
Theep doughts with the Theep.
>>22069 (OP)

The Brit is right. Fat chicks still have standards and can afford to have standards because people are still going to find them attractive. Even people I know back home who most people would not find attractive because of their size, they have options and are never short of them. I used to think that having this preference lets say was like a blessing in disguise because on the one hand people would think I am weird that I like fat chicks but also I thought that since fat chicks aren't desired in mainstream society or in general that they might even settle for a guy like me so I might have a shot. But I was wrong. You are thought to believe that fat chicks are super desperate willing to give any guy who shows the slightest bit of interest a shot but this has not been the case in my experience. It's also not helpful to view fat chicks as 'being less valuable' so to say. Because then if you do get with a fat chick it will be because you guys found each other attractive and not just both of you taking what you can get. How attractive do you think you are? How do you measure yourself, just curious. If I can't get fat chicks and they are considered like some of the most unattractive people ever then I am completely fucked for chances. A part of me honestly wishes I was gay. Dudes are way simpler and more dtf. Life (in having sex and shit) would be so fucking easy
I am not 2 meters tall
I do not have a salary of over 10k euros per month
I do not have as much muscle as I would like.
I am not the best and greatest
I am the 99%
As they are inferior in terms of objective beauty while still having the same genetics as any other girl with the potential to have great genes but just being lazy I view them as a niche which is overlooked.
If they have the exact same standards and loyalty as ordinary women then I see no reason to like them as they do not offer you a better deal.
What is a theep?

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