
(392 KB, 750x734, 9A095ACA-C220-4E83-A612-08BEFB1296B4.jpeg)
why do people get so angry on here? i thought the whole point of this site was to share and enjoy content that we like but i see a lot of long drawn out heated arguments about nothing on here...some of you need to relax
>>21598 (OP)
How about you shut the fuck up you piece of shit. You think we need a stupid fuckwit telling us about the correct way to conduct ourselves on this site? Who the fuck are you. take your shitty opinion elsewhere you fucking dumbass.

For real. this site is kinda toxic. Maybe fat chicks just bring out the worst in us.
Lol way to legitimize OP’s question…
these kinds of jokes always write themselves
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You have people leaking over from 4skins trying to ruin this site too, pretty soon they'll start blaming private discords for ruining board culture while at the same time posting dumb things like this and actively try to ruin the site because "hurr durr no gods no masters"
I don't know what's going on either. Communists and fascists have always been angry. They just left tumblr for twitter and the chan boards to have their arguments.
>>21598 (OP)

I suppose you want them to get angry someplace else? Can a site not have more than one funciton tho? Just be grateful the arguments are being isolated into a few spots instead of all over the place.

You're still going to get your free porn, just leave the arguments alone if you don't like them.
If we're having an honest conversation on why this board is so angry and toxic, this is part of the problem. There are a number of posters that bait political discussion with random-ass takes, especially in threads that barely warrant it. It's almost always the politics shitposts out of their own threads, I swear.
I think it's going to be like this until after election day. Even the pro-Zeldin signs are getting bigger and angrier. I am guessing there's no nu-metal to keep people from getting angry.

It's literally the same handful of guys making these bait threads. If people would quit complaining and taking the bait, then the problem would be solved. Until then, threads like these are only making things worse.

People need to just shut up and ignore the bait.
You got the people that freak out when others are “begging”. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it can be annoying but someone will just write “Does anyone have _?” And the response will be “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS THREAD YOU AUTISTIC RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT BEGGAR!!!!” Like, all he did was ask if someone had a video.
And then you got the guys who always want to argue pointless shit, like how the boards have been overran by people always saying “She’s not this weight, clearly she’s only 70kg, lying about her weight!”
Everyone is so hostile on the board, and I hardly ever understand why people are so eager to be ignorant all the time instead of just sharing content and conversating

>>and I hardly ever understand why people are so eager to be ignorant all the time instead of just sharing content and conversating

Name another site where someone can get away with calling someone else a nigger fag and tell them to kill themselves?

Freedom of speech in chan site sare a double-edged sword. You can't ban hostility when it's allowed in the general discussion thread, and the mods here know it.

It's not about the begging, it's about the lack of any rules here outside of the extreme ones like scat or CP.
1) Anonymous image board for fat fetish content is created. Has a general discussion tab urging you to "talk about whatever you like".

2) Turns out, people who want to have sex with fat women mostly want to talk about that, so they do... at first.

3) Before long, some toxic personalities show up on the site. Being anonymous lets them mouth off without repercussion, so they do. Allot.

4) Reasonable people start to get sick of them and leave, furthering their domination of the site.

5) Meanwhile, trolls who aren't even into the fetish but learned about the site pop in here and there, driving reasonable people away even more.

6) Eventually, the vast majority of people left will be those who just stumbled on the site, die-hard fetishists, trolls, toxic people, and masochists. The few reasonable voices left will be drowned out in the noise.
> Reasonable people start to get sick of them and leave, furthering their domination of the site.

Counterpoint, don't go to the general disccussion threads if all you want to see are fat chicks. Nobody is forcing you to comment on the shitposts, that's on them.

> Eventually, the vast majority of people left will be those who just stumbled on the site, die-hard fetishists, trolls, toxic people, and masochists. The few reasonable voices left will be drowned out in the noise.

Or beggars who want free porn. Don't rope the mass majority into trolls and toxic people. Most people have lives and don't regulary come here.
it's the inevitable reaction of mentally unstable /pol/tards who think fat women are goddesses as well as apocalyptic degeneracy. they have constant outbursts to avoid reconciling this schizophrenia. can't ever just accept that fat girls are fine and its fine to want to fuck them because then their internet buddies might brand them a soycucktrannyjew! poor babies.
even better when they then try to imply they aren't into fat girls like they would have any reason to ever visit this site if that were the case

>>internet buddies might brand them a soycucktrannyjew! poor babies.

As if anyone with a functional brain gives a fuck what some random person thinks about them. This ain't high school, everyone is into weird shit. They just don't have the courage to admit it.
exactly right
It does feel like we've hit a tipping point recently where a few well-aimed shitposts can permanently sink a thread because people don't know how to ignore the bait. Based on the country flags it's either the same half dozen idiots who enjoy riling each other up, or one guy with a VPN.
based as fuck
I've been trawling r9k the past few days and amid the usual bullshit about never giving fat women the time of day, I'm actually seeing a fair amount of anons making exceptions for some models, like BoBerry and Sofia Rose. Maybe they're not entirely lost.
You're right but I reckon it's the same twenty people posting those pictures every time, myself included.

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