
(52 KB, 540x558, mountain-3n07zizmej.jpg)
How many potential "FatMissTs" are there in the world? By this I mean women around 18-28 years old weighing at least 450lbs. I've lived in Australia in my whole life and only ever known one girl who was the same age as FatMissT and almost the same size. Seeing these people in-person is surreal, they're absolutely gigantic, and it weirdly fascinates me.
>>21478 (OP)
I can't speak for the world but my wife is 26, is almost 440 pounds, and is still gaining. She draws a lot of attention.
My GF is 20, shy of 450 pounds at 174 cm. Found her on a conventional dating app, probably one in like 3000 though lol.
Du er heldig!
That gir lis like 380 lol

Pics or lying
Tja klarer ikke å overbevise henne til å beholde vekta.. har hittil holdt seg til "fad diets" og hva enn folk på tik tok sier men hun har vært innom tanken å ta slankeoperasjon.
Ene exen min tok det etter det ble slutt mellom oss, og gikk fra å være 130 kilo til en rundt 80. Drømmen er jo så klart å finne en som har et ønske om å gå opp i vekt, men å finne en allerede stor jente som er villig til å gå opp enda mer er nok verre enn å finne nåla i høystakken, ihvertfall innenfor kongeriket. 😅
>>21478 (OP)
Even more rare:
>18-28 years old
>at least 450 lbs
>not around 6 feet tall
Some years ago, I spotted a really young women. She was definitely over 17 but not by much. She was working at a national chain grocery store. And what really surprised me was that she was wearing her uniform. The woman was positively spherical around the middle and kinda tapered off gradually all the way to the calve muscles. The next fattest worker in the whole shop was more than half her size. Everything she picked up looked comically small next to her. The uniform must’ve been a size 30++++++ special order. For all I know, might have been the only one in the country. Thing was like a bed sheet, in terms of material amount.
A saw her regularly at the shop and one day I saw her in plain clothes at the mall. She ordering the largest ice cream at the kiosk.
An older guy paid, looked to be probably her dad, who was pretty far himself but still waaay more than half her size. He must’ve started enabling her really young to get that back before reaching the age of 20.
Everyday I thank irresponsible parents for producing hugely obese girls.
tfw broke up w/ exgf that was 6', 380lbs, with a 8/10 face, and bi. debating on going back with her, but im still just as broke if not more broke than when we last saw each other.
Ah... så synd. Veldig skuffende det med at 130kg kvalifiserer til slankeoperasjon. Min nåværende "venninne" er rundt regnet 130, men hun er også relativt høy da. Men hun føler seg komfortabel med den vekten... vil bare ikke mer opp (tidlig i 20-årene).
>>21478 (OP)
Millions - they just haven't yet met the guy who scars their brain to associate "painfully stuffed" with toe-curling orgasms!

My girl rn is the same as you describe. Met her when she was 280. She’s great, we click really well in a way that no other girl has, and she still continues to gain(albeit slowly). That being said, I find myself gravitating towards shorter, even fatter girls.

I remember going to a park with my friends, while I was there I saw a girl that was around 5’8 and had to have been around 550 pounds, possibly more. She was young too, early 20s at most. If I wasn’t taken already, I absolutely would have cold approached her, because it was hot as fuck seeing this complete lardball stop at every bench she came across to catch her breath.

I fantasized hard that day about having a stay at home USSBBW GF, but I don’t think I make enough money to support that lifestyle yet. Especially in this economy.

Why’d you break up with her?

Also who’s this?
>Why’d you break up with her?
she broke up with me after I told her that I was tired of her holding out on piv sex, being on top, being mad at me whenever I told her no to w/e she wanted, and acting single with me by actively flirting, sexting, and talking to her supposed "friend" about having sex/kids live on twitch.
all that and refusing to let me be a mod for her twitch, be added back on facebook, etc. yet she does so for her "friend".
basically, it came down to not respecting boundaries.

>while I was there I saw a girl that was around 5’8 and had to have been around 550 pounds, possibly more
lol i would've approached because my ex-gf was bi and poly. but then again she didn't want me to be shared out of fear that she'd get heavily sexuallzed and that I'd possibly move on from her like her ex did when she started a poly relationship.
>>21478 (OP)

The thing is that it's really hard to say. I never saw many in the wild... but really, would you? People that fat don't tend to be out and about too much.

I've only seen a handful of women who were in the ballpark of 450+lbs at that age. I've known/seen many more that were between 300 and 450 lbs. Being over 200 in your 20s is barely even noteworthy anymore.
Piv sex? Also she sounds like a bitch lol forget about her but what's the twitch
>Piv sex?
penis in vagina
>what's the twitch
ngl, im still too clingy to give that out.
I live in new zealand and there are some insanely obese polynesian young women
how big are we talking?
heard they're big boned and very prone to gaining weight
Depends on what part of the country your in small towns or the south I regularly see women 400 and up out and about.
literal heaven
God I wish I was small Midwest town American.
indeed, we've been cursed by having to live in a region where you can count obese women on 1 hand's fingers
My gf is 495lbs @ 24yrs old. She’s not even trying to gain (the opposite actually) and has yoyo’d in the two years we’ve been together but she just eats like a garbage disposal when she gets cravings. Honestly impressive how much she can put away before she stops and beaches on the couch for the night. When we got together she was 430lbs @ 22, and before we met she was already 360lbs @ 18!
One of my exgf's 21 was 5ft 1inch. Had a belly apron down to her knees and huge tits that sagged to almost her waistline with huge flabby upper arms and a fupa like a semi-deflated basket ball but sadly no ass not sure how that shit happens with not very fat thighs again not sure how that happens. She was around 530ish. Not seen her in a long time maybe 10+ years. Current gf 31 is about 5ft 10inces and 320ish but on the fence about gaining more. thought she has gained 80+lbs in the 4 years we been together current gf has a nice 3ft wide ass with ff cup tits and a nice mini belly apron that goes to about mid thighs, very thick thighs as well so hope she keeps gaining.

Pics or larp
Or at least tell us a good story.
A little update:

Her appetite has been really nuts lately - huge takeout orders followed by a huge amount of candy or a dessert order almost every night for a month. She’s up 15lbs since I last posted completely on accident.

Pics or larp
Why even bother engaging its obviously a larp
>I've lived in Australia
so do you not know any islander girls?
there are at least two pushing 200kgs at my work, but they're both more than 180cm tall
in general pacific islanders tend to blimp up beyond age 18, they're absolute units

For real. It’s not at all uncommon for them to be 150-200kg. And even the skinny ones eat like three times as much as any other woman. And surprisingly there are no Islander models that I know of. Untapped resource. The only thing is they do tend to have a more masculine build for the most part
Hate to be racist but the dick wants what the dick wants and that's the truth. Gigantic Islander girls are dime a dozen — the fattest countries in the world are in the South Pacific except Kuwait (where they keep women hidden so it does us no good). But a moderately attractive one is a rarity, much less one who isn't shaped like an NFL tackle.

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