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The lass couldn't even last more than one month without being forced out. But I guess that's what happens when you end up being the last person the Queen meets before dying.

Britain's politics are a lot more toxic than people believe.
Kills the queen and tanks the economy in under 2 months. I'm not an advocate for "just giving someone a chance"- she's got bad juju and if she remained for any longer it's possible England might sink into the ocean.

You can only blame her so much for Britain's fucked up economy. I doubt she was able to do that much damage in 44 days. Most of the damage is still from Johnson's term.
I never thought I’d read about Liz Truss on a porn image board. I love it! 🤣
I can’t really go off bodies alone unless the face is hidden. Hers is showing and well…. it scares me and my boner

>>Hers is showing and well…. it scares me and my boner

lol, pansie. There's worse looking faces in this community.
We're simply not going back to the era of blue collar work and drinking at pubs. It's why the Tories and the American left are flopping. Extremists need to admit that people covet social security too much to destroy the social safety net.
I avoid those too
Vote for Liz because sexy
Britain destroyed in 44 days
You’re welcome

That's what happens when your whole parliament is full of old geezers. Then again, I wouldn't expect more from a first world country that's still stuck in the 18th century. The queen dying was the wake up call your country needed to finally come to the 21st century.
I want to believe this, but where I live, Zeldin is somehow gaining on Hochul presumably because he looks like a doughy man boy.
Holy shit can you go one goddamn day without bringing up you're from New York? Fucking faggot.

Shut the fuck up about Zeldin. Geez, you bring this shit up in every post you're in. Fuck off.
That depends, can you inbred Hillbillies admit that your fat of she is not coming? Holy shit Tories and their bootlickers are hilarious. How many times are conservatives and liberals are going to fight for some elderly cripple to run government?
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Cranky cause boomers crashed the economy and making you pay for it with a subprime mortgage, weed man?
Imagine being such a cuck that you think you have a shot with hambeasts during the worst economic downturn since 2008. Nobody cares fatso. Hit the treadmill, hamplanet!
This is getting a little pathetic Kisame 🙁
Who are you talking about? You could just ignore it, but you want to commit harakiri for fat women in the hopes she notices you. This is why conservatives are taking away your porn. We can't have you been retarded and blaming everything on imaginary Kisame. Take your pills and get back to reality, wagie!

Nobody told you to leave your uncle's attic. Get back in there smooth brain.
Who are you talking to? Its just a cartoon character. Holy shit, you coomers brains are fried

I was talking to the asshole who quoted me, but since you want to talk shit how about you suck my dick after I piss in your face.

Sure thing weeb.
You're the weeb now, schizo

And you're obssesed with this site. Get a real life and find purpose.
Says the school shooter obsessed with fat chicks. Why don't you get a life?
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Anyways, now that the spergs went to bed. Let's get back to looking at this busty hourglass.

Fuck off and stop derailing my thread. Political bickering is alright, but not exposing your own insecurities.
Now THAT is why I voted for Liz. She could sit on my face and call me disgrace any day of the week.
Hoping Mordaunt gets a little more airtime in your scrum for a replacement. Her look of Tory condescension totally works for her, between the hair and being a bit hefty.

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