
(283 KB, 1331x2000, z0oj58ldo2iq.jpg)
I love this community and have been a part of it going on 10+ years.

But I can't find any other chans with content of this type. I'd love to find a Trans chan with a similar community, but alas, I can't find one.

What are some of your favorite chans with great content like this one?
>>22659 (OP)
Trans chan is just /lgbt/ on 4chan all things considered.

Other than that I've only found some schizophrenic chans like wizchan and the like, which aren't that interesting.
>>22659 (OP)
This community does not love you, faggoid troon simp.
sometimes i post on 420chan about smoking a lot of weed
Dude, WEED lmao!
I frequent /trash/ on 4chan, there's usually a female fatposting thread or a thread with irl girls floating about. They're mostly imagedumps but occasionally there's something worthwhile beyond the slapfights.

I also head over to /r9k/ and see if I can poke the bucket over there with positive fat shit. With a little bit of creativity I was able to get a BoBerry wave going... now screenshots of that one vid of her in a Spanish restaurant are seen pretty regularly.

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