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1. What's your general advice when it comes to hooking up/dating fat Latinas?

2. What are the best places to find fat Latinas on college campuses?

3. Any advice on getting hookups with the ~30 year old Latina employees at my college? I'm a 20-year-old who likes older women. They aren't professors so it's not against the university's rules.
So you're already at a specific college and you need us to tell you where the Latinas hang out...? I'd start with a map of the campus and a pair of glasses.
I go to a huge state school, not some tiny liberal arts college where everybody knows each other.
Okay but we're here and you're there. Seems you might have the advantage. Rather than crowdsourcing, maybe take a long bike ride around campus and see what you find...?
You're right, I should just look in all 800 buildings on my campus, why didn't I think of that?
>>23349 (OP)
>What are the best places to find fat Latinas on college campuses?
Taco truck.
800 buildings, wow that's a lot. Sorry, I didn't realize you went to Imaginary University. I'd try the coffee shop.
I can't really help with your second question, but the other ones really just boil down to "Just b yourself". And if you're not latino, for the love of all that is holy, don't come off as race fetish-y towards them. More often than not, women will be put off by that.

Past that, from my own experiences, big latina women tend to be a bit "warmer" than white women in terms of personality. As far as the age gap thing you're aiming for goes, it's really hit or miss. Either women will immediately dismiss you because that's not their thing, or they'll show more interest. Unfortunately, 30's kind of a rough age for dating/hookups just because of the dating market in that age bracket. Short version, expect more rejection than normal if you're hunting down older ladies.

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