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Hello friends, I went to the bash in Las Vegas (my first one) in August. Just putting my thoughts down now and would love to hear from everyone (if you've been to bashes before or want to go, or just want to chime in). I went to the Bash alone and it was awkward for about 15 minutes but just being a normal friendly person (and also buying people drinks (both men and women)) and just being a good listener, I was able to meet some people and even make a few friends. As far as models go, I saw Jae, Caitidee, Sadie, Gigi, Spanxbeluga, Fupatrooper, SweetPeaOkla, Autumn Hart (XOAutumnHartXO), Kassandra (KassTheBlast), probably a few others I'm forgetting. I talked to most of them. My advice is to treat them like normal human beings; if you know they are a plus-size webmodel already, pretend that you don't know and everything goes much more smoothly. As amazing as these women are, a lot of random women are just as huge and beautiful and it was a pleasure meeting them as well. There were about 6 or 7 women who were 550-600+ and half of them were not even models; all of them were incredible. Some of the older women there were incredible nice and they would be your friend for the whole Bash and thereafter if you were just friendly and talkative.

My fellow (white) dudes there ranged from normal to completely retarded. I am sure if any of you have been to a bash before, you know who I am talking about - guys who are literally autistic, midgets, etc. or random old dude. I think a great thing to do is to bond with your fellow non-autistic FAs (I'm assuming most readers here are men) and I met plenty of dudes who were more or less normal. Once you meet some reasonable guys, it all becomes much easier to meet women as well. Met a bunch of black guys too, they are in general (but not entirely) less autistic. Also met the most incredible ultra-feedist ever and it was interesting to meet someone who I felt more or less understood me.

One thing I noticed is that the Bash is probably 50% white, 40% black, and 10% other. As a white guy it was easier for me to talk to black women, and for black guys it was probably easier to talk to white women. This is because, outside of the Bash context, these white and black women probably rarely meet or talk to men of other races who are interested in them (unless they live in NY or LA).

In any event I hooked up with three different women (I define hooking up as kissing/heavy consensual body contact) and went on a date with one, but I did not literally fuck anyone. I kind of doubt that there was a ton of straight up fucking since I went to every afterparty and for most of them, I left the afterparty at its conclusion and people were not paired up with partners going back to their hotel rooms (approx. 3:00 AM to 5:00 AM). Obviously it's a different story for people who came with their boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse. So at the end of the day, it was fun meeting people, and maybe even setting up a meeting after the Bash, but it was not a crazy orgy fuckfest like some people have claimed. And for that reason, I am not super excited about going back.
For context, I am a reasonably good-looking not short younger middle-aged athletic white guy with a reasonably well-paid job.

The craziest thing for me was that at the pool party, I saw this incredibly handsome black guy (6'4”, dreadlocks, totally ripped) sit down in a pool chair, and I thought, how can I compete with this guy? About 60 seconds later, his skinny girlfriend sat down next to him and they were talking about what was the deal with this pool party with all the fat chicks. So you don't have to compete with this guy. The other crazy thing was explaining the Bash to other people in the same hotel at 3:00 AM at the all night Subway restaurant to people who were not there for the Bash (they were there for a basketball tournament). I even met some chick who had WLS and went from 400+ to 120 but she still goes to the Bash to see friends. I also met the women who were opposed to the autistic German guy who was banned from the Bash for forcing himself on the women (he is a apparently a millionaire from inventing some computer chip in the 80s) and who has some giant house for afterparties in Vegas, and also the guy who organizes the Bash is apparently also some kind of sexual predator, so it remains to be seen how this will all play out. In any event, I recommend that everyone go at least once, talk to everyone, don't drink too much, thanks for reading and hope to hear your opinion, and feel free to ask me anything about the Bash.
Good post. I've never been to the Vegas Bash but I used to be a regular in the East Coast bash scene, and everything you say here matches my own experiences. If you're a reasonably normal guy with functional social skills and behave like you would at any other party with a new crowd, it's not difficult at all to have a great time.

I always liked the fact that bashes were racially mixed. As a white guy from an upper middle class suburban background, being into this fetish ended up broadening my social horizons by giving me the chance to party and hang out with people I probably wouldn't have otherwise ended up being friends with.
Also agree with the observation that there's a lot of "hooking up" but less actual fucking than you expected. They're parties, not orgies, although in my experience most women I hit it off with were willing to stay in touch and follow up with dates.
>>22442 (OP)
wait the guy that runs the @pearadise tiktok is banned?? LOL
He got outted as an abuser
How does one find a Bash? I've searched to find if one ever happens near me, but I can never find any reliable information. Is there one particular organization that puts them on?
I attended that one to. It was amazing seeing all the fat girls in one spot. Especially in there bikinis
not surprised hes a fucking weirdo
I can't believe there're women that trust that man to be near their children. As soon as that child gains an ounce of fat he will fuck it.
apparently he used to be BC Eve's husband, that kinda blows my mind.
I went to a bash as a last minute decision and had a pretty great time. It can be kind of impenetrable coming in as a new person for the first time, but by the time you chat up some folks and get comfortable, it's a lot of fun- if you establish yourself with the lifers, it's easy to always have a baseline group of folks to hang out with.

I was warned by Heather herself not to get involved with drama/to expect a little bit here and there. Just in bonding with one person more than another can feel like a political move. It's insane. Lol. If you ignore that element, it's fun. It's simultaneously a tiny and a huge community.

I feel like it's nearly impossible to not run into web mutuals or folks you've met/dated/talked to before. Life is short and embrace the absurdity of a massive party celebrating massive women, and it's a grand old time.
Xlenceplus.com puts on the one in Vegas, I recommend that one. Local events are probably okay but not as big.
speaking from experience, the fucking that happens is generally more privately orchestrated than anything. From hitting it off with someone in person or online, it's typically just gonna occur by way of luck and happenstance.

If you manage to find yourself into a sexual group of people, then you might find yourself involved in some group sex.
>>22442 (OP)
The one in silver facing away has a hot ass. The one in the way back with pink hair is a stereotypical woke trans activist lol. The huge one sitting down looks like a cave troll
The one sitting down is fat topanga on feabie
Lol OP is the most autistic shit i have ever read. You spent hundreds of dollars to go to an event, talked to a handful of people, fucked nobody, took some creep shot photos and then...

Wait for it....

Wrote a 2000 word review calling other people autistic. Lol
>>22442 (OP)
How and when these BBWcons originate? Is it only in Las Vegas?

Heaven. Fucking heaven.

>Heaven. Fucking heaven.
>Mexico Flag
Oh... That sounds only logical.
this looks lame af
Everyone in here has their bodies shaped like Dr. Robotnik's: Fat upper body, chickenlegs, it's fucking weird. And recently I stumbled across a nice fat assed gringa, but she was the only fat tourist I've seen. Wtf, I was expecting tank sized americans gentrifying shit, not prettyboys pretending to be multicultural.
I am and it's glorious
Used to be in the bash scene back in the early 2010’s. Very friendly people (at least in the NJ part of the scene), but holy shit, some of the guys who showed up were masterclasses in how to be an asshole. Fuck you and your kilt, Bruce.

His art sucked so much, too. Like an image comics cum rag.
The women are incredibly toxic abusers from my experience. They end up dating/fucking each others exes and current boyfriends. They’re all chasing the same good-dick that’s been in all their “friends” and get super rapey/possessive when a new attractive man enters the scene.
The women use the bashes to hook up a few times and collect back burner bros numbers from simps.
He wrote a book (self-published natch) that I grabbed on kindle to see if I recognized anyone. I skimmed through it and deleted it — sorry I don't remember the title. Anyway it's an unbelievable self-own, like The Room but as an FA memoir. Page after page of petty bitching and beefs, cringy brags, and general incoherence. Nowhere does he acknowledge that if you wind up with everyone in a certain scene hating your guts, it's probably not them. He lists every woman's weight down to the pound.

No disrespect to the women themselves, many of whom were indeed sweethearts, and who were just looking for acceptance and a good time, but only in that scene could he even talk to a chick much less sleep with one.
So I had a beer with Largenlovely back when she dated the dude. Apparently he’d call her from Jersey and ask for a list of what she ate that day. She told me she’d just lie to him about it.
it's 50% off rn! you should check it out and decide for yourself :)
What's the name of the book? I can't find it on Kindle by searching "UncannyBruceman," but I wanna read through and see who I recognize.
Fat topanga self promoting on bbwchan lol the lack of self esteem in some of these girls.. whoever was saying the women are toxic really wasn’t kidding
Bruce actually got a visit from the Secret Service after Obama's second election for making a relatively credible threat against the president. He's a fucking douchebag that a *lot* of people hate. (And his whole schtick wit the kilt and everything is so lame as fuck.) It makes sense that he and Stu (who's also a scumbag on many levels and is worse than Bruce) would have been friends, although I think Bruce now has distanced himself from Stu.

Stu, who IIRC runs the Xlence parties/bash, is trash and runs his events as cheaply and poorly as possible.

As someone who's been in the BBW community since 1998-ish and who's done the Vegas bash for 10 years, (COVID killed that streak), and the Jersey bash for years... the bash (or bashes) is really what you make of them. If you want to hook up and get laid, you can do that, but don't go with the expectation that you're going to sleep with top models or the really hot women, because you're not the only thirsty guy there.

The OP does have a point though... most of the women just wanna be treated like normal people. Being a fucking creep is just going to make a name for yourself... and not a good one.


I wonder if I've crossed paths with either of ya'll at the Jersey bashes.

They're not the only party in town... and see my comments about Stu.

The Plaza is such a shit venue. The Tuscany is OP.

lack of self esteem or presence of good marketing strategy? i'd be hard-pressed to deny that some of the most successful models engaged with people here instead of haranguing them
LOL what are you her boyfriend? Props man. Congrats on landing your first ssbbw. Now you get to proudly defend and promote her on bbwchan, the most honorable way to show your fealty to her. Unfortunately she’s a hideous troll with no legs who will never make money doing this. Save yourselves both the stress and embarrassment, and just quit now.

And? What's your point?
>>30312 Wow you're right.
Imagine arriving for the first time, it would like be the Jurassic Park introductiong scene:
>But the first impression will last
so is worth going o nort ?
bro, you're portogeuse
Lol he’s not allowed in Vegas or smth??

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