
>>23298 (OP)
>Praying this thread doesn’t end up with people moaning about her lol
It will end up like that eventually. People on this board are autistic with no social skills.

>> People on this board are autistic with no social skills.

Yet you gaslighting them isn't helping. If you would smarten up and not give them attention, then they'll back off.

>>23298 (OP)

I don't mind her, I just think she should stick to solo content and not do any collabs. Plus I get she's lonely, but feeders kill it for me too. Especially when they end up being all in the video and livestreams. Pre-Collab era GGG was her at her best, and I hope she'll go back to that.

You clearly don’t know what gaslighting means.

Stay on the subject or fuck off. Anyways, I'm ready for her to take gaining seriously again. I also wouldn't mind seeing more risque stuff from her. Eating while masturbating, dildo riding while chugging, ect.
>>23298 (OP)
>I also really don't want someone who's only interested in a small-to-ssbbw relationship, that's just weird
I take this to mean that she doesn't want to get too big, but I'm curious as to how big she'll get.
I have nothing against her personally (as in I'm sure she's a nice person) but I don't personally find her particularly attractive and her popularity has always baffled me.
I also find it very funny that people hate on her for being a "grifter" (i.e. lying about/exaggerating her gain). Pro tip, geniuses: They literally all do that.
I think she will never gain that much, but fuck man something about her is just hot. Maybe it’s her massive tits which exploded with her gain, or her gut looking firm and just stuffed until you see it in a gif. I’d love to see her balloon but I’d never pay to watch her gain and lose the same 30lbs. She’s pretty cool too, use to chat her now and then. The salt against her is hilarious, buyer beware.
Same man, no idea why she does it for me. Probably copium but she may surprise us and balloon up.
This time she means it for real!

Why is anyone still falling for this? Her peak weight already passed. She gave up. Total quitter. She'll never be more than chubby.

Not everyone likes 600lb blobs. Don't be so close minded.
Funny how its always Americans who think everyone wants to hear their shit opinions. Just don’t comment what’s the point?
it's definitely her tits for me, and like you said they exploded with her weight gain. she was really tiny when she first started. what I'd give to suck on them
She has a nice body but she looks pychotic
A walking definition of butter face

Still doing that weird eye shit. No way it's some medical conditon, it's just annoying.
Grifter eyes. She's gonna get WLS and take her story to the media about yow exploitative and predatory "feeders" are, crying all the way to the bank after having her fun.
Bro what media? Who tf cares about our little niche fetish? No one will take her seriously especially since she hasn’t had any videos (at least that I’m aware of) with an actual feeder
> No one will take her seriously especially since she hasn’t had any videos (at least that I’m aware of) with an actual feeder

And when has that ever stopped coomers from lusting after her? In fact, it's the opposite. Reiinapop was much more enjoyable before her fiance started appearing in her videos.

Same can be said with Mochii.
I rather see solo shit than some bum's arm poking from the side of the video.
No you misunderstand. She can’t “take it to the media” to call out feederism, if she’s feeding herself lmao.
July 2020 185
November 2020 201

April 10th 189
May 10th 193
June 10th 203
July 10th 215
August 10th 218
September 16th 215
October 15th 222
October 25th 226
Novevember 6th 220

August 5th 183
August 30th 202
September 5th 204
September 27th 212
December 5th 214
December 22nd 219

January 5th 223
February 5th 234

No. A hooker is someone who is hired for sex and only sex. This sounds more a fetish escort, which offers more of companionship than sex. For all we know, some wanker in the UK is paying thousands to feed her through a funnel while naked.

So best case she's getting a free vacaction and being paid thousands. Worse case she's getting a free vactation and being paid thousands to have pity sex.
I see, thanks. I wonder if there are rich feeders out there or if it's just average dydes spending mo ey they don't have
Without a license, it’s hookering.
She’s no doctor, it’s just sex work.
I like her but I feel she isn’t getting much bigger than this. If she does end up getting noticeably bigger I’ll be her damn feeder sugar daddy.
>Without a license, it’s hookering.

She's not a sex shop. That dumb UK law only affects establishments.
just noticed she took "actively gaining" off her onlyfans page.
>>26935 Of course she did. This is her pattern but some guys keep falling for it. Whether it's a well-thought out scam or just her mental illness, she's never going to put on that weight she claims to SO BADLY want to put on. It's so obvious, I don't know why others can't see it
She has a fetish for being fat and getting fatter. She does NOT, however, have a fetish for eating large amounts of food, and after a few months starts to feel exhausted. A feeder would help with that I think. Whether she can ever manage to keep a feeder I can't guess.

I suspect she'll continue to go through phases of weight gain and loss. The good news is that every time you lose and regain weight, you regain a little more, so over time, she IS going to keep getting fatter.
so the other night i was on her stream and some dude asked if he could pay her for a live weigh in. she flipped out on him and calling him a cunt (laughable) and broke down on screen accusing him of saying she was faking her gain... which he didn't say at all. but she seemed pretty guilty and it got me thinking.. she did used to always do weigh in videos. very good weigh in videos. now she just does pics and all you can see are her feet. i do think she's gaining, but i think she is inflating it a lot to compete with reina
this is very damning of her tbh
Yup, cuz she a fraud doing a good job playing suckers
What's the point in competing with reina? are women that catty they feel the need to compete with other models? lmao. also just be honest if you're not gaining it doesn't seem that hard.
models sometimes feel forced to compete with each other bc the "community" literally never stops comparing them to each other and scrutinizing every little thing they do. not as simple as "women are catty lol"
saw the stream---streams are gr8t bc of no control --- OG fan from 2016 --- the missing posts on Curvage and the posts that she writes and deletes are a gr8t insight into her life if you catch them. She is gaining ATM but was triggered by the remark and responded poorly bc of other issues.
The last thing you see before you die
Is she lost weight again?
Nah, still big but is currently kinda "phoning it in" - content comes in waves. There is a least a pic or two a day.
I think she looks great. It does feel like her subscribers get on her nerves at times which I can understand. What I like most about her content is how on the occasions she’s really in the mood to feel embarrassed or humiliated, she does it just perfectly.
I agree --- she seems to be at it again hard --- I am curious why there isn't a thread in the other forum --- was thinking of posting but wanted to check here first if this has been a problem in the past --- I wanna stay out of trouble : )
If she'd stopped doing those dumb faces, then I'd be more into her. At this point she's doing them on purpose.

>> It does feel like her subscribers get on her nerves at times which I can understand.

Still doesn't excuse her lashing out on paying customers and then having break downs over it. No one else is doing it, so she shouldn't be the exception.
Doubt it. I think she’s just kind of fucking weird.

But she has a pretty unique shape and it’s insane how much her tits have ballooned and keep growing. So I’ll probably always be a fan, not a customer since it’s always “buyer beware” with feeders/gainers, but worth following unless she stops gaining again and I’ll lose interest.
>>28863 Because you are bot. You'll never. (stay out of trouble.
b..b..but she’l never be fat she hates herself, wants to be skinny a..and she’s cringe!!1!

GGG haters seething seeing her gut grow
Idk man she's still p gross
Dece tits tho
I gotta admit, I lost hope because of those rumours. Good to see she is still gaining.
She’s really hitting that “fat Greta thunberg” kink

Y’all are disgusting, GGG is great.
She looks demon possessed and is a grifting whore with a tranny's body. She looks like a hotdog inbred with a woodchuck. Cope harder simp
See, I don't know about all that.. but she does look like she'd be sticky and smell like soup or hotdog water.
Maybe if she'd brush her hair. I dunno. She looks hella depressed and fat depressed chicks give me post nut clarity without the nut.
This is the type of person who finds Ninjah attractive lmao
It’s crazy to me that she goes around saying most women look better skinny when she looks fucking awful as a chubby girl, let alone if she ever gets fat
>>29389 My homo, those are my balls.

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