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hey guys, this is probably going to sound gay as shit but im looking for advice on coming out. like what kind of reactions should i expect from my friends/family if they were to find out that im attracted to larger women. looking for any insight or advice?
You don't have to say anything. Just bring a big girl home. They'll figure it out. There are some girls that, despite their attractive features, could only really be loved by an FA. So depending on how big you like them that will be apparent.
>>23362 (OP)

> like what kind of reactions should i expect from my friends/family if they were to find out that im attracted to larger women.

Accidentally told my best friend by typing into the wrong conversation window. He didn't care. A few of my other buddies found out later, again, they didn't care but they'd always crack jokes in good fun.

I told my mom after college. While she "accepted it" at the time, she clearly had problems with it for awhile, but over time stopped trying to get me to like thinner women, probably because she wants grandkids. Now she's on board with helping me get married to one.

I've told a few other people and they've been great about it.
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Pretty much all of my friends and a couple family members know. Nobody gives a shit, best man gives me crap for being into milfs.
you don't have to "come out", people will just realise you've got a type. if someone asks you directly you can just say "yes", or "usually" if you're afraid of being pegged as a fetishist. not hard
as long as you aren't coming out and saying "i want to FEED my gf until she's immobile" chances are they will literally not give a shit other than some friendly teasing. men liking bigger women is a lot more acceptable than you think
Just get fat yourself man then just act like your dating within your own league
>>23362 (OP)
Totally obvious. You host a coming out party, make a statement, speech or written, on the details - pear, apple or hourglass, round belly or double, feeder or fa, max weight, etc., does it include blueberry or inflation, etc. Optional gofund me account so they can contribute to your future feeding forays. I'll even plan your party for $200.
>>23362 (OP)

I'm with >>23363, you don't need to come out. People will see a pattern in terms of who you're dating. One fat chick... "Aw, he sees her inner beauty." Two... "Okay, that's his thing." Your preference might be a topic of conversation behind your back, but who cares? And if someone disrespects you to your face for your preference, consider putting them out of your life. They're probably toxic fuckheads in all ways.

Anyway, my experiences:

My parents figured it out pretty early, based on drawings and porn they found, women I looked at in public, and media I was into (obsessed with). The first then second fat girl I brought home sealed it. My dad teases me once in a while but not in a mean way. Like, "Hey, there's one for you" if we're out and he sees an attractive fat woman. BITD when the Clinton-Lewinsky thing was going on, he My mother has never addressed it at all. The only thing is that she used to be pretty fat-phobic but backed off with the rhetoric when I got married (to a fat woman). My sister is a cunt and I don't care what she thinks lol.

I got some shit from my friends for dating the 2nd fattest girl in high school, but they got over it when it got serious and she became part of our circle. I'm sure they roasted me behind my back but oh well. I went to a very liberal college and suddenly being an FA was to my advantage because it made me "weird" and thus interesting lol, and I had women coming to me for sex, for the first and last time in my life. Pretty cool when you're 19-20, kind of an introvert and average-looking to have a cute fat girl you barely know knock on your door, sit down on your bed, talk for 5 minutes and then basically attack you.

As an adult, or whatever I am, people who know me have probably figured it out, though I can't remember it coming up unless I initiated it in some way. I was at a party a while back and some fat celeb came up in conversation — can't remember who — and I said something like, "Well she's pretty hot" and it got quiet for about 2 seconds and then someone was like, "Oh yeah — definitely" and the conversation moved on.

So I don't hide it but I don't wear size-positive t-shirts or anything. Ultimately my preferences are private, just like if someone is into Asians or tall girls. FWIW, I live in a liberal urban enclave and I think FAism is generally perceived as feminist-friendly, as it's anti-"sizism". Little do they know we objectify as much as the next guy... lol. Also I'm older and my peer group is fattening up by the month so I think my preference is affirming for women I know who are chubbing up for the first time. Happy to provide that service.

The only person I ever "came out" to like a gay person would was my best friend, maybe 20 years ago. We were drunk and talking about women and I was beating around the bush, getting frustrated with myself. So I laid it down, that my fantasy wasn't my 200-something SO at the time, but 400, 500 lbs. He was pretty blown away — he could understand "chubby" but not super-morbidly obese. We never talked about it again except for busting my balls every once in a while, again usually if we're drinking.
>>23362 (OP)
The only person I've ever come out to are my partners. Not to tell them I like fat girls, that part is pretty obvious but just have a feedism chat when we start talking about kinks. Sometimes they're into it, sometimes they aren't, simetimes they're willing to explore it.

Imo no reason to tell people you aren't fucking what you're into. If you bring enough fat girls around they'll figure out your type. Leave it at that. If I was into bdsm I keep that shit in the bedroom too, not bc I'm ashamed, just because it my business and my partner's, no one elses.
>>23362 (OP)
Adding another post to the "why bother coming out" tally. I used to feel like I have to "come out" to people because I felt like liking fat women is something I'm "hiding". But you need to realize you don't owe anyone an explanation of your fetishes, and it's possible that the reason you feel this way is really because you've internalized that you're "hiding" something that people won't accept. In reality, your fetish is something no one will care about or even want to know.
You likely don't know your friend's fetishes nor do you want to. Your family are the people who MIGHT care since you'll be bringing home a fat wife one day, but they don't need to be told upfront. All that matters is that they come to like the wife you choose as a person. What do you really accomplish by telling people you like big women?

If your friend or your brother "came out" to you about liking redheads or femdom or something would you feel like you learned something meaningful?

Let go of the feeling that you owe anyone a confession for liking fat women. It's a totally neutral, irrelevant aspect of your personhood.
I'll add my experience with reactions: conservative father discovered a Candy Godiva video on an iPad I had as a teen. This was double coming out because I'm also a woman and my dad is a little averse to homosexuality. He asked me to delete it but it hasn't affected our relationship at all.

Most of my close friends know because we've talked about our fetishes just for the sake of sharing, and they all said it's an innocuous fetish so they don't know why I was nervous about sharing (granted, they might not know exactly how big I like them...)
I've told all my bfs as well. It was the hardest telling my current bf because one of the first things he ever told me was that his friend wrote "cringey feedism erotica" but it also gave me an easy segue haha. Everyone finds it an innocuous fetish. Good chance the friends you're coming out to have fetishes that they feel are more depraved than liking fat women.

Truly, nobody cares or actually finds this fetish weird anymore in the age of most of the population being overweight and the current cultural obsession with "thick" women. In my experience most people find a bit of fat on a woman attractive to an extent nowadays anyway (though not ssbbw territory) so no one will clutch their pearls about a guy who likes fat chicks.

sorry for blogging, trying to kill time during a meeting haha
>>23362 (OP)
I never "came out". Gonna be the umpteenth person to say this, but you really don't need to.
Pretty much everyone who knows me knows, purely because they see me dating fat girls. If they ask, I'm honest with them. The conversation rarely goes farther than that.
>like what kind of reactions should i expect from my friends/family if they were to find out that im attracted to larger women
My friends think it's weird but they seldom tease me about it. Sometimes they get curious about it and ask me questions, particularly if we're drinking. One thing I find funny is that some are jealous of me because they think it's easier for me to get laid (and maybe that's true).
My parents don't approve, but they backed off after I basically said "Look, this is my *thing*, I fuck fat girls, get over it or fuck off"
Their main concern is that they don't want me ending up as a caretaker for a morbidly obese partner, which is fair enough.
Can we make it black-tie attire? I want to show up in a three piece suit with a monocle and one of those tiny binoculars on a stick things

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