
Honestly if this place truly makes you want to kill yourself, then kindly leave. If you can't handle being on a chan site without causing a shitstorm and then running to Instagram and making a suicidal post, then you shouldn't be here.
What even happened?
She probably read the extremely autistic, objectifying, and mean-spirited shit that people say here all the time.

Not saying she deserved it, but as a porn star, you are literally offering yourself to be objectified by strangers. Yes it comes in a spectrum, but the nature of the internet is that you can't pick and choose how people will talk about you, and it can get bad. If you can't handle that, you probably just shouldn't be a porn star. And guess what: it's totally normal to be bothered by that kind of thing. The problem is that you make porn of yourself.
>>22597 why are you assuming that and then going on a weird whiny rant when that's not even what happened?

she quit because she doesn't like the way being fat affects her body and she wanted to take care of her kid. but she made sure to diss everyone who supported her and anyone with this fetish on the way out.

Dude, quit reaching with this baseless speculation. She could've easily retired and left without ranting and making claims this site makes her suicidal. Don't defend her toxic behavior and victimize her just because she's the model.
This whore is too cute. Somebody said she's canadian. kayla care bear or some shit.

Beautiful girl, why are you crying? I work with talented models such as yourself. Next time your in the US give me a call.

Let me take a picture of youuu!
kiss kiss x x
I mean, it's one thing to know about this place and cry over the comments. That's dumb behavior. And you think to yourself, "Why can't they just avoid this site and not read it?"

Aside from the piracy, there's some fucked up people on here. Heather got called at her hospital room and claimed it was bbwchan. Models' personal lives and their children are brought up. Doxxing happens to those that aren't even models. There's autistic and evil people on here. It's a necessary torture to check this place if you're putting content out there. You have no idea who else is lurking.
i see the appeal in wanting to know what people are saying about you, women, narcissists especially, probably can't help themselves.
people made fun of her son's haircut, called her fake or some shit and she went on a rant on ig, so it was a regular saturday here

Imagine threatening to kill yourself because someone roasted your son's haircut.
It’s ok…I understand how people can be mean on line, that being said…..It’s not like this is a site for men who love to read books on self improvement. It’s guys wacking off to women with gigantic asses. I think your expectations are too high.
>Heather got called at her hospital room and claimed it was bbwchan. Models' personal lives and their children are brought up. Doxxing happens to those that aren't even models.

So invest in a VPN and don't be a moron when giving out personal info. They have dozens of VPNs to choose from. I'm sick of the narrative of people crying fowl about being doxxed, yet can't spend a couple bucks a month to prevent it. You have the resources there, use them you morons.
>>22609 ip tracking isnt the only way to get doxxed ya know

>> and don't be a moron when giving out personal info.

I guess reading wasn't your favorite activity in school.
>>22612 apologies, i figured it was a non issue because literally anyone with a brain knows that, so it's not why models are getting doxxed either. it's usually a spurned lover or friend.
also, you sound pedantic and insufferable.

At least I know how to read.
I hope she doesn't kill herself.
She is cute
it sounds like she’s dealing with a lot of stuff

the thing about the chans that nobody talks about you is how much everybody likes to gossip on these sites

As long as it's gossip and not mindless drivel - it's one of the best aspects of it honestly.

Omg she’s not going to kill herself. She’s just a toxic person that says things to get attention and to be a victim and get everyone’s sympathy to distract them from the fact she is a horrible person. She used her fans for money and hates on them for loving her because she hates herself.

She's an Attention Seeking Whore. If you ever been to school, you'd come across several. Anybody who is serious about suicide isn't going to be blabbering about it online. They're going to keep that to themselves.
Why do emotional people who have it so good get all twisted and wreck things for themselves??? Sounds like she's got "friends" whispering in her ear.
She either had a horrible child hood and was bullied a lot or overly spoiled. I notice she attacks people online when they don’t put up with her scams and bs lies. My guess is she’s just the type that hurts the ones closest to her who don’t kiss her ass like the bullies in her past did to her. She uses suicide threats and rants on social media to put down people that threaten her view of herself and has to always be a victim. She’s hot but toxic
She’ll need a strong rope.
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She’s been saying fucked up shit like this since 2015 don’t take her seriously on her suicide threats. She’s always had insecurities and been toxic to others. I basically learned who she was through her old facebook took some screenshots to back up what I have to say on her. Since some white knights on here like to assume we’re just saying whatever to be jerks for no reason.

It's easy to tell who's the white knight since they're always the ones throwing this site under the bus whenever a model is in their feelings.

>>she probably read the mean comments here

Those fair-weathered simps can fuck off.
I really used to love Kaybearcutie before. Not so much now after all crazy crap.
>>22711 I will concur that she was significantly cuter years ago. She had a rounder more tight body, especifically her stomach, and her face was cuter as well. However I feel like she is still a cute contender in the bbw game, even though I used to love that huge round ass she used to have. It looked even better in a thong which is (in my opinion) not true for most types of female butts, especially fat bbw butts, which in my opinion look better in a g-string.
Not what I was referring to but to each their own. I always found her hot and actually like her body more now than before. I’m saying I am not into her as a person anymore because she’s just too hateful and toxic now for my taste. I assumed she was a sweeter genuine kind of person before all this new stuff when I used to follow her in the past.
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I’m actually a female who used to be one of Kayla Paolini’s biggest supporters and would defend her until I learned the truth about this horrible individual. I remember watching her youtube video when she started sticking up for herself and girls with curves and saw her as a positive role model for bigger women. I put her on a pedestal feeling like she helped me love the body I’m in. Turns out she is a bully herself that ruins people’s self confidence and makes lies about others to make herself seem like the good person. She is definitely not the good person I once thought she was. Also do not believe her bullshit on betraying the community on being a scammer with her doing it for her son. I found out through this person peepaw that she has been abusing her son for years and she has haters for a reason. She uses people for what they can do for her and when they are no longer useful to her she destroys them and has no compassion or empathy and takes no accountability for her actions. She is a self centered manipulative abuser that we all should no longer support. Honestly from what I have heard about her she needs to have her child taken away from her.
I'm willing to forgive her, but she's gotta show her commitment to the community by really upping her gaining. Maybe even get herself a feeder to keep her honest. Something for something.

>>I'm willing to forgive her, but she's gotta show her commitment to the community by really upping her gaining.

"Ah yes, I'll forgive you for being a massive cunt if you gained some weight. Never mind all of the wretched shit that you've done to others, my coomer brain would be too distracted by your feeder shoving cake down your throat".

You're part ofthe reason why women like her think they can walk over this community.

You gullible, smooth brained, no balls having, commerish, horny, enabling-ass motherfucker.
Honestly thought. I swear this fetish has the most porn addicted retards or mentally ill autists I've ever seen. You all even make furries look somewhat normal. I'm ashamed that I even have this fetish at times because of dipshit coombrains like >>22725
This is the same community that keeps welcoming back BigBootyBeautyXXL. I don't get how this can surprise you.
Eh, I wish she’d abuse me.
Get to know her personally and I’m sure she will
If you want respect, you're not gonna find it here.
Not gullible, just giving a flawed person a chance to make the right decision to provide for her family. You don't understand how the world works.

Or just make fun of her kid's haircut. She goes into Bitch-Mode more times than a Karen in a grocery store does.

She's been a wretched bitch for a long ass time. How many more chances are you going to give her before you realize how gulliable you are?
You seem pretty invested and hurt

Nah, I'm tired of simps like you excusing this toxic woman just because "hurr durr she has a family". If she wanted to do the right thing for her kid, then she wouldn't be acting out online then play the victim card when people fight back.
She is losing weight you moron! She doesn’t give a fuck about making things right with anyone! She will only tell you what you want to hear while back stabbing you to get what she wants. This women is a toxic individual. Also she doesn’t care about her son so stop believing she is doing it for him. Have you noticed she is a single mom and the biological father is no where to be seen? I’m willing to bet he isn’t in the kids life simply because he knows it’s too dangerous to be around a woman as toxic as her.

Take your meds sperg and fuck off. I don't give a fuck if she's still gaining, she's still a massive cunt and should be treated as one.

And she would've taken the bbw out of her name if she was serious you smooth-brained dumbass. Simps like you need to be drafted into a war and get captured.
>Dumb yank trying to sound tough on the internet
>Comes across as weird and cringe

Why are yankoids like this?
Fuck Kayla bitch is nothing but drama
Average brit obsessed with Americans
>>22797 We don't call them Americans anymore. We call them Amerixans, but usually it is to those on the left. It is supposed to be a pun of Mexican-American but it is applied to all who are deemed to have non-traditional views, most especially heretical or antifa-like persons. It is basicly used as substitute for such "faux" Americans. It has become rather popular recently
Aye look at dang Houellebecq over here writing another screed, you trying to win a prix goncourt or something?

English as she is spoke, m’lord
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Watching these girls stories I find that girls who talk about marriage as much as Kayla does tend to not actually care who they end up with. They’re in love with the idea of marriage. It’s all about image and is used as a way to trap someone.

Ah yes, you and Frog boy can keep making up names that nobody else uses.

Shouldn't you be attending to a burning country or are you still sad that your queen didn't make it passed 100?
It's fine, let them think they're still relevant.
This would be permissible only if they were entertaining.
giving her chances to what? let me steal her content? yeah I'm willing to do that lol.
I think he just meant in giving the selfish bitch time and money. She doesn’t deserve respect of any kind because she doesn’t give it to others.
I think we can all agree that Kayla is just an unfit mother and a fucked up person in general. No well adjusted woman would ever willingly get a ugly neck tattoo. It just shows she has no standards or self respect for herself. That ugly thing is basically a warning label that she is not mentally stable for anybody. Nobody with a normal functioning brain would ever do that to themselves. It’s sad her son has to be subjected to such a toxic trashy individual. She belongs to the streets.
Waiting for the arc where she repents and becomes a nun.

To quote Goebbels who quoted an apparent old German proverb: "The old whore prays the loudest".
>>22536 (OP)
can i get a tl;dr of what exactly happened? someone just made fun of her kid's haircut?
She basically just got upset when some people found out she who she really was. A lying scamming evil manipulator to all her fans.
She’s always struck me as a few screws loose and about as sharp as a cue ball. You can see past it when you’re jerking off to her 350 pound body but damn I bet she isn’t exactly a charm to be around
Yeah, she’s good to look at. I think she is such a sexy woman but you can tell she’s the type you need to keep at a distance. She’s too much drama
Lmfao I never ever attacked this rave girl on her weight ! It’s probably a dude using a catfish profile to add some drama here ! I know me on one thing I would have never attacked a girl on the size of her body expecially when I weigh more than that girl!
And it’s funny how everyone’s attacking me on me rant ! But the rant only started cause I went to the gym and everyone sent me hate mail telling me to kill myself because I worked out one time! And I’m the narcissist right ! U guys r digging up shit from when I was a teenager ? What kind of life do you have when all you can do is go on a forum page and talk shit on a bunch of people u don’t even personally know ? And I’m the one with psychological problems? ! Sure I have problems I’m not denying it one bit! But when I rant I’m totally depressed and feel tht way then I calm down ! Everyone is different ! Im a little different DOESNT make me a bad person ! What I didn’t like was tht people are still brining up my child on a bbw porn forum ! And I get that there is people here for fat fetish but I don’t know if there is a guy here who is also a pediphile and then does some digging to find who my son is ! Because lots of people didn’t even know I had a son before hand!
You will be glad to know I won’t be doing any more rants on my Instagram :) and yes I accept that people r going to talk shit ! But please don’t lie about me lol! I said I was gonna diet because I was sick of all the people I made content for attacking me for going to the gym ONE FUCKING TIME! I decided to go bck a few more times cuz I had a free trial ! Once the trial ended I havnt been back’ most of you people know I have talked about diets for years and everytime I’ve tried I failed and gained more weight ! I mean u can’t say I’m a scammer proof is in the pudding ! Look at pics of me from over the years looks like I went on a all you can eat diet ! U don’t also know my personal life ! When my family or friends are constantly insulting me on my looks it’s draining there constantly saying I don’t give a shit about myself ! So either way I get shit ! Either u guys r talking shit if I diet and if I don’t diet they talk shit ! It’s a lot of pressure to constantly be attacked ! And if u were to actually believe I’m a scammer WHEN I LITERALLY GAINED THE WEIGHT AND I MEAN PROOF IS RIGBT THERE IN MY STOMACH ASS TITS ARMS LEGS EVERYTHING ! U should really take a look at other models ! WHO havnt gained shit and u guys have been paying hundreds on them the actual real scammers ! Whatever go ahead spread fake drama about me say what u want about me ! Buy my content don’t buy my content ! Follow me don’t follow me like or don’t like … I give up on pleasing u dudes ! Just don’t be spreading false shit tht I ever attacked someone on there weight idk who tht hoola hoop girl is looks like someone who didn’t like I was a top model and was trying to hurt the tops models to reach her way to the top! Models do this shit all the time !
Can you gain to 500 or even become immobile please. You're clearly best as a pile of lard
why do you put a space before each exclamation point?
Wasn't even able to finish reading this lol. You sound like a schizo

Because she's either mental or thinks that spamming exclamation points will somehow make her rant coherent. Then againt, her spelling is horrible to begin with.


She's clearly at her best when she had food going in her mouth instead of having shit coming out.


Sorry we're not kissing your ass and decided to call you out like the piece of garbage that you are.
Actually the way you have been ranting kinda does make you a bad person. You show how you don’t care how you make others feel with your actions. But I do agree people on here don’t need to bring up your child. You not doing rants will be better for you.
I don’t think there were really any lies that were made on here just opinions mostly. Seeing you say you only went to the gym for a free trial and then gave up and how you always end up failing your diets and end up gaining more. Makes me want to go back to buying your content now. You’re also right that if you end up getting fatter looking from this point on the proof would be in your bigger figure. Sorry about your family and friends insulting your amazing full figure. I appreciate you clearing things up and I’ll probably be buying your content again if it’s true you are back to gaining.

>>But I do agree people on here don’t need to bring up your child

Yeah, let's ignore the fact that she was the one who brought him up in the first place.
She got exactly what she wanted with this coombrain.. She was selling herself the whole rant bragging about that, her fat distribution, and her being a "top model" lmaoo
I guess he's just not sufficiently stompy-foot mad with her like you are and it's burning you up. Take a walk outside. Maybe get a hobby other than lobbying people to not tolerate her. Sucks to be you
Look, at this point I’m over the rants. Sure it hurts, everyone has haters.
I know none of you will believe me and even if u do you won’t admit it because for some reason you need to hate me.. which I’ve accepted !
If u change your mind u guys obviously know where to find me u can have a real conversation with me play some video games with me actually get to know me ! U guys call me dumb because why I get upset or depressed ? Like u guys have never gotten mad or depressed . And usually people who have to talk shit on others are people with major insecurities! & sure I have major insecurities too I admit it
But going back and forth with dieting and then dieting shouldn’t make me a cunt? Bitch? Bad mother? Apparently calling women fat who are thinner to me? I mean come on!! Haha you guys can’t actually believe that ?
Like I get u guys want me to get fatter and want me to stay fat but are u seriously going to make all of the like worst labels you can label ur self on someone over a porn addiction ?
Being constantly yelled at by my family that I don’t give a shit about my son if I keep gaining weight because I’ll die and there will be no one here to take care of him.. it takes a toll ! Or going on dating apps and then men meeting u for the first time and ghosting u because ur not attractive to them . Hence why the last two guys I dated had to be from feabie because I’ve hit that mark that I’m no longer attractive to a lot of people ! It sucks and if u think I’m the only mode who feels this way then ur wrong ! Every model feels that way they just don’t express it! U guys hate me because I express myself and my true feelings and u like the women who lie to u about how they feel about themselves ! They stay out of trouble because they pretend to be confident 100% of the time… no one on this planet is 100% confident.
Regardless , I’m gonna keep posting my content and weather u guys think I’m dieting not dieting ! I’m still fat always will be fat ! Love me or hate me I’ll always be around for u to talk about until the day the grim reaper comes to take me!
Anyhoozers , I’m not going to worry ! I freaked out from this forum last night because ya Cps and loosing my kid before Christmas due to weird lies it’s scary but realistically when I calmed down and talked with family and friends ! Nothing proves these rumors ! If Cps were to come here they would see a happy kid in a happy life with clothes on his back fed and going places ! My son and I play video games together everyday! I’ve done nothing wrong so I guess continue what u guys need to do! Sure I dated bad men and one of them hurt tig but the day he hurt tig I kicked him out of my house and got a restraining order AGAISNT him! I would never let anyone abuse my son! Guys like I didn’t put him the hospital for hurting my baby.
People make mistakes , I’ve made several and there will be more to come!
Like I said I wanna be friends u wanna call truce hit me up if not then that’s fine too!
U wanna kick my ass at some modern warfare 2 more then welcome to get ur anger out on me thru a video game
Bye bbwchan

Shut the fuck up. Damn.
Yeah, you just gotta find the right guy from feabie. There actually are couples who met there and have real relationships. You'll be fine. Just don't visit this garbage dump too often.
>>23150 Oh come on. You're a cute girl. Like anon said you should have no problem using feabi. Most people will not recognize you even if they watch bbw porn regularly. Those that do will be too scared of you and find you intimidated so they won't try to talk to you. If all else fails try not shaving your armpits and see if it works. Best to you. Cheers.
>I'm over the rants
>posts a bunch of run on sentences anyway
Never change
Wow her post is nothing but manipulation my dudes. This girl is sickening and a real piece of shit.

It's too late, the betas have already started simping for her again.
Well turns out Kayla lied she’s still going to the gym. Guess she really is a compulsive liar after all she fooled us
She a big fat pig.
You can still eat like a pig, be a bbw model, and still care about having a modicum of fitness. Otherwise you get Echo blobs.

Not defending her here but it's super unrealistic for them not to care about their health at all.
>>23306 I love echo. Besides being a sweetheart I always thought she was cute. Not all models have the same body types and genetics though. In general I would say the bigger and the rounder, the better, but even then it is an crude simplification. Most of the time when it comes to bbws I find that more is more.
>Not defending her here but it's super unrealistic for them not to care about their health at all.

Nobody isn't concern about these women's health expect for the death feedist fags. The problem is how quick to anger she is, her going on rants and her toxic behavior on social media.

Models get trolled all the time, so what excuses her for acting like she is?
If I recall, she is literally bipolar. That shit is no joke.

Still doesn't excuse her bullshit. Just because Kanye can get away with it doesn't mean she can.
She is definitely not just bipolar she’s a schizophrenia psychopath and her simp followers are only enabling her bad behavior by believing all her lies. She needs to be locked the fuck up
Her friends are psychotic too
I agree. Things are tough all around, but if you're gaining, I'm buying. It's a win, win, win. You get to take care of your family, eat a lot of good food and everyone benefits except for the ragefags.
I agree i’m buying again if she gains again

Agreed. I bought several videos when she was putting on weight. If she'd really dedicate herself to it there would people throwing their wallets at her.
I’m all team Kayla if she’s back to gaining
I don't believe or disbelieve anything she says I'm just here to click the MAB link if something gets posted. Don't really feel obliged to look any further into it than that lol.
Bought her latest stuffing video loved it! Hope she keeps making more!

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