
(64 KB, 714x796, 9-dabbing-construction-worker-character-vector-cartoon-clipart.jpg)
Sorry for the extended downtime. Getting used to a new OS, a new control panel, restoring a hundred gigabytes over VPN to a server in the Netherlands, it took a lot longer than I'd like.

On the flip side, contrary to our near yearly tradition of me losing our database during stuff like this, we picked up exactly where we left off (hopefully).

Welcome back. Hope you all had a great thanksgiving.
Is it an updated version ?
Are there any cool new features?
Don't apologize, shit happens. Plus the outage conveintally lasted all through the holiday into the weekend, so people had no choice but to spend time with their families instead of being here (at least for Americans, everyone else....Idk do something else to occupy your time)
No my Thanksgiving was the worst in my life. Thanks for asking. Everyday we are one step closer to the death of my enemies so I am not complaining.
Hell yeah, feels good to be back bros

Or as soon as you turn 18, telling them to fuck off and never see them again. Likewise if you're an adult and still going to events that you don't like, then that's on you.
Clean up the board.

The message board has been divided into topics and many posts are in the wrong place. Automatic deletion after some time? No, that's not the solution.

Lots of posts that just advertise on OF, FB, TW. But no content for this board. Trashi begging for money etc.

Boring fairy tales about gaining weight are repeated over and over again. Years old photos as current, edited photos, stuffed ass, or breasts. Yes, it is also an advertisement.

Create another section for the topic of grannis and aunts?

Or just ignore the stuff you don't like instead of demanding people to do what you want. You don't even contribute anything but of hot air, yet have the audacity to call out stuff you don't want.
thanks for your hard work we appreciate it
No. Bitch up m8

This is a Wendy's sir.
Ok Jeff Tiedrich
>>23397 Some of us have something we call "responsibilities", anon. For example if you have a mom, or maybe a wife you are married to it's not so easy any more to say "I want another different mom" and leave. It's simply not the way things work. It's part of something we call "growing up". There are many options, but running away from your wife that you love will not be one of them.

Suck it up cupcake. You choose to marry the broad, so that's on you. The fact that you'll sit there and pout instead of doing nothing but bitch and moan here is pathetic. You're a grown ass man, speak up if something's bothering you.
He had to choose between having a backbone and having women in his life.

Why no choose both and actually stand up for himself instead of acting like he's being held at gunpoint.
I'm sorry you need to be 18 to use this site, Holden.

Don't be like that just because your dick turned inside out after your 18th birthday.
>>23511 I personally have neither of these responsibilities, regretably. I do plan on it soon though. I was only trying to help you with your struggles understanding the simplest of human relationships and family. Many people depend on me and without me there their lives would be lesser, and I fully understand this. I have no confusions as to what a man is and isn't. I was getting my dick sucked by beautiful blonde women before you were even born. It is your generation that appears to have a trouble understanding and providing for the needs and desires of our many female collegues.

ok boomer. Let's not forget that it was your generation that fucked us over to begin with.

Understanding and providing for the needs my ass. You niggas had it easy being able to live off of $15 an hour, while everyone else can't retire at 65 anymore. Younger generations now not only have to deal with the shit you gave us, but also deal with you ancient dinosaurs refusing to retire and die off so we can actually get decent paying jobs in order to survive.
Remember that bug with the crash? I just pushed a fix, it was introduced during 2.8 development.
Hey why when I try to post certain videos that are in mp4 format I get error message saying its file format not allowed by server? I don't understand because other files in that format post just fine for me. Please help
Such a retarded way of viewing history. As if some 80-year-old retired coal miner is personally responsible for your shitty life.

Says the retard who's replying to a near month old comment. You didn't even see the original comment ya dumb fuck.
Pinned threads, how do they work
Whoever takes the time to maintain these boards is a fucking hero. if they can provide proof that they do it ill happily paypal (or whatever the fuck) over 100 bucks at the end of the month. I get more from this than netflix fr

Whatever way it works. not looking for anyone to dox themselves but happy to sort the lad out

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