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Hello I am a 32 year old man, I have a long term fiancé 5 foot 2 190-200 lbs starting weight was 120l bs. We have been together for 12 years. She She is the love of my life but not really into feederism.

after being together for 5 years I wanted to end things to be able to sleep with other women. She proposed being in an open relationship. At this point I had already cheated on her about 10 different girls .
At first it was great, I can sleep with other women without cheating and having 3ways with my wife.

Eventually I stop having alot of sex with my wife and was mainly fucking the other women. She told me she wanted me to stop fucking the other girls.

about 3 years ago I got my first side chick girlfriend, then I got a second one,
Today I have 3 total.
the most i've had was 4 at the same time.

first one was a 21 year old bbw mexican girl, she was about 5 foot 2 240lbs if i could guest she never told me, she was hot but not into feedism. Great sex, I never wore a condom, she would eat my ass and suck my dick all the time.

2nd one 39 year old Chilean she was a client of mine single mother of 3 kids, she made a move on me first. 5 foot 8 180lbs, lost weigh about 40lbs while we were dating. She was sooo in love with me. I ended up breaking up with her.

3rd one I fell in love with, 23 year old medical study, 145lbs 5 foot 4 big ass and big peaky tits. She was so cute I never thought I would be able have sex with a girl who wasn't at least chubby. felt good having sex with a girl for the act of sex and not at all fetish. She just dumped me yesterday. I am surprisingly hurt about this.

4th Girlfriend I met on feabie, she is 5 foot 9 330lbs, (25 years old) Has gained 30-50lbs, but she does not want to weigh herself. We have sex raw all the time. we love each other. we have been dating for 18 months.

5th Girlfriend has a husband, she weighed 445lbs at 5 foot 4 (37 years old) when we met, This girl was the real deal feedee.
Her husband hated and still hates how fat she is. we dated for 2 years, full time we still see each other every now and again, its not the same anymore.

But in the two years full time she gained 120lbs it was crazy, she was able to eat sooooo much. 10000-15000 calories days for weeks. we would rent a hotel room and fuck for hours. I would bring 24 donuts we would order pizzas and she would eat sooooo god damn much. I couldn’t believe I finally found a girl that would make my fetish a reality. but after 2 years as a side bitch. I got bored of her.
I know right? But I get bored of all the girls I fuck .

since I have been with my fiancé I have fucked 40+ girls. I have been cheating on her so much. I don't know how to live my life without sleeping around. It is the only thing I am into, it is my full time hobbie. And I find time to masterbate. I am horribly addicted to women.

Not sure how you guys can input. Anyways thanks for reading and feel free to ask me questions, or tell me I am a slimy douche bag,
the picture is not me, I thought it mught get you guys to click and read what I wrote. Thanks
Break up with your wife.
So you can fuck 40+ women, yet you somehow can't afford to get real help?
The whole point of marriage is monogamy. You should try to make it work. Cheating on your wife is abusive, even if you both consent. I am not judging, just telling you what I think.

Also you sound like a sex addict. I am a porn addict and would probably be a sex addict too if I was better at meeting women, so I know what it feels like to be at the mercy of women's bodies. Pleasure seeking behavior is usually a symptom of a deep wound on the soul. For me it's extreme loneliness and a deep need for the affection of women. For you it may be the same or something similar. I would suggest doing some soul searching and trying to understand why you are addicted to sex. The best way to understand it is by abstaining from your addiction and seeing what thoughts and feelings pop into your head when you're alone with your self. Once you understand it, try to address those issues by adjusting your relationship with your wife. It could be that by improving the depth of intimacy that you have with your wife, you may no longer feel the need to cheat on her. Best of luck.
Polyamory is degeneracy.

Where does one even go to get real help?

Woaw, thank you for sharing your thoughts I never thought about it like thatt. abstaining from this addiction, That is gonna be hard. I will give it a shot, you think I should go cold turkey right away or set a date?
Actually one can have an open marriage where you and your partner sleep with multiple people. However, it must be discussed by your partner beforehand. Sleeping with other people without your partner's knowledge is just adultery, if you and your partner agreed to extramarital affairs, then it's an open relationship. If you want to do this with your partner, talk to her and work it out and accept if she says no to the idea of an open marriage
Fuck off, this guy isn't practicing polyamory. He's straight up cheating on his wife. If she wouldn't be happy to be told everything he's been up to, then she never consented in the first place and that's a cornerstone of doing something like polyamory.

Literally any other place. I'd even rely more on Reddit advice than this site.

>>Eventually I stop having alot of sex with my wife and was mainly fucking the other women. She told me she wanted me to stop fucking the other girls.

How the fuck can you defend this? She literally told him to stop and he kept doing it.
Just go cold turkey. It won't kill you, even though it might feel like it.

Abstinence just addresses the symptom. If you don't address the underlying issue, and if you lack a support structure, then you will probably relapse. You don't want to relapse, but it is probably inevitable. Just do your best. Find a support structure, either in person or online. Try to seek out more intimate moments with your wife. Make love to her and become one with her. Treat her with respect. She is your wife, she deserves to be treated this way. That's why you married her.

There is no such thing as an open marriage. It's an oxymoron. The whole point of marriage is monogamy. If you want multiple partners, don't be married. Cheating, polyamory, an open marriage, etc, are all abusive, even if both of you consent.
Hey just swooping in to say that it sounds like you know in your heart that what you're doing is wrong. That's a big first step.

You don't have to be this way. You can change your behavior and be a better man starting now. Don't waste time with self-judgement or the judgement or condemnation of others. You can't fix what's past. Just make the change today. Completely and cold turkey. If your fiance is the love of your life, you don't want to risk losing her to this addiction. Seek help if you need to. You're probably young and have decades ahead of you. You can either spend those as a liar chasing empty orgasms or you can live a life of honor and substance. Break the cycle and step into the light. Be stronger than your addiction. I'm in your corner, bro.
You should probably see a shrink. And maybe start seeing someone who is actually on-board from the get go about having an open relationship

Also Jesus dude, 99% of your post just feels like bragging about who you bagged.

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