
(930 KB, 762x768, Letsthem.png) (442 KB, 707x428, Now picturing dickhead.png)
(Only assist this raid and tell if you truly want to save animation; otherwise tell your friends to do it if they want to have a fun time).

Consider all the bad stuff David Zaslav has done, why don´t WE go Warner Bros Discovery´s address with a lot of people (between 50-500, including your friends), raid it and kick him out by force?:

230 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, United States

I´m going there.

The organizer of this raid has said it will take place on October 31st, 2022 at 7pm.

Remember that date and hour.

What are YOU waiting for?

Don´t procastinate, if you truly want to make justice to animators (and animation in general), David Zaslav must be taken out by force.

Don´t let this bastard ruin Warner and sell it to the competitors.

Don´t let Warner be acquired by Disney/Universal.

David Zaslav must be taken out by YOU.

My friends will meet you there on 31/10; 7pm on 230 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, United States

Again, what are YOU waiting for?

BBWChan is not your army, anon
It's not even a semi-appropriate place for this. Who doesn't go to /co/ or /pol/ about this crap? We wanna jerk it to fat chicks, not watch kid cartoons.
>230 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10003, United States

You bozo, it´s only for people who voluntarily want to raid this company´s address.

Didn´t you read the first line?
Zaslav is doing God's work.
Ah yes, because the last time a group of protesters decided to raid a building, it turned out so well....

Shut the fuck up. It's always the foreign faggots who do nothing but pester other countries instead dealing with their own shitty one.

How about you go and recouperate the millions of dollars your country just spent on burying a fossil, and Argentina boy can worry about his fucked up economy and crooked government.
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I'm going to the raid.

What Zaslav did to the animation department is absolutely heinous.

Zaslav greenlit two shows that glorify child pornography prior to the merger, so now you have one more reason to raid this pedophilliac son of a bitch.

I'll meet you at the aforementioned address and hour on October 31st.

Make fun of the Argentinian penguins one more time buddy, I dare you
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People keep putting David Zaslav on a pedestal...yet they're too fucking blind to see that DZ is a convicted (& hypocritical) pedophile.

Going to the raid as well.

Fuck Zaslav.

Just because you don't like him doesn't mean you get to make up charges. Continue to cry over your cartoons.

Argentina is the New Jersey of South America. They make Florida look good in comparison.

Cry me a river hoe.

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