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While watching videos describing BDSM, something occurred in my mind. I wonder if one could say that feedism is a subset of BDSM and if there are similarities between the two fetishes. I am not saying they're 100% the same, there are differences. I was just saying they're similar in that we wish for our feedees to be submissive as they are fed a huge amount of food, that they let their feeder control their weight and diet, though there can be scenarios of a demanding feedee bossing around their feeder. I also see a difference in how people in this community would want a fat woman to act. Some want her broken and demure, more compliant to their partner's desires to feed her and fatten her up. Others desire a partner who is outgoing, strong and embraces her fat. They could also appreciate strong fat girls which brings to my mind the attraction to the dominatrix in BDSM. There are also elements of humiliation with this fetish as the thought of a fat person being humiliated/embarrassed over their weight or being teased for their weight being considered sexy. I also see people who wish to practice feedism in a safe, sane and consensual manner. That they discuss what diets to give their love interests so they can be fat/fit. I also see between the two those who practice their kink in their day to day lives and those that practice it as a sometimes thing. Whenever they do documentaries about this feedism, it seems that all feeders wish to fatten up their love interests to a higher weight or to immobility and that they are a constantly feeding them junk food. There are never feeders who wish to have their love interest fat/fit or to practice junk food feeding sessions sometimes. This is similar to BDSM practitioners who practice leash, pet play or being caged in their day to day lives and having being bossed around by their partner. The control of a feedee's diet is another similarity as the feeder. The other parallel between feedism and BDSM is the difference between what one fantasizes about and what they do in the real world. Like loads of people in this community fantasize about fattening up their partner to immobility, but how many of us would actually do that in the real world? I see feedism as rebellion against a culture that teaches us that thin is in and to avoid fatness. That we see a woman embracing her fatness and eating a lot and rebelling against cultural beauty standards to be sexy. Though we would also wish for her to be under our control as we wish to fatten her up and control her diet and meet our standards of beauty, though the image of her being confident in her body could also be sexy. It's just a mix of control and freedom I would say. I would like to hear other similarities/differences between BDSM and Feedism.
>>23371 (OP)
I feel there's a definite overlap, I find it erotic seeing how weak and helpless fatties are, how much they sweat and wheeze from doing the most trivial of tasks. Humiliation in the form of having a lardy body that is a public testament of their greed, gluttony and lack of self control.

But yeah there's definitely a sadistic aspect to it, maybe not overtly knows it but its definitely there. Anyways to boil things down in any fetish, and maybe even to any thing sexual at all, its all based on dominance and submission on party will always hold dominance over the other, maybe not all the time but its most definitely based on it. Being the feeder almost always means you are the dominant one, the S while the feedee is usually submissive one, the M.
>>23371 (OP)
You can argue that feederism has some aspects in common with bdsm, I think that BDSM is rooted in one partner being dominated or dominant, and while you can argue that a feeder may be dominant (or subserviant) to the feedee, I think Feedism is more rooted in the attraction of someone being fat, personally speaking aside from fatness something that turns me on about feedism would be the ides of pampering my partner plump, and while that could be argued to be sort of a sub/dom relationship I think there's a difference; I'm not enjoying that because I would be argueably subsrrvant to her, but the idea of having someone just give into their urges ,eating whatever they want, not caring that its making them fatter (or even enjoying that fact), all while I'm spoiling her rotten and pampering her which is only fattening her up more (basically like if the witch in Hansel and Gretel didn't plan on eating them or like the other mother in Coraline if that first time coraline met her wasn't an act to lure her into a trap)
I don't think there's much off a difference. Feedism absolutely relies on a BDSM-like relationship, but because fat people are so often maligned by society for being themselves, that relationship is more often made implicit than explicit. It's quite revealing that most fantasy scenarios written by fat fetishists tend to revolve around the transformation of the former into the latter. Your average fat fetishist is stuck in the kink closet, if you will, and they very much wish to come out. However, slamming the door wide open is for whatever reason unthinkable, so they slowly creak it open, calling themselves 'fat admirer' and so on.
I do think the lines between submission and dominance can be blurred. Like being attracted to a fat woman who's confident in her curves and will submissively eat what her feeder gives her. I also questioned if like BDSM, we should practice this kink in a safe, sane and consensual way. That we don't feed our love interests junk food all the time and get them on an exercise routine that makes them fit/fat. I see discussions in this community about how to have a woman be fat/fit.
>>23371 (OP)
Neutral: I just like fat women
Dom: I force-feed women into obesity.
Sub: Fat lady takes my money and embarrassed me in public.
I also know of feedees that can be dominant that show off how big they are, that demand that they be fed and pleasured and worshiped. They could also enjoy smooshing their partner under their fat bodies. This shows that not all feedees are submissive as they are fed by their feeder and are teased for their fatness. Though there could be scenarios that mix the confident demanding feedee with the feeder who demands she be fat and to control her diet.
Almost all BBWs and SSBBWs on feabie are not submissive. They pretend to be but their whole shtick is feederism mixed with findom. They’re bossy, demanding and emasculating to be around. They aren’t fat to comply with men’s desires, in fact the opposite. Most are angry they’re fat and taking it out on the simps.
Findom is fucking cringe
I thought about another power component to fat fetishism and feedism, confidence. That we want a partner who is confident in themselves and is proud to be fat. While there are people who write stuff about fat women who are unhappy about being fat. Isn't the idea of a fat woman who owns her plumpness beautiful? That she owns her belly, her double chin and thighs? That she sees herself as being sexy and is unafraid to show off her bod? Isn't this confidence to be with a partner who finds her sexy a sign of assertiveness?
>Is Feedism similar to BDSM

Both can end up in death if enough stuff gets shoved down her throat, so yeah.
>>23371 (OP)
Yeah there's many similarities for sure. Feeding could be submissive and dominating in either way depending on the roles of the relationship.

As a really skinny dude I tend to be into the woman being domineering and forcing me to spend as much cash as I could on feeding her just because she orders me too. The more I feed her the bigger she becomes, and therefore the stronger she is compared to frail me. And of course it makes it easier for her to squash me in any way she sees fit.
I think the feedism community could learn and grow a lot if we borrowed more from BDSM standards. That kind of environment would probably help the community to be a lot less maligned than it currently is. Stuff like aftercare and lifestyle balance are very rarely discussed. Of course other forums are probably better about that than here I’d imagine.
>They pretend to be but their whole shtick is feederism mixed with findom
Sex workers are generally immiserated given the nature of their profession; when you mix that with the high costs of maintaining a desirable level of obesity, it's really not surprising.
>They pretend to be but their whole shtick is feederism mixed with findom
Sex workers are generally immiserated given the nature of their profession; when you mix that with the high costs of maintaining a desirable level of obesity, it's really not surprising.
Perhaps like BDSM, we should work to practice our kink in a Safe, Sane and Consensual manner. Isn't that why a lot of people in these circles discuss ways to have a woman be fat/fit? How we have her mix exercise and abundant calories so she isn't constantly eating Junk food and lazing about and potentially suffering heart attacks/diabetes? We may write and enjoy fiction where women get fattened up to immobility but how many of us would actually do that in the real world? Or have our love interest be on the constant junk food diet? I think this is also why the media vilifies us, they fail to understand the difference between what we fantasize about and what we actually do in the real world. As well as going with the narrative that we are manipulative abusers who force women to sacrifice their health for our love. I also think this is why news stories with feeders focus on ones whose goals are gaining actual weight. The story about the fat/fit feeder wouldn't be as exciting as the story of the 300/400 lbs. one who wishes to continue weight gain and the male feeder who's happy to give her more food and enable her food addiction.
Sorry I meant feedees whose goals are actually weight gain, I am a little out of it mentally.

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