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I'm black, I like fat chicks, can't stand her and everything about her. I can at least acknowledge she's a talented enough flautist but aside from that thats as far as anything resembling praise I can say about her. What are your thoughts on this chick,
I'm white. I like fat women. I like black women. I don't know enough about Lizzo to say I dislike her. Her music isnt bad but not really my thing (dont think I'm her target audience anyway) I do not find her attractive though. Her face and body just seem kinda weird. Like she's fat in the wrong places. 5/10 prob would bang given the opportunity
she's a professional musician/celebrity and not a bbw model, I'm sure if she was actively courting us as her audience there'd be a lot more erotic images of her for us to coom to and resultantly rate her more attractive but since she's focused on mass appeal and the mainstream views fat sexuality as weird and funny she makes constant jokes about her fatness and there's a very 'normie/corporate' body image I have of her as a result if that makes sense?. If she was just a random woman I saw on the street dressed in cute clothes that emphasised her curves I'd be able to coom at her, her body is hot but her media image is not is what I'm saying I guess, and presentation matters a lot.
She has that "Fat girls are empowering and need love too" bullshit narritive that I hate with a passion. I shouldn't have to like you just because you're loud, black, and can play the flute. Not every fat black girl was bullied in school, yet she acts like she's their Beyonce. When in reality she's a step above a one hit wonder. Honestly, name one song besides Truth Hurts that didn't feature someone else.
Implying i can name any of her songs
2 Be Loved is a fucking bop and I will not be told otherwise.
Can't name any of her songs but I would marry this chick if I could.
Yeah she doesn't have my preferred fat distribution either. Not ugly but not my type.

Honestly I just wish once in a while she didn't act like a complete clown every time in the public eye. I'm not some stick in the mud either, but does she really have to take take something that would be seen as an honor to even touch, twerk while playing it and look like a complete clown afterwards. Going back to what you said before, if she is the Beyonce of fat chicks as she seems to carry herself as then she just makes all fat chicks look like perpetual jokes.

I agree especially with your last sentence, how she presents her self in media is just awful, but if she was just normal chick who wasn't going around being quite frankly an awful stereotype yeah I could see her being cute.
she's actually kind of cute and doesn't come off like a total narc like some of her pop fat acceptance ilk. she makes people on here butthurt cause she doesn't date fat men or something.
Her nose looks weird. Too narrow, uncanny valley. 2/10.
>>21017 (OP)
I'm white and middle-aged so to me her music is like cats fucking. But I do think she's sexy, as I actually like that meaty, big-in-the-middle look and I think she has a pretty face.

However her "fat and out" persona, as much as I've seen of it, does annoy me, though I'm more bothered that she probably wouldn't have a career without it. I felt like with pre-WLS Adele we had a talented singer who happened to be hot and fat but just -was-, take her or leave her. Not obliged to be an activist or a clown. That's way more attractive to me than Lizzo bouncing around in a sequined bathing suit.
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>>21017 (OP)
I'm really turned off by the whole 'sassy' persona that some people do to appear more confident. but she is good looking and if she can encourage more BBW women to dress more sexier and me more confident then that is overall a good thing.

Bodywise she is okay. nice booty but compare he with other fat girls (see image) then she is often outclassed.
She's reasonably attractive and reasonably talented. And must give her credit for being a highly visible and unapologetically obese celebrity.

I just find her loud, aggressive, performatively self-regarding and confrontational persona to be a massive turn off. I get that she feels she needs to be this way to take a stand against the patriarchy or whatever, but it feeds into stereotypes that confident fat women need to be deafeningly brash, "sassy", over-the-top, and pugilistic.

I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with her or anything she's doing - just not my cup of tea. And I recognize that this too-loud-to-be-ignored persona was probably key to her finding fame. I just wish and hope we can get a fat female celebrity who can just come across as an evenly tempered person, and who doesn't need to deliver a bozo the clown act to get noticed.
If I may devil's advocate here - anyone who is unapologetic about their obesity gets pressured to slim down. The second Lizzo goes on a diet, it's over for her. Meghan Trainor made her debut about being thick, and now she's thin, married, and out of the spotlight. Adele was THE "she's fat but holy shit she's talented" artist and then slimmed down. That's to say nothing of the bevy of actors and actresses who were fat archetypes that ended up losing weight to conform to Hollywood. Lizzo HAS to be brash, or the moral of her story is "everyone gets beaten down to thinness in this business".
Should say ISN'T unapologetic but I think you all get the gist.

Don't forget Rebel Wilson and how she's half her size when she first started out.
Oh there's plenty. Chrissy Metz had weight loss baked into her contract. Melissa McCarthy has definitely gone down in size. Mo'Nique got blackballed apparently. Queen Latifah became a spokeswoman for Jenny Craig. Hell, the male side isn't safe either - I may not be SUPER into BHM, but I feel genuinely bad for Jonah Hill and how many times he had to go down AND up in size.

Lizzo has made her size and attitude a part of her brand. I'm not super into her or anything but I can see why she needs to be up in your face about it. If nothing else, she will make every fat celebrity after her seem normal.
What a fucking disappointment As a big woman, I looked up to her. Now I'm just ashamed of her.
>>21092 no this is a very good point.

You really have to be in IDGAF mode to avoid the inevitable “she decided to focus on her health” forced narrative shift.

I guess I just wish we lived in a society where that wasn’t the case. Lizzo’s attitude may in fact be necessary to being and staying fat in the public eye- I still find it obnoxious. Perhaps just the cost of doing business, which is a bummer.

Imagine being ashamed at someone for wanting to have a better quality of life.
the one fucking thing she had going
That's the real kicker - her entire role was the funny fat girl. I'm having a real hard time envisioning what else she can do since that's her whole schtick.
She doesn't deserve better quality of life because she relied on surgery to lose weight instead if doing it the old-fashioned way of working it off.
>Mo'Nique got blackballed apparently.

Which has nothing to do with her weight.

TDLR: She was asked to do a press-run for a movie overseas, she refused, became a diva and had a series of tantrums against other black actors/actresses for not having her back, played the race/sexist card which backfired, and overall is unprofessional and aires her grievences and dirty laundry publicly.

When even the black directors don't wanna put up with her ass, then the white ones will definetly steer clear as well.

lol, fuck off you miserable gremlin. If she doesn't want to be a blob, it's her own choice. Go back to watching Rick and Morty while squirting in a Pringles can.
I am black and I just flat out don't care for Lizzo. As much as the Weekend and Lady Gaga gets shit, it sounds like something that's fun. Lizzo is just obnoxious
she's very annoying in real life. Princessy and thinks that everyone should treat her like royalty because "shes black". I really wish I were kidding. I said hi to her once and we ended up getting a drink a long time ago. She wouldn't shut up about her mom and her freaking flute. I mean its okay to have family values and stuff but fuck, she wasn't interested in anything except talking about herself. Maybe things change, Idk.
>That's way more attractive to me than Lizzo bouncing around in a sequined bathing suit.
Exactly, really makes me wonder if being "confident" always has to come off as being as obnoxious as possible. Its never just hey i'm fat but whatever, instead most seem to overcompensate and like you said either act like some massive activist or a complete utter embarrassing clown.

Yeah I'm not against chicks losing weight for health reasons or whatever but Rebel Wilson literally only had that going for her, after she lost weight she became completely irrelevant.
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Yeah everytime I see her I just have to roll my eyes to the point they might fall out of my head. Some defend it by saying she HAS to act like that, but it comes off more as overcompensating than actually being confident. No class. Meanwhile there have been other singers in a similar situation who composed themselves with at least some poise and class.

What's more annoying is her fanbase excusing her behavior. I legit haven't a one positive thing that she's done for black women. Posing butt-ass naked for an album cover isn't doing much body positivity as she would like you to believe. Especially when you're acting wretched 5 minutes later.


It doesn't help that all of her roles have been fat comedic relief. It was either slim down and risk her career for new roles, or remain being known as the fat chick from the Pitch Perfect movies.
Lizzo was media manufactured to be ultimate cringe for basic white women to feel smug. I’ve never met a Lizzo fan that wasn’t a moderately unattractive but not obese white chick.
Happens all the time. First they'll make the claim that they got roles because they're a good actress. That may be true, but it was because you were good and had a unique trait.
I can't name one chubby actress who lost weight and didn't completely fall of the radar shortly there after. Just like at Sara Rue. She basically became Sara Who after the weight came off.
>>21319 I don’t have an opinion on her, luckily there are plenty of beautiful black queens out there!
Don't forget about Ricki Lake, that's one woman I'm sure regrets her weight loss considering she's done nothing since her talk show got canned.

The fuck you talking about? She's been in a bunch of projects since her weight loss. You've just been under a rock since the 2000s.
Just like at Sara Rue. She basically became Sara Who after the weight came off

I totally forgot about her since she lost the weight. She was chubby and I seriously crushed until wl.
Same here.

When I saw her in 2003 she was the chubbiest women I had ever seen on TV, porn, or IRL (Yeah weird place I live in). Couldn't tell you what Less Than perfect was about, but I watched it because of her.
Honestly all she does is perpetuate negative myths about black women and fat people. I'm not against people having "fun" but at least once in awhile compose yourself in a respectful manner. Maybe thats too much ask, and INB4 "she's fat so no matter what blah blah blah", considering all that media is doing for her NOW despite her perpetually looking like clown its obvious they're trying to build her up, so she could've composed her self differently still garner an audience and maybe have some self respect.

Honestly I could believe that
These days almost every celebrity is media manufactured, so I believe it.

>>considering all that media is doing for her NOW despite her perpetually looking like clown its obvious they're trying to build her up, so she could've composed her self differently still garner an audience and maybe have some self respect.

All I've seen her do is twerk while playing the flute. I don't know who's a bigger disgrace to Black media, her or Tyler Perry.
> I just defended Herschel Walker because two-face isn't obnoxious like these Black actors to warrant controversy.

You mean you defended a spouse beater who's threatened to kill his own family multiple times? Not to mention racist, homophobic, transphobic, blames mental illness for his violent behavior, deadbeat father, ect.

And that's just scratching the surface of this piece of shit's track record. I haven't even gotten to his political stuff.
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African Americans don't buy into the Cosby-Obama vision of America as black dad's being wealthy and educated. All you are doing is driving people insane with overbearing morals. This is why African Americans idolize d-bags over the Historical Black Colleges and NAACP types. Is Black Professor going to give up that law degree and tenure to be a good parent?
Lizzo is the worst thing to happen to fat chicks because A LOT of the really, really mid ones with an inferiority complex are adopting that sassy, annoying "personality" that she's doing.

>>African Americans don't buy into the Cosby-Obama vision of America as black dad's being wealthy and educated.

"You wanna know why niggas don't dream? Because the last one who did got shot"

- some comedian.

No matter how well you present yourself as a black person, you're still going to be treated like shit. At least in America, can't say the same for those in other countries.
I don't disagree o/a but in Lizzo's case I think it's more about misogyny than racism. A fat white woman musician with the same persona would face the same shit. Maybe more.

Counterpoint would be Adele before her weight loss.
Kelly Clarkson before her weight loss would be another counterpoint.

And Megan Trainor. So yeah, it's totally a race thing.

Fair enough Lizzo is more 'fat' fat but Adele and Kelly Clarkson were never even that big and they got GRILLED for it. Like jesus christ leave them alone. Maybe it's me jacking it too much to fat chicks and seeing them all the time but they were barely fat at their heaviest

>>Adele and Kelly Clarkson were never even that big and they got GRILLED for it.

You mean the time they were both pregnant and couldn't help being big? They didn't get GRILLED anymore than any other pregnant celebrity for their weight gain.
Kelly got grilled before her pregnancy, but I agree with >>21463. It's sad that fat acceptance has still never happened, and that Trans of all things got settled first.
My take on Lizzo:

- Her music is a little vulgar. She's well known for this. You probably wouldn't want to play it for your repressed, Irish-Catholic great grandmother. It's nothing most adults haven't heard, though.

- She's also known for her persona: a fat black lady whose mannerisms basically match her music.

- Because of the above point, she's an easy punching bag for right wing talking heads who have little better to do than be offended by her existence. Then you have the left that's offended that they're offended. And so on.

While I'm not the biggest Lizzo fan out there, I think being offended by her existence is pretty ironic coming from a group of people who also complain that everyone gets too offended by everything these days. Y'all come off as a bunch of crybabies. If Lizzo bothers you, don't listen to her music. If women who listen to Lizzo bother you, then use that as a screening tactic and don't date them. You'll both be happier for it.
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Her music flat out sucks because she's a pop diva, a genre of music that pops out provocative artists that have no influences. Luther Vandross, Queen, Sir Mix A Lot, Bell Biv Devoe did more for fat chicks than the hambeast
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>hurr durr how dare you have an opinion crybabies
wow such a great and novel take.

this man speaks truth

Yeah it all comes off as massive overcompensation.

I disagree with those as counterpoints, they acted in a completely different manner than Lizzo, only way we'd really know is if there was an equivalent to her, like some white trash country singer.

Also I'm not saying there isn't a racial component, and yeah for some no matter what you do it won't be enough, but on the other hand how you act plays a big part in it too. Look at Queen Latifah, she's never been skinny as far as I can tell, and unless my memory is faulty she's always been well received.

>>she's an easy punching bag for right wing talking heads who have little better to do than be offended by her existence.

lol fuck off. Not everything is fueled by politics.

>>Look at Queen Latifah, she's never been skinny as far as I can tell, and unless my memory is faulty she's always been well received.

That's because she has class and never twerked to get attention. Even during the 90s, she was the exception to the Foxy Browns and Lil Kims in terms of using knowledge over sexuality to get her point across. Now what most black women rap about is either robbing some guy off or how wet their pussy is.
All new music is shit but this kind of thot rap is sexy tbh. It's shit, objectively shit music but yeah something hot about a girl rapping about what a whore she is over backing tracks of her moaning and random wet sounds for snares and shit

Sorry for breaking up your circle jerk, boys. Carry on.
Exactly this
Not sure why I would find a BBW celebrity to be problematic, especially considering she embraces it and is obviously into it. Check out r/lizzothick for the goods.

You must've still been in your father's ballsack if you honestly believe women haven't been rapping about their pussies since the near beginnning.

Roxanne Shante, Salt N Peppa, H.W.A, Lil Kim were just as wretched if not more than the thots of today.


Celebrities in general are assholes with money and a following. She's isn't a FA, or is into this fetish. She's just a fat woman who's using her music to capitalize on other fat women
Music requires the use of sounds to get a good idea of the composition. Black Actors are doing the triple threat nonsense. It's like Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey flopping. Harley act as a parent and they turned Cassandra Cain into Short Round instead of Lucy Liu
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What the fuck is this pop-culture ass comment Kisame
what the fuck are you trying to say

You must not know a thing about her other than "sHE's cUTe". Go around some black people for a while, and then you'll understand why people don't like her.
>>22088 I think one of the things that bothers me about her - and this is going to seem cruel and I don't mean it to be - is that she has seized the mantle of fat sexuality for herself while being.... IMO, not anywhere close to an example of an attractive fat person.

We all can give examples of attractive fat women. The models whose images are shared on this board are just the tip of the iceberg. There are chubby, fat, and supersized women who are all absolute knockouts - the reason being that they largely adhere to the same standards of traditional beauty that thin women adhere to - proportion, symmetry, facial structure, etc. A beautiful women who gets fat is still a beautiful woman. I realize that's subjective, but also... C'mon.

Lizzo is not a beautiful woman. She does not have an attractive body shape, having nothing to do with her weight. Her face is not particularly unattractive but also not deserving of poetry.

And guess what: that's fine. She's a musical artist, not a model. But due to the fact that there are so few visible fat female public figures, and due to the brash sexuality of her music, she's managed to imprint as the public's idea of what a "sexy fat woman" looks like. And that's a shame, because all it does is confirm in the public's mind the idea that sexually empowered fat women are kinda fugly and unappealing.

Imagine if we got a truly gorgeous fat woman in the public eye. Minds would be blown. I think most people don't even think it's possible. They think Lizzo is the highest echelon of the "sexy fat woman" archetype, when everybody here knows she couldn't break into the bbw/ssbbw modeling game if she tried.

Then for those of us who are loud and proud about our love of fat girls, we have to deal with the obnoxious assumption that we must think Lizzo is hot.

I don't think Lizzo is necessary responsible for any of this, but I do think that she is doing some degree of harm to the culture simply by being a really poor public representation of what hot + fat look like.
I would say Lizzo is not unattractive, but it does bug me how much she has made twerking and shaking her bare ass around a trademark. For her size and for a black woman, she barely has any ass to shake, but everyone is supposed to buy that she's "bootylicious" or whatever just because she's fat and black. It's no different than if Taylor Swift doubled her weight and started shaking her ass around. There's not going to be anything particularly sexy or impressive there to shake.

Most women are uglier when they're fat. I can name several butter faces in the community where their fat is legit their only saving grace:

Goddess Shar and Reiina both fucked up their faces with injections.

Carmen LaFox has a big ass forehead and wide gap in her teeth.

Nadya has a beak nose that can crack open a coconut.

JessieMinx legit has a horseface.

GGG has a lazy eye and mild stroke face.

And the list goes on.

>>Imagine if we got a truly gorgeous fat woman in the public eye.

You're not going to get a gorgeous fat woman in Hollywood that gets treated like Natalie Portman or Jennifer Lawrence. Closet were the women mentioned before prior to their weight loss.

Every other fat woman isn't as attractive or meets this place high standard for beauty and fatness. You people never brought up Missy Elliott and her chunky ass, Janet Jackson when she ballooned up, or Jennifer Hudson when she was over 200lbs.
>Honestly, name one song besides Truth Hurts that didn't feature someone else.

Lol, I thought "Juice" was her Magnum Opus. I don't think I've ever heard of this "Truth Hurts" song.

They're both from the same album and were both on the radio at the same time. If you heard one, you've heard the other.
>Give me an example
>Gives an example
>That doesn't count

Try harder

You got an example or do you just want to hear yourself speak?
You have been given SEVERAL. Just because you don't want to read them doesn't mean you went unanswered.

>>You have been given SEVERAL.

Yeah, several shit songs that hardly anyone plays. She's a one-hit wonder and you know it.
This is some hardcore cope and I don't even like Lizzo that much

Good for you, have a cookie.
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I want lizzo to reach 400 lbs so we get more mainstream bbw celebrities. She's the closest thing we got to mainstream bbw, she was posting belly play and jiggling on ig
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>>She's the closest thing we got to mainstream bbw,

I like how none of you ever brought up Gabbi Sidibe who was not only in mainstream, but was legit 300+ at her biggest. Just proves that most of you don't give a shit about black media.
she lost weight tho and never posted so much ass

Nigga, she's an actress not a porn star. She was already diabetic and needed to change before her health started to fail. Hollywood rarely casts anyone to be a bedridden SSBBW without a foot.
Well good for her, she's still not valid

>>gives an example and photos

>>sHE's STiLL nOt vALId

She's done a whole lot more for black women than Lizzo. And she's still fat. Sorry that a black person that you didn't even know existed isn't 300lbs anymore.
you have never hung out with a black person

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