
(704 KB, 1284x1357, 69F2F4D2-E672-403E-A8E1-C1A6A88DDF39.jpeg)

ID.ME WAS CREATE TO PUT UP A BARRIER FROM YOUR BENEFITS. IT WASNT CREATED TO HELP ANYONE IN EXPRESS SERVICE. SOME PEOPLE HAVE GONE 6+ MONTHS WITHOUT BENEFITS BECAUSE OF THIS MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT ID.me bullshit I want to to their headquarters and make some serious noise to the point the entire company quits. They are fucking useless in every state!!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. Extremist lets fucking go!!!!!!!
You bozos always want to storm a building, but you're too lazy to find a job that has actual health coverage and benefits.
Not true. Some people cant even make it to anywhere with no funds point of benefits is to get by while you find work. Its a barrier and you know it. Its 2022 everything is online digital but when it comes to this id.me nonsense all of a sudden nothing is sent to the correct place automatically peoples claims just sit in a dark pool. Nothing is automatic. Its a block! You only speak with confidence because you been at your job for over 5 years making less then 25 bucks an hour.
>be Ameritard>
>want muh freedumb>
>also want benefits>
Im outside your house. You want to repeat yourself mate

>You only speak with confidence because you been at your job for over 5 years making less then 25 bucks an hour.

Imagine having the balls to talk down to someone who's actually working. Fuck off.....
And who are you his wife? You suck his dick to pack his lunch for work? You're pissed the truth is out! How about you fuck off. You dont know if ppl lost their job at fault or not you asshole. Stop thinking one sided. Not everyone one willing " to to to work" for $20-25/ hr inflation is killing most lower class folks. You clearly dont know the half you just want be heard. Because youre anon. Keep it that way it u want to stay alive popping shit like youre a killer.
>>22337 the truth is out they leave claimants on a loop hole for months only way to get your shit fixed is by calling for months! Its 202 and unemployment dont have a fucking call back system!!!!!!
Killing is the only way to revolution! Thats how you change the world! Most narcos know that! FUCK THEM IF WE DONT EAT NIETHER SHOULD THEY BURN DOWN ALL THE BUILDINGS. Now I got their attention. DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!!!

Lmao, fuck off nigger. You don't know shit either. You like sucking dick so much, how about coming over and lick the custard out of my Twinkie. I'll even throw in free lunch after you guzzle down a gallon of my piss.
>>2236 (Dead)>>22364
Sure he/she isnt indian or indonesian? U got mind fucked

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