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I was watching Ash's WG comp (it's on spankbang, just search obvious stuff for it) and was surprised how much I enjoyed reliving parts of her old content. Lower video quality, Kellie Kay quipping from behind the camera, the shitty BigCuties watermark, Ash's own enthusiasm which kinda... wanes as the video goes on. So it kinda got me feeling nostalgic for about a decade ago - was ssbbw content BETTER back then? Nah, I'd argue we're in more of a golden age right now than ever. But I do generally miss the vibe of that late 2000s/early 2010s era, partially because I had a super naive view of the fetish and community.
I certainly don't miss the shit camera quality, higher prices, and rather barren landscape compared to today.

Women aren't stuck on just one site and can do their own or appear on multiple ones. I remember S.31 having that B.S contract that they made every woman sign that prevented them from making videos elsewhere.

I also don't miss the overdone logos. The simplifed/slimmer ones were a step in the right direction.
I think we're in the end of the golden era. Echo was mobile, BoBerry was steadily gaining, Ash was enthusiastic, Ivy wasn't just pimping out a Walmart's variety of content, Violet James / Kellie Kay / Destiny / BBBXXL / a bunch of models were either new or in their prime. A few models from that time were hitting their stride, and now they're approaching or surpassed 600 pounds and have hit that plateau. The newer talent coming in is promising but there are not enough standouts, it felt like we had a veritable buffet, what, 6 or so years ago? Even Roxxie is in her prime at the moment but I'm getting a bit tired.
I miss Stuffed Online, even though a lot of the art there was pretty amateurish compared to what we have today. It went offline around the mid-2000s, I think.
I miss women legitimately not knowing any pro-fat shit existed and doing stuff they considered humiliating and demeaning. (Belly shit, stuffings) for any attention despite being grossed out and feeling exploited.
Fat women these days are too full of this pretend confidence from body positive shit. (Lizzo et all). People over 300lbs who are a biological freakshow shouldn’t expect to be attractive to anyone without a fetish.

So you're saying that you liked this fetish "before it was cool".
Nah man. I got off on their humiliation being exposed. Now they hide it under fake ass shit. They know their a weird, disgusting, unhealthy fetish, act like it.
This is why I like Asian BBWs way more than Western ones, it's easily way more fetishistic and uncommon than here in the west.

Also, we are in a golden age. I used to search Asian BBW back pre-2010, and you would get virtually zero results. The best you could watch was Yoko, or just big boob models. Maybe you could attempt to enjoy Stuffer31. Now there's a plethora of insanely fat girls like Rika or Rii, who are posting stuff online. Asia's gonna keep getting fatter
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>>21624 (OP)
You're not wrong OP. SSBBW content is much like the MCU. In the early days it was awkward and stumbled a bit as it broke new ground. Then it got organized and hit its stride and produced unbelievable content for a long while.

Now, despite getting as much as we could ever want, it is over-saturated with minimum effort content, tainted by wokeness, and seems to be going nowhere. What was once exciting is stale and lifeless. You used to have a handful of hubs to find these models and they used to put effort into their work. Now its not much different than TikTok or Instagram, but for low-effort fat porn.

Phase 1 Ash was a little awkward, but endearing. Phase 2 & 3 Ash was pure gaining gold. Phase 4 Ash, despite being physically larger than anyone would have imagined she'd go, is tired and devoid of any enthusiasm, just going through the motions.

It's really true of all of them. And the new models just don't have that same special something that the golden age of BigCuties, Bombshells, Roxxie, Ivy & Violet and the like had.
please touch grass or at the very least watch one movie or piece of media for adults
I low key agree with OP that stuff just kinda hit different back then. I’m 30 and even though there’s MORE out there and it’s easier to access, it was more fun when it was taboo as fuck and you kinda felt like you were getting away with something when you watched ivy and violet or kellie and ash doing depraved fat shit. Part of that has to be rose colored glasses from when I was 16 to early 20s. It was so much easier to buy the idea that the girls were really into it back then.

>>They know their a weird, disgusting, unhealthy fetish,

Yet they're constantly being cheered on by you and everyone else here. And how the fuck is eating weird or disgusting? You don't say shit when a 400lb man is downing a buffet, yet God forbid a woman past 150lb decides to pork out. Suddenly she's a disgusting whore.
“Pork out”. Dude you just compared these hamplanets to fucking livestock and you think you’re King Simp of Feminism.
These girls are hamfests that barely resemble the human form. We’re actively cheering for their fat induced deaths and disfigurement.
>We’re actively cheering for their fat induced deaths and disfigurement.

Speak for yourself nigga. Unlike you, I have a limit. I'm not a blobfucker like you.
I think Coomer party has spoiled us, 9/10 I'll search a model and there's pages of content for free. I don't miss downloading through Gigatribe from someones third world upload speed one bit.
Roxxie is fucking enormous + Chubbychiquita is back making content, pretty good if you ask me.
The coomer thing is totally unsustainable. That shit’s getting shutdown at some point.
Why do you want it shut down?
Bro didn’t say anywhere in that message that he wanted it to get shut down
I actually liked it when sets were more photo-heavy as videos aren’t super necessary for me to do what I need to do and often end up pausing them anyway.

I also appreciate how models had to commit to a bit of staying power, since the startup efforts were higher, you couldn’t just do a couple of quick money grab videos on MV or OF and disapppear.
brah you’re the one that’s like orgasming to that shit

like i’m not gonna deny that some of that of is hot, but so is a big ass , dang nothing more beautiful then a big ass, and you’ve been blessed to be able to (gently or hard) slap that ass and watch it jiggle, it’s a thing of beauty like c’mon wtf
For me it's the thrill of the hunt. I was in my late 20s when the internet became a real thing (as opposed to a novelty or nerdfest), and early 30s before online video was really feasible, so I really treasured the few videos, magazines, and bits of fataphilia I would get my hands on. Fat gal appearances on talk shows were golden, same with the rare movie or TV show cameos. Now it's all so disposable... I'll buzz through 10 videos and 100 pics in a day, while BITD I'd have treasured any one of them for weeks or months.

Also my standards have gotten way higher — almost too high. In the 80s-90s a 220 lb, so-so looking babe was a goddess. Now I have legit supersized knockouts like Roxxie, Plump Princess, Jackie, etc pumping out loads of FA-specific content and it's like "Meh, what have you done for me lately?"
On the whole, I'm not nostalgic for too much from the bad old days.

Women are getting bigger and bigger. We're at the point where the average American woman is hovering around 175 lbs, being 200+lbs is just considered "chubby", and 300 isn't all that abnormal, with most retail outlets now catering to women of that size. The subreddits centered around this kink (BBW, SSBBW, wgbeforeafter, etc) have been growing exponentially since subredditstats started tracking them. They have higher subscriber rankings every day. We don't think of fat as being normalized since we're out on the margins and don't consider 250lbs as all that fat, but even target mannequins are now "plus sized". 150lbs is "thin" for a woman in 2022, whereas in the 1950s and 1960s is was the average weight for an adult man.

We have not reached the end of the road. We have not peaked. There are no signs of the obesity epidemic slowing down (in fact its speeding up), and if things keep on going in this direction, the 2030s may see an average American women weigh 250lbs. 200 will be skinny, 300 will be slightly chunky. They'll remark about how "thin" people were in 2022, being able to fit into normal sedans without their asses eating the center console. Sites like this won't even bat an eye at women under 600lbs.

Some models have dropped out, yes, but as long as the world keeps getting fatter, we're still going to see more and better content.

That said, there are a few isolated things that I'm nostalgic for:

- Dimensions being a decent website with high quality stories and decently curated content. That was more a result of things being more niche in its heyday, but it was still nice.

- Certain authors that seem to have disappeared and did a pretty good job of scrubbing all of their content. I won't blame them though, since I did the same thing when I got into a long term relationship that I cared about.

- Deviantart's old site layout with decent filtering ability so I could just browse the damn literature. That site gets worse every year as they try to emulate social sites more and more. First they got rid of scrolling previews for literature, so you could only see the first ten or so words from the search page. Then they simplified the categories, then they made it hashtags instead, and now the hashtags don't even seem to work right.
I think that hardcore has gotten a lot better. You don't see a lot of it talked about much on this chan but the level of ssbbw and large BBW in porn has gotten a lot better in regards to more attractive models, better lighting, better camera quality, better male talent.

I can't get off to most onlyfan content so that is a step in the wrong direction but other than that Is is a good time for fat lovers.
I will say the fact that a number of notable ex-Bigcuties do hardcore now is one of the nice things about today's landscape. We waited yeeeears to see CaitiDee, Jae, and Brianna fuck. And others like Chloe, MsFatBooty, Sasha show pussy/masturbate/etc.

I know she's one of our favorites on here (myself included, she's one of the best in the game) but it's interesting to me that Roxxie is like the one holdout still doing relatively softcore stuff only. Like, if PLUMP FUCKING PRINCESS shows more than you, that's a legit criticism imo.
>>21624 (OP)
Just wanna shout out ash’s story arc. One of the most insane reckless gains ever and idek if the girl was ever actually into it. Kellie and Heather were such bad influences or her lmao

I used to flirt/chat with her YEARS ago. Trust me, she's very much into it and would be offended that anyone would ever doubt it.
I miss the stories so much. Now that everyone does it it's difficult to find any that're actually good. I'm still reading the same stories that were written 10+ years ago.
One thing I'm not nostalgic for is most SSBBWs being way older than they are today. If you look back on pre~2010 stuff it's honestly kinda hard to find big models younger than 30. Someone like Fat Miss T would've been completely unthinkable
The old pioneers that paved the way for younger models definitely weren't all that much to hold onto, but they have their place in BBW/FA history. I ran that tournament bracket a while back and was surprised people were still putting in nominations for Teighlor to be considered.

Gotta give props to Heather for scouting out younger talent. I'd like to think having Jae, Beccabae, BoBerry, Caitidee and Miley in the line-up when she did might have helped move things along in promoting younger talent in the scene. Pretty faces sell, and youth doesn't hurt that aspect.
Teighlor was mostly before my time (I stumbled into this stuff around 2007/8) but she is 100% in the highest tier as far as BBW/FA impact goes. Beyond just being one of the first people of her size to make content I remember her rockshots card pictures appearing in the most random places online & offline in the 2000s, way before I even knew what BBWs were. She was the the first exposure to an SSBBW to a huge subset of people incl. me
Also not to detract from what Heather has done or accomplished, but as far as younger talent goes, I think it also goes without saying that a big reason why there are a lot more young, huge models is because people in general are simply getting fatter, younger
This. Teighlor in a Weekly World News spread (it was treated as a joke, but they published a bunch of hot bikini shots) was my first ever fap, at a time when the Internet barely existed outside of AOL and USENET.
belly play vids and gainers on youtube

every single vid now is from before 2014, search is busted as shit
tell us more bruh 👀
I can 100% relate to the idea that being young and naive made feedism porn way better ten years ago. Maybe less than a handful of the most known/famous gainer models are actually into it and once you get a little older and start to realize it, shit changes.
The original BigCuties lineup was like Heather and a bunch of high school lunch ladies. It’s a miracle they ever got as far as they did.

I first saw Teighlor in BUF magazine, pre-internet, and it was like a bomb going off in my head. 350ish Layla LaShell was basically the biggest and most popular BBW model/XXX actress up til then, and Teighlor was not just big for nudie mags but probably bigger than any woman I'd ever seen IRL. She was pear-shaped as well — a rarity back when belly and boob-centric models dominated (like Layla). (BUF itself, the only player in the game for many years, started as a big boob mag and stood for "big up front.")

I'm pretty sure Teighlor's Rockshots debut was around the same time. There was a party store not far from me that had the calendars and several dozen cards and even displayed them in their front window! I always wondered if the owner was an FA. I bought a few on multiple trips but was too embarrassed to clean the place out, as I wanted.

The only downside was that my GF at the time, mid-20s, 220ish and and in those pre-SA times feeling her way around her own sexuality, found the Teighlor issue in my stash and was really disturbed. She didn't mind I had fat porn — we'd look at it together — but Teighlor was freakish to her and evidence I was something beyond just a dude who happened to prefer chubby chicks. I tried to play it like Teighlor was too big for me but she didn't buy it.

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