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>2 years ago
>meet 7/10 goth bitch at a concert
>exchanged numbers, became good friends over time
>ideal girl for me, i get along with her better than anyone else i've met, she seems into me as well
>share lots of interests, like the same bands, you get the idea
>absolutely perfect fucking body, everything that i fucking like
>pear shaped but still skinny at the time, small tits, big hips, nice ass
>things go pretty well, she begins to trust me more over time
>i already had this stupid fucking fetish beforehand
>one day she talks to me about some fucked up shit that happened to her with her ex
>basically he groomed her into unknowingly fulfill his sexual desires, specifically one kink in particular

can you fucking guess what it was?

>for context, she used to have a pretty severe eating disorder when she was younger, and was eventually hospitalized because of it
>ex knew this, and used it as an excuse to "make sure she was eating"
>made her send him pictures of her stomach after eating, forced her to eat large meals, etc etc
>no idea what to fucking say in response to that because i'm literally into the same shit
>obviously it's fucked that someone would do that, i think it's disgusting
>makes me feel like shit for obvious reasons

>fast forward to where we are now, over the time i've known her she's gained a noticeable amount of weight
>stomach bulging out whenever she wears a cropped shirt
>thighs rubbing together, face chubbier than before
>it's fucking hot.

I'm not sure what the fuck to think of myself. Yeah it's fucked what happened to her but I happen to have the same exact fucked up fetish. I feel disgusted with myself, and despite knowing that these are two different situations, I can't help but feel like a creep. Ofc I'd never force her to do anything she isn't willing to do, especially if it's some weird kink shit. I'm just not sure what to do in situations like these, I tend to make shit decisions a lot and I don't want to make this worse.
Tdlr: You met a girl whose ex was an abusive feeder.

Either come clean, stay with her, and act better than her ex. Or mutually cut ties and hope she finds someone else.
Listen to me, you gotta tell her. You should have told her when you found out she had been abused like that before. Especially considering he did it subtly like that, she is going to be very out off by this. But she deserves honesty, and she deserves to make that choice herself. Tell her that it’s what you’re into, but it doesn’t need to change your relationship in any way.

You also need to be specific about what this fetish is about for you. What you actually like. Because for her ex, it could have been all about the power dynamic. This kink has many different forms, and she needs to understand that your pleasure doesn’t come from trying to force it on her.

It’ll be a tough conversation, for you as well. This kink isn’t easy to have. But she deserves full honesty, especially if you plan on being with her for the foreseeable future.
What's more important to you: her or just her body? If she gets fat by herself then fine and if she wants to lose weight then support her, nothing wholesome or platonic is worth trading it in for carnality. How much do you like her to where you can live without it or not?
>>22370 (OP)
Honestly, I’d start by asking her if she thinks all feeders are abusive like her ex.

If she says “no” you have your opening. If she says “yes” you can tell her why you disagree. Separating your sexuality from her abusive experience is kinda critical here.
>fast forward to where we are now, over the time i've known her she's gained a noticeable amount of weight
>stomach bulging out whenever she wears a cropped shirt
>thighs rubbing together, face chubbier than before

Which is done by her voluntarly. Did you force her to start gaining weight? No? So why the fuck do you feel guilty for something that SHE'S doing to herself?

Don't be a dipshit and you'll be fine.
You mention favourably that she's still pear shaped but skinny at the time. Is it paramount for you that a partner keeps adding on pounds or are you content with a stable weight assuming she is fat? If the later option applies to you i'm gonna advise you to mention in passing that you dig her body, if you're a legit feeder I could guess you could tell her but there's a low chance you will find a partner into that and the desire might be getting triggered by watching fetish content if that's what you do.
>>22370 (OP)
If you didn't force her to do anything, you didn't do anything wrong, it's not like you control her eating habits. Don't feel like a creep for shit you can't control and stuff you aren't acting on.
only read the first post but my 2cents are to just find peace where you are. you found someone you like and likes you, her physique ticks your boxes, and above that shes a nice person you like to be with. i wouldnt let your fetish/interests define you and bring it to the surface of the relationship if its something you yourself arent comfortable with, nevermind her. If your relationship gets to that point, opening that jar of pickles could be worth it. for now just be glad you have each other, this whole fetish stuff isnt as big as one would think or hope, and isnt where fulfilment is in the long run. hope this helps

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