
Here is an example of one such a thing to discuss about said threads.
Should we merge /bbwalt/ and /ee/ into a thread called /misc/ - Miscellaneous ?

I can never remember what threads are where, and those topics don’t really describe what’s posted there. We need better categories in general
/preg/ is the most dormant board on the site
I can easily see it merging into /everything else/ and hardly anyone would complain.
I think they made their case to have a separate board after having all of their content relegated to one thread. Let them have their own board, it's not like it's a big deal. And there's a lot of stuff on /ee/ that would be way too alt for /alt/ - trans posters for instance.
Here's a thought: would there be merit to having a /ussbbw/ board? It seems like there's a lot of morbid-posting going on, especially with Adeline reaching 700lbs, Bobbi Jo's thread going to shit, and rampant speculation of health after a model crosses the 600lb milestone in general. Should there be a megathread, if yes should it either be in /ssbbw/ or /alt/, or should there be a separate board as the issue is starting to affect multiple models?
>And there's a lot of stuff on /ee/ that would be way too alt for /alt/ - trans posters for instance.

So people can handle porn that involves an unborn child, yet if a guy wants to wear a wig and be called a woman that's somehow too alt?
Surprisingly yes. You ARE dealing with coomer logic here.

Coomer is just slang for a white basement dweller. Yeah, let's make an entire pregnant section for 4 people. It's not like most of the pregnant fetish dudes haven't jumped over to preggophilia already....
/preg/ is dormant because a lot of artists admit that they don't have the fetish and are doing it to pay bills.

It's almost as if getting pregnant and having/raising a child is more work than being fat. God forbid a woman isn't popping out a kid every year and not making a living off of it.
It's not hard. It's more the ideal woman for pregnancy commissions would be Mid-40s with kids, but the audience is like teens and college men. Artists like Riddle, Marrazan keep their characters at college age adults. It's like how Cake drew Maggie's mom with bigger boobs, but stopped cause she mogged her metal head daughter. It's why Orihime has a son instead of a daughter. The mom would overshadow the chestlet.

He's talking about real life pregnancies, not artists.
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Social conservatives and Lifetime killed real life pregnancy kink. I don't think it's outright possible unless Mike Huckabee acts as a pimp and grooms women into covenant marriages where they pop out hordes of children for God.

Another thread ruined by a political faggot. Fuck off.
I do not think it is possible to separate pregnancy from politics in America. Pregnancy is too much of a responsibility and a burden onto women to romanticize.

I think it is possible. Fuck off too.
>responsibility and a burden onto women
I agree. Have more abortions, please.
It's not possible. The era of spreading genes thru multiple concubines is over. Only fictional demon kings want to do that.
the short answer is no. bbw/ssbbw are already meaningless vague descriptors and there are like, less than a handful of active content creators who could reasonably fit into the "ussbbw" tier. also willing to bet most of the /ssbbw/ crowd (myself included) are fine with ussbbw content on that board.
and Nick Cannon, for some reason
>Merge /preg/ and /alt/
>Merge /ee/ and /bhm/
How do you like that?
Unnecessary. Better it be a thread like you've said.
>teens and college men
Of course, youth and hormones running wild. Unsurprisingly, even.
If you don't care about the politics, they will come to care about >(you). Beaten track catchphrase, I know.
If a woman can't do babies, what's the use of her?
It's a great tragedy if she can't bear children due to the health issues, but if it's due to her being a narcissistic hedonistic cunt? What will you say here?
Yasss, keep the sacrifices rolling.
Sex tourists in Africa and Asia respectively disagree.
I don't know, maybe a death feedist board. Give the half dozen or so here a place to post their sick fantasy.
Actually, I never thought taking the bbw board and breaking it up into a BBW & SSBBW boards was needed. There's not enough traffic anymore. Sharing is a thing of the past and begging is all that's around anymore.
As for the other boards. You could merge preg into Alt.
Moderation here leaves something to be desired at times. Tit board improved tremendously with a new mod. No more bumping by the one dumbass there. The BBW board though allows the coomer begging to continue and will delete those who tell the beggar to fuck off while leaving the begging post up. Pretty bad moderation imo. Begging for a coomer update is just a way of bumping a thread. Delete their begging post and ban them now and then.
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This might be the most autistic website I've ever been on, which is a shame since the porn here is pretty good and I don't have to wade through miles of shit to find what I want
I will bet every penny I've ever made that 70% of you are some shade of brown, ESL, or both. Banning me won't stop me from whacking off to all the content you faithfully bought from these whores lmfao

>>which is a shame since the porn here is pretty good and don't have to wade through miles of shit to find what I want

What porn? You mean the crumbs in between all of the trolling, begging, and dumbass posts that show up here on a daily basis? I bet my left nut that you can go on SpankBang right now and find better shit than what you would on here
I visit this site (mostly /ssbbw & /gen) daily but it doesn't even warrant that cuz i'm not missing anything except beg posts but my brain has been so thoroughly fried that I check this site compulsively but I'll try going cold turkey.>>22784
A good chunk of the softcore content there are reposts of stuff uploaded here but fair point.

I can't really substantiate this claim but I think there's a small contingent of people who share all the content here. Like in the Boberry thread there's only one dude sharing stuff and various other files I catch now and then are reencoded and titled similarly.
IDK... I check SSBBW daily and always come away with something new (to me). I'm not saying I love the begging and trolling but it's hardly a wasteland. And at the risk of being called a white knight, simp, cuck, whatever, maybe the relative trickle of stolen stuff helps keep the pump primed for new content. If everything every model put out wound up on here immediately, it would kill the golden goose and we'd have nothing.

At the end, it makes more sense to go to a site with content and actual moderation. Granted I mostly come here to get updates on any new models or info on established ones. Not to mention the case where someone does upload a new video, it'll quickly gets buried by people necroing other threads with begging or bickering. And by the time you found out about the new video, the link already expired. It gets to a point where you have to camp out different threads and tolerate all the necroing and bullshit before you can actually get content.

And at that point, I rather just save the headache and go to SpankBang and wait there for new videos. At least there, the DMCAs aren't as rapid and videos mostly last longer than a day or two.
Really makes me wish the vola room still existed.
between spankbang, coomer, bbwchan, hell even stufferdb when their website actually functions (not just me right? tons of vids never load on there) we're sneaky living in a good era for free fat porn. I'll still grab a month or two of an onlyfans or buy a new clip from a favorite here and there but we have it GOOD right now.
I miss the vola. and the array before that. I barely had to check here, just post up there and grab stuff as it popped up.
Can that one faggot who keeps spamming the Zaslav threads get banned already?
If Zaslav was as powerful as he thinks, the problem would have been taken care of via drone, operated from Burbank.
and the resulting maximum number of threads on this thread will be 294. And duplicate threads and/or threads with the same idea will be merged into separate threads to avoid confusion.
Anybody aware of the literal, unironic psycho spamming and shitposting threads on /inflation/?
I counted 6 Zaslav/Disney threads up at the moment. Could at least prune some of them.

Or the person who keeps spamming it can fuck off and keep all of the shit in one thread.
What's with Ivannabbw threads attracting the most autistic of individuals? There's one in /bbw/ and one in /ssbbw/ and they're both full of weirdos (or probably the same weirdo pretending to be different people)
Ok, can we talk about the fuckin' dogshit quality control of /inflation/?
I swear to god, there's like 8 threads there that are basically just begging for shit, best examples I can think of are those two threads that popped up just outright begging for some ladyluckfate vids, vids, that literally just came out the day they went up. basic beggar shit, and those threads are always popping up, getting no response and just disappear, which means a thread died just for some beggar shit. And there there's the multitude of mother fuckers who are just retarded, like that person in the berry/perma-flation thread who won't stfu about that new qualtro-motion capture animation ( >>>/inflation/68213 , >>>/inflation/67782 )
as an inflationfag, im used to the people into this shit being retarded, but /inf/ just amps it tf up
Yeah I don’t care about the other complaints it’s just run-of-the-mill board stuff.
NOW that Zaslav idiot holy shit. Have they banned them? Are they ban evading?
What’s up with coordinates loser?

It's just one guy who's using a VPN and a shit translator talking to himself. Its nothing but "bro", "brother", and "he". Plus he's replying to himself and making multiple comments instead of just one.

And it's not even me being xenophobic or racist. The shit is just annoying and ruins the entire thread.
Yes I witnessed that too they actually originated the day before on /inf doing the same thing but for Trudeau.
It’s not the “spam” person the commenter above is talking about. I checked those mentioned threads and the motion capture animation is barely mentioned.
The Zaslav/Disney person though?, die Scheiße
Oh that guy who posted some mfs coordinates in the comicalweapon thread because they wanted that Mavis sequence
yeah, that guys a fag too
She isn't even that attractive to begin with. Man searched the wrong model to be autistically fixated to.

I think he's from Argentina and that's why he only uses Google Translate.
And if so, when will we do it?
Why don't we have three boards like /bbw/ does for /inf/?
In /inf/ its a massive mixture of real vids, and art. But as soon as someone post a non-humanoid thread (the /inf/ lopunny thread) people lose their shit because it's "furry".
We need to split /inf/ into three boards like /bbw/ /bbwdraw/ and /bbwfurries/bow furries.
We can just call them /inf/ -irl inflation, /infdraw/ - Inflation Drawn, and /inffurries/ - inflated foxes, rotund rabbits, and balloon animals.
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/inf/ is just a massive amalgamation of art, irl, and other stuff.
Someone there caused a massive fucking argument because they posted a Lopunny Thread there.
Some people said it should go into /bbwfurries/.
Honestly it would be much easier if we had a /inf-furries/ for furry shit and a /inf-art/ board for general inflation art.
We already have the bbw boards split up so why not the inflation boards?
love how you left out the fact that there's already multiple inflation-based threads in bbfurries and that they could've posted that thread there at any time. and inflation is way more niche than bbw stuff, which is why the site is fucking called bbwchan and /inf/ is just a board. Theres no need to split it up, the ratio is already fine. Just keep furry shit to bbfurries, it's literally that simple lol
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>If you don't care about the politics, they will come to care about >(you). Beaten track catchphrase, I know.
It's also a stupid one, because "caring" about politics in the context implied in the saying here refers to the kind of caring that'd bring forth pleasant political developments for you personally, while preventing the ones you'd consider unpleasant.

But you don't bring forth this kind of change by just sperging about politics on a porn board, that doesn't actually accomplish anything and I'd argue it can even be counterproductive in the grand scheme of things, as you're more than likely to just piss off the non-political people who just come here to fap, while simultaneously enforcing the persecution complexes of either the right or left loonies.

Real political activity takes much more than just having opinions and voting once every few years. So if you're not gonna dedicate a considerable amount of your time to that, striving to avoid stressing about politics is not a bad way to live, it's actually pretty good for your mental health.
The right already won the house in America, which means they can finally bully the president's son over his dealings in Ukraine. The left at this point is nothing more than performative theater.
Didn’t Trumps kids run the White House like their playpen?
Ohhh the rights pro Russian.
Russia and Ukraine both have oligarchy who do business in the commodities sector. Russia is collapsing because the country does not have a legal system that punishes corruption the same way Xi-era China does with every Hong Kong, Taiwanese or mainland financial investor. To America, Ukraine is just a corporate lobbyist playground that attracts both left and right. I don't know much about Trump's kids, aside from Don Jr. is bad at accounting, Eric is the only good Trump, and Ivanka is the smart one.
I've read five insider books on the Trump White House and they all say more or less the same thing:

Ivana and Jared were important advisers but one of at least 3 warring factions throughout his term. By the end they'd been all but pushed aside by the Goldman Sachs and hard-MAGA contingents. I also suspect Jarvanka realized the association was bad for both their brands so the estrangement may be mutual.

Donald Jr. took his mom's side in the divorce and went out on his own for a few years. He came back into the fold after a self-made "career" ski bumming and bartending, realizing he had nothing valuable to offer the world beyond being Donald Trump Sr.'s son. Still, the initial betrayal sticks and so Trump trusts him the least. That's why he's so over the top in defending his dad and toeing the MAGA line. He also has delusions of taking over when dad dies/retires which is just sad.

Eric was put in charge of Trump Inc. when dad won the election and so he had to keep his distance from the White House for legal reasons. By all accounts he was successful in doing so, unlike when Biden was vice president and Hunter the family money man.
That has never happened ever. Take your meds.
I am a New Yorker and I say Trump lost because he was a bully. The most consistent trait of the Donald is that he's a schoolyard bully. Evangelicals and country club conservatives hate bullies, so they went for Joe Biden. Scranton Joe is also a poorfag president. He's the poorest member. I know that conspiracy nuts are still salty at losing Georgia, but Trump made things worse by bullying elected officials. The runoffs this year can only be won if Democrats self destruct because as seen in Virginia, Democrats are their own worst enemy. Why should I, a MAGA Republican, assist Democrats in their slow decline when Biden is doing a perfectly good job shielding the Saudis and Communist China? Deep down Dems want to rehabilitate Donald Trump like they did with other war criminals like Cheney, Bush, and Mitch McConnell just so he can turn on Ron Desantis.
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Great, the two salty MAGAtards think this is a safe space for them.

Go join your dying political party please, and take that fuck Elon with you
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Elon Musk is doing a good job of running Twitter. From what I have heard, Silicon Valley tech developers were scheming to stab each other in the back. I am convinced the left just want to pose for the Ken Burns documentary about 1/6. I think the left just wants to usurp Joe Biden to enact their agenda. It's no coincidence that Gen Z, despite being liberals, are copying the worst trends of the 90s like school shootings cause they have no leisure.
It was sarcasm. Take an edible.
Don't you have a child to rape, demoniac?
If we're going by party affiliation for likelihood of such a thing... don't you?

Fuck off.

Now back to the subject, everytime a model gets involved in a thread about her, it turns into a shitshow. The Kayla thread of course, and you fuckers finally drove Nadya away. The comment that got to her was the guy who said her nose could crack open a coconut.

It only turns into a shitshow once the simps come out and start sucking her clit. And they're the same ones who were talking shit about her prior to her commenting.
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>The Kayla thread of course, and you fuckers finally drove Nadya away.

The dudes who've done that should be IP banned, full stop. I remember when Stuffingkit would hang on BBWchan and was one of the first to make me realize that this desire is apart of me, until she was driven off in a similar fashion; these dudes are broken and will only turn the site into their own personal tumor hugbox. They are the WORST for a community.
> these dudes are broken and will only turn the site into their own personal tumor hugbox.

Which is the purpose of this site. People come here to pirate, not to hang out with these models. They're not your friends, they only show up to damage control and find out who's leaking their content. You got a bunch of other sites if you wanna go and chat with your fattie of choice.
bbwchan boomer here. 20 years strong in this horrible scene.
well anyways, simple question.
what's the "overboard"? just seems like another general.
nevermind. just realized it's all updates from across the site on one page. my bad.

>>Claims to be a member here for 20 years

>>doesn't know what overboard means
I can't believe how much of a psychotic rapist shithole /booty is and will always be.
If you think everyone is as invested in politics as you are, I've got a bridge to sell you

It's honestly the same handful of bored white basement dwellers who come on here and bitch n moan about politics.
Ive been on and off here for 10+ years, whatever happened to the array and all the hosting migrations the site has had to do? Are hosting donations still a thing?
>The comment that got to her was the guy who said her nose could crack open a coconut.
/booty/ is the most autistic place on the internet

Anyone who uses still uses autistic as a personification doesn't have any room to talk.
I feel like weight gain takes itself too seriously to enjoy the fetish.

I'm saying the people there are autistic, not the board itself. Kind of like if i said gay bar i'm not suggesting the bar itself is gay. Do you understand now?

You're intelligent?

You must be either dumb or lazy to not come up with a different insult other tha autistic.

It's not an insult, it's a diagnosis

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