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Time for a good ol' fashioned thread about wishes and terrible consequences.

The only rule is you have to reply to the post directly above you with an awful consequence to that post's wish (and for Christ's sake, be creative and somewhat believable) and then make a wish of your own. The wish can include a single model, an entire group, worldwide, whatever - as long as it's BBW related.

So for example, and to start things off...

WISH - Mochii Babii returns to modeling and mukbang videos

GRANTED - But she never does another stuffing video again without also vomiting, rendering the last 3 minutes of the clip unwatchable to anyone not into it.

WISH - BoBerry finally does a hardcore video.
>>21982 (OP)

>WISH - BoBerry finally does a hardcore video.

GRANTED - turns out she has a dick
Wish-This kink goes mainstream
Granted-We are just seen as average and are reated as normal dudes and we no longer see ourselves as unique/different and it's those that desire thin curvy women that are treated as fetishists. Perhaps too, there's too much material to stimulate us in this new world.
Wish-A new filmaker/showrunner with a bbw fetish includes it a lot in their work
Consequence-Not everyone is fond of this and it puts off viewers, some hating seeing fat women near/full nude or viewing it a exploitative fanservice, it may also not convert ever viewer into one of us
I'd say a worse consequence is it makes the fetish more mainstream and we get heavily marketed to, but with more and more girls unwilling to do any feederism stuff.

Also OP here - you gotta answer a wish with your twist on the consequences and then post your wish. So for example:

WISH: Echo finally updates to show she's gotten to 1000 pounds...
>WISH: Echo finally updates to show she's gotten to 1000 pounds

GRANTED: But she only shows the scale and a face pic

WISH: Ash returns to modeling blobbier than ever.
GRANTED: She’s now going by Xie/Xir, shaved one side of her head and taking acting classes from her new shooting partner, Ivy.

WISH: Some deviantautist finally puts out a feedist game that’s fun to play and has dozens of endings, body types and feedees.

>We are just seen as average and are reated as normal dudes and we no longer see ourselves as unique/different and it's those that desire thin curvy women that are treated as fetishists. Perhaps too, there's too much material to stimulate us in this

Isn't that what you people wanted?
>GRANTED: The mods for the game byy blueberry & inflation fetishists end up getting more attention, and the original project becomes forgotten as it's associated with blueberry/inflation more.

WISH: Roxxie becomes a professional model a la Tess Holliday and becomes generally well-received (as in, people don't talk about or mind her fetish history)
GRANTED: however, part of why they don't talk about it is because she takes down all her vids, and tries to distance herself from the fetish as much as possible
WISH: fat fetishism and feedism become socially accepted, with the result that way more people start being feedees
>WISH: Some deviantautist finally puts out a feedist game that’s fun to play and has dozens of endings, body types and feedees.
GRANTED: It's all furries.

I know >>22018 already responded but I couldn't not post this.
No no, this is way better. It's terrifying.
>GRANTED: Feedism, now less taboo and normalized, no long has any sex appeal. If everyone is fat, fat people are now normal and thus not as appealing.

WISH: You get a machine that can transfer fat between two people and have it assigned proportionally.
GRANTED: The machine immediately breaks after trying to synthesize an ass for Ellie

WISH: Architectpilled surgeons invent a gastric expansion procedure that expands the stomach by an order of magnitude.

>>If everyone is fat, fat people are now normal and thus not as appealing.

What a hipster comment. You all have screamed for years about being outcasts and not being able to publicly admit your fetish, yet if it does ever become mainstream, then you'd be complaining about not being special anymore.

Like make up your mind.
You seem to have a big chip on your shoulder for just this one thing. If everyone is fat my dick isn't going to fucking burst from having endless amounts of bodies to coom over in my daily life, it's just going to normalize what I was jacking off to. It's not a fetish anymore, it's just normal now. Either I go coomer brain crazy in public or my dick calms the hell down. Enjoy the thread about the hypotheticals or find something else to be angry at, this is supposed to be fun you mong.
GRANTED: however, the procedure damages your gut microbiome so that even when you eat more it doesn't actually make you fatter
WISH: we get a high profile director on the level of Tarantino, except instead of feet his obsession is with fat girls (and whatever related fetishes you have, I guess)

Lol, the coomer is going to call me a mong. Just for that I wish you live long enough to see your precious little fetish go mainstream and watch you suffer from dick rot and mental breakdowns.

WISH: __ Gets pregnant

GRANTED: They either hid the entire time, end up sick and don't do much, or act like there's no audience for pregnancy content and will post pre-made content until they pop.

Getting pregnant is the only thing that I can think of for guarenteed fast weight gain, even if it's temporary.
you're supposed to grant the previous person's wish bro
Are you mentally ill?

Nah, fuck Tarantino. I rather have my own Monkey's Paw instead of someone else's.
>GRANTED: But it's not with anyone conventionally fat, just like slightly plump girls. The acceptable range of sizes expands by 10 pounds at best

WISH: We finally get BBW Hooters - Mooters. No waitress is below 250lbs, all of them are cute, food isn't any worse than classic Hooters.

Are you a coomer?
>GRANTED: the customers are, for some reason, all of African American descent
Wish: through rapid advancement in medicine, morbid obesity at the most extreme levels is rendered survivable and poses no health risks.
Racist! Not all black dudes are attracted to plumper women, there are tons of white dudes that crush on plumper women and there are some people of pacific island, asian/latinx descent that are attracted to fat people. Liking fat women isn't a race thing. Besides what about the various black womanizers who fat shamed women and would only go out with women that look like victoria's secret models? There are black dudes that crush on bigger women, but's racist to assume all of them are like that. I would think the catch of a BBW version of Hooters could be women protesting over being treated as sex objects and over poor working conditions, the food could be terrible or the place gets shut down for health code violations. We could have our ideal business, but it falls apart due to other factors such as what I listed
Granted: Now the economy lacks workers as people are eating themselves to immobility and are incapable of work. This creates a surge in immobility amongst people.
The scenes of fat women being sexy is discomforting for most audiences and is critiqued as the director pandering to his fetishes and treating women as objects. The discomfort the audience has makes them not want to see their other works for not wanting to see scenes where fat women are nude, near nude or being sexy.
Wish: Female sumo becomes more mainstream and we see a fair amount of plumper women in the sport.
>This lame rant has killed the thread.
>GRANTED: In practice it becomes as popular as every other women's sport - no real airtime or coverage. Uniforms and garb are unappealing and the women are ugly.

WISH: We get a tell-all from Jackie about what it's actually like being 600lbs at her height - no cutesy slightly embarrassing stuff, tears are shed.
GRANTED: It's an episode of My 600 Pound Life

WISH: Fat girls no longer have fat faces
GRANTED: All non-fat girls have fat faces now.
WISH: Boberry gains to 700 pounds and carrys it as well as she did 600.
GRANTED: We get maybe 3 pictures of her at 700lbs in very unflattering clothes and she immediately announces she'll be a weight loss influencer. Long breaks in-between new content with drastic changes for updates.

WISH: You have a device that tells you every model's actual statistics including weight, updated to the minute.
GRANTED: Turns out low-ball kilotroll was right all the time.
WISH: Echo resumes 3-per-month updates.
GRANTED: they're just "photosets" of 2 to 4 identical selfies
WISH: the number of feedees doubles overnight
GRANTED: They all flock to rich people who have the funds to spend thousands on junk food weekly
WISH: Someone finally makes a good website for meeting/dating people into feedism
GRANTED: It gets shut down after the owner goes to prison for his role in the disapperance of a model.

WISH: Curvage allows nudity.
GRANTED: but only for buttholes.
WISH: Taylor swift inexplicably gains 250lbs over the next year.

GRANTED: it's for a movie role and she slims back down afterwards.

WISH: Aileen and Sherly from Stuffer31 returns.

>GRANTED: They return as even hungrier flesh eating zombies

>WISH: half the world gets isekai'd into the world of Some Bullshit.
What is the world of some Bullshit? LIke a place where fat is beauty and sexy and feedism is the main sexuality?
GRANTED: but you yourself are instead sent to the world of Berserk
WISH: the female beauty standard starts to become fatter and fatter, to the point where the ideal woman is considered to be at least 280lbs

GRANTED: Spergs here won't feel special now that they're precious little fetish is mainstream.

WISH: You become the feeder/partner/cargiver to any model you want.
What's wrong with autism and Aspergers syndrome? Besides maybe most people in the group would wish for this to be like the gay community where it's accepted by the mainstream but still unique and special. Not asking for everyone to be us, just more people to be aware of this community and for there to be mainstream creators that show this kink more in fiction. Perhaps some of us do want everyone to be us and fat to be the new standard of beauty, and this hypocrisy is just what humans are like and the realization that comes from having a wish granted. We want a wish to come true, but we also acknowledge what could go wrong with it. I wouldn't want fat to be the new thin, just there to be more plus-size sex symbols but not every sex symbol to be fat. I think like the gay community in fiction, to have more people that are us in fiction and to have more plus-size women portrayed better in fiction but not every man to be a fat admirer and not every woman to be plus-sized more but not all over the place. This way we can see this community portrayed better and have more plus-sized women in fiction but still be unique.
>>Granted: Now you have to deal with the responsibility of caring for someone, you will need to work a job to pay the bills of you and your partner's house, your partner's food costs and work to take care of her like cleaning, clothing and making sure she's all right. Perhaps all of this and she ends up being a rude, spoiled person who keeps demanding work of you and works you like a dog.

Wish: More Bad girl comics with plus-sized leads that eventually get animated movies.
Granted: The director gives us more fuller figured women, but he ends up doing what Harvey Weinstein/Bill Cosby did and ends up sleeping with/raping his actresses. He tells them that in order to get a part in a movie, they need to sleep with him or he engages in years of sexual harassment/assault of various plus-sized actresses in his projects.
Wish: More and more anime/manga have legitimate plus-size characters.
Granted: It's entirely played off as a joke and made as unsexy as possible
Wish: Candii Kayn gets actually fully into gaining and finally starts fattening up at a decent pace, without her hard limit of 200 lbs
>>Granted: She faces toxic people in the community and opts out after a while.
Wish: There are more sexy plus-size characters in anime/manga and they are designed to look sexy and are treated as desirable in-universe.

>>What's wrong with autism and Aspergers syndrome?

They talk to fucking much and write long ass rants to get their point across. You're a prime example.
Come on, make a different one. Yours got answered. Still a joke. Quit hogging the paw.
Why is that bad?! When someone is on the spectrum, one of the traits is obssessiveness on topics of interest. How is someone who goes on long speeches autstitic?! How do you know that I'm not neurotypical? I am austic, but I could easily not be. Don't take this as me confirming stereotypes. I was just asking why it's bad to be autistic and how not everyone who talks a lot is on the spectrum. They could just as easily be interested in what they have to say and prefer to think a lot about it. If this board faces stuff like this, then maybe it's what happens when people say racist or ablelist stuff like that. Plus loads of neurotypical people go on long rants don't they? Just because someone talks a lot and goes on rants, that's not a sign that they are autstic. Unless you're a doctor whose job it is to determine autism, you aren't qualified to figure out who is and isn't autistic. Especially strangers on message boards who have only communicated a bit.
Wish: for this fucking autist to stop ruining this thread
Let me pull back the curtain a bit and let you in on a secret (since you have trouble reading the room):

Autistic people are annoying. When autistic people make very long-winded rants just to be obsessive over something, they are annoying. Not all long rants are autistic, but my god you can tell when a long post is made by an autistic person.
>How do you know that I'm not neurotypical?!
because neurotypical people, and indeed many neurodivergent people, would (correctly) determine that this thread isn't an appropriate place for these very long-winded rants. it's not a guaranteed tell, but coupled with the fact that someone called you "sperg" and your response was another long rant, it's pretty apparent. anyway, it's not intrinsically bad but it derails an otherwise very focused thread, which is supposed to be about short, snappy responses. anyway,

>GRANTED: they're all children
WISH: the characters from your favorite fetish stories/art are real and you can meet them
Granted: They don't want to interact with you (they view you as a creepy pervert), you don't have anything in common with them, they wish to be someone who doesn't want them just as a sex object. Or perhaps they exist solely as a sex object but it gets boring being with a woman who only wants sex with you after a while.
Wish: We get lingerie models that are legitimately plus-size and aren't a little chubby, they are full on fat and are legitimately fat.
Even if a rant is annoying, it can still have a point, I just overthink things because I care about them and I care about the things I talk about. I just want to have a legitimate analysis over things and to have intellectual stimulation and a legitimate analysis over things. Perhaps sometimes read a rant, sometimes it's stupid, sometimes there's an actually point you may end up agreeing with.
You're on a porn site. If I wanted to rethink my perspective on life, I wouldn't do it here. So you and the other guy fuck off and stop derailing the thread.
>Wish: We get lingerie models that are legitimately plus-size and aren't a little chubby, they are full on fat and are legitimately fat.
GRANTED: Since the modeling agencies are making a statement about body positivity, all of them are also hairy af

WISH: StudioFA comes back from the dead and starts regularly posting new comics.

WISH: Sadie does a fart vid
you're supposed to grant the one above lol
GRANTED: but she's visibly using a whoopie cushion
>>GRANTED: They return as even hungrier flesh eating zombies

So I guess the rumor about Aileen dying is true. Not sure about Sherly since she last a bit longer.
>WISH: Some deviantautist finally puts out a feedist game that’s fun to play and has dozens of endings, body types and feedees.

GRANTED: It's made by PrisonSuitRabbitMan
>>21982 (OP)
women's belly is incredibly elastic and an erogenous zone
GRANTED: but their bellies get less sensitive the bigger they grow
WISH: my ass and hips grow proportionately with my tits and belly
Granted: You're a sphere only able to roll around and can't fit through doors.
Wish: More video games with beautiful plus size characters are released.
granted but most of the time it devolves into either blob, scat or a weight loss arc
>>21982 (OP)
wish: a "bloat pill" is invented. as the name implies its a small pellet that when swallowed, nloat you instantly. it becomes a popular practical prank to give these to unsuspecting people and watching them balloon
Come on, folks, this is an awesome idea and needs to continue. Read the rules and do it right.

>Wish: a "bloat pill" is invented. as the name implies its a small pellet that when swallowed, nloat you instantly. it becomes a popular practical prank to give these to unsuspecting people and watching them balloon

Granted: ...but the pill is irreversible and doesn't stop, thus causing targets to explode.

Wish: To become a massively fat woman, at will, to feel what it's like and act out one's fantasies from "the other side."
Granted: You can't control the transformations, causing you to become a fat woman at the most inappropriate times. You also lack the wardrobe to cover yourself up, leaving your body bare for the world to see or are cold because your clothes can't cover all of you up.
Wish: More legitimately plus-size people join plus-size dating apps.
im sick im so sick i just wanna get good in the head mind and soul

i get these women suckin my dick wit there mouths and pussys and demand them to get so fat they do it and get fat fat FAT and it don't matter how fat they get i just want them FATTER

my girl is so fat now she bound to have a heartattact, just every bit of her is grease and sugar filled SSBBW glory and i cant just enjoy i need her FATTER

my wish is to stop needeing this fat so much i wanna have a normal relationship without fat being the central endall-beyall.
oh for this my grant is but they all SJWs and demand you walk arund in a leash like dog for being a guy and if white, they only have black guy fuck then he fucks you in but and you eat all their shit every time
No they would probably be choosy about who they're with and perhaps it's the same issue that occurs on various none plus-size dating sites which is that people can just not be interested in me. This isn't the fault of the evil feminism or wokeism, it's women making the choice of who they want to be with and I should respect their choice. I wouldn't even call myself an SJW. You are clearly in a place of rage and wish to attack and denigate those you are mad at. The supposed SJW's probably don't wish to do what you say they will. The women don't wish to denigrate white cis-het men. I would imagine what I described is the more likely outcome and in addition to possible catfishing.
Wish: Adult animation uses plus-size women for fanservice and have them be interesting characters and not just the butt of fat jokes.
granted: lots of shows use bbw's as fanservice and as real interesting characters but most are half baked, shitty shows that either resemble she-ra or later seasons of steven universe, making them all mid at best.

wish: all overweight and obesity related diseases are eradicated making way for guilt free fat worshippingm
What's wrong with She-Ra or later seasons Steven universe? I'm a fan of those series. Do you mean that while there would be fuller figure characters but they wouldn't be sexualized?
Granted: This leads to more and more people becoming immobile and it crashes the labor market as more and more people are incapable of working due to being bedbound. These treatments could also only be available for those that are rich and those that are poor are incapable of affording them.
Hahahahaha i never new it was even possible to be so incredibly gay>>23070
you skiped my wish
Can you imagine not seeing the blatant racism and coming at that shit as these whores white knight?
Dude you’re not a decent person, nor are you fun or cool enough to make up for how shitty you are bro.
is why we can't have nice things. This thread is such a great idea, and you morons keep fucking it up. How? Glad you asked:

1) Because you're just so fucking DUMB. It's a dead-simple concept: grant the previous commenter's wish, but give it a twist. Then post your own wish, and the next person continues it. Not rocket science, not even a Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos episode. The lack of basic reading comprehension is breathtaking. I know American schools suck because I'm surrounded by the results on a daily basis, but what the hell is everyone else's excuse?

2) Because you can't be offended yet STFU about it. I'm offended all the time, by everything. Clickbait ads on websites, the guy at the coffee shop's tattoos, the bald-faced venality of every politician on TV, my wife's dishwasher loading technique, etc. If every time I was offended I stopped and told the nearest person "Hey, I'm offended because X, Y, Z, and here's why" I'd have no time for anything else, and soon die of dehydration and deserve it. Racism, homophobia and calling out conditions like autism are just part of chan life. Deal. You're not gonna change any minds, trust me. In fact you're feeding directly into the bigotry you're so fucking offended by. You're just jerking off, which is fine, but your right to jerk off ends at the tip of my dick (or something like that) by shitting up this potentially great thread with your sanctomonius nonsense.

(And yeah, smartass, I'm offended by you getting offended. Welcome to the ourborous. Now grant some twisty wishes and post your own or GTFO of this thread.)
you don't frequent /co/, do you?

all i'm gonna say is they didn't use most of their interesting plotpoints in favor of shitty metaphors that barely concealed their message. in essence they lack nuance.

also they are gay
i blame my fat fingers for my grammar mistakes.

also you're feeding the troll.
Just had to rage, sorry. Loved the concept of this thread, which was actually living up to the promise of this board, and it went down the shitter as usual, for the same stupid reasons.
i mean, i barely noticed all the bickering. i just gave the sperg outbursts a quick read and then moved on to more wishes.

speaking of...

wish: most, if not all, skyrim fat mods include campaing spanning wg, pregnancy, inflation story lines with decent riting to boot.
Granted: The mods aren't popular so they no longer put it into future games.
Wish: That movies and TV shows stop using fat suits and hire legitimately plus size people in shows and movies.
I meant to reply to >23095
Granted: media now hires fate people for their projects, however they are mostly old men or have almost no screen time.

wish: the human body is now inmune to electrolite imbalance, water poisoning and hyperhydration meaning water enemas are now safe in huge quantities and can't be hold for days on end.

fat fingers be damned.
>>21982 (OP)
>Sara Aikawa comes back and starts modeling again
Granted: She quits a short time after coming back.
Wish: There are more legitimately BBW models doing model work for small and big modeling companies.
granted: but they are always covered, never exposing skin.

wish: tulpas are real and easy to make. wg tulpas and other transformation and body modification tulpas become popular
Granted: it in turn makes not being obese have all the negative health effects obesity previously had, now everyone has to ve fat to be healthy
>>21982 (OP)
wish: there are now dedicated, detailed guides and exhaustive onto feederism, weight gain and how to practice it safely step by step. this research also extends to pregnancy, stuffing, bloating and inflation.
>>21982 (OP)
wish: cults and religions with venus figures as main objects of worship resurface and become mainstrean. full figures, huge bellies, breasts asses and pregnancy are encouraged and viewed as ideal and sacred.
granted: the guides are spearheaded by creeps in the community with bad reputations behind them, and the art is by mistystuffer. It's widely disregarded though not entirely discredited.

granted: the resulting religious war will pit these cults up against the major religions of the world, and unfortunately the hardcore christians and muslims are better armed. scientology quashes it around hollywood

wish: a prominent model in the SSBBW community, say Jackie or BoBerry, gets A Day In The Life style documentary about fat women and it's actually level-headed and well-received by audiences.
Granted: But people decry it as promoting obesity and fatness or others that it's sexy and that they say that "we don't want anything glamorizing pornography!".
Also for the religious creeps you mentioned, think some of them could end up in scandals where it comes to light that they sexually harassed/assaulted women who were close to them or even did these activities to underage girls? I was just thinking what would happen to them if they are religious figures and that seemed like the kind of scandals they would do. I'm just amazed that for the idea of the FA equivalent to Quentin Tarantino or the BBW religion, no one brings up how someone could end up sexually assaulting/raping series of women. Not to glorify sexual violence, just if men end up in positions of power over women, especially women they're sexually attracted to, it seems like assault would be inevitable. I would be horrified if this happened to any women regardless of how attractive she's perceived by anyone.
GRANTED: the level headedness and positive reception of the documentary causes the model to talk with the people to talk with people which convinces them and a wjole lot of other models to lose weight
I mean to talk with people who aren't part of the fetish
(69 KB, 790x388, pearadise.jpeg)
>Also for the religious creeps you mentioned, think some of them could end up in scandals where it comes to light that they sexually harassed/assaulted women who were close to them or even did these activities to underage girls? I was just thinking what would happen to them if they are religious figures and that seemed like the kind of scandals they would do. I'm just amazed that for the idea of the FA equivalent to Quentin Tarantino or the BBW religion, no one brings up how someone could end up sexually assaulting/raping series of women. Not to glorify sexual violence, just if men end up in positions of power over women, especially women they're sexually attracted to, it seems like assault would be inevitable. I would be horrified if this happened to any women regardless of how attractive she's perceived by anyone.
>>21982 (OP)
Wish: women on feabie got banned for asking for money for food. Explicitly selling content is fine but should be advertised prior to conversation.
granted: feabie then becomes a shallow marketplace similar to onlyfans, forcing people to buy subscriptions and so on.

wish: finding feedees and other belly enthusiasts is pretty easy thanks to dedicated and populated dating sites.
GRANTED: all of the feedees on that site have at most mid looking feedees and all have insufferable personalities
These sites face owners that run them into the ground through a string of bad business decisions, or there's not enough people on these sites to keep them going. That or if there's not enough women on these sites to meet with the demands of men that go on them, either they do what Ashley Madison did and either make fake profiles or hire prostitutes to go on dates with men.
GRANTED: but they cater to male feedees and charge a daily subscription fee for a female-filter.
WISH: the government funds a program which mandates that all women maintain a minimum BMI of 50
Granted: most of the women are dead. The remaining men work for them like slaves.
wish: anons learn that you need to post a wish yourself while granting someones's wish
granted: raising Anons IQ to the point of following simple instructions also gives them the self reflection necessary to abandon this site and pursue a less degenerate hobby. BBWChan closes due to lack of traffic.

Wish: Kayla Paolini gets signed by Blacked.com and does multiple scenes with them.
granted: she gives in to the bbc meme, unfortunately, she is later found dead in an ditch. courtesy of a co-star and the incredible negligence of the pornography industry.

wish:human anatomy suddenly shifts. now the stomach is below the ribcage, behing the navel. not only does it have way more room to expand but the layers and linings that protect the interal organs can now relax becoming soft and elastic allowing poeple to touch, hold and grab the stomach....preferably to shake it once filled with soda so it expands further
GRANTED: This actually has long term consequences and innumerable amounts of people die with a public health crisis ravaging the survivors thanks to the sudden random shift which destroyed the previous basics of human anatomy
WISH: Suddenly and without question, all opposition both internal and external to fenale obesity as a concept disappears. So not like everyone finds it attractive, people just find it impossible to be in opposition to the idea
Granted: Everyone is aware of your wish and the world is shaken by the blow you've dealt to the concept of free will. Your name will be reviled for centuries.
Wish: Lalia from Craving Control is now real.
granted: you never see her nor know if your wish ever came true simply because she kept to herself and very few people knew her personally. there are no public records of her ever existing either.

wish: human men become more virile. longer penises, longer erections and ridiculous ammounts of cum are now mundane to the average joe, theres a twist though. the baby batter the average human male produces comes out in such quantities it bloats women normally, nothing dangerous. however human cum is now incredibly fattening.
GRANTED: but fat fetishism is now strongly inversely correlated with dick size
WISH: HAES leads young women to be in complete denial about weight gain and the effects of fast food on their bodies
Granted: Young women across the world are in a state of complete denial and it is impossible to get through to them even with hard evidence. Seeing a woman below 300 lbs becomes incredibly rare and it is considered "normal" for young women to have incredibly bad acne and oily skin.
Talking to any woman becomes a haze of talking points, bragging about their lifestyle and how healthy they are, listing figures and facts that support them and constant demands for agreement. Any man who disagrees is considered sexist and fatphobic. Their denial is even to the point of ignoring doctors advice and the healthcare system is crippled by an epidemic of young women across the world in need of trillions of dollars worth of medicine and care.

Wish: Food becomes a universal right and completely free from government subsidized shopping centers- fast foods only cost is the delivery fees and the cost for them to cook it. It is incredibly easy to access and anyone can have as much as they desire.
>>23716 Where on God's green Earth is it "normal" for young pawgs to become bbw; How "healthy" and "natural" are we talking here; and How can I take my dick there?
Please read the assignment.
GRANTED: In an effort to save costs, the government reassigns all the food scientists from researching addictive new formulations of corn syrup to maximizing satiety and flavorlessness. All food takes on qualities of gruel and obesity drops to prehistoric levels.
WISH: Every person with a fat fetish is given the unlimited ability to modify their body at will.
GRANTED: this new ability comes with two drawbacks. first we need to be in deep concentration to mantain the ability and secod: people know you are a shape shifter the moment they see you in another shape other than yourself. this triggers a profound and viceral fight or flight response that sends them wailing and screaming for their lives.

wish: we suffern an alien invasion of harmless alien slime that: are dible, want to be eaten, clean waste, promote elasticity and a bit of weight gain. with their only backdraw being that they oftenly force themselves into poeple
GRANTED: They target men, and/or they do it since they want to eat us
WISH: I find a nickel with Boberry on it
Granted: You need cataract surgery since you see it, no one else does.

Wish: BigCuties signs 6 promising new girls in a short timeframe, ushering in a new renaissance for the website. The first 5 sets of all of them do a decent job of showing off their enthusiasm, personalities, and creativity for softcore porn sets. Their sizes are varied but you definitely see potential in all of them to be the next BoBerry, Jae, Sasha, etc.
GRANTED: The success gets to their heads, making them complte bitcges at cons and they then overprice everything and immediately take down any leak
WISH: PrisonSuitRabbitman finally takes comms for females
This thread went from bad to g literally overnight.
granted: no one buys them. but to make matters worse they get an inmense surplus of people asking for male fats.

wish: people get the ability to choose their fat distribution. now they can choose to slim down some parts of themselves, choose where to fatten their bodies and the shape their fattened parts take
Granted: Most women choose to have thin waists and ginormous boobs, though some may decide to have a big booty and hips. Though women that are fat positive will probably use it to be fat. Most men will wish to be ripped and strong, unless they too are on the fat positive wagon, they won't wish to be fat.

So like…the most predictable outcome imaginable. You’re not even trying
>>23788 Yup. This sounds about right, however I will add only that up to a certain age and with women leading the trail since they mature significantly faster than men both physically and emotionally.

Basicly I expect the result to be the usual: More out of weight men at younger ages compared to women, although with more overweight women overall, and men continuing to die earlier than women but not purely for weight-related health problems.

In the future as technology becomes cheaper and more accessible it will be a popular option for women and I believe that in Asian countries it is the most profitable sector of the market, even more so than the healthcare industry. I expect for cosmetic surgeries to become common but only for women in the same regard as the overall overweight percentile from earlier. Women will care more about their bodies simply because of the accessibility of the necessary medical treatment.

So I think you can expect more women to look like models in the future, but not naturally. They will use the gym, surgeries, and the like to attain physical beauty much like it is used today in those specific areas of hospitalized medicine and therapy.

Regretably it is looking like things will stay mostly the same for us lovers of huge breasts for many years to come. Without any incentive the progress in those fields of study relevant to breast growth could continue to stagnate for centuries. It is possible with these young philantropists of today to get the ball rolling but they will probably be more interested in other areas of research such as production of quality cemen, artificial womb insemination for surrogate mothering, alternatives to viagra, and the sort is what I would suspect because it is a more potentially profitable endeavour. Breast care and huge beautiful boobs will simply have to wait it seems. There are some good options available today though as long as you have the money.
Lemme fix this...

Granted: Virtually all women are slim-curvy, and a few have large but odd-looking, unsexily firm, high boobs and butts. However it's the end of big, hanging bellies, bingo wings, and back fat, three of mine and every other real FA's favorite things on earth.

Wish: Invisibility for voyeur purposes.
Granted: Invisibility power negatively correlates with how erect you are when choosing to have it activated. The more erect you are, the more opaque you becoming. Even getting aroused will start to get you translucent at best.

Wish: A leading and trusted medical expert comes out, against the opinion of public perception, to conclude there's no negative consequences of being fat. Turns out there were other involving factors this whole time. The studies are able to be replicated and becomes widely accepted as settled fact within a few years. Hell, the doctor in question has a 400lb wife of his own.
GRANTED: The corresponding disconnection of shame and fatness results in a complete elimination of emotional eating. Everyone's healthy body image means they view food primarily as fuel and only occasionally use it as a treat. Though some fat people still exist, most people normalize to a healthy weight and morbidly obese people cease to exist now that there are no compounding cycles of self-loathing assuaged with overeating.
WISH: Humans become less efficient at processing excess calories. The amount of calories over maintenance it takes to gain a pound drops from ~3500 to ~1000.
granted: as a result of our terribly hightened metabolism, we feel full incredibly quickly meaning that now we eat less food and gain the equivalent of a normal diet. nothing changed at all

wish: i can imitate any artis on earth and create pieces in mere seconds. i will personally use this ability to replicate any and all fat/ belly fetish artist and make stuff for myself and other.
GRANTED: You can only use it to draw art that you think is cursed

WISH: BWS finnally opens comms to people besides Lucyguy and Undertaker
Granted: BWS starts doing mostly male fat art
Wish: Stuffedbellybabe comes back with an even more swollen gut than before
granted: she makes videos again but she shows her face in every video she makes and she is the ugliest woman to ever live.

wish: a new trend among female athletes and gymrats. bulking is now only considered fruitfull and properly done when theres a pot belly involved. the bigger the por belly the better.
GRANTED: it doesn't matter if it's jiggly/fatty, so female bodybuilders and gymrats start using steroids like crazy in order to get steroid belly

WISH: Biology is changed so that part of human sexual dimorphism is that females naturally have the same fat by bodyweight ratio as elephant seals or polar bears while males stay the same as before
GRANTED: Except that the scientists who developed it fucked up and, like the movie The Fly, the female subjects slowly begin to resemble their pinniped templates in other ways, skin roughening and thickening, limbs shrinking into flippers, etc.
WISH: I discover a remote, ancient civilization where women are obliged to fatten themselves to double their husband’s weight after marriage. I’m accepted into this society, and as an honored outsider am given the pick of eligible females as my bride.
Granted: except they have harsh rituals that require a great physical ordeal, you need to consume something that tastes horrible, get branded, go through something perhaps with ropes or piercings that leave you in incredible pain, hunt a dangerous animal, or the society is regressive when it comes to homosexuality, or that women are property. You would have an ideal wife, but she isn't allowed to be herself or disagree with you. If she steps out of line, she could be punished severely for even a small infraction. This could be undergoing physical pain, to imprisonment, to even execution.
Wish: More and more plus-size belly dancers come about and become popular.
GRANTED: they eventually lose the weight from excercise
WISH: it turns out that nearly every gym rat influencer that shat on Body Positivity/Obese people were all this time closeted feeders if they're male.
GRANTED: Since most "body positive" fat women are into conventionally attractive guys with good physiques and high social status, after they get outed as feeders these influencers have their pick of SSBBWs and feedees.
WISH: ChatGPT stops censoring erotic content and continues to improve its quality, until it becomes impossible to distinguish from a real feedee if you don't know you're talking to an AI.
GRANTED: The AI is so good it's perfectly tuned to your preferences. Exactly what you've always wanted to hear, without compromising agency or just playing a scene. It's the complete package; real feedees feel like fakes and the human element becomes shallow in comparison. You can't help but develop genuine attachment and your love life suffers as no one feels as "right"
WISH: the beauty standard for women in America is ssbbw sized. Ads, tv personalities, female athletes, all of it. "Fat" is as much of a compliment as "thin/toned" is currently. I could probably wish something better but a girl just wants eye candy
ganted: you see fat women everywhere but as always theres a catch. the beauty standard for me is to be ripped. muclebound gymrats now plague the states which would normally be okay if it wasnt for the rampant use of steroids, making men horrible poeple in general and their second head useless. now most american women are lesbians because of the sheer disillusionment in the opposite gender.

wish: an emergent sex toy company specialized in belly paraphernalia is created. the prices are fair, it has no finantial or legal issues and it ships globaly. its here to stay. it sells cook books designed for feedees and feederes, water and air pumps with instructions on how to use them, and many more.
>its here to stay
>it has no finantial or legal issues
Found the demonic entity.
Granted: The quality of its goods is really below average. The cookbooks and instructions contain horribly compiled information from a couple of the most popular sites, the air and water pumps are the usual air and water pumps for everyday use, only with the company label on them, 90% of the other stuff is practically disposable due to low durability. Also, the company has a pretty weird and disturbing logo that covers every inch of the product in Louis Vuitton style.
Wish: BBW Chan becomes significantly more popular in the community, resulting in a tenfold increase in active and contributing users.
Granted: we get more popular but lose a lot of our heroes by half
Wish: mochii babii comes back from her break and starts to gain weight fast again
GRANTED: Due to the fact that she is already almost 400 lbs, she quite literally dies
WISH: A 50-Shades of Grey type fiction is released but focused on feederism instead of BDSM, achieving approximately similar levels of success including a movie
Granted: Like 50 shades of grey with BDSM, the movie gets feedism wrong as the feeder forces his kinks on his love interest and ruins her health to fulfill his sex fantasies and she just goes along for fear of abandonment and the movie just says that all feeders wish to fatten their love interests up to immobility and to control their diets. As well as how all feedees are compliant with their feeder and are emotionally abused by their feeder.
Wish: More positive depictions of feeders, feedism and BBWs in fiction.
I forgot to add that the movie would face backlash from the feedism community.
granted: it's mostly on kids show ala steven universe. as a result now conservatives all over the globe demonize and even persecute feeders and feedees.

wish: i become the god emperor of mankind, 40k style. complete with reality bending and all but keep my personality and like for feederism. i bring humanity to a new age of enlightenment and declare big bellies and venus figures the new beauty standard for women. i also eliminate all weight related illnesses with my reality bending and futuristic tech
GRANTED: Similarly to 50 shades if gray it is low tier garbage that only appeals to women having mid-life crises and it in turn makes feederism seen as even more of a negative thing by general audiences

WISH: in order to get rid of pedophilia from the feederism community members of bbwchan join military spec ops in order to neutralize pedophiles which in turn spreads militarism amongst the feeder community (BONUS: which will evebtually result in the return of the kingdom of Prussia)
granted: the paramilitary group is well trained and at first removes the pedophiles from the scene, even those not from the feederism community. however they feel "underpaid" resulting in the group disbanding and forming several "cartels". druglords are not a mexican thing anymore, these fuckers run rampant all across the globe extorting, killing, stealing and selling drugs everywhere turning even the most civilized first world countries into ghetos.

wish: people feeling their stomach bubbling is incredibly pleasant and erotic.
Granted: Stomach size and bubbling frequency are inversely proportional to the amount of pleasure to the point that people heavier than 200 pounds feel almost nothing when their stomach gurgles.
Wish: Character AI and similar sites have finally allowed full-scale NSFW. Considering the number of fat fetish characters there, that would be great.
granted: as a result talented artists leave the scene. any new emergent artist is discouraged and doesn't even try to share their art. and as expected, the ai can only make mediocre, same face, same style pictures.

wish:hypnosis works like it does in fiction. i will personally use it to make my gf like feederism and other belly paraphernalia.
GRANTED: You let a few things slip to some acquaintances and through them, law enforcement and as a result you are arrested for abuse and manipulation. Since this hypnosis is such a new concept to the public at large, the case becomes a huge sensation and you become internationally reviled and detested
WISH: Candii Kayn fully gives in and starts gaining really quickly in a fully indulgent and gluttonous manner, gaining any least another 100 lbs by next year
>>24912 (Cross-thread) Anon has the imagination of a psycopathic 12 year old nut female who has the same last name as her mother's favorite alcoholic drink.
granted: she inmediatly gets taken down tik tok. she tries other platforms but shes so obscure she makes no profit. she is discouraged and stops making belly related content. she's now another slightly overweight e-girl who almost makes no content and when she does theres usually a table involved to hide her tummy.

wish: instant nutrient tranfer technology is invented. most people use it to stuff their faces while all the food goes to someone elses belly, bloating them.
GRANTED: all the attractive women (especially those that would be or are (ss)bbw models) use it to transfer their would-be fat to ugly women, making any fat woman left ugly hags that even the most desperate FA wouldn't want to shag

WISH: Scientists discover a way to get rid of the negative effects of obesity that only works on females
Granted: a portal to the warp is opened above Earth and hordes of Tyranids rush through, consuming all the fatties for biomass.

Wish: a new drug is created allowing females to gain 1 lb of fat per dose and men one lb of muscle per dose, with no side affects.
GRANTED: It ends up being a plot by aliens to turn humans into cattle by making females only capable of reproduction of more humans and to make human males ideal for intense manual labor

WISH: in the new fallout game, there's a vault where the experiment is to have males and females live in seperate living spaces (from when they take the GOAT until they find a lover, they) where the males engage in intense excercise, and the females live a much more sedintary lifestyle and have access to more caloric food
The two of you, be a little more creative. It sounds like the same scenario with different hats.
Alright then, take 2

GRANTED:The pill is bought by almost no females given that it only appeals to an already niche market, and even then many bbw models, when asked about it say "it takes the best part out of gaining!" And many fitness gurus slam the pill as a shortcut to fitness, leading to a boycott making the supplement fail

Dammit, you messed up the flow.
WISH: Boberry breaks up with her boyfriend and starts dating The Architect, gaining an astonishing 150lbs over the next 3 years

GRANTED: She retires from the community after realizing that her new boyfriend is a multi-millionaire and he shuts down her BBW career.

WISH: Obese women become more accepted as News Anchors/reporters/weather-girls.
GRANTED: But News sites and shows all institute paywalls.

WISH: My wife agrees to gain another 50 pounds
Granted: she’s become a power lifer and it’s 50 pounds of pure muscle.

Wish: a race of shrimpy-crab-people take over earth and start eating people. Women happily become cannibalism to gain status with humanities oppressors. Fat human eating women and labor class men are forced to procreate for the shrimp crabs in a colosseum of sex where the men try to fuck the women whose goal is to crush and eat the man

This explains a lot of today's entertainment quality, specifically the west and the east. Uoi guys aren't even trying anymore
Granted: The East and The West collapse. The Center takes over.

Wish: the Eastern European sex workers trafficked into the Netherlands go on strike, it inspired all Netherlandish women to be bigger whores and money grubbers living off simps and the govt.

Why would you say that our women are whores? Have you lived in Netherlands?
Granted: I visit the Netherlands. Saw the dwarves in blackface dancing around. The women were all welfare queens with like 5 kids from different men.

Wish: Europe cuts the cord in Russian gas. French and German women pack on the pounds as a form of insulation.

I don't know where you get these figures I have yet to see not 1 single dark baby in Netherlands. Are you talking about lesbians? I've heard of lesbian reputation but I am unsure of its factualness.
Granted: (just look up your holidays you dimwit. I’m talking about Santa’s slave children). But your country killed more if it’s Jews than Germany did.

Wish: The Holy Roman Empire resurges and the Netherlands is ruled by an even more inbred and ugly group of people.

I happen to adore (I'm not sure if that's the right word) large busty women with snow-like skin, but I can see how some may dislike. Jews have made many enemies throughout history. Whatever fighting happened is unfortunate, but none of you nutters wouldn't have done the same. We can only try to not repeat the mistakes and try to do what we know is right, and do so without fear of what others may think or say. In my country we say nobody knows the dead that fertilized the ground. We all die.
Granted: You die of turboAIDS before you see it come to fruition.

Holy fuck gtfo with this bullshit, you ruined a perfectly good thread.
(660 KB, 640x788, j5kcrc31r4p81.png) (37 KB, 730x693, Julia-Fox-2.jpg)
The entirety of post-2014 "beauty standards" have been a twisted monkey's paw wish, honestly.
“ Jews have made many enemies throughout history. Whatever fighting happened is unfortunate, but none of you nutters wouldn't have done the same.”
—yeah I’m the nutter here.

What I meant is simply that we are all humans and none of us are perfect and make mistakes frequently many of you do so daily, but I'm not judging you I am only saying that you can't say for certain or criticize and also you don't know what you would have done in that situation you may have done something far worse so you should really honestly stfu in my opinion, but look it's your life and you are free to "discuss" whatever you desire I'm only saying that I just don't see how talking shit is going to get you any pussy.

And while I imply that I am not perfect, at least I'm not a "whore" who thiefs from the poor, or a liar, or a nutter. That is why your once beloved country has become literally worse than shit, because shit can be useful. You have citizens afraid to go outside their homes because they fear stalkers and terrorists, but you want to point fingers on the internet discussion boards about something that happened years ago. You don't think or use your brain for a "white man".
Dutch-American here, and I literally don’t understand this stupid fucking tangent. Let’s get this back on track:

WISH: Gal Gadot gets cast in a movie of a lifetime, but she has to gain 100lbs for the role
GRANTED: she focuses so kucjmh on gaining weight that she overlooks memorizing lines and ither thibgs like that and her acting is even worse than the "kal-el, no!" Line througiut the movie
WISH:the NES godzilla creepypasta ended with Melissa crawling out of the tv, making herself fat enough to crush and kill Zach so that they could have an eternity of fat sex
Wow, so LSD huh?

WISH: Across the street from you, a beautiful young woman moves in. She’s not your type—too thin—but then you notice a barrage of Uber orders, and her coming home frequently with bags of junk food. By then end of the year, she must have put on over 50lbs, you estimate, with no end in sight.
GRANTED: She ends up being a lesbian and/or is a horribly insufferable 4th wave intersectional, neo-marxist decolonist feminist on earth

WISH: Boberry finally admits that she actually has a boyfriend, causing many of her simps to seethe so hard
GRANTED: In tandem with that announcement, engagement photos are leaked. She starts losing weight in anticipation of her wedding and after tying the knot keeps shedding pounds.

WISH: Feabie bans political discussion, left AND right.
GRANTED: this allows neo-nazis as well as far-left stalinists to be undetected, making many users suprised that the person they have been matched with an extremist, making many users flee the site

WISH: In the next pokémon game, Cynthia ends up getting together with Steven, allowing his great riches to give her limitless ice cream
GRANTED: on your first attempt at sex you get you hip crushed due to them gaining significant weight and you can no longer have sex or masturbate

WISH: Same as last time
Granted: but you get food poisoning or something.

Wish: Scat funnel feeding finally catches on in the mainstream of this fetish.
GRANTED: it makes fat fetishism even more demonized in the eyes of the public, leading to legislation that penalizes obesity

WISH: Tess Holliday stops being so insufferable

>leading to legislation that penalizes obesity
At first I thought anon was being a Hollywood original, but then I remembered that in Japan there is a Social Healthcare that I believe does penalize citizens for weight and this "social" healthcare system probably has something to do with the prices of certain food items being artificially hyper inflated to the effect that most normal folks don't buy them.

This nationwide healthcare system of sorts is definitely not a good thing, and most certainly anti-American.
GRANTED: Tess mellows out with the ultra trendy LA d-list celebrity cringe, has WLS and loses 250 lbs.

WISH: Well-made, R-rated streaming series about a functional, attractive male FA and his various relationships with hot fat women that isn't an SA preachfest.
GRANTED: The movie is excellent to us, but bizarrely becomes a rallying cry against FAs and even fat acceptance, lowering FA intercourse 80% across the developed world

WISH: You go back to your high school reunion, only to realize that the most sough after girl in school is now grown up with a serious fat fetish
GRANTED: find out that she's now engaged to your highschool bully. Together they give you a wedgie as the whole reunion laugh at you. She also steals your lunch money and spends it on cake.

WISH: every BBW on the planet, goes up 8 bras sizes overnight.

GRANTED: But the fat to increase their bra sizes is transferred from their asses.

WISH: My wife's 400 lbs of fat is redistributed to the areas I'd like them.
Granted; but it doesn't affect the skin where the fat was previously.

Wish: the amount of ussbbw models triples, either by existing ones gaining, or new ones appearing out of nowhere
Granted: This attracts media attention, and more scrutiny than ever before is put on this community
Wish: A legitimately great writer (like, actual author type) starts writing and publishing accessible, quality weight gain novels and stories which have enough plot, dont focus on any degenerate fetush aspecys and are well-written enough to gather a cult following even outside those with fat fetishes
*Fetish aspects

Granted: The writer dies in a freak accident before the first book is finshed, thus leaving behind a legacy of short stories and an unfinished novel.

Wish: All you can eat buffets and steakhouses become more widely avaliable and more santized throughout the country.
granted: but they are all high end run by Mortons Flemmings and Ruth's Chris and cost 150 dollars a head.

wish: Nadya makes more vids featuring her amazing fupa
Granted: ...but they're produced by MercedesBBW, so the quality is like a hostage video, she barely moves, and they cost $45 each.

Wish: Like a Second Coming, a few of my favorite models who've had WLS reinflate to bigger than ever and get back in the game, starting with Brie and Cajun.
Granted: They’re still super old and their faces don’t reinflate, so you wind up with weird wrinkly haggard versions of their former selves.

Wish: Instead of one maybe-attractive cast member per year on My 600LB Life, they start casting a slew of BoBerry/Adeline level folks for the rest of the run of the show.
Granted: ...and so every week we suffer the pain of watching Dr. No butcher these beauties' digestive systems and then having them deflate before our eyes.

Wish: An enterprising reality show producer creates the opposite of The Biggest Loser, a competition to gain as much weight as possible in the shortest time. (All female, because the most popular Loser contestants were always women.)
I have a perfect switch feedist relationship with healthy communication and a great sex life.

Granted: It gets cancelled halfway through the first season.

Wish: The feed for the Superbowl half-time show gets replaced by Boberry's leaked sex-tape.
Granted: Only for a brief second before organizers of the event immediately wrangle control back before most realize what even happened. The event becomes a bit of a meme with the shock of it all, but is quickly forgotten and fans don't ever see the tape again, despite being left longing for more than half a second of it
Wish: Emma Watson gets fat, but not super fat only tastefully chubby (like 180-200 max)
Granted: ...but she's now unemployable as an actress, leaves the entertainment biz and disappears from the public eye. You're left with a couple of distant paparazzi shots where she's leaving Trader Joe's in a 2XL sweatsuit and parka.

Wish: I can make a decent living writing WG/fat fic full time.
Granted! But a new administration accuses you of "obesoterrorism" weakening the country through fat, confiscating all your pc's and property and throwing you in prison without due process.

Wish: The vaccines cause the fattening of all women under 40 with no cure.
GRANTED: the side effect of the vaccine causes anti-vaxxer sentiment in women to jump to near 100% making almost no women take the vaccine, and the next time a pandemic happens the anti vax sentiment causes a large loss of life

WISH: it becomes more common for bbws/ssbbw to do content in leggings/sweatpants

GRANTED: ...but they never end up taking the leggings/sweatpants off and tend to pair them with a matching turtleneck.

WISH: the Heart Attack Grill begins to set up successful franchises across North America
Granted! But the liquor license is an important part of the franchise and over sized drinks and dive bar atmosphere makes it a favorite of bikers and rednecks and stupid frat boys there on a dare and women hate it.
Wish: Muffin tops are the new fashion rage. Everybody wanrs them!
GRANTED: They are all seen as woke and no one gives any of the movies a chance. Also the first of these movies made is a Meg Mog and Owl movie where Meg is obese and it’s never explained.
Wish: I wish I had a device that made people’s appetite increase and metabolism slow down.
somebody 100% jerked off to that let’s be real
>>30388 (Cross-thread)
Her design is based off of Lainie Kazan, who was a Playboy model at the time. Personality-wise? Yeah it's totally Roz.
Will something like this happen again?

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