
(6.8 MB, 2920x2080, Sanchez is Satan.png)
Personality and action-wise.
Nicolae Ceaușescu = ?

Nicolae Ceausescu and Pedro Sánchez are equally the same.

They treat their people and authorities like shit, and make them suffer by dragging them into poverty with unfair, elevated prices for the middle and poor class while the rich get to feast.

They also commited lots of human rights violations.

If you want to make Sánchez suffer (which is MORALLY CORRECT), send him memes that depict him as a criminal on the following address:
Are you the motherfucker who kept ranting about Zaslav

I'm his roommate.
Jesus fucking christ, can we stop with calling everyone we disagree with a pedophile? Besides being just plain lame and desperate — the death moan of everyone too lazy, stupid, or just plain nuts to back up their conspiracies — crying pedo wolf about every politician, CEO, celebrity, pundit, etc without any proof or even credible rumors lessens the seriousness of actual pedophilia. It's becoming a joke, which it most certainly is not. People who throw this shit around don't care about children, actually the opposite because they're willing to use abuse victims as pawns.
Certainly, it's kinda sad what's happening in my country.

The government is messing out everything and his only purpose is setting free a bunch of children kidnappers, rapers and populist separatists. And the worst about it is that the "yes is yes" law has been a desastre not because is was made with evil purposes (or at least is what I want to think), more because his views on fundamentalist feminism makes them see every discrepancy (even the constructive one) as fascism, so they are so incompetent that at the end they are unprotecting women.
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May Pedro Sánchez burn in fucking hell.

Share this immediately with your friends.

>>If you niggers

Even though it's definetly a bunch of white guys making these posts, but whatever your racist ass wants to believe......
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>>from Duisburg

That explains it. I guess you'll be my homie with an extra chromie.

Given current events, this is accurate.

They caught Pedro Sánchez with child pornography recently.
Yeah the president of Spain was caught with CP and only 8chan reported it, right? May right wing assholes who throw around CP and pedo accusations like this get bayonnets up their asses for eternity. They're as bad as actual abusers, in that they're enabling child abuse because real accusations will no longer be believed.
Maybe not AS bad but I agree they're dumb assholes who only make the situation worse for all and make it harder for real victims to be saved
>>24067 Fr these pedos are the worst out of all the evils humans. They deserve to endbup with the ugliest women all of them ugly, and old, and bald, and fat women only. Don't give any of them cute women they don't deserve it.

>>They deserve to endbup with the ugliest women all of them ugly, and old, and bald, and fat women only.

And they'll still be better off than 99% of the incels here.
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As an spanish, I have to say that Sanchez goverment has been one of the worst goverments we ever has since democracy, but despite that, I won't call Sanchez a pedophile despite the fetish this government have with setting free criminals.

I see Sanchez more a narcissist oportunist rather than a pedophile, because there is no clue about him being one of them.

The ones who specially are covering and setting free criminals is his goverment partner, the Podemos (We can) party. Thanks to them, it seems that it is no longer enough to set free the typical corrupt politician, but liberate abusive women who kidnap his own children and raise them in misery because she was "protecting them" from the father (who was demonstrated that was a victim too), or hiding the sexual abuses that one of his members have been doing to immigrant children in a reception center.

The fun fact is that, despite they criticize and pursue all the sexual abuses that the catholic church have, it seem that they try to replace them instead.
I used to be on Spain before Pedro Sánchez became president.

When he became president, I moved somewhere else to avoid his bullshit.

Now (with the help of a friend of mine) I'll show the evidence that Pedro Sánchez is an Evil bastard that must be stopped immediately, translators will be needed:

La siguiente información se ha difundir por todos los modos posibles cuánto antes, para que todo el mundo se entere de los actos terroristas de PEDRO SÁNCHEZ.

Y que PSOE y Podemos NO pongan sus manos en esto.

Pedro Sánchez ha cometido ciertas cosas IMPERDONABLES.


Pedro Sánchez piensa asestar un golpe al estado de derecho, al Tribunal Constitucional, para salir impune de sus crímenes.

Aparte, Pedro Sánchez quería ocultar esto del PSOE, y como él está repitiendo lo que hicieron por aquel entonces:


Pedro Sánchez también ha mentido sobre sus promesas a lo largo del tiempo como puede ver aquí:



También mintió, diciendo que Cataluña no se separaría, que le causaría problemas:


Unos meses después, aprueba la separación de Cataluña el traidor.

Sumado a otros planes que tiene bajo la manga:









Y atento a esto.


Pedro Sánchez está mal de la cabeza y (junto a sus socios) quiere echar al rey, aunque "él" no lo cuente.

Y para poder salirse con la suya, Sánchez va a dar "ayudas financieras" el 29 de diciembre* como forma deshonesta y manipuladora para amañar las próximas elecciones y hacer olvidar a la gente de que él y sus socios;

- Aprobaron una ley que permite a depredadores sexuales salir antes de prisión, poniendo en peligro la vida de millones de mujeres y niños (ley sí es sí de Irene Montero).

- Atentaron contra el tribunal constitucional, sólo por hacer su trabajo de evitar legalizar cosas que van en contra de la constitución (hasta llegaron a amenazar al congreso para que rechazaran la propuesta del PP) [ https://youtu.be/1XWHiNbupjY y https://youtu.be/UWxBUgOmcYY respectivamente, junto con https://youtu.be/yn4us_9UpGg ]

- Aprobaron una ley animalista que jode a un montón de ancianos que quieren animales de compañía en sus pisos:


- Tuvieron antecedentes de mentir sobre sus promesas para hacer lo contrario a estas y causar más daño:


- Cometieron fraude fiscal y utilizaron el dinero de los ciudadanos para su propio beneficio en vez de mejorar España:



* https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.libertaddigital.com/espana/2022-12-17/sanchez-prepara-una-lluvia-de-millones-para-tapar-su-asalto-a-la-justicia-y-el-constitucional-6968539/amp.html

Recientemente; un miembro del congreso ha expuesto a Pedro Sánchez por los crímenes que él y sus socios han cometido, mostrando los verdaderos colores de ese terrorista por "presidente":




Y en este vídeo también se muestran, en minuto y medio, los VERDADEROS colores de Pedro Sánchez:


También se ha revelado lo que Irene Montero ha estado haciendo verdaderamente con el dinero de los ciudadanos:


Todo esto es de verdad, nada es mentira.

Esto es lo que verdaderamente intentaban ocultar.
If not, do it anyway.

Pedro Sánchez, as president of Spain, has commited multiple felonies during his legislature, such as allowing sexual predators to get out of jail earlier and putting millions of women and children in danger and attempting to assault the court to get scot-free of his crimes.

This ends now; on Friday 23rd a querella will be taken to the court and everyone's invited to celebrate the effort the court's doing to prevent Sánchez from getting away from his crimes.

Watch this video as well ⬇️

[ https://youtu.be/tuRn0ZXjFxM ]
In America we enjoy getting blacked.
Lived in Catalonia great part of my life, and this hit me hard. The catalan independentists are the worst scumbags here. Basically they converted the most prosperous region of Spain in a shithole full of criminals, deficient healthcare system (way worst than Madrid, only that there are some interests in hide it) and the highest regional taxes...but hey, it's "Spain's faults", right?

To be honest, I don't like the strong conservatism that the VOX party represents, but if this people continue with this bullshit, i'll probably vote them because the rest of alternatives are worst.
>>24141 Conservatism within a human society will be a meaningless ideal any time it is not founded in love; that which comes from our father who is in Heaven. In general, conservatism is good, but the hopeless desire to hold on to material posessions and other things that are of this world when we have no control is a fools addendum. That is why true conservatism is only possible through God's will when we seek that it be done.
Pedro Sánchez is, currently, in posession of a stash of child pornography (the works of mistystuffer):


This isn't fake, it's real.

A friend of mine, who works as a janitor in the Ministry of Equality, saw one of the employees complying to Sánchez's request for child pornography for this christmas.

If you try to dismiss this, then how do you explain the fact that he approved Irene Montero's infamous Yes is Yes law (law that allows sexual predators to get out of jail earlier, thus putting millions of women and children in danger)?

We just CAN'T have a pedophile for a president.

Complejo de la Moncloa, Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n. 28071 Madrid.

Fuck Pedro "Pederast" Sánchez.

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