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Basically, I am going to be with my significant other, with whom I am in a long distance relationship, for three weeks in February. They found out that they are into gaining in August (which I am very happy about) and it will be the first time of us together whilst we are both open about this. Obviously we want to make the most out of our 3 weeks, so I got curious if anyone here can maybe recommend some effective appetite stimulants, that are easy to get?
(also, random image file, because I didn't know what to put here)
I mean, there's one that's relatively easy to get a hold of - cannabis? I know it's a cop out answer, but the munchies do exist, and it's probably a little safer than some of the other orexigenic drugs out there
I have already consider this, but the country that we will be in still has some rather strict cannabis laws, so I'd rather go with something legal.
Latvia right? Not the world’s most up to date on Latvian drug laws unfortunately…
I’ve heard mixed things about apetamin, with some claiming it’s a miracle drug for gaining and others saying it’s got a ton of side effects. It’s not approved in the U.K., but I can’t find anything saying the same for Latvia so maybe that?
Other drugs normally have the orexigenic effects as side effects, and I’m not 100% sure of any that you’d be able to get legally or that would be safe(ish) to use. Basic research says Dronabinol, but there’s limited chance at best you’ll get a doctor to sign off on that.
Have heard that some herbal remedies do increase appetite - fennel and fenugreek iirc. Lot of herbal stuff gets claimed as this, but from what I’ve seen those two might be the best candidates.
Hope any of that helps.
Good old booze. Not beer necessarily because it fills you up, but I've found most people eat a lot more when they head into a meal with a good buzz on.
Austria actually, but we will meet in Vietnam since that is where they are from and it is easier for me to for there, rather than the other way around.
But thank you for the tips, they actually went to the pharmacy today already to ask if they have anything and they got some herbal mix in pill form, that is supposed to help, so here is hoping.
Just have sex? If you're not already not planning on porking her those 3 weeks, then what's the point on going. And you'll be tired afterwards, so just eat, fuck, sleep, repeat.
FWIW, scoring weed in Vietnam or anywhere in SE Asia not at all difficult.
True, but with the ridiculously harsh sentencing that I’ve heard of (thanks War on Drugs), I can understand being very wary

Ah yes, let's go over to an Asian/communist country and do something illegal. Surely nothing bad will happen at all. Just ask Otto Warmbier, Brittney Grier, and Michael Fay....
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Brittney Griner was free because she reminded Joe of old Hunter Biden. Sometimes you need to be gay and do drugs to escape communist dictatorships.

Or Biden wanted brownie points with the gay/women demographics. Yeah let's give away a dangerous arms dealer and in return we'll get back a pothead who was dumb enough to take weed oil into a country that not only hates the West, but is looking for any excuse to hold a US citizen hostage.
Victor Bout is just doing what John Perkins, Northrop Gruman, and Halliburton has been doing. Trust me when I say that Generation Kill is just salty that they aren't trafficking arms after the War in Afghanistan. I am not surprised by Biden's actions since he's good at foreign policy. I wouldn't be surprised if Biden pardons Trump because libs love rehabilitated war criminals.
Are you serious? So you don't think that racist people give preferential treatment to certain minorities, especially when these minorities are sports atheletes? Joe Biden isn't the only racist politician either. All the while these nuts are laughing at the American government, mind you. They're taken for fools even in places like Japan who has shared interests with the US.
African Americans do not get preferential treatment in the United States. The WNBA is notoriously underpaid and underfunded to the point that teams like the New York Liberty are owned by Taiwanese tycoons. Even the Atlanta Dreamers had to do a shady deal with Lebron James and Raphael Warnock to oust Loeffer as head of the Atlanta Dreamers/Senator of Georgia.
>>23782 Well look here everybody it would appear that I was wrong about everything and everything I have ever witnessed in life alluding to the contrary has been
Great... the "let's make everything a fucking political / racist / both argument" crowd have entered the thread. Can you lot go five fucking minutes without shitting the bed?

Anyways - apetamin might be available on the Vietnamese market - not 100% sure, but it seems to be available? - if you're willing to be a bit risky, maybe try that?

Fuck off and ingore the comments pansy. You don't even have to participate in the conversation dummy.
thank you for the tip. For now we decided to try out a herbal mix, which is supposed to help with such things and if that doesn't work out, we will probably move on to some things in that thread.

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