
(92 KB, 258x300, F93BFB06-9F0E-44F3-98C9-1BFCB8938108.png)
How old are you and what age did you know you were into bigger women or how did you figure out? I’ll go first. I am underage (17) and knew I liked bigger girls when I was 11. I decided to look up on YouTube “getting fatter” cuz I thought there would be weight gain progression videos like weight loss progression videos. I didn’t find much but I found a lot of girls playing with their chubby little bellies and saying how much they ate. Then some of them showed their asses and I thought they looked really nice, round and jiggly. Then I learned of the terms BBW and SSBBW and found even hotter videos on YouTube and basically figured out I liked bigger girls. I never told anyone though and still don’t because I don’t know what people my age would say. If I show someone a picture of a chubby girl with a fatass they’ll say “oh that’s way too big for me” or something. I’ve tried to lose this attraction too because I used to like skinny girls but now I can’t even get bricked towards them.
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Our stories are a bit similar. I’m 19 currently and I think I realized I like bigger women around age 9 or 10. I was mainly into SSBBWs at the beginning and had a huge preference for double bellies. I really liked watching how their bellies jiggled, it was like water under a soft blanket or something that’s a horrible explanation but the point is it moved like water and it piqued my little kid mind. As I grew up I switched from only SSBBWs to BBWs bc I didn’t really care for the immobility and slob stuff. Now I’m more into just thicker women that aren’t necessarily BBW but not average weight. I still like SSBBWs but only a select few and same goes for BBWs. I can get bricked from women ranging from muscular/toned to skinny to thicker/bbw but the thicker/bbw is what really does it for me. My friends know but they only know that I like thicker, muscular/toned, and skinny women. They have no clue that I watch BC Skylar or Thicccollegegirl or any women of that size/shape. That’s how I intend to keep it to be honest bc if I’m ever lucky enough to find someone I want to marry I don’t want them getting upper-bbw to ssbbw size. I’d rather they stay in the thicker range and below like the images I added
Glad you had an awakening. For some of us it goes back as far as we can remember, myself included. Word of advise to someone younger like yourself: don't be ashamed of anything or anyone. I have only fucked one "skinny" girl in my while life and I'm in my 40s. Only regret is I wasted time with her. So many people are ashamed of this or that or don't want their friends to see a fat girlfriend. Own it and bang what you want.
>>21955 (OP)
Yeah that’s what I used to think too I really liked SSBBWs but now it’s mostly just thick BBWs for me with a few SSBBW because I don’t want a girl to die so quickly and being immobile and whatnot.
Thanks for the advice man I’ve seen a lot of people say this to not be ashamed of who to bang. That’s how it’s gonna have to be if I can’t even get bricked to a slim girl.
>>21955 (OP)
I think I found out between 4th and 6th grade. Weight gain moments in cartoons, think the Sweets episode from Fairly Odd Parents, and the Phat episode from Johnny Test. There were some others, like the episode of Johnny Bravo where he gets fat as well, but as this was right at the time when I was starting to hit puberty, I was just intensely fascinated by it. I started looking this stuff up and eventually found Satsuro, Hadokenchips, TPW, and a smattering of others on deviantart. (At which point I got promptly caught by my parents who asked what the fuck I was looking at, and gave me a minor punishment and said to stop looking at that stuff) After that, I started looking for real life fatties, I ended up watching whatever I could find on youtube at the time, even going so far as to make an entirely separate email, and youtube account just for fatties, and ended up finding Imogenize and a couple others both male and female who I can't remember the name of now. Hell, it got to the point where my parents thought that I was concerned about the fact that I was underweight (I was underweight at the time due to medications that I was taking suppressing my appetite.) and were asking if I wanted to try protein shakes to try and raise my weight.
Ahhh yea I remember those episodes and the time I made a desperate YouTube account. I still use that account to this day lol occasionally there’s some good stuff on YouTube but I’m mainly just scavenging these forums now. I do want to ask though, why were your parents asking about it? Did you like watch it in front of them or something or is it just very hard to hide things from them?
I managed to keep my attraction and desires a secret throughout my teenage years, I managed to be subtle about what I was into specifically. I am pretty certain that my parents knew I was into something, they just didn't know what.
Hi. I'm from Italy so, if I'll make some grammatical errores, please forgive me. I'm underage (I'm 16) and I still Remember when I discovered that I likes more chubby girls than skinny girls. I was 7/8 years old when I went to a party, with all of my classmates. There was a buffet for all of us. And there was, in my class, a girl that I still really like. She was a Just a Little more chubbier than the other girls in my class, but, that day, i still Remember that She was eating a lot of food. I Remember seen her so Happy while She was eating all of that alone. I still chat with this girl, and now She's really skinny. But I'm afraid to tell her about that I likes her in "that way". She have tell me that She' s going to start kickboxing. Now She's so Athletic and I 'm really worried about tell her "that thing". I know this isn't a good Place to ask, But can you help me? I want to tell her this and i'm afraid. What should I do?
The very first time I ever jerked was to reading a rather short and brief description of Genevieve Sensor in Ray Bradberry's Martian Chronicles. And it was a moment when I somehow figured out that I need to squeeze something.

Beside that I fantasised about feeding up classmates and fat people in general before that. And my dick was getting hard but I did not realise what it was about before that episode.
Don’t tell her anything. Find a girl that’s actually fat. Don’t tell her anything either - connect on a non-fetish level (interests, personality, etc.). Maybe slowly bring it up once you’ve been dating. If they doesn’t work, move to America.
Give up and move to the US
>all of thess minors
This explains a lot about the quality of the site

Because most mentally functioning adults have disposable income, so rarely if ever they come to a begging site.
children, schizos, political extremists, and 3rd worlders
the venn diagram of these four groups is often just a circle
but that's just imageboards for you lol

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