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How many nuts do you bust in a day? In a week?
What's your record in a day?
Sex and masturbation included
Pornstar/model/person you've busted the most to
>>23560 (OP)
0. I don't masturbate. The few exceptions would be wet dreams which I get about twice every year
15 to 20 times a week. Might go beyond 20 some weeks. Lexxi Luxe would be the one. If I just need to cum quick, she does it for me everytime.
Most in a day, was like 12 times with an ex of mine. We always had between 5 - 10 times daily.

You don't??? Why are you here then?
>Why are you here then?
Just cause I don't jerk off doesn't mean I don't like to get myself hard sometimes

That's like buying a ferrari just to drive to the mailbox and back.
Are you & friends having a "Seinfeld contest"?
November is over, so it's nutting season again.
What do you do when you get hard, just look at it? Walk around poking things, or knocking things off tables and counters? The hell is the point of getting hard and doing nothing about it?
I mean no offense. But why get hard and not take care of it?
I'm honestly up and down like stocks with fapping. Every once in a while, I can go a whole week or half that w/o masturbating. But then, I'll just slowly find my way back because I wonder how a chick on OF is doing or what NSFW Reddit is like...then results may vary from once to maybe 3-5 times in a day.
i'm currently abstaining from it. my biggest orgasm streak I remember was 7 times in one day, this was around the time I discovered mastrubation and my recuperation period was shorter. nowadays I prefer watching a few mins of content and use that raw material to trigger my imagination while humping my bed in a prone position, sometimes I keep the sound on (sounds corny I know,to make things worse i'm a virgin). if you ever want to try prone mastrubation yourself don't slide your foreskin over the tip of your penis while doing it, this will decrease sensitivy, for the non-jews out there.
girl in pic?
It's not a model ID thread. Go away.
I used to do 3-4 times a day, but 1 usually now. Longest time abstaining was 91 days. And whoever said nofap would make you like normal women again, lol nope. Not once during that 91 days did I ever consider banging a thin chick. I wasn't doing it for that though, I was just really fucking busy and had no time to nut.
@23613 self conscious that I was mutilated and always wonder how that greater sensitivity would be
@23525 skinny women can look beautiful like a magazine but never comes up for me as relationship material
You guys really fap a lot
I tend to do it maybe once or twice a week

But I'm in a relationship, so things are a bit different I guess
Don't want to be all done when there's a 420 lbs woman available ;)

When I was single it was maybe 3 or sometimes 4 times a week
Maybe some days I did it twice when I really felt like it, but that didn't happen too often

I feel like when you do it too much, it just feels way less special or good
You lose all that sensation without cooldown and reload times
Same here, as a teenager never properly masturbated and the habit stuck, now I only get off of wet dreams and fucking

The loss of sensation is why I end up cooling off after a few days, sometimes weeks. I'm 6 years removed from my last relationship. Personally, I've tried slowly coming down, other times trying to give it up cold turkey, but I struggle, and I believe I gotta change up on the mental side so that I don't rely on the comfort of being in a relationship just to fap less.

I can never really slow down on fapping or stop altogether unless I know I'm in a prime position to fuck a new partner, something I haven't done in almost three years. The only saving grace is fucking my ex at times, although that's heading out the window since I fucked her raw so often, that I'm having a hard time playing it safe with a condom now that she isn't on birth control.
>>23560 (OP)
Wow, I'm a horny fucking bitch AND I'm old... Once or twice per day minimum for me, though I go 48-96 hours without here and there because of circumstances or whatever. When I'm working out like I should I find it's a requirement so I can go about the rest of my day. Otherwise I'm distracted. Fun fact, longest I ever abstained completely was 30 days when my wife and I did IVF (didn't work, nor did the marriage so just as well).

My 24 hour record is probably six. Not positive, but I'm thinking I'd start to get pretty raw after that.

Hard to say who I've splat most to, but I'm thinking Brie Brown. I followed her from the beginning of her modeling career to the end, 20 years or so, and 10 years later she's still a top-5 go to.
I sometimes rhink sex didn't work for me because someone jewed off too much.
Something I think is a big factor is boredom. On a week when you are constantly busy, have lots of stuff to do, and are entertained during free time? You don't even think about fapping

But a week where you sitting idle all week and even the stuff you do for entertainment, tv, gaming w/e gets boring? you start idly opening up your folder/bookmarks/website or whatever it is you use
Brie Brown knew what it meant to be a sexy woman. So did alot of the old greats from 20-30 years ago. Most of these women today look like deer caught in the headlights the second you tell them to "act sexy".
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>How many nuts do you bust in a day? In a week?
at least 1 or 2, as many as 4-5 on lazy days. probably averages out to ~20 a week
>What's your record in a day?
>Pornstar/model/person you've busted the most to
probably shizuko fujiki or layla over the years - but mochii has fueled a lot of faps over just the last couple years
This is actually interesting to see.

1-3 daily depending on how distracting it is. This includes sex with my 350lb wife - when that happens.

Maybe 12-15 a week I'll skip a day occasionally.

Record? Like 7 or 8 but I was a teenager. I'm fucking 41 now. If I get 2 and get to fuck later in the evening I'm doing fantastic.

What model is a weird one. Destiny is not my preferred body type but when she gained all that weight in a year or so the chicken choking was prolific. Even now if I need to crank one out I can put on that 500 pound bikini video and it does not take long. Jackie is a close 2nd with PP tied maybe.

Post pics of wife or larp

You just wanna see my Ol' Lady - not sure if I should post up or not. Frankly, we're all scum here.
Australians think it's fantasy to be married to a 350 pounder... little do they know. You sold me because you made a point of saying you jerk off every day, and that getting laid is hit or miss, both of which are features of long-term married life.
Sounds like you speak from experience! Made me laugh to read that, but you're 100% correct.

Are fat girls that rare in Aus? Certainly not here, makes me feel sorry for those guys if they really are Unicorns there....
0 i'm 12.
It's not Japan, but from what I hear there's far fewer than here. We may be falling apart in every other way, but this will remain the world's BBW Mecca for a long time.

Yep...you hit it on the nail for me. I've got to overcome the habit of running to porn when I'm flat out bored. It doesn't help my cause when, at the moment, I'm working from home, I watch far more YouTube videos to pass the time by than streaming TV, movies, etc., and I hardly go out besides trying to go to the gym twice a week and being with friends one night during each weekend. Kinda worried that the latter will fall apart a bit more since one of my best friends just got engaged recently, but not too much since his girl is pretty much part of my circle as my two friends now.

That aside, I honestly have to use browser extensions and filtered e-mail addresses to try a bit harder to slow down on fapping. The discipline just isn't there though since I know I've had multiple occasions where eventually I'll just turn those off to find my nut busting porn on the web. Not to mention, I have to control myself on social media since I'll even turn to looking up girls on IG w/o following them or getting off to the next woman on my Facebook feed who ends up pregnant, and that's probably the lowest of all lows right there.
I try to masturbate as rarely as possible because when I ejaculate I feel almost no plesure. Its more of a sense of relief. I may have to ask a doctor.

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