
(113 KB, 768x1024, how idf chicks really be looking.jpg)
I am absolutely sure I like only women,but I am not sure which body type of woman I like.
If I get erect its because of erotic literature about fat wife muscular husband breeding and I am not sure what about it me gets erect.
I looked at female penetration videos of all kinds and I simply dont see the appeal.I find them very annoying because the woman is especially noiseful.If I try to self insert it dosen't work at all as even mentally I am not into it
I looked at feeder porn and I have found that if the video included a male at all it wouldn't work on me.If the video was a self stuffing with belly rubbing it did unnumb my penis and give me a relatively weak erection.If the video included just two women it has the possibility to induce a short lived erection in me until I realise this is all just imagination.What works best is a less endowed(facially,although still not unsightly) woman (force or not,but force works better) feeding a much more endowed woman.It unnumbs me and it makes the penis actually erect.
If the less endowed woman is older,flat,has a aged face and is skinny and the much more endowed woman is much younger(as young as can be),has a very healthy busom,womanly figure and is fatter(from quite chubby and pinchable to early-mid morbid obesity),then this works quite well at getting me erect until I remind myself this is all fiction.
Anything else dosen't work.
But I wonder,what kind of woman could I get erect from just seeing naked? As in a traditional relationship you should not include other people in the sex part,it is supposed to be personal.
I discovered this fetish when I was 5 years old and stumbled on fat sonic porn about the bat "rouge" from sonic.
IRL no woman I have seen has gave me any kind of erection,I am not sure if how the local women look and are affects this.
The local females are overwhelmingly brown,<4'9,have plank bodies when skinny and look like a overfilled potato sack when fat and by 13 you can be absolutely sure that 99% of them are not virgins.
>>21300 (OP)

Bruh she ate all the Palestinians 😭
Do not care. Did not read

It's just another dude's opinion on why he likes a certain type of body shape and not like others. At the end of the day, nobody will give a shit about your preferences but you. And these essay long confession stories are beyond stale.
Ok then,how should I know what bodytype of woman I like then?
Why are yanks always such abrasive losers.

No one gives a shit about your dumb tank opinions and no one thinks you are a badass for not being able to read. If you have nothing to contribute to this thread then go waste someone else's time.

>>21300 (OP)

To answer question. Isn't this just apple shaped?
Does it matter? Just ask out individuals you find attractive.

Says the fags who spent millions of dollars to bury some old hag. Toughen up pussy.
The picture I posted isn't related at all,Its just a funny fat jew to which I am noy attracted to at all.
I guess you could say that the idf does have some attractive recruits,am I right or am I right?
Problem is I haven't seen any.
I am not attracted to men at all and to women I know I am attracted as I am supposed to but they are all simply ugly,short,brown and flat even while very fat.
Only thing which has ever made me erect is feeding(most likely force feeding) of a facially very pretty woman by a woman which is older,skinny and not very appealing facially but still not a relative of shrek
not attracted*
(264 KB, 880x1100, idf.jpeg)
The IDF must be hiding some pretty good heifers amongst their ranks being one of the only militaries with female conscripts.
best post in thread
>tries to sound tough on the internet.....
>ends up sounding like a 12 year old with daddy issues.

Why are yanks so cringe online but so nice in person?
There are over 300 million of us. Please don't judge us all by the most abrasive ones online.

Why do you assume that every "yank" is exactly the same? And you wonder why people are being hostile towards you. Don't call others yanks and they won't be dicks to you.

Simple as that.

I did a reverse image search of the one in the picture and it led me to an archived 4chan thread on women in the IDF. It's was mostly typical 4chan stuff shitposting but they were also saying some of those 'IDF girls' are actually Ukrainian or Russian models to try and generate more support for Israel. If you see some cute IDF soldier making a tiktok, don't believe everything you see. Side note, same usually goes for 4chan 😂
Given that 15% of Israel is Russian, women have to join the army and young women enjoy using tiktok and such, is it not inevitable that there will be women of model quality within the IDF.
Although if there was an actual conspiracy to beautify the IDF on social media with hired models, it would be great if they were using lots of chubby Arab girls like the one in this photo! I would've joined their foreign brigades years ago if that were the case.
Thats not a chubby girl,thats a whole platoon!

So? It's a chan site. Go to Reddit if you want some coherent conversation.

I don't look at politics, I'm on the side that has the better looking women. I'd love if both the Palestinians and the Israelis started posting their cutest fat chicks to try and win me over
Weight gain battles, now we're talking.
Westerners tend to view Israel as strictly white but actually Israel is majority Arab, both Muslim and Jewish. They are from the same area geographic area too (white Israeli Jews are often lower down the social scale than the Arab ones). So they look the same, one group is just covered up more than the other.
Although I'd assume the Israelis are fatter perhaps.
I've personally known at least one normie-hot IDF vet and one BBW-hot one, who's a friend of mine. Almost every Jewish Israeli citizen, male and female, is required to serve, and Israelis are attractive people. Mystery solved — they don't need models as ringers.

Romanian OP: Quit huffing glue and go bang a fat chick.
>actually Israel is majority Arab, both Muslim and Jewish.

TF are you talking about??? There's no such thing as an "Arab Jew." About half the Jews in Israel are of European descent and half are from majority-Muslim countries, but that doesn't make them "Arabs." Giving the benefit of the doubt, you might mean Sephardim, who are originally from North Africa/Spain — and who are not in any way Arabs. (FWIW, ethnic Arabs, Muslims and Christians, make up about 20% of Israel.)

So I'll assume you mean Sephardim in refuting this heap of bullshit:

>white Israeli Jews are often lower down the social scale than the Arab ones

So-called "white" Jews, by which I assume you mean Ashkenazi/Europeans, make more money and are better represented in nearly every power structure in Israel, compared to Sephardim or other Jews (Ethiopians, Central Asians, etc). This is a long-standing conflict, from before independence back to Hertzl and the early Zionists.

Ok, I know this is a fat fetish chan and I'm punching myself in the face just being on /gen/, deserve what I get, etc, but seriously: Why do people post so much misinformation here? Shit you can double-check with 3 clicks in 5 minutes. I'm not talking about trolls or obvious retards, but people who can write complete sentences, operate a computer, and with no apparent agenda. Weird.
It's strange how plenty of sources conflate Israel as consisting of either Jews or Arab Muslims, as is the case with any other country it gets a bit more complicated than that. "Arab" descended Israelis prefer to call themselves Israeli but 60% of Israelis are either fully or partially Mizrahi or Sephardi. Another 20% is Arab proper, mainly Muslim. So the country is primarily of Middle Eastern, "Arab", descent.

And yes European Jews are better represented in parliament. But these are the ones often descended from well educated, secular Europeans that used to reside in Europe's cultural centres so there's no wonder there. But then 12% of Israel is Haredi (ultra-orthodox) who often came from poorer areas of Europe, the majority of which are Ashkenazi, "white" (kind of). These people see Israel as a religious concept. One in which Israel is founded by the Messiah that builds the third temple and has all the diasporic Jews returning to Israel etc. Therefore Haredis don't really like Israel as it is, they seek safety there and use it's services yet they will not protect it. The refuse military service (although the law changes on that regularly) in a country where all Jews male and female are expected to fight. This is in contrast to the safe national homeland that plenty of non-Haredis see Israel as. So this large population of Haredi, "white" Israelis is often viewed with annoyance by regular Israelis.

It's a complicated country that necessitates slightly more consideration than what 3 clicks in 5 minutes would provide unfortunately.
Looking at women dosen't make me erect,so I am not sure how I am supposed to have sex with a woman when I am not erect.
Also I wouldn't want to have sex with the locals here,as they are at most 5'0 in height,very brown and flat even while being fat.Would you?
Why are you listing browness as a negative feature?
>Looking at women dosen't make me erect

Just stop fapping for a while, when I abstain for some time I get erect by the tiniest things like a women reciprocating contact and bra straps peeking thru. Have you ever thought about why it's so important for you to get sexually winded when it seems like a source of annoyance in your live?
I unironically dont masturbate and I never have.
I dont touch my penis that way at all,if something does erect me then great,now I have to deal with that.If it goes on for too long sticky transparent gellatin comes out and the area around the base of the penis hurts for the rest of the day ,all of this without my touching my penis at all.
I list being brown as a negative feature because I simply dont want half brown kids and that brown women are uglier than white women no matter what you do with them.
Getting erect is of importance to me because I do not want to be dependent on medication to pound a woman's vagina.
I simply want the capability to do this and to control it.
Another thing of interest is finding the actual body type of woman I like as all the types I have seen dont get me any kind of horny by looking at them naked.
In the past I viewed some erotic literature for a 2-4 days spree a month and skimmed through some porn sites to see if anything interests me.
I have found that the only thing which I know can make me horny consistently is the same as I said in OP:a facially uglier older woman which is skinny but dosen't look all that feminine feeding and fattening a (sometimes already fat) much much facially prettier woman which oozes femininity from how her body simply is even if fat or not.I am trying to find out what this could mean,do you know?

Bro you're Romanian, just steal whatever girl you think looks hot 😂
>just steal whatever girl you think looks hot
Haven't seen one yet,I firstly want a girl above 160cm as I dont want to have sex with a midget,something the local genepool cant offer
(798 KB, 910x506, ceausescu.PNG)
>What works best is a less endowed(facially,although still not unsightly) woman (force or not,but force works better) feeding a much more endowed woman.
Who the fuck is girl on the left shes hot as fuck bruh what is this from
the prettier one is supposed to be fat, 'jeet

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