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I have a question, how does someone get into the big leagues, I am talking hooking up and/or dating the top tier models (or even just regular models who are/were on the scene). The Boberry’s, Roxxie’s, Adeline’s and Juicy Jackies of the world. I know all of them have partners at the moment but if they were let’s say single, where the fuck would you even start?

Considering they would be some of the most sort after women in the community, what do you need? Are these men ripped as fuck, rich, tall, handsome? Expert seducers, silver tongues? Funny as shit? Like what? What do I need to do in order to even have a shot? I want to know about the boyfriends. I heard somewhere that there is like this one guy who just fucks all of them and something about Boberry trying to get with Roxxie’s husband, lucky fuckers.

Do these people meet in person? They know someone who knows someone? Is it like nepotism? How do I join this club of elites? This “inner circle”? Is this all done online and people just move to be with them? What is up? Maybe you are someone who was with a model before, I would love to hear your thoughts

>>23013 (OP)
> how does someone get into the big leagues

Money and good connections.
This. It's a lot of luck but you need to be at an event they're going to OR already be in one of their circles to some degree. Like two degrees separation, really. If you're rich or handsome that helps but you need to be lucky enough to have an in to begin with, and that's even prior to them getting big.

Your best bet is being a human to someone up and coming and see if they pan out as a star. That BoBerry train has LONG left the station.
It’s extremely easy if you’re good looking, fit, not fucking autistic, and remotely funny, along with talking to them like a normal human being.

I’ve been with one model, not boberry tier, but still decently well known and have been with with many “tiktok/IG famous” influencers/models.

If you have to ask how, then you won’t ever do it and are probably better off never attempting. These women aren’t unicorns, just don’t be ugly and don’t talk like you’ve never seen a woman in your life.
>>23035 (Cross-thread) I believe what this man was trying to say, and do correct me if I'm wrong, was that you're going to need a BBC. Otherwise you are going to need money.
>>23013 (OP)
You message them and ask how much a "session" is don't let them fool you there fucking those guys who pay for meet ups
>good looking, fit, not fucking autistic, and remotely funny, along with talking to them like a normal human being
I cosign this accurate post (although for many in our community, points three and five are a difficult bar to clear.) These models are well known in our niche kink world, but don't let coombrain trick you into believing they're "real" celebrities, like you're fighting your way past the paparazzi to get a shot at Taylor Swift or something. Clearing your mind of this distorted perception is the first step.
To 99.99% of the world even Boberry is just a random fat woman, and off camera almost all models are just normal people living ordinary lives.
Hooking up with models isn’t much harder than hitting skinny college edu wkmen. The hardest part is getting past their expectations that it won’t be anything but a casual thing. Boyfriends need cash more than swag, but being 6ft with abs and enough cash for a trip can bag any of them.
From what I can observe a big factor to being successful is making a move at the right time and the right place. Women in general are more easygoing and receptive when they're younger and by extension women that are new to modeling. BC Aurora met her husband on Feabie and Plump Princess had relation for some time with a guy she met online that lived overseas for example. There's a window of time when they're open to things like that. The way JJ met her BF is quite funny, she asked on Tumblr if someone around her city could loan her Harry Potter books, he came over and they're still together to this day. He perplexingly isn't a feeder according to her while he's clearly into her gain, so he's able to constrain his objectifying side which prolly increases his attractiveness to her. In the case of the Boberry tho, i'd wager her BF is rich on top of being handsome.
Why models specifically? I guarantee there are 100s of 1,000s of women who look like your favorite SSBBW web model and yet -aren't- being hit on 24/7 by love-struck FAs.

It might not be politically correct to say so, but having a niche preference like morbid obesity is a huge (npi) advantage in the dating game. There are a lot more of them than there are of us; it's like being the only woman on a long-haul fishing trawler.

Contrast this with a guy who'd like to hook up with a famous mainstream model but will "settle" for a woman who just looks like one. He might not need connections, but he'd still better have some killer combination of looks, game, money, etc.

Meanwhile, if all you want is a gorgeous SSBBW all you have to have are the basics, stuff the other commenters mentioned like hygiene, social skills, the ability to make a living, and a little luck and chemistry.
Money and looks, just have to be their type and have the money to fund their lifestyle
Echoing the sentiment in this thread that there's hundreds of attractive fatties in your area and being willing to give them the time of day gives you an edge. If you want models specifically, who know they're desired goods, you'll need to be attractive, fit more often than not, actually engaging to talk to, rich, or any combination of at least three.
I have three model hookups (including one who I casually dated for a while before moving) under my belt and my best advice would be not to ask bbwchan for advice about it. but I would echo the sentiment that hooking up with civilian fat women is just as fulfilling and will likely cause you a lot less stress. the first time I boinked an "internet famous" fat girl I put her on way too much of a pedestal and tried too hard to impress her. we had fun but I think she knew I was straining a little. nowadays I have a 400 pound fuckbuddy from Hinge who I am slowly and gently introducing feedism to and I'm having way more fun than I ever did with models.

Pics or larp
A few months ago I had been talking to a very popular model. Started on feabie with chatting, joking around, etc, and eventually got her snapchat. We did speak about traveling to meet each other, but then after a while things started to fizzle and she eventually ghosted me. This is because she literally has a harem of men that she can use for attention, and I was just one of them. So the risk with aiming for someone popular is that you are essentially worth nothing to her, while she is worth everything to you. Seems wiser to aim for someone normal. Anyway, my advice is: be funny, be lucky, and don't be creepy/weird.

>>A few months ago I had been talking to a very popular model

Everytime I see this, I know the person's lying. What's the point of not saying her name when she ghosted you months ago? It's not like she'll find out who's been talking shit about her on a chan board.
I am not lying, but I don't care if you believe me or not. I am not mentioning her name because I want to exhibit a modicum of discretion, and not go running to bbw-chan to anonymously seethe like an incel about this chick who ghosted me. I also don't need the validation of the other coomers on this board.

That's a long way of saying that you lied. You were better off not saying anything at all if you're not even going to show any proof.
Acting like a man if honor on a pornsite.
The unfortunate answer, from a retired veteran of the scene who experienced more than his fair share of good fortune, is that if you need to ask this question, on this forum of all places, it's never going to happen. You've either got it or you don't. Nobody can draw you a map.
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As you get older, bragging in detail to strangers about a chick you fucked doesn't give your brain the same kind of rush anymore as it did in your teens and twenties, unless your toxic mindset steers your life so hard that you never succeed in putting any reins on your insecurities.

The fact that you find it so unbelievable that an anon on a fucking fatty porn board might have scored but doesn't feel like elaborating, speaks volumes of your real life confidence levels lol
Avery was an easy bang, she’d go on feabie looking for random dick all the time. It just takes a little luck and being good looking.
As someone who has been acquainted to quite a few of the OG well known bbw's (Jackie, Roxxie, Jae etc), dated one of the OG models and has drawn a few models into doing modelling including currently a young ssbbw new on the scene, I can only say that I agree with the sentiment where:
- you don't act autistic when you approach them and later on
- you approach them like they're human, not something you jerk it to
- you show interest in what they say
- you are reliable and don't break their trust
- you being funny helps
- you looking half way decent helps
You know, basically good advice for dating anyone really.
Most important when dating a model:
- don't put them on a pedestal because of the fact they're a model. They're a human (your gf) first, ssbbw model second

Also, you need to be okay with:
- the thought of tens of thousands of men beating their junk to her. Though this is half the fun, they're thinking it, you're doing it.
- she talks to these men occasionally through email, social media etc. Danger alert, you probably approached her in similar fashion.
- you're going to be the camera man when doing a shopping video for example, sometimes it'll get risqué. Don't worry, dropping your pants or exposing your sweater meat in aisle 9 is completely normal.
- she will be recognized eventually and some men don't have filters between their brain, mouth and dick.
- they eat alot of McDonald's ie. so do you. Seriously, you'll easily gain weight. But then you can start your own onlyfans page for all the gay chubby chasers out there as a side gig.
- being annoyed where you know they can pull in even more money if they put in even 10% more effort but they're lazy as fuck.
- they're lazy as fuck. Not being disrespectful, it's just a fact of life. She didn't get to be 500 lbs by being an active 'grab life by the horns' trailblazing kind of gal. This translates into every aspect of your lives. Except eating.

And then there's all the normal stuff that comes with dating (ss)bbws you have to deal with like not fitting in chairs, booths, cars, planes, clothes, showers, etc. Your couch and mattress and anything else her weight will sit on will develop a distinct sink hole on her side. Get AC for in the house, or you'll end up with 500 pounds of sweat on the couch. Also try not to have stairs in your house, stairs are her enemy. Walking major distances is out. Hell, even smaller distances. Running from disaster like in the movies is a pipe dream, just give up and die already. You might be able to save yourself if you boot it out of there solo. Hygiene is important, if you're lucky she realizes that too and doesn't collect a variety of Swiss cheese between her folds. Your water usage will stay about the same, she takes baths with little water because the bath is mostly filled with huge legs, but she does do alot more laundry loads because all her clothes are big as fuck and need to be changed often.
Swimming is fun, until the first kid at the pool says 'Hey lady, you're fat as fuck' and your access to the pool is revoked because apparently it's not okay to waterboard mouthy kids defending your girls honor.
Sex is interesting as a workout, because you'll have to do the majority of the work. If you think she can ride you until completion, think again. Plus, you better have a monster of a pork sword to be able to thrust deep into all dat ass. She should be able to suck a tennis ball through a garden hose, so that's a plus, though she gets out of breath easily, bit of a mixed bag.
And there's a lot more you'll have to contend with.

Anyway, you'll just end up traumatized like me, so just find yourself a nice 300 pound girl who is still semi active, can still fit most places and is more than fat enough to service your sexual urges. Makes your life a hell of a lot easier.
Haha a good read. What was the most traumatising part though I'm curious?
I dated a certain model with a French sounding name some time ago. Won’t go into certain details so she won’t know it’s me lol but I’ll start off with the obvious. I met her on Feabie and I approached her as you would anyone on tinder/hinge/etc, aka approached her kindly and not like a hog sized fetish machine. We hit it off and vibed for about 3 months. Some of the highs included finally realizing a lot of my fetish fantasies with her that she’s very very into and shows in her quirky content. She was really sweet and a nice gal. I enjoyed my time with her but I ended it for a couple of reasons. First off, it’s expensive dating an ssbbw, dates are astronomically more expensive and you have to Uber everywhere if you live in a big city like I do. I always had to call ahead to make sure she fit places to not make a scene and make her feel bad. The stares and jokes got unbearable while going out, she would just want to stay home and eat while I always like to go out and socialize. I hate to say it but given my profession I have to keep a certain image so I couldn’t bring her around friends and colleagues and I hated being pretty much stuck to being home, feeding, and sex; it all sounds good and fun until that’s all she wants to do. There was also a 10 year difference with me being the younger one. Had to end it and found me a beautiful skinny girl who wants to go out and do things and is active in life. I wish you could have an Ssbbw with the mobility of a 120 pounder, but you can’t have everything in life. I implore everyone to go out and shoot your shot, but unless you live a sedentary lifestyle, it’ll get tiring eventually. Glad I tried it, but I’ll stick to 250 and below mainly for lifestyle reasons.
Only problem is that random obese women might not be as receptive to feeder stuff and the like. But you're still right.
>random obese women

are obese because they already have a life of their own going for them. Someday we will all be fat. The requirement is finding your soulmate and starting a family together or going to university to pursue a career. You will get fat unless you stay single.

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