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We are a team of professional hackers. Our expertise is programming, running exploits, and setting up DDoS attacks, database, SEO and web design, hosting & server management, marketing, hacking and we like the challenge of doing things where most others give up.

Spear Phishing Attacks to get accounts from selected targets.
Recover account passwords of most social networks easily, remote control smartphones.
Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, the Twitter account hacking. Criminal record expungement, Credit score increment, Change of a school course grade, tracking live location, etc.

Full package deal, getting access to personal or company devices and accounts and searching for the data you need.
Hacking web servers, game servers, or other internet infrastructure. Economic espionage. Getting private information from someone.

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>>23461 (OP)

Do you guys stalk people? Like follow people around in real life to scare them? I know some people would love to do it. How much would it cost to put a scare on somebody, and is it possible? Investigate information on them or through different methods like a private investigator or an ESP agent (psychic) and then find their fears, they are scared of beetle cars, then like follow them around in a Beetle car. Is this dooable with todays top CIA technology? I would love to do something like this but I lack the means and the man power (I am not part of an crime organization)
how are you going to hack a social media account exactly? by brute forcing login attempts? after the 500th or so attempt from several IP addresses the platform will turn off the account and ask for 2FA. realistically you'll have to pay and employee, install a keylogger via a usb stick or open a public wi-fi network wich you'll spy on to get it done.
it would be interesting to see how it'd impact society if a sysadmin who has access to all name/address/licence plate data accepted a bribe for downloading that info and puting it on the deep web.

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