
(45 KB, 714x714, 309653827_473126271521387_1115279385543953794_n.jpg)
It seems as schizo as ever even with the supposed mod addition. They barely do anything and they even deleted the warning about how they were cracking down on behaviors(which they're not doing in the first place, there's still just as much begging as there was before).
I just want a sensible board to talk about fat asses that isn't full of ESLs/actual retards who contribute fuck all.
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This isn't an America issue though as ive been told and it's not even a blacks issue. Lot of these people are actually middle easterners and Indians. Unless the board dynamics have changed since a few months ago.

Also I'm surprised you even give a shit about American race issues at the moment considering Putin is bombing the fuck out of your country

Says the dude's who's country is currently being infested by Russians. I rather have a nigger problem than a Putin one.
As a Jew, I'm so proud your president is a fellow member of the tribe. Imagine if you had one of those corrupt Nazi gentiles that preceded him as your leader — you'd have a Russian flag marking these little bleating troll farts of yours and be a backward vassal state again, as you were for 800 years.
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>Also I'm surprised you even give a shit about American race issues at the moment considering Putin is bombing the fuck out of your country
Perfectly shows how fucking stupid racism makes someone tbh. Takes a special kind of retard to see mass graves in Bucha and go "BUT HOW ARE THE JOOZ PROFITING FROM THIS" or don't realize what it means that Putin is now claiming his invasion was to destroy (and I quote) "NATO Globohomo fascists"

I'd tell you to touch grass, but you genuinely might get shot.
I forgot about Putin. Last I heard, he is losing the war and the support of the Russian people because men are getting conscripted. All he did was shift Britain, Italy and Sweden closer to the hard right while making everyone else question the legitimacy of the European Union.
I wasn't the one who btought up black people. How am I the racist here? I'm only going off what I was told.
There is a correlation with boob preference and higher IQ.
Ergo, dumbs would more likely prefer butts.

>This isn't an America issue though
Oh really? Whites are publically marginalized, their culture and history being destroyed, and yet you claim there is no any problems at all. Either you are a part of that problem that made the US the way they are now, or you are deluded beyond any metric.
>bombing the fuck out
I'm literally shaking, it's literally the way you said it is!
You don't get to choose. You get either one or another.
Quite a larpy post, I'll bite.
>implying the other presidents weren't on the jewish payroll
>implying it's not at least a part of the judeo-globalist plans for eastern europe
Yeah, racism is pretty stupid. There are no races, but not for a reason you probably heard of.
It's because only the people who are of white european ancestry, or those with a significant admixture of such are human.
Anyway, what do you expect from a bloody war?
Fuck off nazi no one cares and you suck at hiding your power level
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Retard, I am talking site demographics.

Also I'm an assman and white. You might as well be from Potato Isle with the shit you're spewing. Stop trying to make a site drama thread about fucking idpol needlessly. you inadverted Gramscist Azov cuck.
>>21390 (OP)
The schizo containment thread is the best thread there right now.
Based Iceland.
>Quite a larpy post, I'll bite.
Role playing as a Jew? Lol, no born into it.

>implying the other presidents weren't on the jewish payroll
>implying it's not at least a part of the judeo-globalist plans for eastern europe
Yes, the Jewish cabal so powerful it's confident in allowing every underachieving, undermedicated moron on earth to post about it. And conspiracy anti-semitism isn't a coping mechanism at all, it's totally real. Not at all similar to primitive religions where there's a mysterious, omniscient evil force that explains to frightened, superstitious fools Why Bad Things Happen to Good People. In fact I just spoke to one of the Elders of Zion and they're going to steal all the pierogies from your fridge to teach you a lesson. Watch your back.
Based Ukrainian
No one cares, Kisame
Since when is Kisame Dutch? You got the wrong guy obv
How the fuck would you know? Whites are not publicly marginalized anywhere but the most rootless areas of Seattle and New York City. This is an entirely false perception fed to you by internet weirdos
Don't listen to them. They are total schzos
dang , i don’t know how they do it in the ukraine

well iim an american and i love freedom though, big butts, and rock and roll, fmaybe playing some charles ives

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