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I might be alone and I am gonna sound like an Incel fag but idc at this point; I have been in a few relationships but these bitches are always so skinny. I can never find any fat chicks in my area and it sucks. Every time I try and explaining my fetish it makes things worse and never lasts very long.

I would just like to know I am not alone.
>>21328 (OP)

If physical appearance makes or breaks a relationship for you, then you deserve to stay single.
>>21328 (OP)
Not alone. Just go out of your bubble. Geographically, racially, class wise. This country is full of fat women.
if a cock makes or breaks a relationship for you, then you deserve to stay single
What a shitty take. It ain't all about looks but when a fetish is so powerful that it cannot be ignored, then its just something you gotta live with.
>>21336 lol you think he should be in relationships with women he's not physically attracted to?

Look, if fat is your thing, date fat chicks. Date REALLY fat chicks. You're an American. It's not hard.

And there's nothing wrong with filtering who you date based on what you're attracted to. Don't feel bad about it or think that you should overlook not being attracted to a woman because it makes you enlightened or some bullshit.
This is a terrible argument. It's perfectly fine to make relationship decisions based on looks. It is extremely important, it should just not be the MOST important thing. But there's no sense in setting yourself up for failure by dating a chick you're not attracted to.

>>21328 (OP)
OP, you're not alone. It's a deal breaker for me.

You would know, faggot.
you're a faggot if you wouldn't suck the dick of an entity that you love
>>21328 (OP)
You're not in sales, are you? I didn't think so. If they're running from you when you let them know, then you're not selling it right or you're really ugly and that's just a bridge too far for them. Change your technique -you don't need to hit them upside the head on the second date with a full confessional - anyone would run from that. Take a woman out to eat a couple of times and drop hinrts that you like a woman who's not obsessed with dieting and can enjoy and finish a big meal. Then get her to bed and give her the best sex she's ever had. Then move things forward incrementally over the following dates. You got this.
Same, I'm not looking towards thin gals anymore when the USA is so full of thicc ladies.
>>21328 (OP)
>I can never find any fat chicks in my area
In the US? The hell you can't lol
That's where I stopped reading. Nigga please.
>>21328 (OP)
>I can never find any fat chicks in my area and it sucks
>American flag
??? I'm sorry but I simply cannot believe you.
>I would just like to know I am not alone.
You aren't. I'm the same ways. Lots of guys on this site are. Some are more extreme than others though (I only need her to chubby/borderline fat personally).
My friend, look at your flag, look at mine. I've been in a relationship with 3 girls, had sex with 9. Ranging from a simple "somewhat overweight" to SSBBW's and everything between. Never touched a skinny/"normal" girls besides a kiss or so as a teenager.

If you as an American can't meet at least the same amount or more fat girls, I don't know who could. But I usually never tell about my preference/fetish, besides one that figured it out since I complimented her body a lot, plus she knew my dating history.
Confederate scum.

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