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An ex-Disney animator tried to expose Disney for producing a film that promotes child p*rnography.

Said animator got fired for calling them out, but managed to get a photo of the film's title and poster.

Sadly, they got neutralized by a Disney hitman hours after publishing that.

What's left is the linked image.

The title, the poster and release date are place-holders but it's guaranteed the film will be released under a different title and release date.

It's OFFICIAL, Disney and Bob Chapek are supporting pedophillia.

It's horrible.

Enough is ENOUGH.

Share this with your friends and spread it online.

Disney CAN'T get away with this.

Time to kick those pedophilliac assholes right where it hurts.

Make sure everyone sees this.

Disney will try to dismiss this, but why trust them after everything they've done (lie to their fans, antagonize them, screwing up the copyright law, recording near a concentration camp, monopolizing the entertainment industry and brainwash people?


this post is either making fun of conspiratorial conseravatards or it's by a conservatard who fell for obvious misinformation
Fuck it, why not both
why are there so many goddamn retards here

Or just a bored kid who should be doing homework instead of spamming a chan site.
This isn't really about pedophilia, it's just about hurting a person or company's reputation by saying that they're a bad person. This isn't going to do anything about pedophilia or real live child sex rings, all we're doing is attacking someone and spreading rumors that will wreck their reputation and make their lives harder. Without giving them a chance to defend themselves. It's one thing if someone truly did do something terrible and has their reputation ruined that way. If it's a rumor that ruins a reputation especially then it's different as a person is made to suffer for something that they didn't do and aren't given a chance to defend themself. Not all people in power are pedophiles and why we stay here debating on who is or isn't real life children are getting hurt. Don't take violent action, all it will do is land you in jail as a crazy criminal who attacked an innocent person. The law is fully within their rights to use violence on you if you threaten to hurt someone.
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It's complicated. The heir to Walt Disney is a socialist who criticizes the company and her uncle for lacking a moral compass. There's also past and present employees who don't like Chapek for jacking up prices to the theme park and picking a fight with Florida Governor Ron Desantis. I take the side that Eisner making Disney brand more profitable and ignoring the classic Disney zealots was good.

Basically conservatives have been complaining that traditionally masculine characters are being replaced by the long haired slender bishonen that appears in anime and J-RPGs. It wasn't bad before because the effeminate men could emote, but it's bad now cause the it's a waste of data trying to render anime characters. Considering that Woody in KHIII chews out Xehanort for being hollow, they might have a point.
>The heir to Walt Disney is a socialist
Socialists in America typically come from wealthy college educated families and are heirs to the Fords, Disney, or the Vanderbilt or Astors, or some Texas oil baron. They're more common in Manhattan for protesting the tax evasion or shady business practices that conservatives use to make a quick buck. In reality, it's just a conflict between Nouveau riche and old money. The Great Gatsby is still used as an example as to not act like the nouveau riche like Disney or the McMahons.
With no proof or verifiable documents this post is more worthless conspiracy drivel out of pol. You think anyone in the fed would have looked sideways at Snowden had he talked publicly about shady shit the government did had he not pulled out millions of verifiable documents? Fake.

>Socialists in America typically come from wealthy college educated families and are heirs
Stands to reason. Most everyone I know even close to being socialistic in their views grew up with great or extremely diverse lives and just wish more people could have grown up like they did.
For instance- my family's greatest threat was my parent dying right after the financial crash. Even with that our home was never endangered, my other parent still worked full time, and life insurance handled nearly everything cash wise for some time. But I knew people in 2008 who lost a lot, including their homes. Not everyone becomes a socialist because you live in la-la land, many become one because you know how sweet the top of the mountain is and you just want all your friends up there too.
This seems like a fake schizopost.

Go outside, take your meds

Don't sic this animal onto society. Let the creature stay indoors so he doesn't end up disturbing the peace or shoot something up.
>>21340 (OP)
>jews in control of media & entertainment industry
Hmmm, how could it be that they are pushing demoralization now to further decompose the remnants of western civilization?
>>21340 (OP)
Look i'm not saying the pedo acceptance shit is coming along down the road (look at MAPS or how trans children have enough "agency" that they can make live changing decisions before they even hit fucking puberty), but dude you generally can't trust much of what /co/ and other boards on 4chan shits out.

That being said Turning Red is an absolutely disgusting movie with how thinly veiled the metaphors they make are. Really is awful.

Also #boycotting or whatever doesn't matter, it could come out that disney land had tunnels to abduct children and traffick them and people would still show up, consumers are consumers not thinkers
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>That being said Turning Red is an absolutely disgusting movie with how thinly veiled the metaphors they make are. Really is awful.

Oh please, Netflix literally had a 12 year old girl's talking vagina on screen and an entire movie of 13 year old girls twerking in skimpy outfits. And yet you're over here bitching about Disney.
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Please not be real.
This can't be normal. Reaching the levels of Roman empire before the crisis of 3rd century and weimar republic alltogether.
Perhaps, it's even past that point already.
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Ohh wait, I was wrong. The girls in the Cuties movie aren't 13. They're 11......

And this is a FRENCH movie, not American. It got so bad that Netflix got indicted by the US Jury over it. What the fuck France. Explain this...
Those who protest too much….?
Christ I'm so sick of this schizoposting garbage. Every thread like this sucks shit in the first place, and then a half dozen dipshits show up to spread slightly less obvious propaganda, only just barely able to look more reasonable in the face of the OP but enough to probably convince some morons

oh shit that's the point isn't it?

Go take your meds sperg.
it's sad that i can't tell if bait or idiot anymore

the retarded arms race is evolving
Kisame here. People are just uppity these days. there's just no fun in making cartoons. Everyone wants to fight fascists or communists. They don't know how much resources go into these propaganda

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