
dangerously based, oh man it feels like early 2010s twitter or /pol/ again
>>23309 (OP)

If you have to ask, then the answer is probably yes. Although if you'll be fine if you act like you have some sense.
Perhaps it's due to socio-economic reasons.
Most of the Bell Curve isn't about race, though that was the headline BITD, and why racists cling to it like a toddler to their blanket. Either way, it's a shit piece of research, which began with a hard-right agenda of eliminating social programs for the poor. If you go looking to confirm a prejudice you'll almost always succeed. It's the opposite of science.

Social-programs for the poor are bad because it keeps generations of Americans in poverty instead of being temporary as F.D.R intended. Housing in New York City has become derelict because liberal mayors like Eric Adams will not abandon the business and billionaire class to appeal to the poor. Yeah, the hard right sucks, but the hard left are making things worst by ignoring poor farmers and civil servants for shiny new toys.
The alternative is to provide nothing to the poor and let them starve in the streets. Say what you will about the center-left, at least they are willing to throw them a bone over the NIMBY right (especially the ones in Los Angeles)
The New Deal was just a business plot to avert full blown worker uprisings it ain’t that deep

So don't give retards porn and they'll die out. Got it.
Lol triggered
There’s no such thing as a hard left in burgerland
Only unironic communists say things like this
There's far left in American politics but on a global scale it's considered left of center at best. No one ever puts these things in context.
The radical left does not exist in America. The people who call themselves communist are just teachers complaining that the country's unfair. Biden is already making states mad by shifting the party away from Iowa to Georgia and South Carolina in time for the 2024 primary.
So Portland and Seattle don't exist?
It predominantly contains porn addicted black people who post on their smartphones. Figure it out yourself Jesus
People who call themselves communists are always living in three cities: Los Angeles, New York, and Washington DC. Communists want to be at the art and media capital of the world.
Black Block ANTIFA goons say otherwise
People who complain about communists usually come from states that depend on welfare from these cities. Kinda hypocritical that red states need the most socialist handouts from economically successful blue states.
They love the free market in loser states till someone with a CA or NY license plate drives up home prices.
Only unironic burgers say things like this
i remember woody guthrie and cisco, leadbelly too
dylan sang for working people and debauched college students too
Overton Window has moved so far right that many people here unironically call Biden a communist. This is a conservative politician who as senator rarely met a corporate deregulation he didn't like, and reshaped his home state as a virtual Cayman Islands within commuting distance of NYC and DC. As VP he gave white boomer credibility to an Obama admin that as part of the 2008 recovery let banks off the hook and massively advanced neoliberal economic policies favoring the investor class, at the expense of working wages and traditional savings. As president he signed off on massive govt spending, but that's not communism if the majority of the money goes into private hands, corporate and individual. The way right, left, conservative, liberal have totally lost their meaning reminds me of Orwellian newspeak, like calling North Korea a "Democratic People's Republic."
The amount of socialist lies in this thread is eye watering.
Socialism doesn't exist. Now that Warnock won the Senate for Biden, AOC has been accused of violating ethics by attending the Meta Gala with her tax the rich dress. Without the far right to fight, socialists start accusing each other of being the elite.
None of them are socialists. Jesus go ask someone from Europe to explain the word to you.
Europe is currently a far right continent. Investment bankers like Macron are not going to give up France's interest to appeal to manchildren and college kids. Even Germany is getting tired of climate activists destroying art to draw attention to global warming.
Dude ever country you mentioned has single payer healthcare.
Were you homeschooled or some gay shit? Why are you so dumb
Uh no, every country has a 6-19 week waitlist on seeing a doctor. You want to see a doctor in Cuba, you have to wait your turn. Even in North Korea, you are a wagie.
I have doctors that have zero openings until 6 months from now. You're not kidding about EVERY country having waitlists.
North Korea? As if that’s a European socialist country.
Didn’t some privately owned capitalist company in North Korea lend trump $20M?
North Korea is actually divided between wealthy and poor just like Cuba and China. Nobody is complaining about starving because the bulk goods are stocked daily. Those defectors are just wealthy residents.
Why are they all so obsessed with dicks? They talk about dicks more than asses I swear
>>23309 (OP)
I don't want to poke this shit of a topic with a stick of my own opinion, but anyway.
It all boils down to the IQ and how it correlates with the sexual preferences.
Search up the IQ distribution map and the base map of sexual preference (bust/butt).
Don't like it? You asked.
I will sweeten the pill by saying there might be exclusions from the statistics bulk.
Uh, yes. You are right, purely socio-economic factors, nothing else, really *wink wink*
But what if the genetic component largely determines those socio-economic factors?
It doesn't look like those European immigrants who settled in north America for the most part got stuck with the same "socioeconomic factors".
And the science is... what?
Playing the leftist fiddles with race denialism and other globalist civil rights agenda?
Ideally, the deurbanization would do more good than harm. But populace of those cities is rather removed (genetically, and culturally speaking) from the countryside.
Their blues would soon be as red as comrade Mao.
No, it's so far left that the public schools in merica are the grooming facilities for the disgusting leftists.
Don't tell me you're that lazy, kiwifruit

>not knowing the difference between Australia and New Zealand

And you can just say you don't have a source and you're making it up. I won't judge you.
Brits should've been more original with your flags.
Ah, and that. That map by pornhub and the IQ map by world data.info would do.
Sorry for not seeing your flag on the first try, I must apologize.

Ok, i've found some pornhub maps but they're divided into categories like anal, MILF, lesbian etc. Not bust/butt

You're going to have to link it, my friend. I'm not seeing what you're describing.
Whenever someone is too stupid to remember "Statistical outlier" I always mention two kinds of people.
Cigarette smokers who live in their 90s.
Non smokers who get lung and throat cancer in their 30s and 40s.

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