
(126 KB, 732x549, justabigassbroad.jpg)
i can't think of a reason it would. but why else would everybody on this chan be so uncivil and barely capable of literacy or understanding basic instructions or any evidence of higher thinking skills. i'm now scared that if i keep looking at pictures of fat women i'll become like the members of this chan and incapable of functioning in broader society.
>but why else would everybody on this chan be so uncivil and barely capable of literacy or understanding basic instructions or any evidence of higher thinking skills.

Because it's a chan site? I don't know what's funnier, you expecting members of a chan site to act civl, or you not realizing that anonymity being present in any situationi is going to be taken advantage of.

Ironic that you question other's intelligence, yet you couldn't put 2 and 2 together before making this post.
so you're telling me it's already made me retarded?
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>>22099 (OP)
Do what I did and start downsizing. I still like SSBBWs and BBWs but I started seeing the appeal of lower spectrum plus sized women and now I honestly prefer them more. Sometimes less is more gentlemen. Might just be me but I prefer more shapely figures as well, as I’m not into the blobby figures some other fellows on here adore.

If you call yourself a retard, that's on you and your poor self-esteem. The fact you base an entire person's IQ on shitposting on a chan site shows how much of a surface level dipshit you are.
Lets not fight gentlemen. Don’t we each share a love for plump bodies of the opposite sex? That alone is reason enough to secure our brotherhood and work together to obtain the content we desire.

I don't even know and or care about you. People come here to pirate and shitpost. Your "brotherhood" is only worth the time I have to wait in between content drops.
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That’s what you come here to do my friend. I’ve witnessed tournaments, philosophical discussions, and entertaining personal stories all centered around our collective love for bigger women on this site. There’s much more to it then meets the eye if you look in the right places.
Ngl tho I’ve been waiting on some BC Skylar drops for a long ass time
This is quite the intellectual stratagem you've concocted. It also appears that women of a lighter mass would have an easier time being transported, therein saving fuel if I so desire to transport one I have romantically engaged with.
>>22099 (OP)
A lot of men actually do turn off their brains when they see something they think is sexy.
Go to any porn site with content from single individual (like from ManyVids, OnlyFans, etc).
See how many people ask "Name???" when the FUCKING NAME IS IN THE FUCKING VIDEO IN THE CORNER THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME. Or the video starts with "So and So presents....Video".
I concur, plus size women are not only soft and plump, but are economically efficient in the long term

Oh please, first you want to insult others then you want to play the "let's not fight brothers" shtick.

Fuck off.
I'm witnessing the phenomenon live. I'm the OP, the person who said "Let's not fight" is a completely different individual. Egads, perhaps the situation is more dire than I once suspected!
>>22099 (OP)

Nah, fat fetishism will not make you dumber, nor will this site. People act like they do for different reasons, and it's not limited to bbwchan.

Perhaps you should swallow cyanide. Another bicker post created by some faggot trying to bring peace to a porn site.
OHHHHHHH you mistook me for the OP. I just thought u didn’t like my paragraph about how I now prefer plus size women the most
Fuckkkkk. You've really blown my mind here anon, this is probably the most efficient, if not only, way of actually getting rid of an SSBBW fetish, other than getting with one and hating it I guess. Should definitely try this myself but probs won't lol

What the hell are you talking about?
??? Can you read ???

I don't read gibberish.
Nah, you just don’t read in general

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