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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for ppl reposting their shit for free, but surely the BBW models getting their OF leaked and the artists' Patreons going on here have tried to get this website taken down... Or do they just not care? Maybe it gets them more publicity, but surely they're losing out on a lot of money? Just something I've always wondered. Anyone got any answers? Pic not related lol
Either they'll show up and cuss everyone out, which will lead to people leaking their stuff even more

Or show up and act chill, which will still result in people leaking their stuff. But it won't be as agressive.
Most models will go on their instagrams or tumblrs or whatever and call us a wretched hive of scum and villainy, very rarely do you ever get a model in here with an overwhelmingly positive conversation
When I was a mod on curvage, I had access to the models forum and there was much discussion on there about how to prevent links to videos being shared. Some models were unhappy that there was money being lost, But the site admin S77 would often say piracy was ultimately good, as long as they used the Curvage watermark. He claimed it was a type of free publicity. He also claimed that there was no evidence that the people watching it for free would have ever paid for the content. Enough models got pissed off about this that he eventually learned to stop saying it to them (but he still said it in the mod forum)
You ever wondered about the domain of the chan? Or that we don't have a Do Not Post list?Or why mods don't take down links themselves? This place is so well known and ubiquitous that it's a cost of doing business. Models only come if a line is crossed or to badly promote themselves. The models with more to protect are more on top of their links and will have DMCAs at the ready. But the more established models (or lazy ones) know they will make enough profit from fans that are morally opposed to this site. Thank you parasocial relationships.
Maybe they view all fat admirers as perverts who only covet them for their bodies who wish to use them for perverted fantasies and/or fatten them up into immobile blobs dependent on us. I feel that while there are bad toxic people in this community, it's overly simplistic to assume that all people in a sexual community are rotten people (Unless it's something like pedophilia, rape, necrophilia, snuff, zoophilia), I feel that these models should know that not all people in the fat admiration community are like this. Not all fat admirers view fat women as sex objects and not all of them want to fatten up their love interest to immobility. I feel that both sides have a point here. The fat admiration community has toxic manipulative people that objectify women and at times ruin their health for sexual gratification, but at the same time these models fail to understand that not all people in the community are like this and that there are people who practice this kink in a safe, sane and consensual manner and who want to know fat women as people. They should talk to fat admirers who wish to know fat women as people, who wish to practice their kinks in a safe sane and consensual manner, learn that for many in this community, immobility is a fantasy and they don't wish to feed their partner junk food all of the time. As well as learn something about various fat admirers beyond their kinks. I also feel that various fat admirers should learn about fat women as people and try to learn something about their love interests. I feel that both fat admirers and plus-size models should try to be better. I want to have a plus-size girlfriend, but I want to know her as a person and hang out with her for reasons beyond sex. I know I went into a complex speech, but I feel that this is a complex issue and it may not require simple solutions to make right.
I wouldn't try to fatten up a woman to immobility and I wouldn't wish to feed her junk food all of the time, just sometimes in real life. Perhaps for the occasional roleplay scenario. Perhaps plus-size models should know the difference between what people practice as a sexual fantasy and what they do in real life. I seriously doubt everyone would wish to fatten up their partner to immobility in real life. I don't doubt some of the people in this community would wish to do this. Though is anyone only wishing to practice fattening to immobility solely as a fantasy?
>very rarely do you ever get a model in here with an overwhelmingly positive conversation

Nadya is the only one I can think of who came are and didn't go off. And she seems to be doing well for herself financially. And outside of a few older clips I really don't see any of her stuff out in the open.
And to be honest, it's more of the Streisand effect. Piracy is going to happen regardless, but if you don't make a big deal about it then it won't be as widespread.
>>21579 (OP)
I've had my fair share of subscriptions including overpriced ones like Boberry's VIP page, and I shared them here quickly. But if it weren't for the chan, I never would have known most of the models I subscribed to.

Also, on most of the things I find here I would have never spent money, and if I leeched something I liked without buying more of the same stuff from the same model afterwards, that was because I had no money left for porn, so I think overall, as far as I'm concerned, nobody lost any gains.

If there are many like me, I think the chan is a net positive for models.

>>If there are many like me, I think the chan is a net positive for models.

Considering nowadays this chan is full of nothing but trolling and arguments, models don't have to worry about their content getting leaked.
I always get a kick out of the dumber models that say they’re going to stop making content if people don’t stop pirating. Imagine Old Navy saying that their solution to shoplifting was to go out of business altogether.

Ultimately the reasonable models know there is little to be done, and while I’m iffy on how much it drives more purchases, I certainly agree that many (including me) were never going to spend a dime on porn anyway, so no actual loss of revenue happened.

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