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I don't want to rant too much, and I don't know if this has been discussed before (sorry if it has) but this will be my first post ever on a forum like this so bear with me.

I think the whole "Body Positivity" thing is actually a net loss for chubby chasers and cancer overall, let me explain:

I have been traveling a lot for my new job lately and been seeing different types of bigger women all over Europe and beyond.

Currently in Turkey (different flag might show because of VPN), not too many fatties here but they still dress to hide their bodies, as you would see most girls do 10-15 years ago. Body positivity apparently isn't a thing here yet.

While dating bigger girls before the body positivity hype had its problems, the *artificial* confidence that this social media movement has created has also brought with it a new set of problems, which are much harder to deal with and also much cringier.

It used to be that you simply had to convince a girl that you unironically like her body (whether you're into feederism or just an FA).

Nowadays big girls feel entitled to be sexually attractive to anyone, which is of course ridiculous, and it would be equally ridiculous to "force" anyone on this forum to find stick-figure girls attractive.

The short-term benefits of this for us is that we get to see a lot of fatties in tight clothes on either dating apps or pubs or clubs or out in the street, it's great eye candy.

On the other hand however, it is usually these girls, (same type who will post about their gain on TikTok but never even heard of the kink) who are also the most toxic about how it is other people are "supposed" to treat.

It's true you shouldn't shit on somebody for their weight, at least in most contexts, but if you go preach about that stuff in a gym, a workout group, sports club, school or otherwise then you shouldn't complain about the obvious backlash.

They can post whatever they want on their social media feeds, but the amount of times I've been on dates with bigger girls and unironically heard that this stuff should be normalised is breath-taking, not to mention extremely cringy. (again, not even kink-related, just their standard obesity).

At the end of the day, only chubby chasers will like and/or sexually desire chubby girls, that is not something that any movement will ever be able to change.

My dating experience has been pretty chaotic lately due to moving around a lot, so I haven't been able to find something stable yet but I'm starting to feel as if I'm dating the same types of girls over and over again, having the same kinds of conversations and getting the same kind of milquetoast, basic-bitch answers that sound more like instagram posts about how you should be "proud" of your stretchmarks rather than hide them away.

I don't want any autists to willingly misunderstand what I'm trying to get across, but just to be clear, I'm not saying they should be ashamed or hide away or any of that stuff, but everybody needs to understand that liking bigger bodies is, at the very least, very unusual, and that most people find them unattractive, and forcing them accept something they are disgusted by will only bring up more backlash, more bickering and more cringe.
Body positivity is made for insecure fat women by insecure fat women, who are now allowed to expose their insufferability and narcissism. It is also part of the greater trend of women just being narcissistic and entitled, and courtship getting replaced by casual dating over the decades with pick-up artists and one-night stands and so on.
Body positivity is just what snobby bitches say when they get one single comment about their weight. And then they want to act like they've been attacked their entire lives for being fat. And it's ironic that almost all of the insults that women receive are from other women.
Perhaps this is a case of both sides having a point. I think that perhaps these women are right in not wanting to be known only for their weight. They probably wish to find someone who knows them as a person and is not solely attracted to their weight. Though they should accept that men may only be with them due to their looks and to let a man they date indulge in their kinks. We should also be honest to a woman if we find her attractive because of her weight and if we wish to engage in feedism with her. If she asks me, I would be honest about my kinks, though admit I would do that to her sometimes and look for a reason to be with her beyond how chubby she is. All I believe is that we should honor these women's choices not be with us because they're people, we are not entitled to be with them. If they don't wish to be with us, then we should move on to someone else. This doesn't mean the end of our dating lives, we should find someone who doesn't mind feedism and having their chubby bodies massaged. Perhaps we should find a reason to like a woman beyond her looks. Which is what most women ask for, that men know them for something beyond their looks. That's what I always work towards, I try to know bigger girls as people and work to see if we have anything in common. They just want a relationship with men who aren't only dating them because of their weight. Perhaps this is a situation that's all about compromise between fat body positive women and men that are attracted to fat women. The body positive women should know that not all fat admirers see them solely as a fetish and that their are fat admirers who wish to know them as people and who don't wish to take their kinks to far. We should be honest with a fat woman if we are attracted to her because of her fatness, and know who she is as a human being.
Women have the same reasons to not go out with us, as we do to not go out with them. They are people and if they don't want to date us, then we should move on and find someone who will go out with us. They shouldn't be dating people like us because we're their only option. If they do date men like us, maybe they should be open to us and know that not all of us a perverts that only see them a sex objects. That not all fat admirers plan to fatten them up to immobility or who wish to emotionally belittle them and make them see us as their only options for a date. They should know that not all fat admirers are the same, they should find a fat admirer that likes them for reasons beyond their body and wishes to practice their kinks in a safe sane and consensual manner. Maybe instead of complaining about how they won't date us, we should clean up our act and keep looking for women until we find one that accepts who we are. Both sides have a point here, we refuse to see them as people who are in their rights to choice who they won't go out with and they think that all fat admirers are bad people.
I think you're right.
Here's my opinion (based on personal experience): I think it's important to be honest about these things with your partner. You should make your preference clear to her. If she has a problem with it, forget about her. Because otherwise you're just wasting each others' time and neither of you are going to be happy.
the net result of body positivity is that dating fat women works roughly the same as dating thin women. if you can still pull in the latter environment, you'll be able to pull in the former
I, for one, enjoy this generation of empowered obese women.
fat chicks are easy to bag if you're halfway decent looking and aren't a complete autist.

most of you are just too goddamn retarded to talk to another human being
What if she doesn't mind someone who is austitic? What if she enjoys intelligent conversation? I am autstic are you saying that she won't accept me for who I am?! That I should pretend to be "normal" for her to be with me? Before you say I think too much and need to stop, that's just who I am and I'm sorry you can't accept someone who thinks a lot about things and your mindset that no woman can accept it. Some people just can't not think a lot about things, it's just who they are, deal with it. I know that somewhere there's someone who can accept this quality about me. Maybe as long as I understand social situations and let her speak, I'm golden.
Have you ever intimate with a womaN?
He isn't saying that autism is bad. What he is trying to say is that being able to hold and carry a conversation is important to go along with not saying anything weird or creepy that would make a woman not like you. The woman needs to be comfortable in order to open up to you. Even if she's just trying to fuck, if she isn't comfortable and you are saying weird shit, she isn't going to fuck you let alone be in a relationship.

There is nothing wrong with being autistic. I'm on the spectrum myself. No one is saying that you need to be normal or stop having interest in the things that bring you joy. Put yourself in someone else's shoes and try to view your own behavior (not your interests, but your behavior).
are you the same mf who kept derailing the monkey's paw thread
I don't have any experience with the new SA generations, but you make it seem like convincing a fat woman she's sexy is a small thing. For me, overcoming partners' lack of self-esteem and body image issues has been a major battle. I've dated exactly one confident, fully-empowered fat woman and it was wonderful.

Seems the issue is that you don't like confident women, whatever their size.
Self-esteem and body image issues tend to be fairly commonplace, I have an ex who basically was schizo about body positivity and gaining weight, which led to issues down the line. It really depends on the person.
You're probably right, but I've never dated a thin woman so I wouldn't know. Women are judged primarily on appearance and so value (or devalue) themselves accordingly. But I do think fat adds another dimension. I've known too many women where family and societal fatphobia did a number on them, leaving them with near-crippling body issues that affected everything in their lives, way beyond sex and dating. If that can be mitigated or eliminated I think it would be a win-win for them and the men who want to be with them.
Thin women tend to be the most neurotic about weight, I ended up with some really bad luck only attracting women with anorexia. Often this just developed because of familial pressures almost in every case I've dealt with this, or it develops because of low self esteem related to family trauma or childhood trauma leading to the valuation of skinny = good. Dating thin is painful also due to the fact if you talk about any fetishes and mention liking even thick women they get paranoid since the view of the kink is predatory.

Only time I saw someone significantly heavier than myself it was good though since they where understanding and didn't mind.
I’m not saying autism is bad. I’m not saying being short or broke or fat is bad— But they make dating women harder.
I’m saying “body positive” fat chicks are massive hypocrites who demand neurotypical and physically dominant males.
>>22414 (OP)
never actually bothered to read through this whole thing but your basic assumption is wrong
>At the end of the day, only chubby chasers will like and/or sexually desire chubby girls, that is not something that any movement will ever be able to change.
untrue, and this misinformed belief is probably why you think so little of body positivity to begin with. you don't have to be a chubby chaser to like fat girls - I've known girls who are in the 300lb range, but otherwise very conventionally attractive, and they get more action than a lot of their thin counterparts. for a lot of people, it's a minor negative at most, and if you go into dating under the belief that (hot) fat women are starved for any sexual attraction, you're gonna have an awful time of it.

body positivity is essentially correct in that what people find attractive is socially constructed. look at the way fat asses have gone from ugly to ideal in only a couple of decades, or if you want to go further back, look at what was considered desirable for Persian women before the 20th century. nowadays, you'd be weird for liking a woman with a mustache; in that particular context it was considered ideal. the toxic body positivity you describe is just the result of neurotic women who have never internalised the movement, but rather pick it up as a means to project their own insecurities. of course such people are going to be zealous, not because they believe in fat acceptance, but because they don't.

the end goal of body positivity isn't for fat to become the beauty standard, but for it to become something neutral, like hair length and type, where it's not considered good or bad. I imagine it'll only half succeed, but honestly, I root for it. a fat girl who earnestly doesn't see anything wrong with her weight is much easier to deal with than either a fat girl who does, or one who claims not to but is clearly fundamentally insecure about it. you're walking on eggshells with either of the latter two, and body positivity is worth it if it produces even one of the first group for every hundred of the third.

Based. A fat positive fat girl is way easier to date than an insecure one.

An insecure fat girl is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen. She eventually will reach a weight she’s not comfortable with and freak out.

That’s a LOT less likely to happen with a fat positive girl. Fat positivity is nothing but a good thing for us.
Idk lower self esteem women are more likely to date the losers here. I’m saying this cause they think they’re in my dating league not just some fun carnival fuck.
I have never read so much truth before.
I used to talk with a 400 lbs girl and I know it sounds insane but I think she got more attention than most of the thin, way prettier girls I know. To be honest I don't think she'd be considered particularly attractive even if she was thin, and I know she was considered to be pretty weird in school even before her weight ballooned. This girl in question got DM's at a weekly basis by people asking her out, and it's not even random Indian dudes that mass send them to every western woman. No it was former classmates, her friends exes and even one message from a guy she didn't know writing I see you on the bus stop at x every day, and I want to fuck you. I thought she was exaggerating at first until she actually showed me all of these texts. Of course, my guess is that only a fraction of these guys however are interested in a genuine, healthy relationship with her, or being seen in public with her for that matter.

I've genuinely never heard about any of my conventionally attractive girl friends experience anything like that, most guys approaching them are at least somewhat reasonable and it's mostly when at bars and similar, rarely random DM's on social media. My guess is that a lot of horny dudes looking for an easy fuck can set the fact that she's 3 times larger than them aside just for the sake of sex.
Makes sense. I'd fuck a fat chick, but I'd never date one seriously, let alone even want to be seen with one
too true.
before it was like, fat girls are more likely to think something is wrong with you for liking them, they had no idea how hot they are (which is usually preferable, period)
now they are just as entitled and self absorbed as skinny bitches, huge turn off.
I've been married since way before peak SA set in, so all I know of are cripplingly insecure fat girls who hate their bodies, and you for liking them. This was reinforced daily by people who felt free to treat them like shit, even after other groups were considered off-limits. The only good news was that my preference did open up the playing field for me, but I think I'd still prefer a dating field of entitled BBWs rather than self-loathing ones.
> I thought she was exaggerating at first until she actually showed me all of these texts. Of course, my guess is that only a fraction of these guys however are interested in a genuine, healthy relationship with her, or being seen in public with her for that matter.

That's probably the case. They think she's an easy lay because of her size.
OP is correct. It makes me cringe whenever I see guys on here supporting body positivity. They think it'll just lead to more fat porn, but really it's an ideology of shallowness and entitlement. You're all welcoming the day when a man has to be a 6'5 jacked Chad to have a chance with a 400lb bitch, just like it is with thin women. It's doing the opposite of making fat girls more accessible. I know some guys on here are quite attractive so they have this attitude of "fuck you I got mine" but it's bad for everyone to encourage a world where men have to be perfect to get even low-tier pussy. Guys who aren't chads will be thrown out of the competition and even chads will have more competition for basic fat girls. It's not about fat girls being cool with their bodies anymore, it's been perverted into "All women are literally perfect and can make as many demands as of men as they want". How come body-positive girls who have supposedly embraced that all bodies are beautiful and fat is sexy are still disgusted by fat men and thirsting over chads? Because it's just a movement about artificially making pussy more valuable.
This movement will never have any benefits for men.

seethe more, manlet
>>23904 You are a literal retard if you truly believe that the fat ladies are highly sought after by the general male population. What a fucking idiot.
Women are able to live self-sufficient these days but they'll pull the short end of the stick if they forgo men. Less purchasing power leading to a smaller living space, cheaper travel opportinitues, no children and a muted social life as their GFs enter serious relationships.

A women holding out for 6'5 stud will have 0.040% of the population meet her standars in the US as calculated by igotstandardsbro.com. quite unrealistic right? For hook-ups the 20/80 rule has ALWYAS applied. I have been well-versed in the red pill for years and let me tell you a big fatctor that led to the predicament we have now is ethnic diversity. People from various ethenticies are often attracted to white people but vice-versa and between all ethnic groups this is not always the case. This has generated a defeatist attitude within a lot of people that can seep through interactions with women.
pathetic. it's actually quite easy to pull either fat or thin girls, you just need to be able to act normal and you're basically set. the idea that it's only the giant 6'5 Chads who can pull is nonsense spread by people either too scared to flirt with women, or people who are genuinely unattractive in both body and manner and lack the self-awareness to notice that.

you only need to be one of the two. that and a little persistence WILL get you laid
South Asian and Muslim culture is so fucked toward women. This is what happens when a man lives like a child til he's 30, with mom cooking his meals and washing his underwear. Despite economic advancement (mostly thanks to feudal exploitation, but whatever), their countries will continue to be backward shitholes til they go through their own Enlightenment.
>>23931 wow You really sound like you know what you're talking about.
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cant tell if you're a lib or a magahat but either way good luck living without dependency on the people you hate lmfao

>"I have been well-versed in the red pill for years"

anon is still an idiot for huffing american political jenkem tho
Asinine comment and you’re only “lmfao” because you’re a fucking gibbon on amyl nitrate. I don’t have to worry about living without them because we’re codependent. I’ll deal with their tech support and other cheap labor as needed, and continue to point out their twisted views on women and sex and their fucked up modern-medieval cultures.

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