
(279 KB, 1788x3008, 1976_Arthur_sick_in_bed.jpg.webp)
I'm surprised we didn't talk about the dates of DeviantArt and other social media sites.
>>23667 (OP)
"Fates", not "dates" I mean. Otherwise this thread will be gone in a bad direction.
Blackrock and Mastercard are a cancer
Mastercard and Paypal know that DeviantArt is a website for expansion and inflation porn. Artists are dumb enough to waste their money on lawyers and talk about their art as a business, so lawyers are communicating with Biden. Now the federal government is banning porn so that teens aren't radicalized or showing extreme positions. I've heard that Andrew Dobson costed his brother a government job because he was tweeting Anti-Trump opinions when Trump was in power. I imagine that Joe Biden and the White House are the same way when they see rainbow haired artists tweeting anarchist opinions. There's a very good reason porn stars live in red states, or smart porn companies operate in red counties: it's to be away from the California District Attorney.
Yeah! In trumps America I could fuck all the fat women I wanted too. Stupid sjw libtards getting rid of my house size furry art
You can be sure that this DeviantArt looking out for itself first and the users of the site second. That is all. Don't read too much into it. It's the way literally all these sites conduct their business.

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