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I've been wondering how much people pay every month/year in order to feed models that are around 500lbs, more or less. If someone is, say, a software engineer, how much money a month would you assume that they need to spend in order to feed someone that weight? I am aware of needing to pay for their other needs, gifts, and so on, but those aren't a big deal. I am mainly focusing on the least and most people usually pay for things like food, clothing for plus sized people, and other possible essentials.
>If someone is, say, a software engineer...

So do you think software engineers have to pay a different amount of money than say, a mechanic?

What are you trying to get out of this? People will have wildly varying costs depending on a million different variables. Just pic a number from $1 to $100,000 a month and that's about as accurate as it gets.
>>22914 Nah, It's just the type of work I'll be doing in the future. Sorry if I made it confusing. I probably should of clarified I'm interested in the responder's estimated price they would have to pay based on where they live. Sorry.
My feedee costs me $6,251.79 per month, give or take. Mostly give, because I'm, like, a feeder.
>>22916 What types of foods do you usually buy them?
$200 a day sounds high. Like 3-4x higher than reasonable.
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If you have a feedee super dedicated to the lifestyle and the love of adipose, she should be fine stuffing herself on dense staple foods. Make literal riceballs soaked in oil or something like they do in that Northwest African tribal culture, like up to 400 calories a pop. Their women become meatballs while in relative extreme poverty. Step it up son.

Are you buying her lobster every day or something? You're doing something wrong when you spend more on food that what most people earn in a month, yet they're gaining just as much weight.


Exactly. Rice, potatoes, and beans are all you need and they're not only dirt cheap, but are versatile for almost every meal you can think of.
"$6,251.79 per month" guy here to let you know I was yanking your chain. It was such a subjective and odd query I figured I'd have some fun with it. I thought maybe putting out such a specific figure, down to the cent, would clue y'alls in but oops, the internet.

FWIW my wife isn't a feedee and we spend around $1,200 a month on groceries and maybe another $1,000 on takeout and eating out. I'm a cook and like to buy high-quality ingredients, and restaurants are expensive around here (outer NYC), but I imagine if you lived somewhere cheaper (which is most of the US, though likely not Europe), and stuck to cheap starches, fast food, and processed shit you could fatten your lady up nicely on the same budget.
OP country flag checks out for a monetary thread
> but I imagine if you lived somewhere cheaper (which is most of the US, though likely not Europe), and stuck to cheap starches, fast food, and processed shit you could fatten your lady up nicely on the same budget.

Or just don't buy the expensive shit and cut back on takeout. You're not paying for higher-quality ingredients, you're paying for a label. I'm suprised that a chef is still falling for that B.S
Fast food is fucking expensive. There is an old joke about children from low class neighborhoods being fed mcdonalds every single night because even though they get coupons for groceries because they have single mothers which come home from work too tired to cook diner for their kids. I have seen examples of this in reality however in my home "fast food" restaurants were a delight and a treat because they were so expensive. Even back then. When you're young especially you don't care for fine dining so I loved jack in the box, white castle, and many others with burger king and sonics being my faves, but chukee cheese and shit like that was also cool. But the prices these days are rediculous. I stopped going to mcdonalds when they made the cheeseburger the same price as the double cheeseburger and made the double cheeseburger more expensive. Fuck that. That was basicly all I ate there. Mcdonalds has a history of fucking up and taking out items from the menus; items that end up being the only thing I enjoy from that restaurant. Like for example the pineapple sundae which was probably my favorite thing in this stupid fucking gay Earth (besides beautiful, young vagina, obviously.) One time I poured pineapple sundae on my gf's vagina before devouring it. She said it was the most intense orgasm of her life and after that day she treated me like a king she literally called me "my king". We're not together anymore but fuck her.
>young vagina
Uh oh...
>>23017 So you prefer old vagina? Yeah old vagina is pretty good too, to be fair, but if I had to make a choice I would say young vagina is the best. They sell these pills now for old ladies though that makes their vagina wet. They also have surgeries that can make a woman a virgin again so that you can "pop her cherry" again. However, as far as vaginas go, if I had to pick one over the other then yeah young vagina is the best, but I'll admit that it's a good thing that we don't have to pick, and if you can get both at the same time then you're doing it right, but please just let her go.
Anyways..... don't be like the New York guy and waste money on expensive ingredients or takeout food that won't fill you up. Even with basic ass ingredients you can make a variety of meals that'll last you the entire week.
You don't really need a lot of money
Processed foods and food that is high in carbs and/or sugar is usually very cheap and nothing fancy
Just get some takeaway meals as well (which is probably the more expensive part, but still nothing overwhelming) and some treats like sweets, chips and so on and let the magic happen

Don't even have to do anything, just watch her eat her favorite things and see her grow over the years
If you're lucky you'll see her in the 400s after some time ;)

As a truck driver with 2.6k € a months I don't feel like I ever lost money and all I had to do was watch my gf grow from 330 lbs when we first met to about 420 lbs now after 5 years with getting her some extra treats now and then and her eating the things mentioned above all by herself..
I’m not a chef, but a better than average, avid cook who happens to know a few chefs and had a longtime freelance gig in the industry, and you’re half right. Sometimes it is just a label, but item for item, the better-sourced, less-processed and thus more expensive stuff gives better results. At least in terms of taste… if the goal is fattening someone up on a budget, run in the opposite direction.
Actually more socialist than any country in Europe, and the cheapest, most money-obsessed mfers I’ve ever dealt with are Arabs.

Ehh, when it gets to the point when you're spending more than $24000 a year just to have a slightly better dinner, there's a lot more to be desired.
A significantly better dinner and every other meal, and that number includes eating out. If you feel less than 1/5 of our combined income is too much to spend on food you're really in the wrong thread anyway.

It's not all about you and your spending habits numb-nuts. Quit getting defensive just because you waste money on ingredients you can do without.

Then again, self-proclaim chef and pissy attitude goes together.
Explicitly said I wasn't a chef and this is literally a thread about the cost of food but ok, I won't get defensive. Please rage about my food budget that has zero to do with your life like the angry weirdo you are.

>>Explicitly said I wasn't a chef

>>I'm a cook

So you're a step below one and still a douchebag. Gotcha.
I bet you'd love me if you let me chef for you.

I rather love myself and cook my own food.
Good thing because I doubt you have a choice in either matter.

How about shutting the fuck up and get back on topic?

Anyways..... I spend about $300 a month on food. I keep it cheap and cost effective. SamsClub (which is just like Costco) is your best friend and nothing beats buying in bulk. Especially the giant bags of Doritos that dwarfs anything else you find in other stores. The membership fee is ass tho, but that's the price to pay if you want to bulk up and not waste money on tiny portion sizes.
Say you're white trash without saying you're white trash.

Don't be mad cause I buy the Mega sized bags of Doritos, while your broke ass shops at Walmart.
No, I'm the not broke but far from rich guy who got yelled at for spending $250/week at TJs/Whole Foods.
Bad idea. Fat is fat, 100 kc a tablespoon whether it's lard or olive oil. So shit like palm oil won't fatten you up faster than healthier alternatives but will greatly increase your risk for cancer and heart disease.

Thing is, some seed oils are cheaper than any of the "healthy" options and all of them can handle high temps without breaking down. This is a factor if you're doing a lot of deep frying, particularly if you're on a budget. The only "healthy" oil I know that can go to very high temps is peanut, which isn't crazy expensive* but is gonna run you 2x+ more than canola. So maybe make an exception with deep frying. Anyway if you're deep frying "health" has already left the building.

Fun fact: There's no such thing as a "canola." Canola oil is from rapeseed, thus the rebranding.

(* Based on US prices. I have no idea what the relative costs are in the UK or anywhere else.)
im a feedee and spend about $2000 a month on food, but a lot of that is takeout. Not a chef guy is right, things being tasty and high quality is important. if i had to eat rice and beans more than once a week i would find a different feeder with more money
my feeder bf has just informed i spent like $4k-$6k of his money every month on doordash lmao
So what are the healthiest things to pack on fat?
>>25940 Grease and other processed trans fats.
>>25940 And it has to be in excess so that the body doesn'tburn it and instead stores it as fat.

>> i spent like $4k-$6k of his money every month on doordash lmao

You'd better be giving him the best head he's ever had for that much. Also that means both of you can't cook.
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i mean why put in time and effort cooking when kuality butter laden restaurant foods are just a tap away? if i'm becoming a landwhale best believe every bite will be worth it.

Because you can cook bigger servings than what you'll get from any resturant. The guy is already spending $4k a month to feed your lard ass. The least you can do is buy a cookbook.
we are well off enough that 4k is a relatively minute bit of disposable income so i wholeheartedly recommend the infinite takeout budget method for all the generous pampering feeders out there, especially those who are too busy with work/school to consistently prepare massive portions of foods themselves
The Canadian is wrong; could be brain frostbite. Best way to pack on weight is mixing a lot of simple carbs (starches like bread, rice, pasta, etc) with healthy fats, which includes animal fat (don't believe govt/pharma BS about cholesterol — there's no scientific proof animal fat raises LDL levels by itself). Mind you, this isn't healthy — "healthy" weight gain is impossible. But not openly toxic like pumping yourself with ultra-processed fat, or HFCS for that matter.
>especially those who are too busy with work/school to consistently prepare massive portions of foods themselves

People who are too busy with work/school aren't eating $4K of food per month. Quit bullshitting.
> expecting a feedee to cook for herself

cringe tbh
i mean 4k of say mcdonalds and other cheap fast food would be a lot but 4k worth of delivery from mostly mid to high price range restaurants in a part of the us with a high cost of living is like 2-3 meals a day :thonk:
Yeah, as a resident of a high-COL part of the country with lots of good food options, these numbers check out to me, if you ate non-chain takeout for every meal.

I want to believe that your story is true. The life I could have led if I hadn't wanted kids lol
it's degenerate hedonism at it's finest. my most beloved pastime is getting stoned and ordering all the carb and fat heavy delicacies my cravings desire. i'll usually get entrees from two different places for one meal plus an occasional treat from a dessert shop. knowing that my boyfriend not only enables but encourages this behavior out of me makes it even better. i'm basically living the life that little deviantart-lurking me would fantasize about these days
Please prove you're real or at least tell us a story that an RPing guy couldn't easily come up with, from your experience as a presumably autistic woman
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would a larping man have an overgrown manicure like THIS?!?! alas the burden of proof that comes with being a woman on a bbw fetish chan forum...
as you can see im nowhere near ssbbw status as the thread title suggests but i've leaped from 120 to 150 since starting my takeout feedee diet in oct. kinda had to slow the gains because my family's disapproval at me getting fat is cockblocking me ;-;

>> expecting a feedee to cook for herself

Go back to living off of tv dinners and energy drinks rock dweller.

So you've spent $12k for food in 3 months and only gained 30 pounds? Again, bullshit when you've could've gotten better results from eating nothing but beans, rice, and slamming gain shakes.
doesn't sound very gourmandpilled bleh
Please tell me your Tumblr or Twitter or whatever so I can be your superior bf. I'm not joking :3 I'll help you get over your family and be what you were meant to be. Plus I'm intellectual not another coomer. You posted your body on here already!

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