
(36 KB, 320x378, Happy1c.JPG) (25 KB, 225x326, Happy1d.JPG) (68 KB, 588x434, Happy1a.JPG) (29 KB, 263x411, Happy1b.JPG) (49 KB, 511x720, Happy1e.JPG)
This is a long shot but wth... There was a Maury Povich show from the mid-90s featuring a woman named Happy Leuken (seriously). I've googled her and the only hit is from a book where she's mentioned as an aside, the writer rightfully disgusted by the state of television at the time and society as a whole.

Anyway the show was classic late 20th century sideshow exploitation, Happy a very large, very pear-shaped woman married to a military officer. She was bedbound and the show was about getting her to a treatment center in Boston with the assistence of several soldiers (ungh). So it was sort of a proto-My 600lb Life, but unlike that shitshow, Happy was... happy, and pretty upbeat about life, except that she, you know, couldn't walk. And this being a show about a fat woman the mid-90s, Richard Simmons showed up to help save the day.

I found these screen grabs a while back but it's all I've got. (First 3 are Before, last 2 are After.) I remember there was more to it and would be profoundly grateful to anyone who has the vid, knows where I can find it, or has any further info on Happy herself.

As a bonus, and to maybe kick off a lost TV clip archive thread, here's an old Discovery doc featuring megapear Deborah Harper aka Whimsical Angel: https://we.tl/t-zofRKOQX30

(And yes, both women are "old" and kinda plain but that's my jam, sorry. Plenty of fat young conventionally attractive girls on this site so I don't need to hear about it.)
Don’t have the video but when they were living in Boston Happy’s daughter went to the same school as me and my sister. One day at dismissal Happy’s kid is making fun of my sister for something that happened at recess and sis yells loud as fuck; “At least my mom wasn’t so fat she ended up on Maury.”
Are there any streaming services which let you watch old Maury episodes?
(OP here) Wow — what a memory! Give the daughter credit for confidence... If my mom was 500+ I wouldn't dare make fun of anyone. Any other memories of the family? I remember the husband was thin and they showed him in his military uniform as they transported her in the van, with several soldiers helping. So weird and hot.

Not that I know of, but they'll have my money when they do. Those 80s-90s afternoon talk shows were pre-internet goldmines for SS- and USBBWs.

Why yes, both Maury and Jerry Springer are apparently on PlutoTV for free as well as the Roku channel.

I'm not sure which exact episode Happy is on, but those are the best options we got atm.
Thanks for sharing. This seems rare.

I just checked both of those services and it seems like they pretty much only have the cheating episodes uploaded. Do you where else to find these episodes?

At the moment no, I'll have to dig around to find an archive.

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