
(4.6 MB, 360x360, scratchThatItchy.gif)
If you were a mod here, what would be the first thing you would do?

I noticed on the tits board recently there was a new mod. They've cut out most of the nonsense there. No more bumping every thread. It used to be if I hadn't looked at the board in 5 days or so that I'd have to go through all 10 pages to see if I missed something because every thread had been bumped. Now, I might have 5 or 6 pages instead. They've managed to keep things in order.

What would you do with the bumpers on other boards ( or the board of your choosing)?

What about the beggars? How would you deal with them?
>>23203 (OP)

Believe me when I tell you that you don't want to hear what I would do, starting with this thread, but I don't mind the ideas you've had so far. If anything I think you could stand to be a bit more rash in your decision-making and act a bit more hasty. It is to the benefit of everyone and I greatly appreciate it more than you will ever know.
>>23203 (OP)
> you were a mod here, what would be the first thing you would do?

Delete this thread.
My second act will be to make Kayla Paolini a mod.
My third act will be to quit.
I would immediately permaban any and every autist, retard, repeat beggar and schizo on sight. That includes Kayla Paolini
>>23203 (OP)
kill all begging threads on /inf/ number one
then get rid of any schizo comments

How would you address those who use VPNs to get around being banned?
Permaban the German idiots who call everyone a troll
i'd perhaps make a thread or board for trades. it can work with the right persons in my experience.
ban the guy who is dangerously obsessed with the Disney and Warner bros execs (why hasn't this happened yet?), ban Kayla Paolini and any mention of her, and delete every board except /bbw/, /ssbbw/, /tits/, /booty/, /gen/ and /alt/. I'm not an /alt/ guy at all so I'd appoint other mods to patrol that wasteland.
Op larping as a mod is one of the funnier things I’ve seen this morning
I mostly think /gen/ should be a free speech zone because the alternative (arbitrary moderation) is worse, but I'd make an exception for the Disney schizo spam which has really gotten out of hand. Permabanned if you post it, tempbanned if you reply to it.
>>23261 Slim chance. I proposed this about 6 years ago. A general board that you could post in even if you were banned from other boards or all boards site wide ban. I thought it may be useful especially when considering that once there is a site wide ban you can not post anywhere on the site from that IP. Anyway, They probably thought it was the worst idea in history, not that I blame them.
>>23203 (OP)
I would temp ban bumpposters without warning, this isn't 4chin where you need to bump stuff to have it seen, it just creates an illusion of activity around specific models. This is a common practice on slower boards

Remove Kayla Paolini threads, that shit belongs on kiwifarms

Ban political discussions outside /gen/
I would ban all of the "why isn't anyone talking about her" and "here's a hidden gem that nobody talks about"threads . As if this site is supposed to know about every fat woman in existence.
If it were possible definitely perma ban any and all coomer / kemono and whatever else beggars. Maybe expose their IP's so they can be sent viruses or something. I'd let all insults etc to the beggar remain. Hell, I'd probably encourage the insults and all.

I would like to see people have to share a link of content of the model they are begging for. Doesn't matter if it's a reup of stuff ( just has to be a new link of it). I just want them to share something instead of just beg all the time.

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