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Version 2 of a thread that got posted to elite the first time round. Who are the hottest people on Feabie, excluding models from other platforms?

OP went with EllaEats, I'm going with chubbym00 though I'm not sure she's still around.
Katerugburn. Only girl I'll ever admit to completely simping for in my Feabie days. Her private folder had a pic of her with a load on her face, grinning ear to ear, and the caption was "toaster strudel!" - the cutest thing I've ever seen tbh.

Some others; LunaLoveFood (DDLG weirdo with an insane appetite, legit 500 pound gainer who was cool as hell and used to be easy to get nudes from before she got married lol), ALittleAwkward (she quit and dumped the weight, looks like shit now, had a total bombshell bod when she was 450+), FupaTrooper (I know she modeled a little but I don't really put her in that category), BiggestMermaid (dangerously insane but had that unrepentant gainer/fat pervert persona that makes me weak in the knees), CorgiFairy (lol I mean come on if you were on feabie you slid in her DMs at least a couple times right), ColdStoneSteveAustin (lol I know I know, you guys think her sketchy Australian husband dumped her yet?)
>ALittleAwkward (she quit and dumped the weight, looks like shit now, had a total bombshell bod when she was 450+)

Just checked her instagram, it's such a fucking shame. She still has a fat face too but she's super deflated. Fucking yikes.
this is such an accurate list of names I would always hit up lmao. Fupes was the only one whose attention I could never get and Kate and I probably only talked like once or twice. I also used to Snapchat with VanillaHippo a couple years before things spun out of control for her - cool girl, much smarter than you’d think, we used to flirt a little but mostly just shot the shit about horror movies. This was before she even started modeling iirc. FatMissT also dm’d me when she was like 18 and sub-400 pounds and I blew her off because she was too young for me and seemed like an idiot. That one feels like
I turned down buying apple stock in the 80s hahaha. Feabie used to be a wild ass place
Ghadayum, may I ask you to pull up some pics if you've still got any. Ngl I ain't gonna give those fucks my phone number just to see if the cookie do crumble.
It's weird being in some discords with some of these women.

Ella's cool as, plays a ton of video games but never opened up much about her work; guess she wanted to keep childcare work away, which I get.
Corgi is nice, but she thinks she's super intelligent and knows more, which is funny because I'll do the same damn thing down to pulling books and sources and shit. Shes taken now.

As for who's the best? Man, that's hard to say because there's SO MANY great women on there. Peach is a doll, Honeywithuhtummy is hot too. There's also some other more Extreme gals on there i'm interested in.
Slowlikehoney. She never posted face pics for privacy's sake but she was gorgeous from the neck down and her erotic writing was incredible.
I get that vibe from Corgi. Person who realized in their 30s they just weren’t that interesting and started overcompensating with *~quirky~* books and music that they were still too vapid for. We used to be friends on FetLife and she’s also got a domme/mommy streak to her so that’s cool at least

Anyone remember DarthFattious? Girl couldn’t have been more basic but she once posted a status about outgrowing a measuring tape and needing to use two and I’ve used that mental image A LOT lmfao
These are the attractive people there? This is a fine list of desperate people who are easy to talk to but attractive?
I mean, yeah. I gravitate towards bigger girls, so that's a list of women I subjectively found attractive. You don't like it, go sign up and try to hit on the ones you like, chief. There's tons of frumpy 200 pound white trash fake feedees who I'm sure will pretend you're interesting or attractive if you buy them a meal!

go blow your dad
I’m betting you’re one of the women above. No hetro man thinks this way or talks this bitchy.
ColdStone furiously fatfingering a 1990s laptop powered by vegemite and fosters
Gonna throw a few curveballs here.
Had a very hard-to-explain "Girl next door" vibe to her. Had the face of a girl that was 200 pounds, despite probably being closer to 400. Ended up nuking her account some months back, wouldn't be surprised if she found someone. Also didn't completely reek of mental instability like most of the girls already mentioned.
Also nuked her account some ways back. Had about as close to a perfect SSBBW figure as you'd ever see on that site if you were into "Big everything". Unfortunately started to go off the deep end around the end of the last decade.
Wasn't on the site for very long, even on her second attempt at making an account. Also was a member of the "Big everything" category, though to a lesser extent. Was one of the relatively few cases of someone who clearly had issues, but didn't let that become justification to act like a shithead.

There was also a really cute chubby scene-type girl that was on there some years back. Don't remember what her username was, all I remember was it having "Panda" somewhere in it. Funny enough, I'm hard-pressed to think of anyone on there that's actually still active.
I think her name was SadPanda or something, she had a tumblr I followed. I'll see if I can find it.
ah, a fellow dude who actually gets in private folders. I felt like my dick was three miles long when Heather allowed me into her's but she's actually pretty liberal with it lol.

what discord(s). I'm off feabie but I still have enough friends in the scene I could probably hang in them.
it's possible she did but now she's out altogether so anything that was in there is long gone.
It wasn't. I wanna say the name was like PandamBearX or something like that.

Also, honorable mention goes to the strongfat version of Azismiss, even though she's a headcase.
Not a lot of UK representation so I'll through in my favs. CurvyLaura97, SammyBBW, B0ugie and Thiccvandyke are all hot.
azismiss is still around???
Thread is for hot people of feabie, not trans men who look like Sid from Toy Story. Azismiss gotta go.
I met some rare finds on Feabie, so I'll share a few of note.

Didn't meet her there, but we eventually crossed paths again on Feabie; if anyone knew of BananaPancakes, she was a beauty. Wasn't necessarily into feederism, but still nice, curvy, and thick in all the right places. Literally a dream.

I doubt she's there anymore, but thickthighsdarkeyes was an underrated one. She was pretty, she was kind, she was selfless. We've talked with each other for some years now; a meetup is long overdue. One of the first people I spoke to on Feabie and by far one of the best.

Lastly, I'll mention this one girl...her name's Faith. Not a BBW, but still attractive to me. Had a nice ass, some lovely eyes...and was just straight up cool. Wish we had got to exchange numbers or socials...I tried before I left Feabie, but wasn't lucky.

This is really the only thing I miss about that site/app. I feel like I met good people in the right places without really having to reach after some of the uber-popular models there who I'd have no chance in hell with.
I also remember pre-onlyfans FatMissT and it’s insane that she got so big so quickly. Human genetics are wild. It was like one day she just showed up three times the size she had been. 😂
Couple more Brits, Bigbellybridget and butterfly
I think Bigbellybridget may be at least part Irish, because both of the names she uses online are Irish. Bridget on tumblr (and feabie apparently) and Sorcha on tiktok

This is kind of off topic (and I've said it many times before) but the last time I checked there were only about a dozen Irish women on feabie, and only 3 of them had photos on their profile. I talked to two of them and they both just asked me for money lol
She could have Irish parents. Either way I wish she posted more, either on Feabie or TikTok. Tumblr I know she was scared away from. She's got so much potential and I think she's just looking for a boyfriend, which, fair. I was legit cheering for that one guy who supposedly found her on a dating app until he beta'd out.
heather used to be maaaad horny in DMs back in feabie's heyday. no nudes in my experience but she'd take the initiative and hit you up if you caught her interest.
anyone here a fan of Creetchure? I think she's great, not sure how she is to talk with though
Wish I could be lucky enough to DM with Heather like that, even now when she’s heavier than ever.
Don't get why Sorcha isn't talked more about, isn't she like 500 pounds at 21 or something.
Anyone remember castlean? Fat af, but also was smart af too. I had been chatting on and off with her on Feabie for quite some time, then she must have quit Snapchat 2 years ago and haven't been able to find her since then, either there or on Feabie
she has some public pics on her FetLife account that are prrrrrretty close to what she was DM'ing feabie dudes a couple years ago. Not fully nude but slightly more erotic and revealing than her actual modeling content. I can't remember if it was a private folder pic or one she sent me personally but I do remember a handbra pic of her that was the closest I've ever seen of her topless.
I can also verify the KateRugburn cumshot pic is super fucking hot. What a woman.
anybody ever talk to Vivacious? 600+ bedbound chick, most of her pics are from hospital rooms or I guess an assisted living type place. Seems
like an intelligent version of Echo. I sent her a couple hey how are ya DMs a year or two ago, never got much further than that.
Is that her username? I tried searching for her but no results that matched what you described.
She’s in college now for grad school or something, super smart chick but she’s laying low now

She was 100% a true death feedist tho

Damn...I was preparing to meet her some years back, and I was gonna head her way or vice versa. And I was starting to feed her more and more over the years. Makes me wish I hadn't quit Feabie for good before she left or had her number before she ditched Snapchat.
I don't remember her, anyone have pics to share?
>>23269 (OP)
It's been probably five years since I was active on there so I'm just gonna dip into the nostalgia well a bit to see if anyone else remembers them lol. There are two that I think about every now and then even if I can't remember their names.
First one was a blonde girl, about 5'8", she played rugby in college so she had this super thick build from weight lifting for a few years but had ballooned pretty significantly; she probably weighed around 260-70.
I lived in Texas at the time, which is a big fucking state for those who haven't been there, and got into a great convo with a girl who lived further south than me (maybe six hours by car). We clicked really well, she was a recent college grad like me, had hobbies, interests, and ambitions, but was a total slut for food. I mean we'd video chat sometimes and she'd order food and just go crazy.
Long story short we kept in touch when I moved for a new job but I found a girlfriend and deleted Feabie so we kinda fell off. She had my phone number and found me on IG but I was a little too paranoid to accept her request, just don't like people I've been fetish-chatting with to have access to my private life. Pussy move for sure but it is what it is.

Second is not feabie, but FF I think. Really big half-black girl from Kansas who was in cosmetology school. Her username was just MissPiggy I think. We skyped a few times, she was fun to talk to and really fucking hot, just piercing green eyes and soft all over.
Wait, you actually “feed” these women? Like you send them money hoping eventually you step up the whore/John relationship for some actual action?
I would honestly love a more on-the-record feabie hookup stories thread. I get there's some dudes in here who don't wanna out themselves but I knooooow y'all have some tales to tell.
Damn I just saw Yourfathighness deleted. Again..... shocker.. Anyone ever feed her or meet her? She was fucking huge and hot
there was this one girl on there who was super hot, gained like 50lbs over like 3 months. name changed a lot though was cakebabe then cakebitch and then bluenies was her last name
anyone know if she's still on there?

Bluenies is not on there any more.
Got with a model who was gaining and pretty big at the time. She had an abusive family, ptsd, never intended to get that big and wasn’t used to positive experiences with men.
could be literally anyone tbh
Really narrows it down, chief.

When I first started out on Feabie, yeah, but after a while I just kinda fell back on it because I just felt the odds grew against me since I was stuck in college and could only splurge but so much on some girls. If I had never gotten any farther than just to feed her, I'd have lived with that.
People fed the strays. Not the place is overrun with women faking the fetish to get free food.
Not a hookup story (I don’t live in a hotbed of feabie/bbw scene activity) but I got purple wings’ phone number off feabie years ago before she was even a model and we used to sext/fat chat a lot. She told me she used to be 2 inches taller but got so big it fucked up the curvature of her spine. Which I don’t actually believe but I respect that she came up with it lol. Girl was a fucking whale back then.
PlushSize is beautiful. Met her in person!

Hi PlushSize

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