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This is an autistic blogpost.

I was in a shitty long term toxic relationship and my ex knew about my fetish, blamed me for any weight she gained, but after we broke up she ended up gaining more so she has no one to blame it on.

I don't know why but this just gives me the greatest level of schadenfreude.
>>22553 (OP)
Continuing to rant a bit but it was especially funny cause she wanted me to get electroshock therapy to get rid of my fetish, the fact that she blamed me for her gain among other things is just pinnacle funny to me
>>22553 (OP)
Hot. Tell us more about her weight gain
It wasn't really that major but basically she want from like hyper skinny, thigh gap and all to thunder thighs, plump ass, pudgy belly, and thick arms.

I think during our relationship she gained like 20 pounds? going from like 120lbs to 140lbs if I recall correctly
To continue this, she seems to have stagnated gain wise but she doesn't seem to post pictures of her body on social media anymore, just her face that was always chubby. Closest you get is her in a corset for a festival.

So it appears that she either didn't lose or ended up gaining even more.
Another thing to mention was she was recovering from anorexia which explains the paranoia but also the massive gain where she just gave into hedonism for a bit.

She blamed me for the gain but she was the one constantly trying to get me to get her fast food and would always overorder for herself.
Was thinking this over, it was more like she was maybe 100lbs and gained to 131lbs, looked over our old discord messages and that was awhile ago, she probably actually ended up around 145-150lbs at the end of the relationship. She also is like 5ft 4 5ft 5?

Apparently she also got used to eating 3000 calories a day.
You're lucky. There's something special about those extra pounds on a skinny girl. So much more fun in Size 4 to Size 6 than 16 to 18.
Unsure if my ID changed but I’m on my phone now, it was glorious, I’m just kinda saddened it ended the way it did but she didn’t want to hold herself accountable for her own gain so she had to blame me and have a schizo moment about it

Might try to see if there’s any good blurrable pics to use to show gain.
I've experienced it once, and it was the sexiest fetish experience I've had. Ten lbs on a fatty is a deckchair on the Titanic. Ten lbs on a skinny girl is something else.

I can see why you're sad about how it ended, but it obviously isn't your fault. Honestly, from experience, a woman like that was always going to blow up at you about something. You can drive yourself insane trying to think about what you could have done differently. Ultimately, nothing would have satisfied her.
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Well, I mostly just accept it as something that occurred and was out of my control, she just was unable to be happy with me.

Factor in her viewing me inherently as a monster for liking weight gain, which I didn't try to push on her.

This was her like mid gain after 10lbs
>>22589 Did you try fucking her really really really hard, bro? Always worked for me. 🤷‍♂️
Yep, she basically was hyper horny, she was also a control freak tho where she tried controlling every aspect.

I made the mistake of telling her about my fetish and her jump was to electroshock therapy, which she was serious about
>>22592 Always works for me. 🤷‍♂️
And control freak? you should've married her. They make the best wives. I bet the sex was incredible! Did you try smacking her one good time?
She was a control freak in the neurotic way, considered proposing but after she freaked out after gaining weight and blaming me it was a non starter.

Sex was meh? Like it was okay, it was fun to smack her ass which was what got the largest on her after her gains.

Smacking her do you mean domestically or sexually, genuinely can't tell on here sometimes
>>22596 Ahhhhh you should've tried smacking her, bro. Now you're all lonely and sad and shit... The ass is the female's largesr organ. Many women enjoy stimulation from the ass. But what you want from her is respect and that's different. If you stood up for yourself she probably would've never left you. Women don't like pushovers, bro
My brother in christ, I would stand up to her, but not hit her. She tried going to the cops over the fact she gained weight and blamed me, accusing me of sexual assault. She would've definitely doubled down from there if I laid a hand on her.

Honestly not that sad and lonely, just sad that it's over if that makes sense. I'm just glad to be free from her and just find it hilarious she's still getting fatter after blaming me for all that.
Hot. She must have looked amazing bythe end of her gain
She was and is, her ass was what was getting the biggest, which I have a bias towards, it was honestly amazing.

I'll look around for any more pics that show off the gain but as I mentioned before as she got fatter she stopped taking photos that showed her body.
Was she outgrowing all of her clothes as well? That's the hottest. Treasure the memories.
Well, yes and no, mostly outgrowing shirts but really just growing into sweatpants.

She went from her clothes being loose and baggy to nice and filled out.
I do remember though I think she ripped some of her panties because of how fat her ass and thighs got
Do show!
Do show!
I'll try finding some images, god willing I will
Haven't been able to find any non-straight nude pics yet

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