
(133 KB, 416x520, 82D3D4F1-B9DB-41D1-A0FF-CCED30E08B15.jpeg)
Hey guys,

So i’m currently in my 30s, and I for the longest time, truly as long as I could remember I have been attracted to fat women weight gaining and all of the surrounding sub genres. I have gone to BBW Bashes, i’ve had threesomes with two BBWs at the same time, I slept with some SSBbWs on the border of being USSBBWs.

However recently I have slept with 2 women who are not morbidly obese or even chubby, and the pussy was fucking awesome. Usually I don’t eat pussy, but these skinny girls pussy taste so fucking good. Their pussies are so tight, they are able to wrap their legs around you. They can hold their legs up during sex because their legs aren’t that heavy. They are so flexible. I love strangling women during sex and their necks are so small I could fit my whole hand around their neck. Their hands are so small and delicate.

In an interesting way I’m attracted to them in a similar way that I’m attracted to large women, from years of sleeping with multiple large women, fucking these slim women and acknowledging the fact that they are thin. It’s like the absence of obesity comes in contrast with all the fat women I’ve slept with. I’m very turned on by their size in the same way that I am a large woman. How slim they are kind of reminds me of how not fat they are. It makes me remember all the fat women.

However when it comes to masturbating or watching anything on the screen I am never able to be aroused by thin women.

Is it possible to like both?

Also this is a random picture of a girl from google, wasn’t sure what to put as a thumbnail.
Bonus argument: The shape and maneuverability of a skinny woman with the softness and squishiness of a bigger woman. What’s not to love about them?
This sounds like a retarded larp because most SSBBWs can hold their legs up, wrap their legs around you, their hands are not fat, etc. Their sexual limitations are mostly exaggerated unless they weigh like 500+. With that said, you can be attracted to both, especially if you haven’t had sex in awhile you will fuck anything.
He’s prob talking about the massive difference between 100 pound legs being wrapped around you vs 30 pound legs
You're both wildly underestimating the amount of difference weight makes in maneuverability. I dated a 90 lb girl who I could fuck freestanding perpendicularly, with one forearm under her hips and the other under her clavicles. 15 lbs later and that was impossible. By the time a woman is 160 you can't fuck her freestanding the normal way. You can forget about manhandling a 220+ woman like the "best of both worlds" ones, she only gonna go where she wanna go, and they can't be fucked in the air even with wall support unless their core strength is a remarkable outlier. Most 300+ women cannot even "ride" you in the normative sense of the word — that is, they can technically go on top, but it is a completely different action compared to what smaller women do. Most of them struggle to switch positions. And many of them need modifications if they gain disproportionately, especially if you have a pedestrian hog like me.

Not making value judgments. Gimmick positions aren't a necessity by any means, missionary made millions. And obviously if I'm here I know what's great about fat chicks. But it is objectively a restricted experience.
A veteran in the game I see
Based anon. You could not be more correct about everything
Sleeping with slim women under 190 pounds is unacceptable
I saw in the new year fucking the fattest, heaviest girl I've ever been with. Comfortably twice my weight. My current girlfriend is tiny, probably closer to half my weight. It's absolutely possible to like both.

Not to sound facile but don't forget women are people too. You can find anyone sexually attractive if you're also attracted to them as a person. I appreciate having a type but why restrict yourself to half the menu?

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