
(155 KB, 796x996, Loey Lane (2).jpg)
To be clear: I love her. She is stunningly beautiful, and she is certainly looking fatter and softer than ever. She does a lot of "pin-up" style photos, little or revealing clothes, and always two sizes too small. She knows how hot she is, but she must also know that her "crowd" are essentially other fat girls and guys like us. Yet she has spoken negativly about fat fetishism in the past. And just a few days ago she was on a rant about a guy touching her belly and being turned on by it. It seemed to upset her a lot. So what's the deal? She "loves" being fat and showing it off, yet she "hates" guys like us who love fat bodies?
Perhaps she doesn't want to be reduced or known only as someone's fetish. Some women are comfortable with guys fondling their fat and being called fat, others while body positive may be unhappy that men think of them only a sex object. They have a point, if any of us want to get a girlfriend, we should know women as something beyond a sex object and admit if our feelings for a woman is sexual. Maybe Loey Lane wants to be known for something beyond just being someone's fetish. Perhaps we should acknowledge when our feelings for fat women are only sexual and acknowledge that they are people who have lives beyond being sexy fat girls who fulfill our kinks.
FA or normie, it's forever gonna be the paradox that male sexuality inherently involves objectification, while women want to be wanted as a total package and not for their various parts. Throughout most of history women had no agency and so couldn't complain about such things. But now they do, so here we are. One of the (few) good things about getting older and dating older women is that they "get it," and can separate our lust for their bodies from the love for their personhood — and enjoy both aspects. Here's hoping with SA and so on many of you young'uns will enjoy this way earlier in life.
I saw that story of hers. Very sad for her. Not because I think she needs to embrace feedism or date a "fat fetishist", but because what she is doing is conflating all men who explicitly prefer fat women with "fat fetishism".

The offense she was so outraged about was that a man *touched her stomach during sex*. She didn't catch him jerking to deathfeedist porn. He didn't walk into the bedroom with a funnel. He touched her stomach while he was fucking her. Of course she has the right to stipulate any bedroom ground rules she wants, and any partner would need to respect it, but that doesn't make the guy a fetishist - it makes him a guy who was turned on by her body. During sex.

She's making an overly broad interpretation of fetishism that essentially labels any man who is attracted to her *because of*, rather than in spite of her body as a creep, making them out as objectifying pests rather than people with a preference no different from any other.

You see this a lot with fat women, especially women who work to remain traditionally pretty, with a high-effort feminine aesthetic. They want a man who will be agnostic about her body and/or overlook her obesity. Any man who reveals an explicit attraction to her fat body is not only a weirdo, but a liar and a predator. Loey wants to be able to pretend she's a skinny girl in bed, and anybody who reminds her she isn't is a deviant. If a man she is dating reveals at any point that he prefers her body to those of skinny girls, it is considered a betrayal.

It's such obvious and deeply rooted self-hate, and all but precludes her ability to be in a healthy sexual relationship with anybody. For somebody whose brand revolves around her journey of self-actualization and self-love, it's a bizarre blind spot to see on display.
>she's making an overly broad interpretation of fetishism that essentially labels any man who is attracted to her *because of*, rather than in spite of her body as a creep, making them out as objectifying pests rather than people with a preference no different from any other.
You see this a lot with fat women, especially women who work to remain traditionally pretty, with a high-effort feminine aesthetic. They want a man who will be agnostic about her body and/or overlook her obesity. Any man who reveals an explicit attraction to her fat body is not only a weirdo, but a liar and a predator. Loey wants to be able to pretend she's a skinny girl in bed, and anybody who reminds her she isn't is a deviant. If a man she is dating reveals at any point that he prefers her body to those of skinny girls, it is considered a betrayal.
This post is 100% spot on. I know because I dated someone like this and it was hell.
I feel with objectification, it's a complex issue. I don't think it will ever stop so long as we have sexual desires. This isn't me saying that we should continue to treat women as sex objects, rather we should acknowledge when we think of women as sexy but try to know something about them beyond just their looks. Perhaps Loey should accept that men are going to like her for her body and to accept it, but she should be with every man that thinks she's sexy she should find men that like her for who she is as a person and is attracted to her looks. A lot of fat women likely have this because they worry about being someone's fetish and want to be something more than this. It does create this hypocrisy where on one hand they want to be beautiful, on the other, they don't want to be denigrated as an object. This is likely from body image issues where one wishes to be beautiful and accepted but worries about only being seen as a sex object. There are probably loads of conventionally attractive women that are like this. I feel that I should acknowledge when my feelings towards women are only sexual. I should know something about a woman beyond her looks. If she has issues with her body and my kink, maybe she should try to ease into it. Maybe we should all acknowledge that objectification is never going to 100% but we should acknowledge that women are people and to love them for reasons beyond their looks and for women like Loey to be more and more comfortable with her body and to find someone in this community who can help her love her body and love her for who she is as a person
>>21011 There's a huge difference between a man being sexually attracted to her physically and "treating her like an object". That was sort of my point. The man was not fetishizing or objectifying her. He was simply enjoying her body as they were having sex.

Being sexually attracted to somebody does not preclude appreciating them as a person or acknowledging their humanity. You can and should have and want both.

Loey's issue is that she doesn't want somebody who likes fat girls. She is a fat girl. Very much a "I don't want to belong to a club that would have me as a member" vibe. She would have no problem being with somebody who loves big tits. She wouldn't feel objectified or fetishized. The issue is that she still, on some very deep level, loathes her body and doesn't want attention called to it by somebody she's sexually involved with.
I’ve just avoided those women that think this way. Sorry, no dude is going to “look past” your weight and like you for your personality. They’re attracted to your body, that includes the belly and rolls. If you want a guy who likes skinny girls to like you, then fucking lose weight. If not, then expect that 99% of men fucking you prefer fat women. If that’s a negative, then idk man.

Women moment
Loey lame is so stupid, she's 30 and acts like a stupid e girl. Either date the chubby chasers or stop crying
>>20999 (OP)
Is this why she stopped doing try on videos on YouTube? She's been doing exclusively creepypasta stuff for several months now.
She shouldn't be forced into this, she should get the help she needs for her body image issues and then be eased into going out with people in this community. Her going out with a feedist will not instantly fix her. It's a complex issue that takes time fix and even then, she's not going want to go out with a guy who's into fat women instantly. She should be eased into it and become comfortable with herself, her fat body and will going out with a man that loves her fat body.
She still does that on Instagram and TikTok. Plus dancing in her bikini, letting it all "hang out".
She had a Patreon for a while, where she was more or less showing off herself naked. I mean: fat admirers flocked to it.
You're not kidding. She was showing off her curves confidently in a lot of those pics, there was even one of her naked in a bathtub. I don't know how she can say the things she's saying when she unapologetically shows herself off the way she does.
Eased into it? Bro, she's bigger than melissa mccarthy. She should've been grown out of this complex. She's a grown ass adult who shouldn't need to be told this.
Body image issues aren't something you can get over instantly, some people spend their whole lives dealing with how their body looks. It doesn't matter how long you've lived with your big body, if you have issues with your body, it will take a long time to accept your body.
I remember seeing that video and thinking some of the exact same thoughts as others in this thread. I started a thread a good while back asking what's the difference between a preference and a fetishism because this issue seems to keep coming up with regards to being attracted to plus size girls. Some says it's mostly semantics and it's always safer to just say you have a preference and leave it at that

That being said, if I remember the video, loey made, correctly she did say she asked him not to touch her belly and he continued to do so. But then her point should have been on consent and respecting people's wishes and boundaries. Instead she made it a whole issue about fat fetishism, like????

She's not the only one with a huge social media following that spouts this, @simonemariposa also comes to mind

It's like others have said, they want to feel sexy but to have their bodies ignored as if they were skinny. Or that their partners can only view parts of their body as sexy if those parts are the "default" sexy things (boobs, ass, face etc). I get that people don't want to be objectified and that people should like them for aspects of their personality, but often times like loey and Simone being fat IS part of their personality, they literally have it as part of their identity as being the confident fat girl. If some other person liked someone with more muscle or liked the colour of their hair or "insert another example here" they would not be viewed as having a _ fetish. If you want to stop stigmatising fat bodies, stop stigmatising people who are attracted to them because then you are making it out that there is something wrong with fat people if others find it attractive. If you truly believe being fat isn't wrong/or neutral then being attracted to it should also be the same

Lastly, people here have said that she should just accept it and join the feederism community. I think there should be a differentiation between FAs let's say and feeders/feedies. Not all FAs are feeders/feedies. Feederism isn't for everyone and not everyone wants to get fatter, I completely respect that. I think she needs to ask herself why she doesn't like people who like her larger body. Ultimately it boils down to some people think her fat is sexy and she thinks people who like that are disgusting, by that logic, fat is bad. To me it seems either fat is bad (then lose weight) or fat isn't bad and/or neutral (then stop demonising those who like it)

Rant over
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>>20999 (OP)
Bitches. Be. Crazy. Especially if you're a fatty who has to conflict between something that most of society hates but a couple creeps like but give you validation for
Im not reading this.

>> post content or gtfo

It's a less than 5 min read you glue eater.

How about you post pics of your hairy crack and stfu?
>>20999 (OP) I would be more likely to watch her stupid vids on the occult if she showed her full body not just her face.
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>>20999 (OP)
This is the chubby/trans "chaser" shit I can never wrap my head around. There are 2 components to being with someone.
>Sexual attractiveness
Just because I'm sexually attracted to you, don't mean I want to be around you. Likewise, just because I like your personality, doesn't mean I'm sexually attracted to you.
Focusing specifically on sexual attractiveness. The vast majority of people aren't intrested in fat or trans people. The people finding you attractive are already going to be interested in those types.
Because they're interested in those types, that doesn't mean they're some monster who can't connect with on a personal level.
>>20999 (OP)
Reminds me a lot of what happened with glitterandlazers/Anna O'Brien. When she was posing in a bikini in NY, she was fully prepared to hear a bunch of mean comments about her weight from passers-by. Instead, a bunch of dudes were catcalling her, call her sexy, and she ended up getting really flustered by it. They both try to give off this ultra confident "love yourself" energy, but can't cope with the fact that dudes find them sexy as big fat ladies.
>>21494 Great example. The defensive crouch that many fat women get themselves into when they're deciding to be sexy in public can be so self defeating. It's like, they've decided to be sexy *in defiance of* society's judgement, so when that judgement doesn't come they don't know what to do with themselves. This is what happens when activistic rhetoric teaches women to view their own sexuality as inherently subversive, or that confident self love is an act of brave political protest. When you're all coiled up for a fight and then people don't react as adversarially as you're expecting, it leaves you kind of sputtering and flat footed.
holy fuck i just read that story what a retard LMAO
>When you're all coiled up for a fight and then people don't react as adversarially as you're expecting, it leaves you kind of sputtering and flat footed.

Yeah, and you can slap that onto hordes of other issues too; see it all the time with any political discussion, where if someone treats an issue with nuance more than half the time you'll find someone either just doesn't know key information or has an opinion not nearly as far as they made it out to be.
I think it also affects how best to approach and hit on bigger gals, but that's probably overthinking it.
If the genie comes out from the lamp I wish that loey lane eat and eat to gain and weigh more than 500 lbs. Then I wish she would become ssbbw model and last I wish we get content
Just watched her latest IG story.

It is simply crazy that she has convinced herself that 98% of her viewership/fanbase are not fat fetishists. It must be an enormous emotional and psychological burden to keep up that degree of self delusion.

She really thinks the same two dozen or so YassQween-ing body positivity commenters represent the majority of her support and that she's considered a style icon for her basic-ass torrid outfits and cheap jewelry.

I don't think she needs to embrace feederism or decide to become an overtly sexualized fetish model. She should continue to represent herself as she sees fit and in whatever way makes her comfortable.

But BoBerry is a good counterexample - she is doing a day-in-the-life / ultra-sized high class IG sweetheart / obese fashionista kind of aesthetic now post-BC, not at all porny and not dissimilar to Loey. But BoBerry still knows that she's a sex object. She uses the tension of her withholding to her advantage. Loey's angry denial and rejection of the true nature of her fame is baffling and needlessly antagonizing.
I mean no one ever accused her of being intelligent, hence the stupid creepypasta, and she screams emotional baggage.

She uses HAES/BoPo/appearing in provocative outfits to address her crippling self-confidence issues.

Basically, a screaming match against someone calling her ugly is OK because that is familiar, expected, yet another hater, etc., and you can point to that person being mean.

Someone theoretically going “huh? You’re hot but I totally didn’t notice you’re the size of three women!” is also OK because at least it corroborates the desire to be seen as conventionally beautiful.

But someone saying they like her figure re-confirms that yes, she is an outlier, so therefore that person must be sick because she can’t even truly like herself like this.

Essentially, a fucking head case worth a wank but not breaching a 50-foot radius.
Why is everyone here either a coomer, a retarded nigger, or both? God, I hate this place.
These comments hit the nail on the head and it's pretty much how I feel regarding this issue.

If someone is touching her stomach during sex even though she clearly stated that she didn't want it being done, then that is a matter of personal boundaries and consent. Loey has every right to set boundaries and provide her own guidelines of consent and what she is comfortable with along with everyone else. But it has nothing to do with people who are attracted to fat women. There's clearly a difference between just finding someone attractive and fetishization. If the actions in the bedroom are very one sided or the guy is briging up feederism terminology and she isn't comfortable with it, then she has a point and I agree. But with the context given that wasn't the case so I don't necessarily understand.

But I also don't understand her logic behind making the statement. If she is having sex with someone, then there is mutual attraction whether she is fat or not. But what does that say about her if she thinks that people who are attracted to fat people are weird when she is fat herself? And for someone who preaches body positivity to a plus size demographic to empower plus size women to feel attractive, the statement is a moot point. If the point is to make others feel attractive in their skin, then to send the message that those that are attracted to that skin are weirdos, sends a conflicting message that the attention you get is from the wrong crowd and you might need to make a change (i.e. lose weight). Someone said in one of the comments I mentioned above that Loey is part of a club that she doesn't want to be in, and I have to agree with that. If mainstream media and a large part of society has a stigma towards fat people (women specifically in this case), then why make the people who find them attractive feel ostracized if it isn't a case of objectification or going over certain boundaries? The act of sex itself should be pleasurable for both people and find each other attractive. So should Loey be with someone who doesn't find her attractive because of her logic?

Maybe this is also because I'm attracted to all body types and I have had sex with women of different weights (from 5-foot-tall petite women to even a woman in SSBBW territory) and each time I admired their entire bodies no matter what they looked like to include caressing their stomach. But if Loey doesn't like it, then she needs to communicate that and not ostracize people for finding her attractive.

Rant over. Thanks for reading.
So what you're saying is

Bitches be shoppin

Damn straight

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