. I had a Hasidic landlord who was an asshole, had two dudes in Williamsburg come up on me for taking a photo of a building, and a group of young guys shooting a video trying to bait me into a jackass-style prank by having me misread Hebrew. When I lived on the LES way back when Id regularly see chassidim parked under the Williamsburg bridge getting blow jobs before heading back to their wives and 18 kids. They also snuck into a bar I frequented to watch Yankee games. I’m not a fan of their culture. They’re representative of Jews like Mennonites are of Christians.

Anyway yeah, it’s amazing how many people start going Protocols of Zion in random conversations without ~maybe~ thinking the dude they’re talking to who looks like Dave Attel ~might~ be Jewish. If I feel a conversation with a stranger is going in a certain direction I’ll let them know what I am ASAP to avoid awkwardness for both of us. And traveling around I’ve been many people’s first Chosen, when they get around to asking “what ~are~ you though?”

That said I’ve experienced no direct antisemitism in my life except one crazy neighbor. If people want to hate us and keep their guns and laws to themselves, they can go have a fucking party.
Kisame here. Only AIPAC cares about Israel. Your average Chabad-Lubavitch or Haredi population does not give a shit about Israel. The duty of a rabbi is to merely study and interpret the Torah, attend Yeshiva, and sever ties to the modern world as it secular. The only covenant that Jewish people have is with God. Nobody cares about your failing Borscht Belt comedians, Barbara Streisand, or nepotism. We all know if it wasn't for Christians like me, Israel will just burn Palestine to the ground, and wound Palestinians with the IDF because Netanyahu wants to start WWIII and cavort with the far right.

Nobody takes Jews seriously because the rabbis think Kanye West hate him when he's just being himself and radical left. Kanye has always been a sidekick to Jay-Z, Common, and Mos Def. He's not really Hilter material. Maybe if Jews stop blasting Vampire Weekend and start blasting the Beastie Boys, they would be liked.
As a jew ,i would give you the israeli jewish perspective, that unfortunately many jews in the US forgot .

"zionism",or the idea that jews hould return for the land and recreate a jewish sovereignty ,was always a thing among jews ever since the times of ezra and nehemia .

ever since the 16th century' the emphasis of "proto-zionism" wasn't just religious,but also on nationhood and jewish sovereignty.
the deed of donna gratzia and don Joseph nasi ,the dozens of small aliyah (jewish migration to israel ) waves up until the late 19th century,calls of prominent rabbis like the garah ,joseph karo etc are prime examples of it.

on of the main reasons why the american jews supported israel ,are like you said , the holocaust and it's memory.
however,it's not the only thing that caused it:
the strong connections between american jewery and the old world jewery ,the fact that the plurality of jews at the 40's-60's were orthodox ,and harassment against jews at the time etc contributed a lot for it.

the later shift in the american jewery make up,it isolation from the old world jewery,the increased assimilation with non jews and more are the reasons why the american jewery started looking down on the jewish state ,rather than thinking that israel became increasingly rightwing (which on it own is more of a bouncing back to the natural state of the world jewery prior to ww2 ).

i think that the main reason that now days most american jews are drifting even further than israel is due to mass assimaltion.
according to POW's research, the chances that an average non otrthodox jew would have a jewish grandchild is around 20-25%,while the chances of said jew to have a jewish spouse is 7%.

by how things are looking, the bulk of the jewish community in the US is gonna assimilate,while only the orthodox and modern-orthodox gonna be the face of the community in the future .>>23890
most of the bible is made of historical events.
the minimalist faction in regard to archaeology and bible interpretation is getting weaker by the day.

the handful of histocial sites that prove that the many section of the bible ,some stone stele that prove events that are written in the bible and the better understanding of the late bronze age are examples of those.
more over, disproving an exodus is kinda shaky,as many tribes and people at that time migrate ,while massacring and assimilating the people they have conquered .

that's without the talking about the systematic erasing of records by the egyptians,the existence of words from the new kingdom of egypt in hebrew (not to be found in other languages in the region),the failure of ramsses the 2nd against the hitties,and the very weird historicity of locations ,citadel system and nations that have existed in egypt and surrounding area and been destroyed/extinct for over 600 years up until they were written on paper ,at a time that is refereed to "the darkest of dark ages".
i think you guys are giving yourself supposed influence that have never was a consideration.

not even the most extremist of israeli right-winger calls for a genocide.
at most they call for a forced population transfer (as a response to the one done for mizrahi and sefaradi jews in the 50's)

most israeli mainstreams ideas for solving the conflict are are either the irrelevant 2 states /1 state dichotomy, giving autonomous area for the various clans of Palestinian -arabs (nablus/shcem for the leading clans,jericho to the arikat clan,hebron to the abu-snene clan etc) or even encouraging migration by economic means.

p.s. -the hassidis are either indifferent or supporting israel now days tbh.
the satamr folk are pretty much an outliers
>i would give you the israeli jewish perspective, that unfortunately many jews in the US forgot .

Or never had. Despite many ties between us (I have Israeli friends, clients, and family members) we're two separate countries with two separate histories. A lot of overlap for sure, but still different. Which means there's not one jewish perspective, despite what gatekeeping sabras like to think.

>"zionism",or the idea that jews hould return for the land and recreate a jewish sovereignty ,was always a thing among jews ever since the times of ezra and nehemia .

This is true, I didn't mean to make it seem otherwise though I see how I did. More that American Jews are rethinking it recently, given the attitudes and actions of recent right wing Israeli govts, and the schism between right and left in the US in general, which is particularly stark among Jews. The embrace by many right wing Jews here of a fascist nationalist like Trump — whom they're now backing away from, only when he buddies up to people who literally support Naziism — was a line in the sand.

>the fact that the plurality of jews at the 40's-60's were orthodox ,

Not in the US.

> and harassment against jews at the time etc contributed a lot for it.

Anti-semitism in the US, which was rampant and institutional, was a huge factor til WWII, which led to a huge shift in attitudes here. The US govt was neutral as far as the establishment of Israel but American Jews supported it near-univerally.

> the later shift in the american jewery make up,it isolation from the old world jewery,the increased assimilation with non jews and more are the reasons why the american jewery started looking down on the jewish state ,rather than thinking that israel became increasingly rightwing (which on it own is more of a bouncing back to the natural state of the world jewery prior to ww2 ).

This is just not true. American Jews were overwhelmingly left wing in the first half and middle of the 20th century and a majority still are. Even beyond the start of the Cold War, when Americans moved away from Socialism. The Left in this country was almost synonymous with Judaism til fairly recently. Israeli policy towards Palestinians has been the main factor as to why things are changing, forcing left-leaning or liberal Jews to make a difficult decision. FYI, Support for Israel was universal among Jews as late as my teens (1980s).

As for the rightward shift, it's not perception. I hate to tell you your history but Hertzl was a secular socialist and your country was capital-S socialist for most of its history.

> i think that the main reason that now days most american jews are drifting even further than israel is due to mass assimaltion.

You're right, as this is the story of America, from Germans to Italians to Mexicans to Vietnamese. We all assimilate and then influence each other. The US has a unique type of multiculturalism that's difficult to explain to Europeans and other ostensibly similar societies. Freedom to practice one's religion and culture also means freedom to abandon or blend aspects of it.


> most of the bible is made of historical events.

No, it's based very loosely on historical events. E.G., the end of the ice age and sudden rise in sea levels was genesis of flood myths that exist in mythology around the world.

>the minimalist faction in regard to archaeology and bible interpretation is getting weaker by the day.

Okay, you've kinda outed yourself because that's bullshit, at least among actual archeologists — scientists — and not fundamentalists inventing "evidence" to justify a historical scripture either grabbing up land or delegitimizing other groups of people.

> the handful of histocial sites that prove that the many section of the bible ,some stone stele that prove events that are written in the bible and the better understanding of the late bronze age are examples of those...

Bottom line, I've not seen ~academic~ evidence there were Jewish slaves in Egypt.

> not even the most extremist of israeli right-winger calls for a genocide.

College friend of mine, just out of the IDF, said exactly that. You need to pay attention to your current cabinet, because...

> at most they call for a forced population transfer

"Forced population transfer" is a form of genocide. Talk to the Armenians.

> (as a response to the one done for mizrahi and sefaradi jews in the 50's)

We can do that all night and all day. That's why South Africa had a truth and reconciliation commission, because "whatabout..." gets us nowhere. That is, if the goal is peace and coexistence.

> most israeli mainstreams ideas for solving the conflict are ... encouraging migration by economic means.

Good luck with that, and better hope our countries stay friends for the next 80 years of war there.

> p.s. -the hassidis are either indifferent or supporting israel now days tbh. the satamr folk are pretty much an outliers

I think you have it mixed up...? Lubavich are ardent zionists, Satmars ardent the other way. There are far more Lubavich than Satmars both in NYC and everywhere else on earth.

LOL we Jews do love to argue, a tradition from long before the internet existed.
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Trump does not qualify as a neo nazi. I argue that he's Nelson Rockefeller Republican and 1/6 is more comparable to the Attica Riots than 9/11 or Watergate. The Washington Press Corps have been nationalizing the news to recreate the counter culture journalists stumbling upon corruption. It is my duty to remind them that LARPing as Hawkeye from M.A.S.H, or John Huston, or Robert Redford doesn't make them the good guy. CNN and MSNBC is on the decline because people are tired of war boomers pantomiming the war. In reality, female photojournalists like Lee Miller did all the work while male journalists were off screwing with the natives or drinking. Pic related is your Nazi, dead from cyanide poisoning to avoid getting killed by communists.
I doubt that you are a jew. I've never met a jew that uses jewery as a pejorative to describe oneself. Your english is pretty strange for a Hebrew. Most right wingers I know disapprove of cavorting on a porn site as it's considered adultery.
i beg to differ on many parts,especially the archeology and politics parts ,but this discussion got to serious for a porn site lol.
if you wanna continue it,i would prefer to do so on other platforms.
fun chat tho.

p.s. - this tradition is among the things that kept up intact lmao
i'm unique than lol.
i prefer to borrow supposedly "richer" words when i speak/write in english(probably a habit of my current academic life).

even prior to it, i almost never used "my/our people" when i was talking about jews.

that again comes from my academic studies and that most of my best friends were native english speakers.

if you still doubt that i'm a jew ,you can check my 248 organs and my 365 tendons...

nobody is perfect.
i used to have a fapping addiction(as a stress reliever) due to personal loss for a while up until 3 years ago.

it's a slow and steady fight,and for now i "alow" myself to visit /gen/ from time to time.
I’m the American Jew who was arguing with him and he’s 100% typical of many Israelis. He’s also my brother and though I might disagree with some of what he’s saying sabras are some of the most amazing people I’ve met. Also it’s wholly within our tradition to blaspheme, same as Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc.
Kisame here. As a protestant, I rather talk to Sikhs, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and Shinto fundamentalists. I honestly think Final Fantasy 7, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Shin Megami Tensei did more for Judaism than Jews did. Maybe Asuka throws herself as Shinji cause he's not whining about the Kabbalah. Same goes for Sephiroth,
Sorry but a lot of this talks about Jewish Mysticism is too simpleminded for my tastes.
Jewish mysticism is obscure and way overplayed, because it's fun and interesting. Like when celebrities were getting into kabbalah back in the 90s. My orthodox grandfather: "What's that?"
thanks dude.
you are my brother as well.
if only it was a more main stream opinion...

the offer is still open tho
Israelibro, if you're going to use the word, the correct spelling is "Jewry," usually capitalized. But it's somewhat archaic and not part of regular usage in contemporary American English. Instead people will usually write something like "the Jewish community."

If you spell it "Jewery" it's a /pol/ neologism (on the model of "fuckery") meant to be an antisemitic slur.

(Not Jewish but am linguistic pedant)
Been listening to some of these Beth Sacks tracks and I legit fuck with them. As a straight guy I didn't realize this kind of old-school house music was still being made, makes me nostalgic for the early-90s pop house that was all over the radio when I was in middle school. (I'm still pissed at how legendary BBMILF house diva Martha Wash got screwed over by C&C Music Factory.)

>Maybe if Jews stop blasting Vampire Weekend and start blasting the Beastie Boys, they would be liked.
Finally a Kisamepost I can agree with, lol. As a Gen X lo-fi oldhead, I can't the slick commercial "indie" stuff that younger Millennials are into. Meanwhile, Paul's Boutique still kills it.
Dude who posted Ms. Sacks here: I'm half a generation older than you and though this is not and never was my music, she has a pretty amazing voice. I'd love to see her go the Adele route and make an album with actual instruments, straight R&B, blues, or even jazz. Or at least split the difference and make a record with Mark Ronson.

And I remember the C&C/Martha Wash controversy and that's on Sony. If I know the business, I'm not sure the Factory had much say on who'd be in the video. Good time to take a step back and recognize this almost definitely wouldn't happen today. In fact Sony would gladly take the good publicity of a "real sized" singer in their video (if videos still exist...?).
A recent ex-president of the USA and leader of one our two political parties sat down with an actual Nazi and refuses to apologize for it. The storm is coming again, we need to stick together, whatever our differences.
My bad,Thanks!

I see, i prefer the word jewry ,as it's shorter ,but i would keep that in mind.
Kanye is more of a symptom than a problem.
Long time process of using anti-israeli sentiments(which on it's own is anti-Semitic*) to normalise anti-Semitism has being happening for the last 2 decades or so, and it's starting to get to the surface.

*Being anti israel=\= criticizing israel

IMO the storm would start with the far left( you could see glimps of it when bds ,antifa and blm thugs attacking jews in may of 2021,in "solidarity with the Palestinians".

I think the wisest thing to do is to find the healthy left, center and right leaning folk ,to aid us in said fight,as those forces are problematic for us all.
Yo if it’s antisemitism to be against Israel call me hitler.
Fucking white colonialist in the Middle East who stole our nukes are gonna bring about WW3. Stealing my tax dollars to buy guns cheap. I’m Just follow the goddamn Geneva conventions and stop genociding the natives to greedily steal the land.>>24084
>>24094 Stfu nutter
Great argument. They’re illegal settlements.
You’d be crying tears if Jewish people got rounded up into ghettos and shot the way Israel runs things. Best advertising for antisemitism on earth.
>>24096 Wtf are you talking about? Stfu.
I am skeptical of this post. The Biden Administration just want to rehabilitate Trump in time for 2024. Just look at how the Taliban, Bush, and Cheneys went from the villain to heroes cause the left surrenders to the right on matters of national security. Biden even shielded Saudi Arabia from the press.

This is on the left for consolidating power and not getting a successor. Say what you want about the right, but they have that law school to Supreme Court pipeline secured.
in hebrew we have a term for it:

the right in most countries is more of a coalition than a monolith force,as it's naturally looking to conserve/keep the old order and advance slowly culturally/technologically .

the left on the other hand is more of a tent name for various competing sects ,with usually one sect coming on top after a struggle between them.

that's why the left would start any "storm" against jews ,as it's becoming a "friend" of the "bourgeois",and is looking for a new anti-christ/scapgoat.
No doubt Biden would prefer to run against Trump than an just about any other Republican, but what are you skeptical about? This is Trump self-immolating, all the Dems are doing is loading up on marshmallows. Dems didn't force that Republican operative to sit him down with Kanye and that closet faggot Nazi.

Dems alliance with paleo Republicans is one of convenience, like the US and USSR v Hitler. Trump and right wing populism is an existential threat to their mutual interests, like propping up Wall Street, sure, but also keeping the US a democracy. Jan. 6 proved them right.

Trump shielded Saudi Arabia too, so that's a non-issue. They spread a lot of money around US politics, which buys a lot of good will.

Remember nothing is black and white, in politics or life, and binary thinking of right/wrong, good/evil is naive.


There's a lot of plain old anti-semitism on the left, no doubt, and I've had a lot of painfully convoluted arguments with my friends on the left whose anti-Zionism is all mixed up with their personal prejudices. Indeed the primacy of the BDS movement is Exhibit A, the way the left hyperfocuses on Israel's human rights violations and the Palestinian occupation yet gives far, far worse nightmares like China or Israel's enemies in various Muslim countries a pass.

But I think it's valid to question whether a country defined as a "jewish state" is compatible with modern democracy. How do you define a state by a single religion when in fact there are other religions living there? Aren't those other religions disenfranchised by default? These aren't rhetorical questions — I think they're worth discussing, if Israel cares to be in line with their peers in the West.


Can't speak for Israel, but the Right in the US is just as fragmented, trust me. In fact it's more critical on the right because honestly leftist Democrats haven't held any real power in the party since the 1970s. Democratic leadership is centrist, period. They'd basically be on the right in Europe, or Israel for that matter.

Bernie, AOC, etc are great for making Murdoch media-drunk Boomers nuts but they barely even protest verbally, much less refuse to vote for the big bills that benefit Wall Street, big pharma, the defense industry, etc. Their silence is in exchange for preserving certain social programs and civil rights that would otherwise be cut, like what happened under neoliberal Clinton in the 90s.

However on the Right, we have an ongoing cage match between paleo-conservatives (House and Senate GOP leadership) and various neo-populists (Trump and DeSantis), with Evangelicals and other Christian fundamentalists (a massive political force here) in the mix battling younger conservatives who are pro-gay rights and so on.
As much as Biden would love to run against Trump in 2024, even he has to realize it's not going to happen anymore. Trump is coming out of 2022 looking a HELL of a lot worse than he did leaving office. Even today we're finally getting his tax returns, and you know every talking head is going to rake him over the coals for any detail he didn't want getting out. Expect to see a lot of tax code experts until the end of the month.

But even if the Democrats wanted to prop up Trump to run again (as they have done with other Republicans in races they believed they could win handily), the tide is shifting. He's no longer an outsider wanting to drain the swamp in Washington; he was the HEAD of the swamp for 4 years. Insurrection or not he had 4 years to shake things up and you KNOW his former bootlickers are going to ding him on it. It's anyone's race and I'm sure by mid-next year we'll be seeing a slew of Republicans throw their hats in the ring just like in 2015, even if we've only heard of DeSantis so far. All this while the GOP is angling for new voters from a younger generation that is, by and large, not interested in what they're selling.
>>24114 I personally believe that just by getting the wall built alone Trump did more good for this country than any President has during my lifetime, and I love those women down there. Believe me.

If I were in charge I would make it so that the only immigration allowed would be young single women with no children, no criminal record, and a job that isn't sex work. No visas allowed. I feel like this would take care of many of our most pressing issues here in the states. It may even help some men who would like to ultimately change residency to another country by easily getting married here then applying for citizenship when the time is right. That's besides the point though because there's a whole range of issues facing this country'd economy.

Literally everything is fucked up. Everywhere you look. Millenials are g. American moms are single moms. I am sick of everybody fucking my shit up. I want some fucking sex. I want a huge fat vagina on my face. I want the ability to do things right and provide for a wife or family without some nut with an ugly nose up my ass everywhere I go, or the government getting in my fucking way.

I'm not bald, but if I ever do go bald (which I won't), I want the ability to go to Bosley without it costing a fortune because some jackasses fucked up the economy by transferring all of their earnings from places like New York to lower income neighborhoods all without paying any taxes only to have them buy up all of the real estate as a business investment driving the prices of homes up when they retire just to keep all their savings hidden in a bank somewhere.
>Just by getting the wall built alone

Stopped reading, saving those brain cells for any other occasion
>>24117 Then I see you're one of those but I happen to know first hand the things that go on between boarders and how they directly affect not just society but also our judicial and electory systems in place. I could care less about the individuals who are trying to benefit from a better location to live in. I have learned that there's always a whole lot more than meets the eye.

It's not a perfect way to solve the problem. With enough man power and resources I could've done a much better job and solved the problem in a matter of days. One obstacle towards doing the right thing for this country at the border is our own Democratic party, the other obstacle is the wealthy elite that live at the boarder. The same border that also happens to be the Democrat's headquarters' location is also the location of the largest population of illegal immigrants.
i think that it's stemmed from the misunderstanding of what jews and judaism are:

jews are an ethno-religous group.
jews are the best and most tradtional case for such groups,as out culture,ethnicity and religion are all packed together.

all of this needed to be taken to consideration,as for why Judaism in non missionary religion,as "converting" is a long process since it's an more akin to somebody trying to assimalte themselves into Hungarian/Italian society ,rather than just converting to Christianity.

moreover,the argument of israel being an ethnic nation state/ has a state religion is incompatible with modern democracy is weird.
the UK has the church of england ,so does sweden with it's church ,and the same apply for other countries.
however,nobody questions the fact that those countries are a modern democracies.

same goes for italy,germany,danmark,poland and irland.
all of those are ethnic nation states,but nobody questions the fact that those countries are a modern democracies.

israeli non-Jewish minorities minorities get equal rights in most regards(being able to be vote and get voted,can apply and are present as high ranking officials in institutions of governance) , get there own religious autonomous institutions and are even more get unproportional help from the government in order of fight past discrimination.

the non arab-muslim minorities are well integrated into society,and are seen as "blood -brothers".
most arab muslims (with some notiable exceptions of the arabs that live in nazereth and a small cream of the older generation) are much less coporative as in their hearts they still oppose israel for it's very being - a state for the Jewish people (i.e kafir) in a land they consider part of "da'ar al- islam"

israel doesn't force anybody to sell kosher food/eat one,doesn't force anybody to observe the sabbath (the public transportation struggle is more due to it being "public" and funded by more observant jews(whichmake around 50-55% of the jewish populace) than a struggle of actual of religious values being violated),nobody forces your place to not sell hametz in passover (only in kosher places)etc.

the reason why many leftists choose to harass israel rather than other countries is due to it being an easy target (see what happened in qatar when LGBT organizations were silent for most part over the situation there during the world cup).

the political situation in most western countries nowdays is fragmented throughout the spectrum.
however, the right has more chance to create a united block rather than the left since the right was always a coalition of multiple groups that enjoy the status que ,rather than the left,which is built of competing revolutionary and steadfast groups .
The “Jewish people” as an ethnicity is fiction. They kicked black Jews out and pretend that Russian Jews are the same ethnicity as middle easterners.
The right and the left in America traditionally hate arts because its a sign that their children might be intellectuals. The first thing that Joe Biden did upon getting elected was kill the idea of big name governors and senators running for office by promising to be the silent generation president like Calvin Coolidge ot Woodrow Wilson. Sure enough, Biden is using the Espionage Act and Alien and Sedition Acts to prosecute the left for conspiring with America's enemies.
>>24144 Biden is a puppet, and so are many payed-for politicians on both sides. They will take as many rights from the people as the people allow them to take because that is the agenda of a corrupt government.
More like ever since Russia fell, and the Taliban won, right wingers have no clear cut antagonist to motivate their base to vote. The right shifted their anger and hatred towards Washington even though the F.B.I and C.I.A both operate out of Virginia and not the capital. Without the Tom Clancy thrillers, D.C. is murder capital.
>>24147 You have made an interesting observation today, anon, and you may be onto something, but I can't be certain of it.
interesting ,didn't know that.
it's seems to be a phenomenon that's spread thorw out the west ever since boomers entered the political landscape.

i would even argue that 70-80% of all politicians are payed-for politicians.
rare are the folk that went to politics due to ideology,and even rarer are those who would get to implant them
Holy shit ❤️
The left, at least in my state of New York, have no ideas. Mayor Adams is already locking up mentally ill people in hospitals by force because he believes that his predecessors didn't do enough. Hochul is appointing a pro life activist to the Supreme Court cause the left are not going to leave academia to lead the revolution. Even Madison Square Garden is implementing technology to ban lawyers. The left is only getting their cyberpunk city that it longed for.
Guy in the 5th pic's fit is incredible and she unironically looks like she'd be the villain in some children's movie/cartoon
muthafuka ask for pics of jewish bbws and yall arghuing about israel and shit smh
imagine if abigail shapiro gained 200 pound and does fart videos

thats my dream
What is the difference between a Russian Jew and a Jew that attends MIT?
One is getting fucked over by Putin, and the other is going to fuck Putin over.

Putin is a pussy, and so was Hitler. The difference's ME.
According to orthodox customs, Jewish women are expected to shave their heads and hide upon getting married. They're pretty much not seen or heard while the Hasidic man takes care of business. Judaism is pretty much arch-conservatism without the dominion theology to make it fun

They do it willingly because they love their husbands, respect themselves, and understand the Bible aswell as the evils of this earthly life. It is primarily a preventive tactic, because they are women, yes, but also because of modesty and for the purpose of not willingly trying to cause other men to lust. You see it as a "women's rights" thing, when in reality it's more of a morality thing and a love thing.

Of course, that is only what meets the eye, because any woman can be precious and make a beautiful bride, but every woman must choose, and could erroneously choose to become a prostitute, for example, and nothing can be done about that. Yet that doesn't mean that you can not help a prostitute or indeed love her in the hopes that she will come to no longer desire to cause men to lust (which is the sin) and stop the prostitution.

This word lust is very different from love, and if I am not mistaken it can be a demonic presence. So it is a very serious thing that is on a level that I myself am not familiar with, but the only solution for it is of course, church, prayer, and fasting. This is not as eady for somebody who is not knowledgeable in evangelism so most people need help however in the Bible it is written as a very simple procedure that must be followed in order to be rid of the demons. This obvioisly does not include any direct intervention from God himself which theoretically could happen.
Kisame here. I find statement to be wrong. Jewish women don't need to be protected by God or need purity to protect them lustful menfolk. It is the 21st Century and we are in the age of Enlightenment. The Bible and the books are not meant to be taken literally. We have training at work and humans can stop themselves from acting on impulse. I know Jewish people like to whine that we are becoming secular, but monotheistism cannot maintain a strange hold on faith and sex like that. Even in New York, we're adding Diwali and celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year because we like harvests. So while Jews are stuck in their temples whining about the corruption and vice, people like me are out having fun.
Kisame here. Nobody cares about Putin or Hitler. News boomers are just angry that the boss won't let them drink on the job or have affairs with multiple women. There's a very good reason why drag queens are more popular and on demand. Nobody gives a shit about Ukraine.
Fuck you. A lot of people give a shit about Ukraine. And Putin and Hitler for that matter. Evil fucking sucks, and it’s shitty to be shitty.

You’re the type of person that thinks there is no need for a fire department until your house burns down.
Kisame here. People don't care about Ukraine, Putin, or Hilter. Only news boomers do because they just want to get drunk and have affairs with their workers. Ukraine worship is unhip. It's for fat liberal boomers with no girlfriends.
I enjoy everyday looking forward to bbwchan. To bust nuts and expose liars. That is my fav thing to do. I wouldn't rather be doing anything else right now except maybe titty-fucking because I haven't done that before with a huge pair of boobs like K cups. Other than that though, I love busting nuts and exposing liars, and those with secret organizations and plots.
I am on the side that Jews need a Bugsy Seigel Meyer Lansky, or Susan Rosenberg type figure for Ukraine. None of this, Anglo-Zelensky worship.
>Nobody gives a shit about Ukraine.
I am so fucking tired about hearing about the Ukraine. I'm glad I don't watch TV, but my parents do, they can't get enough of their all day Boomer Tales marathon.
Yes I typed way too much about Jewishness and Israel but I'm still the only one who's posted actual content here. Be lovely if someone else stepped up.

Boomers aka old people are the most reliable voting block, in that they drag themselves out to vote in every election no matter what. They're also the last generation who regularly watch broadcast/cable TV news. So if you were trying to build political support for an inevitable US/NATO intervention, aka Vietnam II, where would you call in your chips? Twitter isn't the only media presence that works closely with the feds. I'm not even saying our Ukrainian involvement is a bad idea, but let's see this Hollywood Good vs Evil tale for what it is.
Boomers cannot even get their own people to stop dropping migrants off in frigid weather. Also, nobody cares about NATO. Boomers aren't going to give up their cheap Russian gas and expensive German cars just to own Putin. Just like at how boomers suck up to Musk cause they need him to own the libs and get a Tesla.
>>24313 How much of a pussy do you have to be to want to drive an electric car that shit's for girls and sissies.
I currently torn between getting a Honda Civic, or a Jeep as my first car.

Why do you think God gave your fat ass two legs for?

And ever heard of a horse?
My shoes are already worn out from walking.
>>24318 wow alright then I guess you could buy a Tesla like do you want it as a status symbol you meant?

Or do you plan to fuck fat hoes in your car so you figuered you don't want to pay gas? Do fat hoes think electric cars are sexy? That doesn't sound like the type of car an ssbbw would like to be picked up in but I have never fucked an ssbbw.
I work with fat women. Fat women don't care for BBWchan. They care about their shakes and burgers. The fat vote is just going to shut down BBWchan cause they don't care for fetishes.
>>24321 Don't you think fat hoes would feel more comfortable getting picked up in a muscle car? That's what I would love to have a nice sports car to pick up fat hoes in. I would literally fuck every fat hoe in the city! There's places that you can rent luxury cars like ferraris which is kind of cool but once you do that once or twice it makes you feel like just buying something more affordable but not a chevy or nothing like that but a real mudcle car. Something that would make any fat hoe wet as soon as she sees it. I don't kniw what it could be though.

I would love to pick up an ssbbw like echo or randalin.
Luxury cars are worthless and prone to crashes
>>24324 You must be popular with the ssbbws.

What type of autism is this?
As an owner of a muscle car... no sir. The only people it attracts are homeless tweakers and boomer dads.
Truth. Unless you’re way out of their league most fat women consider a fetish a disqualification. It’s fucking hilarious because who else would wanna be with them?
>>24636 (Cross-thread) I understand your half-assed attempt at explaining why I was wrong to think that, but what do you suggest? What type of car should I get to make ssbbws fat vaginas wet incase, let's say, I want to get married?

I have never met a real ssbbw before, and up until a few weeks ago I hadn't seen a "beautiful" ssbbw in real life. She's astonishingly astounding.
>>24369 It should a.) be reliable and b.) be able to transport your dick to her place at the time of her choosing. If that goes well for awhile then perhaps you can start thinking about marriage.
Only car I've owned that I noticed big girls complimented was a 98 Chevy Silverado. Aside that chicks really don't give a fuck about what you drive as long as you're a somewhat okay person.

Tell me you've never spoken to a woman withput telling me you've never spoken to a woman.

Women largely don't give a flying fuck about muscle cars. What the hell are you people talking about. You're far more likely to catch a guy's attention.
Get the minivans with the bench seats and a handicap placard. Easiest way to transport the morbidly obese. Either that or an ice cream truck.
For sure, I've said it before here, but Volkswagen Transporter is probably the best car on the market to transport a SSBBW. Hell, if yo get the passenger version you could probably transport at least 2 SSBBW's comfortably.

Yeah, but do you know who owns Volkswagon?

This nerd is talking about the efficiency of the car when transporting an ssbbw from one location to another. I believe the point of the thread was to answer a question that could be deemed valuable for every bbw-love anon. Those anon who are close with ssbbws in real life would know the answer, while many of us still haven't even seen an ssbbw in real life but would like the opportunity to fuck one if the chance were to ever arrive.

What type of cars make fat girls wet?
>>24417 Those of us who know the answer have already told you the answer.

I want to fuck "beautiful" fat vaginas without requesting the services of a whore. Let's say a girl is already attracted to me and it's clear that she wants the dick. When I go to pick her up, what kind of car would make a fat girl's vagina wet?
Very wide and low to the ground. 500 pound girls can’t climb up into trucks and they’ll be complaining the whole drive if they’re squeezed into a little sedan. So unfortunately that means you gota go with the least practical and most expensive vehicle class of them all, SUV. And ideally one all wheel drive cause if you’ve ever had 500 extra pounds in your car, you know it affects the handling. I swear when I had to upgrade to a $50,000 suv from my car that cost me less than 20k and got 40mpg I almost quit this fetish. But alas…
Food truck. Maybe an ambulance or herse if she’s a deathfeedist. Otherwise something embarrassingly small would be optimal to peak the stuckage fantasy.
It's not my fault you can't fucking read. I replied to the guy suggesting a fucking minivan, and I chimed in on my own experience for a car that is best suited practically for a big girl.

If you scroll two posts up you'll see me share my own experiences on what kinda cars girls like that prefer. By far the fattest woman I worked with drove a Volkswagen Amarok, so at least one fatty like "volkswagon" trucks even if they have a high ride height.
Oh I see the users of this site all have BBCs
I’m not sure of the color but your mom says it’s bigger than your baby dick.
>>24463 Tell my mom she's bigger and to stop thinking that she's a barbie when in reality I'm too good for her and she's nutter and I'm not.

Tell her also that I love thin pawgs with tiny titties... more than anything in the world and that one day I'm going to marry one.
why is my id the same as

I didn't write that

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