
(157 KB, 866x1390, nrdcs-night-of-comedy-benefit-red-carpet-arrivals-featuring-pam-zaslavdavid-ENRWFG.jpg)
Read this and share it with your friends.

Parasite detected at N 40° 44' 15.605" W 73° 59' 18.228".

Subject is aged 62.

He is wanted by the authorities for:
- Lying about viewership to shareholders.
- Exploiting AND molesting children for nearly a decade with Toddlers & Tiaras (he even has the face of a registered sex offender).
- Exploiting obese people with a toxic "body positivity" message for easy bucks.
- Cancelling good shows and dismissing them as tax write-offs.
- Harassing, drugging and hanging out with 10 underage girls.
- Kicking puppies to later run them over with his car.
- Used multiple raciar slurs behind closed doors.
- Killed a newborn baby.
- Abandoned some of his sons for no good reason.
- Brainwashed children into thinking pedophillia is right.

And if you're asking, it's all real.


No one bat an eye for all this...until now.

Justice must be brought up IMMEDIATELY.

Report this to the authorities immediately.

The world is better off without David Zaslav.

He's better off behind bars.

Don't hesistate OR procastinate, REPORT IT NOW.

Fucking hell, get a hobby.
You sound like a demented nut. Twisted sick fuck.
I don’t even need to fact check him because he is clearly an idiot.
Are there any mods on this site to stop this? I’m looking to bust a nut not read schizoposts
Kisame here. Don't worry, I voted for Hochul and she won to keep our the crazies.
You're beautiful
>>22869 (OP)
This guy reminds me of 9/11 Truthers. There was a discussion to be had about US involvement in the Middle East, why we were so unprepared after many previous attacks, and why we were backdoor enabling Islamic extremism via close relationships with nightmare regimes like Saudi Arabia. But soon anyone who questioned the US government's motives or actions were lumped in with the nutballs jibbering about crisis actors, holographic airplanes, and JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS. We were neutered, and thus the near-unanimous support for the insane and disastrous 2003 Iraq invasion.

Similarly, I do feel it's a bad thing having one company control so much media, however superficially liberal/diversity-social justice minded and "family friendly", and maybe it's time for the justice dept to step in and do a little monopoly busting. But now anyone who Disney's primacy is aligned with, well, this dude.

Like the Truthers, this dude and others like him are harming their own cause immeasurably. Maybe in both cases there's a secret plan to neuter dissent by promoting the most batshit extreme as the voice of the opposition... a conspiracy lol.
Republicans lost the senate and the house because conservatives could not sell their vanity press. I argue that Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro damaged social conservatism than Trump did by copying the religious right without doing anything new.
I don't know what you mean by vanity press (which I understand to be a publisher you pay to print your book) but 90% of this country is on the brink of not being able to afford to live and the economic forecast is as scary as it's been in my (long) lifetime. Biden is historically unpopular, with cause. This should have been a blowout to make 1994 and 2010 look like, well, yesterday. That the Republicans don't have veto/filibuster-proof majorities as we speak proves they're actually in bigger disarray than the Democrats, which is saying something.

For various reasons I don't think any of those four guys are consequential to elections. We're still basically 45-45 hard Red and Blue in this country, as always, and we ingest our media and digest our cherry-picked news and distorted analyses accordingly. The bottom line however is that Trump is toxic to a lot of that 10% wedge that actually decides elections. This in a way Republicans can't see, or won't acknowledge because they're afraid of him (or rather, his cult), and they blew it accordingly.

I almost literally grew up with Trump, in that I've watched him since he was edging into his dad's business in the 80s. The one consistent lesson, with all his ups and downs, is that he sucks people in with his golden bullshit and then shits them out in far worse shape. Despite him being a hometown boy, there's a reason New Yorkers are the biggest Trump haters in the country and that's because a) we know him best, and b) we can spot a conman a mile away.
I disagree with this assessment. Republicans did well in the house by focusing on local issues. The party lost the senate because Pennsylvania is tired of Toomey-era Republicanism, New Hampshire wants country club conservatives, and Colorado wants their weed. Another problem is that voters hate Mitch McConnell and Lindsay Graham with their brand of fiscal/social conservatism. Democrats also lost suburban districts in New York because people don't care for New York City. Sure, Manhattan has Broadway shows, comedy clubs, and restaurants, but the voters cannot afford them. The press tends to omit that New Yorkers flat out hate D.C liberals for being snobs who don't know when to lighten up. Joe Biden is more popular in the Philadelphia-Delaware metro area, which is why Fetterman won.

By vanity press I meant that Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and Fox Sports are owned by the same tycoon, but nobody in New York consumes Rupert Murdoch's products. Despite shilling for Ron Desantis, the governor of Flordia is more unpopular than Trump cause he can destroy minority districts and bully the gays. So while Trump is a con artist, Desantis is worst cause he's gonna turn conservatives against Fox News once they are insufficiently conservative. As for Democrats, the DNC and DCCC is slowly becoming the party of senior citizens. New York is fun when Democrats are young, but not so much when they are old, fat, and need to climb the stairs of the subway station.
I was waiting for this wrong take. Everything about this was incorrect, as if the correct assessment was run through Google Translate a few times then put back into English.

Republicans only did as well as they did because the midterm elections are never in the President's party's favor. Democrats massively outperformed because enough fanatical Republicans were running to spark turnout to stop them. Republicans did poorly across the US EXCEPT in New York, as Hochul was a weak candidate and people are upset with Cuomo's brand of politics - but also the NY DNC takes NY for granted, big time. You almost never hear about Democrats running in districts outside of NY - frankly the redistricting didn't help things.

Fetterman was a better candidate, period. He and Shapiro carried each other. Oz was a snake in the grass. Biden might still have popularity but not enough for anyone to want to support him further (exit polls tell us only 25% would want him to run for a second term). Colorado already HAS their weed, they're just sick of having CO-3 be represented by someone so wholly unqualified.

And enough with this "Democrats are the part of old people". Where the hell in your worldview does Gen Z being overwhelmingly blue fit in? They hate Trump, they hate having abortion taken away, a fair amount of them have experienced a shooting in their school and see the 2A performative theater from elected officials for what it is. The future isn't red and this red trickle in what should have been a lay-up proves it.
Not my fault white people have economic anxiety. If you bother to look at the map for midterms, Democrats are concentrated in urban areas and are losing suburban districts. Gen Z went for Ron Desantis and Republicans because without the smoke and mirrors, the DNC and DCCC are run boomers. Sean Patrick Maloney, the DCCC chairman lost his seat to a Trump Republican because he kept sucking up to Washington. It also doesn't matter if Boebert loses to weed man because Gaetz, Greene overperform in their districts and Republicans still maintain their majority. I bother to interact with young people and none of them like Joe Biden enough to vote for him. Progressives are pleading with Joe to not run in 2024 so they can have power.

And holy shit you fetter drones are funny. All you are doing is continuing the time honored tradition of elder abuse at Capitol Hill. Manchin and Sinema aren't going to bend the knee and give up their coal just so weed man can shout MAGA man. All that media hype is just a distraction from the erosion of support for Obama Democrats and their grift, and that Democrats are becoming a party of senior citizens. Look, I back blue too but, Democrats are on borrowed time.
Buddy, Democrats might be on borrowed time but Republicans are offering NOTHING to young voters. That's why young people are still voting blue. The alternative doesn't exist. Saying Greene is outperforming in her district is like bragging a being the best swimmer in the kiddie pool. Fetterman is appealing to the future of the party and him winning is nothing short of a good sign - at least he's not 80. I want the old people out of DC too. Bottom line since Trump's picks sunk Republican's chances of a blowout we'll be seeing less Trump fear mongering from the Dem playbook.
Democrats need the youth the same way a pedophile needs a preteen. The youth hates Democrats and see Biden as an out of touch elitist. Sure Lebron James, T.I. and Dave Chappelle votes blue, but many celebrities live in red states cause they can't handle getting criticized. The best way I can describe Democrats is that the party lacks ambition to change. They are the party of Lord and vassal.
Again, you're missing the point. Democrats at the top and the youth might be at odds (which even then might not be as drastic as you are making it out to be), but the alternative holds nothing for them. Even sitting out an election, as it's been made apparent to the youth, harbors bad consequences for them. So they're voting blue for damage control, not as a love letter.
The funny part is that I don't 100% disagree with this assessment. That's why I said the Republicans are in disarray — their coalition held because Trump could put asses in seats and energize a solid base. The country club bitched and moaned but then went along for the ride.

I feel like it's an "and also" to my take, because it's true that a lot of candidates from both parties did best when they ignored Trump as much as possible and focused on the local. Like, what politicians are supposed to do. Bottom line is that Trump's endorsements turned out to be useless and worse. Speaking of Murdoch media, even the NY Post is blaming him. He survived Jan. 6 but I think this is way worse because he's not holding up his end, which is putting asses in seats.

On the local note, this is no time for Dems to crow, either, because Hochul's squeaker should have been a total rout — like 70-30, as with past extremist Republicans like Palladino. You're right that NYC is becoming a weird outlier of rich and poor and nothing else. Albany's policies all seem geared to help one or the other, no one in between, and because of sheer population NYC and its interests dominates the assembly and senate.

I can't really speak for PA, because I don't know the demographics and politics there. I liked Fetterman because he seems like a populist in the best sense though I think he should have bailed after the stroke. I thought any D who didn't have a stroke could have beaten Oz and the seat was too important. Oh well, glad he won.

As for DeSantis, I suspect he's just too extreme to win a country-wide election, not because he's unhinged and bigoted like Trump, but strictly on policy. If he's for real about running in 2024, expect him to moderate like crazy, as with the other hardcore social conservative candidates. Of course a lot can happen in 2 years, as we've seen...
Correct, but Dem voters are generally trending older and Republican voters are trending younger. Dems keep telling themselves progressives can't win, after they kneecap them in the primaries, but energizing social and economic justice-minded under-30s is the only way they're going to reverse that. They worry they're alienating soccer moms and blue collars with prog talk but when suburban parents can't afford to pay the fees for the soccer league and the factory guys are on food stamps, they'll vote for the party that says they'll make their lives better and mean it.
I actually work with the youth in the suburbs. Many of them get good grades in school, studying health care or finance, and are overworked because the elderly and suburbanites demand their food in 20 minutes or less. Young people want to conserve the local parks, go to the theaters, or hang out with their friends.They tend to be more populist and progressive. Less than a day after losing the surburbs, Sean Patrick Maloney blamed Hochul for their loss, and AOC blamed party leader Jay Jacobs. Hochul thinks they are retarded and I agree. She got the Grand Central operating LIRR, she's fixing Penn Station, and she wants to enact congestion pricing. Compare that with Eric Adams blowing taxpayer funds on Hoovervilles for migrants on Randalls Island right off the RFK Bridge because he didn't want it to strain city services. I rather take Hochul over NYC civil servants.

Republicans are effective at brutal Stasi like tactics when they feel like it. Kemp won reelection by destroying Perdue's finances, then demolish him in debates. Then he destroyed Stacy Abrams enough to win by a bigger margin and carry Herschel Walker to runoff. arrakhan look normal. Then there's rumors that Kevin McCarthy tanked Madison Crawthorn's bid because he was too extreme and treated his aides like garbage. Ron DeSantis also brutalized Charlie Crist in such a way that Democrats will never win Florida unless they take over the press or media. Lastly, Pennsylvania Republicans lost because Mastarino and Barnette were spotted at the capital on 1/6 participating in the riots. Oz won because he's pretty much lame suburban dad. I don't know what drugs these Republicans were on but Oprah sponsoring an agent of Turkey and Islamic Fundamentalism sounded like the plot of Call of Duty. Oz lost because Mastarino was a Mennonite, there are loads of Amish people in PA who flat out hate social security and modernity to live peaceful lives, they're nice people but they tend to be Trump Republicans. Fetterman is more popular in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, allowing him to net the win.
I'm just eager for hyper inflation. With no way to afford anything, people are going to resort to force to take it. Crime is already on the rise, and these are crimes that have been reported. Where there's smoke, there's fire. And to think policies to remain lenient on crime or enact welfare for able citizens is ludicrous. There should have been a red wave, but I'm sure the reason why we didn't have it is because of absentee ballots. If you expect me to believe a vote cast in the mail is legitimate, then you're more crazy than I am. Yet, I'm not surprised. How eles would identify theft be capable of ruining someone's life? It's just shooting first and asking questions later. Even if those answers amount to an answer someone living in a bubble would want to hear. From ballots stolen from senior centers to ballots addressed to vacant lots, there's no way we as a country can trust our democratic election system, unless every single person votes. If you don't believe in secrets and are confident in transparency, you should buy a beach front property on little Saint James Island. Me? I'm going to continue growing my own food, making my own gas, and pouring bullets into targets at my local gun range. Why? In case you haven't figured out yet, I'm republican.
I doubt this because one of my managers are on food stamps, and I live between two Social Security buildings. The waits to meet a person who can help you with your case are long because the hours are 9 to 5 during weekdays. Republicans are losing because seniors favor the mail in ballots cause it is easier for them to do. Another thing people are not getting is that young people flat out hate conservatives like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Candence Owens, and Nick Fuentes. They like Trump because he gave them stimulus checks during the pandemic, but Biden put halt on those because he thinks Americans don't want handouts and want to work 80 hours a day. As for crime, it is not as high as conservatives make it out to be.
Madison Cawthorn was a full-on pariah because he started blabbing about what goes on behind closed doors at Republican parties, which is when all that scandalous shit came out about him. There was literally no recovering from that. His policies had nothing to do with it - hell if anything he's in line with what Republicans want nowadays.
bro how are you making your own gas??

anyways i’m growing my own weed so we got something in common
the only republican i think was ever worth a shit was a TR cause he busted up a few monopolies, made a few parks
Funny, when the 2010 Tea Party massacre happened, and Trump won 6 years later, I didn't assume voting no longer works because I didn't like the results. Just that the other side didn't deliver the goods. A dozen bipartisan investigations over the past 20 years turned up a sub-negligible amount of vote fraud. If you dig deep enough, sure, you'll find -a few- ballots stolen from a senior center, or addressed to vacant lots, but that's not why The Red Wave didn't happen. There's no smoke, there's no fire — both parties admitted it after a dozen investigations. It's because your party was either conned or cowed by a guy who's fucked up every business and fucked over every person he's ever met. Now it's your turn, sucker. And don't bother telling me Democrats suck too. I know it and accept it, which is what makes me different. Rather than your cringy Joker posturing (I JUST WANT TO WATCH THE WORLD BURN! MORE HOT POCKETS MA!), get in tune with reality. The more voters we have in this country who do, the better off we'll be, whatever their ideology.
90% of me knows he was talking shit because he's a rich little bitch coddled by his parents and then considered a saint for getting himself crippled, who then got frustrated by actions=consequences, plus he's brain damaged*, but 10% so wants to believe he really did see Mitch McConnell in full-leather gear, balls-deep in a hooker's ass while snorting blow off her back.

(* "During the fall 2016 semester, Cawthorn attended Patrick Henry College, studying political science, but earned mostly D grades and dropped out. He said his grades were low primarily because his injuries had interfered with his ability to learn. Cawthorn said in a deposition, "You know, suffering from a brain injury after the accident definitely I think it slowed my brain down a little bit. Made me less intelligent. And the pain also made reading and studying very difficult."He also said he withdrew due to "heartbreak" after his fiancée broke up with him.")
>bro how are you making your own gas??
He's not, lol. It's a fantasy like the dudes elsewhere on this site who talk about owning ferraris or fucking Roxxie.

>>It's a fantasy like the dudes elsewhere on this site who talk about owning ferraris or fucking Roxxie.

Imagine claiming to own a Ferrari, yet still come here and beg for a $5 video.
Whole lot of y'all are convincing yourselves the conservatives didn't shit the bed by staying with Trump long after that party ended. The future ain't red, I'll tell you that much.
>Hochul's squeaker should have been a total rout — like 70-30, as with past extremist Republicans like Palladino. You're right that NYC is becoming a weird outlier of rich and poor and nothing else. Albany's policies all seem geared to help one or the other, no one in between, and because of sheer population NYC and its interests dominates the assembly and senate.

NY-17 swing voter here. I voted for Maloney but I'm not surprised that Lawler won. My area is a pretty typical NYC commuter exurb with demographics ranging from first gen immigrants to upper middle class white yuppies. I haven't seen a detailed demographic breakdown of the results yet, but anecdotally, in the last few weeks I saw tons of "Latinos for Lawler" lawn signs in working class immigrant neighborhoods around here, especially in places where crime is a real issue.

Ordinary people are getting fed up. I absolutely believe that there WOULD have been a red wave if it weren't for swing voters' revulsion towards Trump. I couldn't bring myself to vote R for Congress because I didn't want to enable any 2024 election shenanigans, but I split my ticket downballot just to send the Democrats a message. People are hurting from inflation and the Dems have completely lost their minds on crime. One of my neighbors got mugged on the subway going to work a couple of weeks ago. Telling people to stop complaining because it's not that bad compared to the 1970s isn't working.
Like I said, Dems have to address cost of living in this state, but perception is not reality regarding NYC crime, period. It's up a few % from it's lowest in 50 years (which happened under DeBlasio with all Dems in Albany), mostly burglaries. NYC has 8 million people plus 2 million commuters during weekdays. The subway carries 2 million people daily, plus up to a million tourists running around. Shit happens, it's always happened. But the increase in murders is almost all in places like East New York and the South Bronx, turf shit between drug dealers which has nothing to do with commuters going through Grand Central to their offices in Midtown, or 90% of the residential areas of the city.

I will say the surge in homeless on the street, and especially in the subway since covid and the immigration-induced housing crisis creates a perception of chaos, and the NY Post puts every crime that happens on the front page, creating a "crime wave." But the stats don't bear it out. I get why a suburban district like NY-17 would go Republican because their taxes are absurdly high, but it's a very safe place to live. Rumors about crime in NYC, another district, is a weird reason.
Crime in New York City is down. It's only up because veterans are retiring in high numbers due to the broken windows theory of policing being abolished and the law handing out lighter sentences for low level offenses. So with less manpower on the force, criminals are just vandalizing things.

Trump backed Lombardo just won Nevada and it's uncertain if Laxat would pull ahead. As for Georgia, Stacy Abrams lost because she didn't connect with the African American organizations. Exit polling shows that uneducated whites and married couples vote Republican while people under 30 vote Democrat.
>Crime in New York City is down. It's only up because veterans are retiring in high numbers due to the broken windows theory of policing being abolished and the law handing out lighter sentences for low level offenses. So with less manpower on the force, criminals are just vandalizing things.

I'll buy part of that, but was the retirement wave -that- big? I believe there was a post-George Floyd "strike," aka slowdown, by many police forces across the country, NYPD included. They've still been doing their jobs in terms of the big stuff (violent crime) but are looking the other way or slow-walking property crimes and QoL stuff. "Broken windows" has been disproven by pretty much everyone, but more crime is more crime, and property and QoL is particularly in people's faces. A commuter from Westchester takes the train to work and first thing he sees coming into GCS is a kid hopping a turnstile, then a homeless woman with 15 garbage bags full of cans stinking up an entire subway car, then a guy pissing in the street, then fresh graffiti on the front of his office, etc, then he looks at the cover of the Post showing a drug murder in East Flatbush, 12 miles away. Together it leads to the perception of total chaos, as pushed by Republicans and right wing media. It's not ideal or even acceptable on many levels, but it's way, way, way far from 1970s-80s NYC, which was a legit nightmare.
That's mostly due to infighting among Democrats in New York City. Even after Dems won, Biden admits he cannot restore abortion rights and the courts struck down his student loan plan. As for Republicans, I am still puzzled by their shilling of Ron even though he would go after their corporations for not being conservative enough.
Actually infighting among Dems in Albany, but yeah, that's part of it. Biden would need to break a fillibuster to legalize abortion in all 50 states, which requires 60 Dems, not 51. Student debt relief hasn't been struck down, it's been halted by a Trump-appointed Federal judge. It'll be appealed and likely go to the Supreme Court, whose conservative majority has subtly indicated they'll go the other way — we'll see.

As for Republicans, Florida was their one shining star last week. DeSantis crushed a conservative Democrat (actually ex-Republican) opponent and for the past 4 years, with a friendly legislature, is creating Republican Utopia down there, with low/no taxes, business and environmental deregulation, and a knack for bullying and other nasty shit that doesn't actually make folks' lives better drives Liberals insane. I have a feeling that, a la Trump, he's too extreme and just too much of an asshole in general to win back over the moderate voters they appear to have lost. If the economy is improving and the Dems can cough up someone decent he's stuck in Florida for two more years. Plus Trump will be gouging his eyes out for the next two years and will do all he can to turn his cult against him. But if Trump really is rejected by the rest of the party after tonight, Biden or Harris runs in 2024, and the economy is still fucked, he might be the guy. In that case he will have a lot of competition though, non-asshole moderates like Rubio or Hogan who can bring back the swings. Anyway 2 years is forever in politics — shit, 2 weeks — so I really have no idea.
(55 KB, 800x450, Wuh.jpg)
bro...this thread was supposed to expose a heinous monster for a ceo...
Trump already announced his 2024 run. Best part is that I don't have to worry until maybe October of 2024 since he's in Florida.
News is considered private business by Christians and I was instructed by my pastor to not listen to Fox News because it peddles fear. Same goes for entertainment
All the more reason to derail it with political nonsense.
Nobody cares about Warner Bros. They have been cheapskates since they let cartoonists operated out of a termite infested building
Guarantee the swamp is going to have Trump formally charged before year's end to pop the balloon on his campaign. His own party didn't want him to run, may as well cut a deal with the liberals to save the party.
Voters wants Trump to run because he's the establishment. People just don't care for Washington boomers mumbling about indictments. Right now everybody wants to be normal fags and are concerned about the recession. As for liberals, they've been blaming each other for losing the house, or accusing each other of being transphobic.
Lmao no one is blaming each other, if anything they are celebrating they didn't get shredded to bits on Election Day. Them losing the House was an inevitability - they're cheering that they kept the Senate and only lost the House by a thin margin, where it was projected they'd be 20 or 30 seats behind.
Trust me, libs have been blaming Hochul, AOC, or defund the police. Sure Drma have the Senate, but moderates like Manchin and Sinema aren't going to budge. Libs care about civility politics and their socialist base hates it.
^ This is 100% the correct take. Libs vs Progs was settled when they kneecapped Bernie in 2020 to annoint Biden.
I make bio-diesel
God remember when the Democrats establishment was feeding Hilary debate questions to try to cobble working class representation
The Dems had to try hard to lose to Trump in 2016 and they did. Hillary was one of the most hated political figures in the US with zero base. She had a hard time getting 300 people to show up to her speeches while Bernie was filling stadiums, and drawing 1,000s even in red states. Her "impressive" resume only works if you look at the top lines. SHe was an unexceptional Senator and a terrible Sec. of State. In fact she'd just come off the Arab Spring disaster, which, even if you don't buy it was a conspiracy (I don't), was one of the biggest foreign policy failures of the 21st century.

Her gender, which was most of what she ran on, turned out to be a net-negative as well. When #metoo became a thing, and a potentially potent weapon against sexist pig Trump, she had no credibility because she's married to one of the most infamous serial harassers in US politics. She had no credibility on LGBTQ issues either, having publiclty stated as of 2010 that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Bill's popularity among black people didn't translate, either. It's true most blacks (90%+) will vote Democratic no matter what, yet the Hillary nomination alienated a small but crucial set of young black progressives because Hillary is forever aligned with the 1990s War on Crime (Super Predators, etc) that filled prisons with black people. True, Bernie was weak among black voters compared to Hillary or Edwards, but it was almost exclusively in the South — states any Democrat was going to lose.

And to your point, the Dems were (still are) alienated from their base because they didn't understand 2016 was a populist election. The party is run by Wall Street-based elites who not only don't care but barely have a clue how neoliberalism has devalued work and increased the cost of living and working people — especially in the ostensibly blue states Hillary lost. When your life is the nice white parts of NYC, SF, DC, LA (and prosperous college towns and tech corridors between) it's easy to ignore the majority of working people are reasonably scared of becoming 3rd world serfs.

Bernie was "too extreme," yet Hillary's centrism netted zero purple states. What Bernie had that Hillary didn't was massive suport in the upper midwest, the region that decided the election. Had Bernie been the nominee we'd have a majority liberal SCOTUS right now that looks out for worker rights, not corporations. The tax cuts for the rich would not have passed. Foreign policy would have been virtually the same because, ironically, Bernie and Trump are pretty close on most foreign issues including trade and defense. Not to mention we would have had a pro-science POTUS throughout the worst of Covid, which would have saved 100s of 1,000s of lives.
This guy fucks.
Democrats and republicans are allied against Bernie and the working man.
Try to strike for sick leave peasants, Dark Brandon dares you.
Yes, yes I do. My GF was watching MSNBC last night (I know, I know) and it was amusing-amazing-infuriating how they tried to twist the "Whaddaya gonna do?" capitulation into the Republican's fault. Hope they enjoy the high from the failed Red Wave because they're closer to country club Republicans than they realize: No base, and no reason to exist except to raise money through fear and to serve corporate interests.

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