
(94 KB, 695x391, Sista on right looks good.png)
Upon recent awful events within the animation industry, I stumbled accross this funny-little series.

Looks simple but promising enough, thought you´d be interested on funding this show (if you want to, the guy behind this worked his ass all day & night to get this made), check the link below:


Besides, the ladies on the image below look like the perfect source for some BBW fan-art.

We have 40 days left, let´s give indie animators a hand (and everyone a boner, if successful) as soon as possible.

The goal of this campaign is $500,000 (luckily, between all of you and telling everyone about this fun project, this goal can be reached in no time), share the link with your friends if they want to support this campaign and spread it online, they might like it.

>>21705 (OP)

I would like the Over-Drunk edition, please.
>>21705 (OP)
Wow, you are living in Japan? What is it like to be a debusen?

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