
(233 KB, 683x364, bad guy.png)
>be me
>meet a bbw from tinder
>we hit it off
>we both go in wanting a serious relationship
>amazing sex on 1st and 3rd dates
>pillow talk afterwards on 3rd date
>she trauma dumps on me
>tells me all kinds of fucked up shit, but the biggest red flag/dealbreaker is that she has attemped suicide 3 times
>immediately get turned off and frightened
>don't want to be with her anymore
>can't deal with all this baggage
>call her and break up with her a few days later
>she says I manipulated her, used her, I'm an asshole, etc etc
>feel like shit afterwards
Am I a bad person like she says? Is she just crazy? Do I just need to grow a thicker skin?
I don't think I used her for sex. I did want a serious relationship. I just didn't want to be with her anymore after she told me all those fucked up things.
>fucks her twice and then dumps her over the phone

aM i DA aSSHole!?

You pussying out because someone had a rough path makes you look bad. Like God forbid someone doesn't have a sqeaky clean record, and who's to say she wasn't trying to find someone who'd care for her so she won't try to kill herself again.
It's fine to not be into her after you learned more about her, but this situation could have been handled more intelligently, to be frank with you.

If you want a long term relationship with someone then try not to fuck on the first couple of dates. I've learned that sex has alot of meaning for some people, and they cant help but feel betrayed if someone they're fucking decides they're not into them anymore.

Also, its just better manners to break up with someone in person. If she took this really badly then maybe it would be smart to just giver her some space and leave this whole thing in the past and learn from it.
>If you want a long term relationship with someone then try not to fuck on the first couple of dates. I've learned that sex has alot of meaning for some people, and they cant help but feel betrayed if someone they're fucking decides they're not into them anymore.
This. If someone has serious enough mental health issues that you're not up for the challenge of supporting them, that's a reasonable reason not to pursue the relationship. (I've been there.) But if you're serious about finding an LTR you should be a little more cautious about fucking on the first date. (I've been there too.) No need to drive yourself crazy over it but be more careful next time.
>>22502 (OP)
No anon, you're not. Speaking as someone who has lost years to such relationships- you always think you can help, that things will be different if you're there to support, but it doesn't work like that. The truth is that very few people truly recover from being that deep in the hole. And, honestly, if she's a 'BBW' it's not particularly likely that she's making the drastic lifestyle changes typically required to support a lasting mental health recovery.

Be kind to those types of people, but don't ruin your life over them
>attemped suicide 3 times
Too heavy for the rope?
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>>22502 (OP)
>can't deal with all this baggage
For sure, just imagine how hard it will be to tug that corpse to the morgue.
A depraved sense of humor, I like that.
>pre martial sex

Cringe. You literally risk Hell you ignorant secularized Celtic faggot. Consider yourself very fortunate and a sign from God that girl didn't call the cops on you or something.
Don't stick your dick in crazy. Get to know if they're crazy first. Always drag ass to get to know women in this day and age so if they are fucking nuts you can run before it fucks your life over. Lots of fucked in the head women will be total sluts want to fuck then cry rape afterword's. Woman are like fucking landmines now in days.
Damn glad I'm old enough and married so I never did the online dating shit.
flee from crazy girls, they'll ruin your life
you don’t have a duty to be in a relationship with anybody you don’t want to be with

but it definitely seems like you could be more sensitive and helpful here. Like if you find the suicide thing a deal breaker that’s fine but at least be cool about and not a little nerd.

like imagine if you revealed some intimate stuff to somebody and then they immediately ignored you from that point on, it probably wouldn’t feel very good
i feel like discretion is the better part of valor with this stuff, consideration for others and stuff
Brah: She’s fucking everyone on the first date, ever other guy was smart enough to not wife her up.
Sex is not traded for relationship, you’re free to leave at any time. Stay if you want her to make you as miserable as she is
Don’t be forced into a relationship you don’t want because a crazy hoe gave you pussy. This simp shit is nuts.
>>22668 (Dead)
yeah man treating women with kindness and empathy is nuts simp shit, i bet you're a real killer with the ladies.

op, you're not wrong for feeling the way you did but you definitely should have been more tactful
Asking relationship advice from commers. Most of which haven't been inside pussy since the day they came out of one.
Dude I get more ass than a toilet. Flip the genders and ask your mom if a woman has to date every dude she fucks.
He isn’t her therapist—that’s no third date: that’s a toxic vulnerability dump.
>>22671 Okay? Are you going to toss some of that ass my way??? Why are you telling us this? Is there a 4chan bash you want us tonknow about?
Dude have some self respect.
Don’t wife up every hoe you fuck. Keep a roster for the funtime hoes, but if her vibe is making your dick soft cut her out of your life.
have some self respect, and treat others the best or you can or something like that
You did nothing wrong OP. She did not tell you those massive red flags ahead of time, and both of you decided to have sex. I do not understand anyone who's even saying you should have handled it better, I think you actually handled it perfectly.

If the genders were reversed, it would be a different story. Everyone would be telling a girl to leave this walking red flag.

Don't be upset at what the girl said, she has her own baggage to deal with, if she ever does.

And not for nothing, this is very common when dating fat chicks.
>>22502 (OP)
Honestly I would have talked to her in person instead of breaking up with her over the telephone, that comes off as a bit cruel. Take some time out of your day to tell her how you feel, that you don't really see this going any further and that you're not interested in pursuing a relationship with her.
But as for why you did it, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It feels like women are becoming crazier and crazier, their lives more and more dysfunctional, and expecting ordinary guys with their shit together to just put up with it doesn't sit right with me. Without assigning any blame where it isn't due, you're entitled to filter your partners and turn down people who don't have their shit together.

Worse than that, a lot of women seem to think that if you aren't having sex on the second or third date, they're straight up not interested. Honestly... it's getting pretty fucked out there.
>>22502 (OP)
>I did want a serious relationship.
Then don't fuck on the first date, especially when you don't even know if she's crazy yet. You're not an asshole, you're just retarded.
c'mon man you don't owe that to someone you've been on *three* dates with lol. Not wanting to deal with the baggage of someone who's tried to kill themselves three times is perfectly reasonable.
You've made the decision already. I tried with a nutcase for 2 years and it ended horrifically, now with an absolute angel of a woman with no issues whatsoever.
I'd also ignore any "advice" with a US flag, americans are fucking clapped in the head lad they live on a different planet
certainly we are in a different hemisphere than the brits
How many dates are you gonna wait before being the 50th person your woman fucks?
> I've learned that sex has alot of meaning for some people, and they cant help but feel betrayed if someone they're fucking decides they're not into them anymore.

Presumably such people aren't putting out "meaningful sex" on the first date.

>who's to say she wasn't trying to find someone who'd care for her

Then it's best she finds out as early as possible that OP cannot provide that for her. She's not entitled to a carer.

Like wtf was OP supposed to do? Unless he was an asshole to her about it or there's something he's not telling us, he did nothing wrong. It's possible he was an asshole since he sounds kinda autistic and he made her upset, but it's just as possible that she feels entitled to a daddy.

Advice on a porn board
Written like the type of simp that wife’s up crazy women fucking everyone on the first dates. God the world is lucky to have people like you cleaning up the trash and giving these hoes a retirement.
Yes OP, if it is not unsaveable you should try again without the sex.
Bro all I do is give out advice here

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