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Did he do something or say something or is he like an actual pedophile? Genuinely curious because whenever his art pops up here people HATE this dude.
>>or is he like an actual pedophile

He drew an expansion sequence for a fucking infant. And shall we look at his obsession with the Loud House children?
>>22733 (OP)
I heard a while back that he took pics of kids playing at a playground and morphed them to look fat, but I heard that so long ago that it might just be hearsay.
Here’s my question, why is anyone a fan of this MSPaint circle tool retard who hasn’t improved their style since 2005?

You don’t even have to separate the art from the artist in this case because there’d have to be any art to this pedofaggot in the first place.
what about the artists in the loli threads? Why aren't we devoting time to rage against them? Why aren't we calling them pedos and demanding that they stop doing work? Is it just that Mistystuffer has a bigger profile compared to the artists in the Loli thread and thus it's easier to go after him?
People like lolis and preteens because spoiled brat combined with inflation makes for good comedy. Adults just don't want to engage in comedy, which is why Bill from KOTH doesn't work as a fat character. Bill is expected to abandon self improvement to stay in his lot in life, while nobody faults Braceface for making her boobs big.
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>>22733 (OP)
Drawn stuff isn't my thing, but years ago I remember seeing his art and going "wow this is terrible" and quick look at it shows that >>22981 is right and that his art is terrible. The only thing he ever drew that was any good was one panel in his terrible and shitty Puyo comic (pic related), but even a broken clock is right once a day.

Because they're not snapping pictures of kiddos at a playground or making fetish art of infants and little girls. Have you seen that dude's Loud House work? Being a Loli is horrible on its own, but Misty took it a step lower and shouldn't be allowed within a distance of a school.
How young is too young? I saw pieces of the Loud siblings in the loli donk thread. It was of Lucy, Lana and Lola. I'm guessing that what Mistystuffer did was act on his problematic desires in the real world versus just keeping it as a fantasy. If any of the artists in the Loli thread acted on their diesires, would they receive the same treatment that Mistystuffer got?
And what's up with you people trying to bring up Lolis? We already know they're pieces of shit. Stop trying to justify this borderline pedophile.
I wasn't trying to justify what Mistystuffer and the artists in the loli threads did, just wondering why the other artists too aren't getting bashed here. I am disgusted by that art and have no high regards to the people who make and like that stuff. I was just wondering why this board doesn't go after other artists like Mistystuffer. I figure they too should get their due what the messed up stuff they made just as Mistystuffer did.
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ok first off, all lolifags should face the wall, shits degen as hell
but the reason why people shit on mistystuffer, as opposed to other loli artists is simple: his art is shit. All of these other loli artists, even tho the shit they're making is just as, if not more gross than mistystuffer's, their art at the very least, looks somewhat presentable. But then you get mistystuffer, whos shit looks straight out of 2000's DA, and its been like that for years. Of course people are gonna call that guy a fucking nonce (as he should) and shit talk him (as they should). I guarantee if his art wasnt shit and on the level of like, jeet or some other big name fat artist, he wouldnt have gotten as much shit. its literally pic related
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I don't watch Nickelodeon because it's for pedophiles. Before it was balanced for children, but after Dan Schneider started making live action preteen shows, it started getting crazy. It's odd because Spongebob and Farily Odd Parents was more adult in tone when it started in the 90s, but started going kids rule after 2000. I am convinced that the focus on the children is what makes Loud House so creepy.

Anon, Ruroni Kenshin and Gal-ko's creators got caught with hardcore CP in Japan. They just got probation and are back because Japan has a rigid rehabilitation process. People hate Mistystuffer for the same reason people hate Virus-20, he codified the worst trends of 2000 art.
>>23030 Yeah I know I fucking hate kids too. When they're not crying or pooping the stinkiest shit you've ever smelled they are being annoying and corny as fuck.

Since last year I changed my stance to pro abortion because the Democrats are one big bag of dick-suckers and all my middle class neighbors are liars who do drugs when noone is looking and hold on to communists or socialist views from their country of origin.

We don't need kids. Lets enjoy what is left of life because life is short and we don't know what the future holds so let's enjoy it while it lasts and while the getting is still good out there, dude. I have learned that people who don't feel this way are fucking stupid and full of evil thoughts that blind them. Have you looked out the window? America is a mess! Then while these nuts are busy doing a whole lot of nothing and accomplishing all hell, let us go forth and conquer our future, our freedom, our individual destinies, and whatever else we so desire! Let us shit and let us fuck!
No, I meant that when cartoonists make shows for children, they are dumb themselves down to a pitiful and foolish level. I think this is why Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Owl House did not have the influence that they did. They're just copying Young Adult fiction like Harry Potter or Twilight. It's no coincidence that Disney is airing BLEACH because kids want to watch anime over their own shows.
>>23032 I don't know none of what you just said, but I love you, bro.
>Doesn't start off with not watching Nickelodeon because he's a grown-ass adult

I stopped watching Nickelodeon ages ago. I watched it when it had Doug, Rugrats, Avatar the Last Airbender, but not when it had Loud House. Even modern Spongebob is less adult than when it started. People forget that Spongebob had feelings for Sandy and Patrick was smart, but now it feels like it's for preschool or Nick Jr absorbed the block. It's odd because even Little Bear was intelligent.
>People forget that Spongebob had feelings for Sandy and Patrick was smart, but now it feels like it's for preschool or Nick Jr absorbed the block.

It's almost as if the Show's been going on for 23+ years and all the good writers ran out of ideas and left after the first movie....

Also, you niggas love getting off topic. Time to get back to crucifing this green-haired pedo.
lolicons are the same level at bronies and furries
they CAN be a danger but there weak

also even if his art was good im pretty sure he still would be trashed on
cause apparently they hate him too
standards i guess idfk
As said already in this thread, MistyStuffer has admitted to stalking and taking pictures of kids multiple times and there's been talk on here before that he's been raided by the FBI. He's pretty much the main reason the whole BBW community thinks Loli Art leads to a slippery slope of actually being a pedophile, so you have MistyStuffer to thank for all of those "discussions" artists try and have about it. Even artists who are starting to get into the community are just getting quickly taught by others about this guy, he's got a reputation that'll stick for life but unfortunately this means Loli Art in general has that reputation too.
His art not improving in multiple decades also helps too.
The federal government in the United States does not care for expansion art. Conservatives love their Looney Tunes unedited, their green M and Ms, those Frank Frazetta women. Artists like Mistystuffer are hated mostly cause they keep trying to recapture the 1990s-2000s. He's not a furfag who goes to the midwest or Anime Matsuri and perform orgies, he's just WG Dobson.
i couldent have said it better myself
well said anon...
yeah didnt the fbi directy told twitards to stop reporting lolicons as pedos because it wastes time that can be used cracking down on real pedos
not saying they cant be
but i am saying is they need more proof then a png to actually launch an investigation

Imagine defending a guy who stalks and photographs children.
Please get some reading comprehension, it wasn't the shitty art that got him in trouble.
MistyStuffer was legit doing this shit for real with playground stalking and collecting photos of kids, and it's why fat loli art has the reputation it does now, everyone thinks artists are just Mistystuffers or RidiculousCakes waiting to happen.
>>24075 Oh, I think I know what this is about. Those dirty, nutter children. Abortion is inevitable. 9 months later going to flush yo ass.
dude ikr
and cake has the fucking gull to say he doesn't draw lolis cause it has a bad rep despite him and mistystuffer starting said bad rep
Nickelodeon, Warner Bros, and Disney are fully aware of the fan art that gets circulated on DeviantArt. Cartoon channels are even removing Pepe Le Pew, Minerva Mink, Ms. Bellum, and other sexy characters to make sure people like Misty Stuffer aren't perverting children's cartoons. It's the same reason TTGO and Ben 10 are drawn ugly: to stop fetish artists from making Gwen, Raven and Starfire porn.
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>It's the same reason TTGO and Ben 10 are drawn ugly:

No it's not dumbass. It's because flash animation is not only cheaper, but faster to make than cartoons from 20+ years ago. I'm tired of you brainlets spouting shit and not know what the fuck you're talking about.

>to stop fetish artists from making Gwen, Raven and Starfire porn.
>Thinks the art style is intentional to stop the porn
My guy, the curtains are fucking blue.
Cartoons will never be for adults. Serious adults like me aren't interested in cartoons as an art form. Cartoonists already destroyed the medium by abandoning the 22 minute toy commercial format, and kids are now reading manga/watching anime instead of cartoons. People like Mistystuffer are mostly due to the failure of adults to grow up.
> Cartoonists already destroyed the medium by abandoning the 22 minute toy commercial format

Which isn't true either. The blame goes to cable and network providers since the end goal is to shoehorn as many commericals as possible. Again, you people need to do some research since none of you know what you're talking about.
That makes no sense. Marvel is popular for commercializing their superheroes while D.C. still doesn't know how to market Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman to their fans. Nerds just fell for the director creator meme by Rob Liefeld and Ken Penders.
tbh RC is just a faggot in general. like, aside from the shit everyone know about him (the halloween shit, the statue tweet, storm-porn) he's one of those faggots who claims that they don't draw this shit for sexual reasons, and that hes "asexual" about it which is fucking retarded considering he fucks with artists who do legit sexual content and shit. and theres no fucking way he doesn't realize the shit hes drawing is explicitly sexual either. it comes off as supreme fucking bullshit
There's one problem with your theory, weed man, I don't watch cartoons to begin with.
How do you know? Maybe you are Mistystuffer trying to evade the ban.
Got an anonymous tip that MS himself disproved everything you all said about him. Just about the only thing he did was posting a message for shock value that somehow got taken out of context.
You must be smart
And by anonymous tip, I mean I've spoke with him myself.
I'm german, but only citizenship and language.
What the fuck do people here find so wrong about Pedro Sanchez? Why is he such a target and why do people make so many unsubstantiated claims about him?
>>24958 He probably has a huge cock.
so mexicos trump im assuming
why the hell are we talking about this?
Spain. He's actually liberal, globalist, etc, so not like trump. His enemies don't realize that by splooging out batshit conspiracy theories they actually legitimize him. It's easy to make an anti-globalist case in 2023 and try to get rid of these vampires like Biden, Macron, Trudeau, etc but organizing to make change takes focus and discipline, and sometimes you have to leave the house. Screaming PEDO!!! on a fetish message board is super easy, and makes them feel like they're doing something.

he approved a law that allows sexual predators to get out of jail earlier, puttting in danger the lives of millions of women and children.

Hence why people hate him and jumped to that conclusion, you jackasses.
Noooo... the law was actually to toughen penalties for sex crimes. But lawyers there have exploited a loophole where "when a new law is introduced, new sentences contained within it can be retroactively applied to convicted criminals if they stand to benefit."

Here, read all about it instead of just reacting to memes and amateur YouTube videos like the developmentally disabled incel you are:


Bottom line, the Spanish Parliament was maybe dumb or at least short-sighted in not forseeing this but they didn't "approve" a law to relaease sex offenders early.

Now stop accusing people of pedophilia without evidence. It actually enables child abuse by cheapening it.
>>24975 As a young white male who is not a house slave, you sound like a literal retard. Post a photo of yourself so I can find you and fuck you up.
>>25058 All the commotion for no reason. Spain was better off when it was a monarchy. Now you have "bearuacracies" of rich people that think they know what is best for everyone.... because they are old and rich? I'm not so sure. I would rather have a queen that has sex with her nephew than these corrupt jackasses. Fuck you. Thwy are femenists behind closed doors anyways
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LOL you couldn't fuck up a throw pillow. These two comments are such gigantic self-owns, if you ever get a glimmer of self-awareness I pray you don't take anyone else out as part of your inevitable suicide.

An American who prefers monarchies... no wonder our country is so fucked up.
Fuck off capitalist pig. The proletariat will be roasting your bones over a fire
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>The proletariat will be roasting your bones over a fire
No food?
LOL I shit on Sanchez's neoliberalism (and Biden's, Macron's, etc) in my first comment. I'm not pro-capitalist, I'm anti stupid bullshit like spreading fake news, thinking monarchies aren't run by old rich people (???) and pedo accusations, because they hurt the cause rather than help it. People like you claim to be anti-capitalist because you're a dysfunctional human being, yet are the first to pull on jackboots when someone waves a $20 bill in your face.
Without capitalism, we wouldn’t have these whores nor the excesses of food available to them. But really, this fetish is conspicuous consumption.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Show up to 20 people from Spain and ask their opinion regarding Pedro Sánchez.

Most of them will tell you why he´s a cunt that must be impeached.
>>22733 (OP)
Shit art and unironic pedo, you can only have one of the other, never both
So is the Pokemon Advance comic series basically just gone at this point? All the links on the original site seem to be dead and I can't seem to find a reupload.

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